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1、装 订 线诚实考试吾心不虚 ,公平竞争方显实力,考试失败尚有机会 ,考试舞弊前功尽弃。上海财经大学 市场营销学 课程考试卷(A)闭卷课程代码 课程序号 0404 200 72008 学年第二 学期姓名 学号 班级 题号一二三四五六七八总分得分ScorePart One: please choose the best one answer for each questions (215=30)1. Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and _.a. executionb. sellingc. strat

2、egiesd. tacticse. research2. The most formal definition of marketing is _。 a. meeting needs profitablyb. identifying and meeting human and social needsc. the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)d. an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering, value

3、to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders.e. improving the quality of life for consumers3. Companies selling mass consumer goods and services such as soft drinks, cosmetics, air travel, and athletic shoes and equipment spend a g

4、reat deal of time trying to establish a superior brand image in markets called _。 a. business marketsb. global marketsc. consumer marketsd. nonprofit and governmental marketse. service markets4. Marketers often use the term _ to cover various groupings of customers。a. people b. buying powerc. demogr

5、aphic segment d. social class position e. market5. _ are adept at building customer relationships, not just products; they are skilled in market engineering, not just product engineering. a. Profitcentered companiesb. Customer-centered companiesc. Production-centered companiesd. Sales-centered compa

6、niese. Promotioncentered companies6. In response to giant retailers and category killers, entrepreneurial retailers are building entertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures, demonstrations, and performances。 They are marketing a(n) _ rather than a product assortment.a. experienceb. customer

7、 valuec. customer delightd. total service solutione. intangible benefit(s)7. The _ concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organizations products。a. productionb. sellingc. marketingd. producte. holistic marketing8. _ can be seen as the develo

8、pment, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognizes the breadth and interdependencies of their effects. a. Niche marketingb. Holistic marketingc. Relationship marketingd. Supplychain marketinge. Demand-centered marketing9。 The buying process starts when

9、 the buyer recognizes a _。 a。 product b. an advertisement for the product c。 a salesperson from a previous visit d。 problem or need e. an internal cue10. The four Ps represent the sellers view of the marketing tools available for influencing buyers。 From a buyers point of view, each marketing tool i

10、s designed to deliver a customer benefit。 Robert Lauterborn suggested that the sellers four Ps correspond to the customers four Cs. The four Cs are _。a) customer focus, cost, convenience, and communicationb) customer solution, customer cost, convenience, and communicationc) convenience, control, com

11、petition, and costd) competition, cost, convenience, and communicatione) category control, cost, concept development, and competition11. During market segmentation analysis, the marketer identifies which segments present the greatest opportunity。 These segments are called _.a) target marketsb) prima

12、ry marketsc) tertiary marketsd) demographic marketse) focused markets12. As a brand manager you have decided to use the full market coverage approach in marketing to your customers。 Within the full market coverage approach, you have selected a(n) _ strategy whereby your firm will operate in several

13、market segments and design different products for each segment。 a. undifferentiatedb. differentiatedc. concentratedd. introvertede. parallel 13. _ reflects the perceived tangible and intangible benefits and costs to customers. a。Loyaltyb.Satisfactionc.Valued。Expectationse.Comparison shopping14. Afte

14、r visiting a local car dealer and having your car serviced, a day later you receive a phone call from a research firm asking you to comment on your service experience. This is part of the manufacturers quality control over its dealers and the firms audit of the service performance by collecting _. a

15、。 satisfying customer complaints b。 dealer performance c。 customer performance d. “voice of the customer measurements” e. “competitive data”装 订 线15。 When Volvo runs advertisements suggesting that it is the safest car money can buy, it is engaging in which of the following forms of marketing programm

16、ing?a. Technological b. Servicec. Market segmentationd. Public relationse. PositioningScorePart Two:False/ Truth (2*15=30)1. Internal marketing is an appropriate practice to be used in holistic marketing2。 Most marketers satisfy everyone in a marketthats how they stay in business。 3. Sales promotion

17、 consists of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade。 4. A good pricing strategy to use in the introduction stage of the product life cycle is to charge costplus。 5. A good adve

18、rtising strategy to use in the maturity stage of the product life cycle would be to stress brand differences and benefits。 6。 Cobranding is when two or more well-known existing brands are combined into a joint product and/or marketed together in some fashion. 7. Advertising, sales promotion, and dir

19、ect marketing are all part of what is called the offering mix.。 8. If demand changes considerably with a small change in price, we say that the demand is elastic. 9. Channel conflict is generated when one channel members actions prevent the channel from achieving its goal。 10。 A vertical marketing s

20、ystem comprises the producer, wholesaler(s), and retailer(s) acting in their own interests。 11。 McDonalds has decided to engage in cause marketing. An appropriate action would be to sponsor an endangered species at a national or city zoo.12. Personal communication channels derive their effectiveness

21、 through individualized presentation and feedback. 13. Relationship marketing has the aim of building mutually satisfying longterm relationships with key parties。14. The selling concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features。 1

22、5. The societal marketing concept holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys well-bei

23、ng. ScorePart Three: ShortAnswer(5*2=10)1。 Distinguish between the concepts of customer delivery value and customer lifetime value. 2。 . Explain the concept of a hybrid channel distribution system. ScorePart Four:Application (103=30) 1。 A leading manufacturer of watches maintains a set of very exclu

24、sive networks of retailers (exclusive distribution) that are authorized to sell its watches。 This exclusivity ensures that the company can control the service level, distribution, and outputs offered by the retail stores doing business with them. Recently, however, there has been pressure on the com

25、pany (by Wall Street investors) to expand its products to more and more retailers (intensive distribution) in order to increase sales。 What are some of the dangers that the company might encounter when moving from one form of distribution to another? 2. Marketing has often been defined in terms of s

26、atisfying customers needs and wants。 Critics maintain that marketing does much more than satisfying customers needs and wants and, in fact, create needs and wants that did not exist before。 According to these critics, marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should on goods and se

27、rvices they really do not need。 What is your opinion of this on-going debate? Take a stance and defend your position using examples of companies that you perceive to have created or satisfied customer needs.3。 Assume that you are the marketing manager for a large appliance manufacturer. You have had

28、 five quarters of rapid sales growth and would like to prolong the eventual downturn that always follows periods of high growth for as long as possible。 Please list at least six strategies for sustaining rapid market growth can be used to achieve your objective (sustaining rapid growth in a market) 装 订 线诚实考试吾心不虚 ,公平竞争方显实力,考试失败尚有机会 ,考试舞弊前功尽弃。上海财经大学 市场营销学 课程考试答题纸(A)课程代码 101639 课程序号 0404 201 7-2008 学年第二 学期姓名 学号 班级 ScorePart One: Multiple Choice (215=30)No。-12345678910AnswerNo.-1112131415AnswerScorePart Two:False/ Truth (2*15=30)No。12345678910AnswerNo。1112131415Answer文中如有不足,请您指教!6 / 6

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