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1、万圣节活动课课例分析二年级 口语李丹万圣节活动课课例分析一、前言本节课为万圣节活动课,于2011年11月3日在二年二班完成此次做课。二、对教学内容的反思首先利用PPT对10月31日学习过的一共12个有关万圣节的词汇和短语:Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin进行了复习;接着给学生们播放了一段有关万圣节起源的视频资料,由于多媒体教室资源紧张,这一部分只好放在这一节课,如果放在活动周的第一节课时效果会更好;学习Go Away歌曲,这一首歌是我备课

2、时精心挑选的,其中词汇对于二年级学生来说容易掌握,旋律朗朗上口,歌曲搭配的视频更是生动有趣;为学生们播放了一部关于万圣节的动画片,让学生们在开心的同时自行对万圣节活动周所学习的所有知识进行了整合;最后小组合作进行words search游戏。三、对教学过程的反思在学生们坐到座位上之后,下发了关于整个万圣节活动周的一张知识总结表,上面包括应掌握的单词、万圣节起源、Go Away歌词。 1.互相问好与学生们进行简短的英语问好,让学生们意识到要开始上课了,做好准备。2.复习旧课利用PPT复习12个有关万圣节的词汇和短语,通过抢答的形式来检测学生们的学习情况,糖果作为奖品。3.导入新课第一步通过视频了

3、解万圣节的起源,由于视频中英语语速快、词汇难,我已经将其中的中文意思打印在了下发的知识总结表上;第二步学习万圣节歌曲Go Away,这首歌活跃了课堂气氛,更加激发了学生们学习英语的兴趣。4.自学指导播放关于万圣节的动画片,让学生们在开心的同时自行对万圣节活动周所学习的所有知识进行了整合。学生们看见动画片中的万圣节有关人物、事物就会将其英文说出,我在学生们没有注意到某些知识点的时候恰当的给予提示、提问。5.合作探究组织学生们分小组进行words search游戏,合作找出卡片中的单词,既锻炼了他们的语言技能、复习了语言知识,同时也培养了学生们的团队合作意识。整个过程都以学生为主体,教师为主导,并

4、利用现代化多媒体教学手段。但有些学生将重心放在了娱乐上,并没有真正的将所学知识很好的吸收,所以在以后同类型的活动课中应适当利用任务型教学法。四、对教学效果的反思 从教学效果看来,学生基本上能在当堂复习掌握好语言知识,了解一些外国文化,学会万圣节歌曲,做到了“玩中学”,积极性得到了发挥。但是,由于多媒体教室资源紧张,不能将这节课中的内容合理的安排到活动周的每一节课程中去,学生没有充分时间练习课堂所学内容,造成一些接收知识慢的学生不能跟上稍有些紧凑的课程步伐,以后讲课时要更多地关注他们。附录一:修改前教案河东实验小学教学设计主备人李丹年级二年级学科口语万圣节活动课单元名称第三节所需课时40分单元分

5、析分析重点修改建议主要内容1.Review:Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin2.The history of Halloween3.Sing a song:Go Away4.See a cartoon about Halloween5.Words Search 教学要求1. The pupils can understand and read these words: Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted hou

6、se,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin2. The pupils can comprehend the history of Halloween 3. The pupils can sing theGo Awaysong and know its Chinese meaning. 4. The pupils can understand the meaning of the cartoon.4. The pupils can finish the words search card with others.5.

7、The pupils can understand and follow the classroom commands to do the work.主备人李丹年级二年级学科口语万圣节活动课课题第三节 教学目标知识与技能Can listen read and speak the new words.Can comprehend the history of Halloween.Can sing theGo Awaysong and know its Chinese meaning.Can understand the meaning of the cartoon. Can finish the

8、 words search card with others.过程与方法Use multi-media to review and learn new knowledge.Let the pupils learn by themselves and learn with each over.情感、态度、价值观Make the pupils interested in English.Make the pupils understand western culture.Make the pupils respect others.习惯养成目标Make the pupils understand

9、and follow the commands to do the workMake the pupils like to say English loudly.教学重点Can comprehend the history of Halloween.教学难点Enable pupils to comprehend the history of Halloween/ understand the meaning of the cartoon.教学模式与环节1. Greeting 2. Review 3. Leading 4. Self-study 5. CooperationFive step t

10、eaching method.学情分析Like projecting themselves.Have interest in English. Have some English foundation.教具学具Classroom objects,cards, computer.教学程序教学环节师生活动设计意图(体现习惯培养训练内容)修改建议一、单元导入,明确目标(环节变式建议)二、自学指导,合作探究(环节变式建议)三、大组汇报,教师点拨(环节变式建议)四、变式练习,拓展提高(环节变式建议)五、课堂小结,单元回归(环节变式建议)Greeting: TeacherSay hello to ever

11、ybody.Review:Teacher shows the cards and use PPT:Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin1. Remember the words.2. Show the video about the history of HalloweenAsk some questions about the movie.1. Sing the song.2.Words Search: Let the students f

12、inish the words search card with others.See a cartoon about Halloween:Let the students integrate all the Halloween knowledge.Help pupils to get into the English circumstanceHelp the pupils to remember the words quickly.Make the pupils understand western culture.Encourage them to speak English loudly

13、.Cultivate a spirit of cooperationMake the pupils understand and follow the commands to do the workLet the students integrate all the Halloween knowledge.反馈形式及效果Read, repeat the new words to parents.Sing the song to parents.作业分层设计1. Read, repeat the new words.2. Finish the words search card.3. Sing

14、the song附录二:修改后教案河东实验小学教学设计主备人李丹修改人李丹年级二年级学科口语万圣节活动课单元名称第三节所需课时40分单元分析分析重点修改建议主要内容1.Review:Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin2.The history of Halloween3.Sing a song:Go Away4.See a cartoon about Halloween5.Words Search 教学要求1. The pupils can

15、 understand and read these words: Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin2. The pupils can comprehend the history of Halloween 3. The pupils can sing theGo Awaysong and know its Chinese meaning. 4. The pupils can understand the meaning of the c

16、artoon.4. The pupils can finish the words search card with others.5. The pupils can understand and follow the classroom commands to do the work.主备人李丹年级二年级学科口语万圣节活动课课题第三节 教学目标知识与技能Can listen read and speak the new words.Can comprehend the history of Halloween.Can sing theGo Awaysong and know its Chin

17、ese meaning.Can understand the meaning of the cartoon. Can finish the words search card with others.过程与方法Use multi-media to review and learn new knowledge.Let the pupils learn by themselves and learn with each over.情感、态度、价值观Make the pupils interested in English.Make the pupils understand western cul

18、ture.Make the pupils respect others.习惯养成目标Make the pupils understand and follow the commands to do the workMake the pupils like to say English loudly.教学重点Can comprehend the history of Halloween.教学难点Enable pupils to comprehend the history of Halloween/ understand the meaning of the cartoon.教学模式与环节1.

19、Greeting 2. Review 3. Leading 4. Self-study 5. CooperationFive step teaching method.学情分析Like projecting themselves.Have interest in English. Have some English foundation.教具学具Classroom objects,cards, computer.教学程序教学环节师生活动设计意图(体现习惯培养训练内容)修改建议一、单元导入,明确目标(环节变式建议)二、自学指导,合作探究(环节变式建议)三、大组汇报,教师点拨(环节变式建议)四、课

20、堂小结,单元回归(环节变式建议)五、变式练习,拓展提高(环节变式建议)Greeting: TeacherSay hello to everybody.Review:Teacher shows the cards and use PPT:Halloween,ghost,vampire,haunted house,black cat,mummy,monster,werewolf,witch,spider,bat,pumpkin1. Remember the words.2. Show the video about the history of HalloweenAsk some question

21、s about the movie.See a cartoon about Halloween:Let the students integrate all the Halloween knowledge.1. Sing the song.2.Words Search: Let the students finish the words search card with others.Help pupils to get into the English circumstanceHelp the pupils to remember the words quickly.Make the pup

22、ils understand western culture.Check the students.Let the students integrate all the Halloween knowledge.Cultivate a spirit of cooperationMake the pupils understand and follow the commands to do the workWords search card is a little harder to the students.反馈形式及效果Read, repeat the new words to parents.Sing the song to parents.作业分层设计1. Read, repeat the new words.2. Finish the words search card.3. Sing the song附录三:知识树:vampireHalloweenwitchghost Go AwaybatwerewolfDonalds Halloween haunted houseSONGpumpkinWORDSHISTORYblack catCARTOONspidermummyHalloweenmonster

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