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1、L/O/G/O Unit Fifteen Checkout Service 退房服务 Unit Objectives (单元目标) After learning this unit, you should learn how to ask and offer information about checkout at a hotel; be familiar with the procedures of settling bills; master the basic words and expressions used during checkout; get some knowledge

2、about checkout; find ways to improve your writing skills about notes. Background Knowledge 背景知识 An introduction to checkout at a hotel Checkout is one of the primary jobs of front desk personnel. Guests can check out at the cashier of the front desk. Check-out time varies from one hotel to another.

3、In most cases, check-out time at the latest is 12:00 or 1 P.M. If the guest leaves after the time, he or she will have to pay half or full of the rate. It is important to set proper check-out time when the guest is to check out. As many tourists in hotels set off at about 8:00 A.M. or 9:00 A.M, they

4、 may have to queue for checkout. Therefore, if the guest would like to settle the bill during the time, he or she must allow enough time to do it. However, if the guest notifies the front desk the departure time beforehand, the clerk may get the bill ready. Thus it will save the guest much time when

5、 he or she checks out. Background Knowledge 背景知识 When checking out, the guest can either pay in cash or by credit card or with a travelers check. If the guest checks out by credit card or with travelers check, he or she will be informed to sign the name. If the guest needs help to take the baggage t

6、o the lobby, he or she may call the bellboy counter. The bellboy will come to the room to take the baggage. But do not forget to tip him. If the guest wants the hotel to deposit the valuables or the baggage, he or she can ask the front desk for help. Most hotels provide this free service. Before pay

7、ing the bill, the guest must check each item carefully in case there are some mistakes. If the guest disagrees with the bill, he or she can ask the cashier to explain it or revise it. Practice Materials 实训材料 Listening Dialogue 1 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sent

8、ences is true (T) or false (F). 1. _ _F_ _ Nobody had breakfast at the dining room this morning 2. _ _F_ _The total is US$ 3640. 3. _ _F_ _The Travel Agency pays everything for the tourists, including the charge in such places as lobby bar. 4. _ _F_ _The checking out time is two to eleven. 5. _ _T_

9、_One of our tourists will fly to Hong Kong first instead of Wuhan. Dialogue 1 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1. Whats Karen Zhou? She is a tour guide of the group. 2.Which rooms are they staying in? . Room 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, and 410. 3. Did Karen find something wrong wit

10、h the bill? Yes, she did. 4. What will Peter pay for separately? .Brandy he signed for in the lobby bar. 5.How much will be paid by the tourist if he still wants to stay in the room after 12:00? 50% of the price. Dialogue 1 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words. 1. Three night

11、s at US$ 100 each, and here are the meals and others you had at the hotel. It totals US$ 3460. 2. But the amount of money paid by our Travel Agency does not include this kind of charge. 3. Certainly. But if he leaves after 12:00, hell have to be charged 50% of the price since its peak season now. 4.

12、 Leaving the baggage here is a good idea. 5. Have a pleasant journey home. 参考译文 服务员 : 早上好!有什么需要我帮忙的吗? 导游 : 早上好!我是该旅行团的导游。我想现在结账,能给我看一下账单吗? 服务员 : 好的。请问你们住哪些房间? 导游 : 310, 312, 314, 316, 318和 410房。 服务员 : 您的姓名? 导游 : 周凯伦。 服务员 : 请稍等。周小姐,今天早上你们有没有使用饭店的服务,或者在饭店餐厅就餐? 导游 : 我们早上都是在饭店的餐厅进餐,但没人使用任何服务。 服务员 : 好的,请

13、稍等,我给您算一下。 好,这是您的账单,每晚 100美元,共三晚,这是你们 在饭店消费的餐费及其他。总共是 3460美元,请过目。 (凯伦仔细地检查每一项。) 导游 : 请问,这一项是什么? 服务员 : 那是白兰地,昨晚 318房的彼得在大堂酒吧签单消费的。 导游 : 但是我们旅行社的开销并不包含这类收费,这应由彼得单独支付。 服务员 : 对不起我把它打进了账单,我再给您重做一份。 导游 : 谢谢。我马上会让彼得来支付。顺便问一下,你们最迟什么时候结账? 服务员 : 我们的结账时间是 11至 12点。 导游 : 哦,我们打算今天都回武汉的,但是有位游客因为点事得飞往香港,他能不能下午 3点退房

14、? 服务员 : 当然可以。但是由于现在是旺季,他得多付半天的房价。或者他也可以把行李放在前台。 导游 : 把行李放这儿的办法不错。我告诉他这么办好了。谢谢! 服务员 : 不用谢。 导游 : 对了,刚才一共是多少钱? 服务员 : 3460美元。要现在结账吗? 导游 : 是的。 服务员 : 周小姐,您已交过 3500美元,因此我找您 40美元。这是您的发票。 导游 : 谢谢。 服务员 : 不用谢。祝你们回家旅途愉快! Dialogue 2 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is

15、true (T) or false (F). 1. T Mr. Green stayed in Room 608. 2. F Mr. Green checked out on the evening of 9th. 3. F The clerk agreed that Mr. Green hadnt used the mini-bar and refund him the money. 4. T Mr. Green had three bottles of beer from the mini- bar in the evening of 7th 5. F Mr. Green paid the

16、 bill with credit card. Dialogue 2 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1. How much is the total amount? The total amount is RMB 2855 Yuan 2. How many mistakes does Mr. Green think there are on the bill? Two. 3. How many days did Mr. Green stayed in the hotel? They stayed for four d

17、ays. 4. Did Mr. Green use the mini-bar? Yes, he did. 5. How much does each bottle of beer cost in the mini-bar? RMB 10 Yuan. Dialogue 2 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words. 1. Im sorry there might be something wrong with the bill. 2. But it shows that I have to pay for four

18、days and a half . 3. Excuse me for a moment, sir, while I check the detail . 4. Thanks, Mr. Green. Here is your bill, receipt and change . 5. Ill try to be more careful another time. 参考译文 服务员:早上好!有什么需要我帮忙的吗? 客人:我要结账。 服务员:您的房间号是多少? 客人: 608房。 服务员:请稍等。(检查记录)您是格林先生吗? 客人: 是的。 服务员:这是您的账单,费用总额人民币 2855元,请检查

19、是否正确。 客人:好的。 对不起,账单可能有点不对。 服务员:噢,是吗? 客人:我是六号入住的,今天早上走,我认为刚好是四天,但是账单上显示我得付四天半的钱。 服务员:哦,让我看看。 6号、 7号、 8号 , 9号。啊,没错,您是早上结账,您只住了四天。对不起,先 生,很抱歉算错了。 客人:没关系。这里显示我有一笔 30元的小吧柜的消费单,但我没有使用过小吧柜呀。 服务员:对不起,请稍等,我来核实一下。 客人:好。 (过了一会儿,服务员找到了详细记录并拿给格林先生看。) 服务员:对不起,格林先生,让您久等了。这里显示您于 7号傍晚从小吧柜拿过三瓶啤酒,对吗? 客人: 7号? 啊,那天我确实拿过

20、一些啤酒,我差点忘了,对不起。 服务员:没关系。先生,还有其他错误吗? 客人:没有了,现在看不出什么问题了。 服务员:好的,先生,您想怎样付账? 客人:现金,给您。 服务员:谢谢。这是您的账单、发票和找给您的钱。 客人:谢谢。 服务员:格林先生,给您添这么多的麻烦我真的感到十分抱歉,下次我会更加小心的。祝您旅途愉快! Reading How Hotels Help Themselves to Your Money How Hotels Help Themselves to Your Money a. Answer the following questions according to the

21、 Passage. 1. Why does the author think the hotel isn t done with you when you check out and it might just be getting started? It is because the author believes that charges can be quietly added to your hotel bill after you ve left. 2. What makes the number of re-billings doubled? As hotels struggle

22、with slipping occupancy levels and flat-lining growth, properties are wasting no opportunity to add late charges, which makes the number of re-billings doubled. 3. Why did the hotel remove Garnar s $57 charge? This is because Garnar proved that he didn t use the mini-bar as he had turned down the ke

23、y when he checked in. 4. What are the three excuses hotels use for separating you from your money after you re long gone? The three excuses are: Are you sure you didn t take something from the mini-bar? But you checked out before we could charge you! and We didn t think you would notice. 5. Do all l

24、ate billings hurt hotel guests? No, they don t. How Hotels Help Themselves to Your Money b. Translate the expressions into Chinese or English. 1. be representative of the people 代表人民 a representative body 代表团 send a representative to a conference 派代表参加会议 the House of Representatives (美 )(国会之)众议院;(州议

25、会之)下院 2. make comments on sth. 评论某事 offer comments 提意见 no comment . 无可奉告 ask for comment 征求意见 3. value sb.s advice 尊重某人的劝告 average value 平均值 good value 口 (钱 )花得值 , 值得买 value securities 有价证券 4. take an attitude of 采取 .态度 attitude towards this question 对问题的态度 maintain a firm attitude 保持坚定的态度 strike an

26、 attitude 摆出一种姿态 ; 装模作样 5. remove the cloth from the table 把桌上的桌布拿走 remove ones shoes 脱鞋 remove all doubts 消除一切怀疑 be removed from school 被开除 , 被勒令退学 c. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary. 1. They studied ev

27、ery aspect of the subject. 2. Mr. Yu, well have a week vocation. Where do you recommend ? 3. The liver is functioning normally . 4. The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 5. The weather in Siberia is typically continental. 6. The front seats are reserved for the leaders and the fore

28、ign guests. Would you please move?. 7. Can you handle the situation? 8. Last night Professor made a significant speech in our college. 9. Thermal engines(热机) , are they large or small, have to consume fuel. 10. What is your attitude towards this question? How Hotels Help Themselves to Your Money d.

29、Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1.投诉必须向适当的主管当局提出。 (appropriate) Complaints must be addressed to the appropriate authority. 2.这个顾客的批评有些是没有什么道理的,但他的大部分都是公正的 评语。 (majority; comment) Some of the customers criticisms are unreasonable, but the ma

30、jority of what he says is fair comment. 3.这是一种很困难的局势,但他应付得很好。 (handle) It was a difficult situation and he handled it very well. 4.她申明自己对被偷的货物一无所知。 (protest) She protested that she knew nothing about the stolen goods. 5.这种厕所是专门留给残疾人用的。 (be reserved for) This kind/type of toilet is reserved for the d

31、isabled only. How Hotels Help Themselves to Your Money Writing Note Writing 便笺写作 Task 2 Sample Writing ( 1)留言条( message) Sample 1 Note for saying good-bye 译文: 理查德: 今晚 6点我将乘飞机回家,很遗憾,动身前不能当面告别。在此逗留 期间我过得十分愉快,非常感谢您的热情款待,给您添了不少麻烦, 很过意不去。代问父母好。 比尔 2008年 5月 8日 Note Writing 便笺写作 Sample 2 Transmitting a tel

32、ephone message 译文: 陈伟: 你的同学吴小姐刚来电话,说她已于今早乘火车抵达,现 住在华美达酒店 509室,她希望你前往那里讨论明天的日 程安排并尽早给她回电。 刘洋 上午 11: 00 Note Writing 便笺写作 (二)请假条 ( note asking for leave) 译文: 尊敬的布朗教授: 很抱歉,由于得了重感冒,发高烧,我今天不能前来上课。 医生要我卧床休息两天,现附上医生证明,我想请假两天, 如获批准将万分感激。 尊敬您的 王晓鹏 4月 10日 附:医生证明一份 Note Writing 便笺写作 (三)收条( receipt) 译文: 今收到希尔先生

33、下述物件: 打字机壹台、 录音机壹台、 人民币贰千元整。 此据 布鲁斯 2008年 12月 15日 Note Writing 便笺写作 Writing Practice 1. Filling the following reservation letter by translating the Chinese in the brackets. Mr. Liang, Mr. Zhou, the tour guide of China Travel Service, called during your absence (你不在时,中国旅行社的导 游来过电话 ), It seemed that h

34、e wanted to talk with you about something really urgent. He asked you to call him back at the office ASAP.(他要你尽快给他办公室回电话 ) Yours sincerely Han Meimei Note Writing 便笺写作 2 Suppose you are Henry. You has received a telegram saying that your grandfather is seriously ill. You want to go home to see him.

35、Please write a note to ask Director White for a business leave of a week beginning on April 9. Suggested answer: April 8, 2008 Director White, I have just received a telegram saying that my grandfather is seriously ill. I want to go home to see him. Because of this I would like to have a leave of a week beginning on April 9. I should be very much obliged if you will grant my application. Yours sincerely, Henry Encl: A telegram from home L/O/G/O Thank You!

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