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1、Speaker:Wu Liping M8450111024 英语里表示否定意义的词汇、语法手段等和汉语 不尽相同。有时英语中的否定形式,在汉语中变 成肯定形式;而有时英语中肯定形式,译成汉语 时又往往变成否定形式。我们必须掌握英汉两种 语言表达习惯上的不同,否则会造成汉语译文不 通顺、不忠实于原文、甚至出现与原文内容相反 的情况。 英语常用某些否定词表达全部否定,例如 no, none, never, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither等。此类句子直译 为汉语的否定句,不过词序略有变动。 例一: No distinct left ventricular apex

2、 beat could detected. (no修饰 beat,但可译为否定谓语 detect) 未发现明显的左室心尖搏动。 例二: Nobody knew the composition of this substance before now. (nobody=no one译为“没有人”、“谁也不” ) 以前没有人知道这种药的成分。 英语中 all, both, every, many, much, always, often等词与 not搭配使用时,表示部分否定。通常译作“不都是”、 “不全是”、“不多”、“不常”等。 例一: Not all the drugs are absorbe

3、d in the stomach. 并非全部药物都在胃中被吸收。 例二: All X-ray machines in this hospital are not produced in our country. 这个医院的 X线机并非都是国产的。 例三: Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 这两种物质并不都溶于水。 例一: Prolonged absence of the antagonists leads to chronic spasticity of the uninvolved muscles. ( absence转换为动词

4、,译为“不起作用”) 拮抗肌长期不起作用导致腱侧肌肉的慢性退化。 例二: In many cases ,a simple cause may be responsible for failure of the ulcer to heal. 在很多病例中,某个简单的原因就可能使溃疡不能愈合。 (1)表示准否定的名词有: absence(缺乏、没有 ), freedom (没有 ), failure(未能 ), lack(缺少、没有 ), inability(不能、无力 )等。 例一: Bypass operation seems indicated when obstructive sympto

5、ms fail to respond to medical treatment. 内科治疗肠梗阻无效时,就要考虑行分流术。 例二: The ulcer refused to heal. 溃疡不愈合。 例三: The patient denied a family history of his disease. 病人说他的病没有家族史 . (2)表示准否定的动词有: fail(未能、失败 ), deny(否 认 ), miss(错过 ), over look(忽略、看不到 ),exclude(排 除 ), refuse(不、拒绝 )等。 例一: The patient, not entirely

6、 free from symptoms, is regarded as a chronic carrier. 虽然病人并非完全没有症状,他依然是一个慢性携带者。 例二: Etiological factors responsible for this cancer are far from being clear. 这种癌症的病因远未了解清楚。 ( 3)表示准否定的形容词和形容词组有: absent(无、没 有 ), few, little(很少 ), free from(无、免于 ), far from(远 非 ), short of (缺乏、不足 )等。 例一: Dyspnea and t

7、achypnea is seldom relieved in patients with heart failure. 心衰患者的呼吸困难或呼吸急促得到缓解是少见的。 例二: The disease is usually for short duration and is rarely serious. 通常此病病程短而且不严重。 ( 4)表示准否定的副词有: hardly, scarcely, barely (几乎 不、几乎没有 ), rarely, seldom(很少、不常), little(很 少、一点不 )等。 例一: In such cases it may not be recog

8、nized unless liver function tests are given. 在这种情况下,如不做肝功能试验,可能难以确诊。 例二: The patient would have survived but that he was too weak to be operated upon. 这病人要不是因为身体太弱不能手术治疗, 本来会存活的。 ( 5)表示准否定的连词有: unless(如果不、除非 ), but that(要不是 ), lest(以免 ), rather than(而不是 )等。 例一: The old patient with pneumonia has bee

9、n out of danger. 那年老的肺炎患者已脱离危险。 例二: Antibiotics are administered in all except mild, rapidly subsiding cases. 除了轻症和正在讯速好转的病例外,全部 都用抗生素。 6)表示准否定的介词有 :without(没有、不 ), except (除 以外 ),out of (缺少、脱离), apart from(除 外, 与 无关 ), instead of(而不是 ), but for(要是没有 )等。 例一: Great care must be taken to prevent the e

10、valuation of a biopsy from being in error, since a misdiagnosis can have extremely serious consequences. 活组织检查的判断务必十分仔细以免错误, 因为误诊后可能极其严重。 例二: His illness is anything but mild. 他患的决非轻症 ( 7)表示准否定意义的其他词组有: keep/save/protect /preventfrom(使 不受,阻止), anything but (决不 是 ), in the absence of(在没有 的情况下 ), no m

11、ore (一 样不 )等。 双重否定由否定词 not, no, never, nobody, nothing 等与带有否定意义的词或词组搭配而成,具有使语气 婉转或加强的肯定意义。这种结构在译成汉语时应根 据原文的语气和汉语的表达习惯,或照译 为双重否定,或转译为肯定句。 例一: We do not deny that misdiagnosis do occur occasionally. 我们并不否认偶尔确有误诊。 例二: However, it is not without shortcoming and further improvement have yet to be made. 然

12、而,它并非没有不足之处,还有待进一步改进。 ( 1)弱化的双重否定,相当于语气委婉的肯定,一般可 照译。 例: Patients shall not fail to observe doctors orders. (not fail, never fail, without fail等双重否定词组 一般译为“必须”、“务必”等肯定形式 ) 病人必须遵守医嘱。 ( 2)强化双重否定。这种结构能加强肯定的语气。 在英语中,当句子的谓语被否定时,整个句子的意思 即被完全否定。这种现象被称为一般否定或谓语否定。而 特指否定所否定的不是句子的谓语,而是句子的其他成分。 英语句子中形式上的一般否定往往在意

13、思上为特指否定。 这种现象称为否定转移。特别当主句的谓语动词 think, consider, believe, feel, hope, suppose, expect, suggest, imagine等被否定时,在意 义上所否定的往往是其后的宾语从句或宾 语补足语。 例一: We dont believe that both hepatic and splenetic flexures need necessarily be removed as a routine in the treatment of all cancers of the transverse colon. (意义上否

14、定宾语从句)我们认为,将结肠肝曲和脾 曲都予切除并非治疗一切横结肠癌所必须的常规手术。 例二: I dont think it worthwhile giving the patient another transfusion. (意义上否定宾语补足语。)我认为不必 再给病人输血。 医学英语书刊中经常出现被动语态的句子, 而汉语中却较少使用。因此,在翻译被动句时, 需要照顾汉语的表达习惯。为使译文通顺,可采 用下列几种译法。 ( 1)若原文中有介词 by引出行为的主体(亦称主动者或 动作执行者),可将其译为主语。 例一: Not only bacteria but practically an

15、y foreign material is attacked by the phagocytes. 吞噬细胞不仅攻击细菌,而且也攻击几乎任何异物。 例二: The patient is being operated on by the doctor. 医生正在为病人动手术。 (2)不改动原文的句子结构,直接转换成主动语态。这类句 子的主语经常是无生命的事物,而行为者又不十分明确。 例一: Solution to the problem was ultimately found. 这个问题的解决方法终于找到了 / 终于找到这个问题的解 决方法。 例二: Specific immunity may

16、 be inherited to a certain degree. 特异性免疫在一定程度上是可以遗传的。 (3)英语原句的主语转译为宾语,另外增译适当的主语。 例: Great efforts are being made to find easily administered and reliable drugs. (添加泛指人称代词“人们”作主语。) 人们正在寻找易于施用的可靠药物。 若英语原句中未提及主动者,而译文也无须提及主动者时, 就采用这种译法。 例一: The response of the premature to certain drugs should be thorou

17、ghly understood. 应当充分了解早产儿对某些药物的反应。 例二: Once the clinical diagnosis has been made and the site of infection is determined, a tentative working etiologic diagnosis can often be made before there has been time for the bacteriologist to report cultures. 一旦作出了临床诊断,确定了感染部位,那么 在获得细菌学者的培养报告之前,往往就可以 作出初步的病因

18、诊断。 汉语中也有些词可用于表达被动意义,例如“被”、 “由”、“为”、“受到”、“予以”等等。因此,只要译 文符合汉语表达习惯,英语的被动句亦可译成汉语的被动句。 例一: The disease is caused by a virus. 此病由一种病毒引起。(此句若译为“一种病毒引起此病” 反而比较别扭。) 例二: The swelling is often mistaken for a bone prominence .这类肿胀常被误认为是一种骨隆凸。 例三: Man may be injected by the human or bovine type of the bacillus.

19、 人类可为人型或牛型(结核)杆菌所感染。 常见动词被动结构的习惯译法列举如下: be known as被称为,叫做; be referred to as被指为, 被叫做; be regarded as被看作,被当做; be considered to be被认为是,被看作; be described as被描述成; be defined as被定义为,定义是; It is said that据说; It is believed that据认为; It is reported that据报道; It is assumed that假设,假定 ; It is pointed out that有人指

20、 出; It is preferred that最好; It must be admitted that 必须承认; It must be stressed that必须着重指出; It has been proved that已经证明; It has been illustrated that 已经举例说明。 定语从句在医学英语中应用极广。一般由 that, which, who, as, but等关系代词或 when, where, how, why 等关系副词引导,用来修饰主句中的某个名词或代词, 有时也能修饰主句的一部分或整个主句。 主句中被定语从句所修饰的部分称为先 行词。定语从句分

21、为限制性和非限制性 两种,其翻译方法也略有不同。 这类定语从句与所修饰的先行词关系密切,并对其起限 制、明确作用,通常不用逗号与主句隔开。译法主要有以下 几种: ( 1)照译 若定语从句较短,对先行词的限制也较强,可 将其译为先行词的修饰语,即译为“ 的”。 例一: People should be familiar with symptoms and signs which may be indicative of tumors. (which引导的定语从句修饰 those signs and symptoms.) 人们应该熟悉那些提示肿瘤的症状和体征。 例二: Many complicat

22、ions which the common cold causes are serious. 感冒引起的许多并发症是严重的。 例三: Aspirin is considered a safe drug for general use, however, it may cause severe asthma or other illness in people who are allergic to it. 阿司匹林被认为是应用广泛的安全药物,然而,对其过敏者 服用后会发生严重的哮喘或其他疾病。 例四: Such use as we are able to make of helpful bac

23、teria and such control as we have of harmful ones depend upon our knowledge of their habits. (由 as引导的两个定语从句分别修饰 use和 control) 对有益细菌的利用和对有害细菌的控制取决于 对细菌习性的了解。 ( 2)转译为并列分句 若定语从句较长,对主句中先行词的 限制关系较弱,为了符合汉语的表达习惯,可将其转译为并列 分句。 例一: Several different clinical classifications exist which vary only in detail. (w

24、hich引导的定语从句修饰 classifications,可灵活地译为“而” ) 有几种不同的临床分类法,而这些方法只是细节上有所差异。 例二: Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms. (引导词 that可重复先行词的内容“分子” ) 物质是由分子组成,而分子又由原子组成。 。 ( 3)转译为状语从句 有时,定语从句在意义上起着各种状语从句的作用,表 示主句谓语的原因、结果、目的、条件、让步、伴随等关系。 翻译此类从句时,可作状语处理。 例一: The sick child who had been given

25、the medicine soon fell asleep. (who引导的定语从句转译为时间状语从句 ) 患儿服药后很快 就睡着了。 例二: The patient who was treated with great care and in time recovered last week. (who 引导的定语从句转译为原因状语从句 )。 由于得到细心及时的治疗,患者已于上周康复。 非限制性定语从句 一般只能由 which, when和 where引 导。用 which时,通常以逗号与主句隔开;用 when或 where 时,不一定用逗号隔开,而主要根据含义来辨别。这种定 语从句主要用来

26、对先行词起补充说明作用,因而都可顺译 在主句之后。可根据不同情况分别采用下列译法。 ( 1)转译为并列分句。后一分句的主语可译为“该”、 “这”等词,重复先行词或用代词。 例一: The heart is an essential organ of circulation, the function of which is to pump blood to all parts of the body. (引导词 which指 the heart,译为“其” )心脏是重要的 循环器官,其功能是把血液搏往全身。 例二: There is less embarrassment of physiolo

27、gic functions, which benefits the patients recovery. (which代表整个句子,译为“这” )生理功能受 到妨碍较少,这有助于病人康复。 ( 2)转译为状语从句 例一: The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action, which accelerates the movement of heart to the skin. (which引导 的定语从句转译为结果状语从句 )血流可因更 快和更有力的心脏活动而增加,这就使热量加速移到皮 肤。 例二:

28、The disease, which may occur at any age, is more frequent in early adult life. (which引导 的定语从句转译为让步状语人句 ) 此病虽可发生于任何年龄,但在青壮年中最 为常见。 ( 3)转译为同位语,经常用“即”引出。 例一: The dosage should be decreased gradually to the minimal effective level which may be as low as 100 mg daily. 剂量应逐渐减少到最低有效水平,即日剂量低至 100mg。 例二: As

29、a few hours more go by, the pain tends to localize in the right lower part of the abdomen, which is the region of appendix. 几小时后,疼痛局限于右下腹,即阑尾区。 ( 4)使用适当的标点符号、破折号等来处理定语从句。 例一: When in doubt, which is not infrequent, one will establish the diagnosis by laparotomy. 如有怀疑(这种情况也是常见的,)可通过剖腹术确定诊 断。 例二: A microscopic examination of the urine determines the presence of nephritis, which is the most common kidney disease. 尿的显微镜检查可确定是否患肾炎 一种 最常见的肾病。 Thank you!

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