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1、考研消化内科专业英语 Gastric mucosa 胃粘膜 gastric pits 胃小凹 reflux esophagitis 反流性食管炎 Castroesophageal Reflux Disease(GERD), 胃食管反流病 Barretts esophagus Barrett 食管 Helicopbacter pylori 幽门螺杆菌 lower esophageal sphincter 食管下括约肌 upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage 上消化道出血 Chronic atrophic gastritis 慢性萎缩性胃炎 Chronic superf

2、icial gastritis 慢性浅表性胃炎 intestinal metaplasia 肠化 pangastritis 全胃炎 Cancer of the Esophagus, 食道癌 Hiatal Hernia, 食管裂孔疝 Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD), 消化性溃疡病 parietal cell 壁细胞 proton pump 质子泵 kissing ulcer 对吻溃疡 acute stress ulcer 急性应激性溃疡 Gastrointestinal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma 胃粘膜相关淋巴组织

3、淋巴瘤 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ,ERCP 内镜逆行胰胆管造影 Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis, 胆石症/胆囊炎 Acute Pancreatitis, 急性胰腺炎 carcinoma of the Pancreatitis 胰腺癌 primary carcinoma of the Lier, 原发性肝癌 Hepatic encephalopathy 肝性脑病 hepatic coma 肝昏迷 Appendicitis, 阑尾炎 inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠病 Re

4、gional Enteritis (Crohns Disease), 局灶性肠炎克隆氏病 Ulceratie Colitis, 溃疡性结肠炎 Intestinal Obstruction, 肠梗阻 Dierticular Disease, 肠憩室疾病 colorectal cancer 大肠癌 carcinoid of large intestine 大肠类癌 colorectal lymphoma 大肠恶性淋巴瘤 melanosis coli 大肠黑变病 Polyposis 息肉病 family polyposis coli 家族性结肠息肉病 Functional gastrointesti

5、nal disorder 功能性胃肠病 functional dyspepsia 功能性消化不良 irritable bowel syndrome 肠易激综合征 chronic diarrhea 慢性腹泻 alcoholic lier disease 酒精性肝病 autoimmune hepatitis 自身免疫性肝炎 cirrhosis of lier 肝硬化 Peritonitis, 腹膜炎 Hemorrhoids, 痔疮 Herniad, 疝 Medical Terminology 医学 术语学 (yi xue shu yu xue) Introduction to the First

6、Edition of Medical Terminology This is to serve as an introduction to medical terminology that is commonly in use by the English speaking international medical community. This book is put together with the Chinese language speaker in mind but may be used by English language speakers who wish to fami

7、liarize themselves with Chinese medical terminology. It is not intended as a replacement for the arduous study of the Greek and Latin languages, which are the basis of the majority of the words, used by the English speaking medical community, but rather as a beginning in learning the myriad of words

8、 and terms in use by the modern medical community. Learning the terms presented in this book will enable the student to understand most of the words and expressions in current use, and armed with the knowledge of the construction of how Greek and Latin words are created should enable the reader, to

9、be able to obtain a comprehension of any new medical vocabulary terms. Chinese has been added to facilitate a better understanding for the intended Chinese reader. In the first part of the book the reader is introduced to the construction of medical terms. Subsequent chapters then delve into the var

10、ious medical fields, which use terms specific to their disciplines. Abbreviations and terms not of Greek or Latin origin are introduced to familiarize the reader with additional idiosyncrasies in English Medical Terminology. How to Understand Medical terms and Expressions The foundation for medical

11、terms in the English language has it roots in the languages of Latin and Greek. Knowledge of these languages will give a Chinese Medical Professional a much better understanding of an unfamiliar word and or expression. Conversely, the Medical Professional whom has English, as their primary language

12、will benefit from seeing the construction of the Chinese Medical Terminology in their studies of the Chinese language. Familiarize yourself with the Latin, Greek and French works in this Book and you will be able to understand the vast majority of medical terms in use in the English language. When y

13、ou encounter a word you have never seen before you will be able to understand its meaning by “dissecting” the word and knowing its components and how they are used in other words. English being a dynamic language will continue to incorporate more new medical terms and replace older ones, you need to

14、 prepare yourself by knowing the material contained within this manual. Medical terminology words and words of importance are in Bold script. Sometimes a definition is given for the word and this will be in parentheses. Chinese is added to those words, which are written in bold script, to help the r

15、eader understand the relationship between the English Terminology and the Chinese Terminology. Pinyin is written in (Blue Italic Arial script) within parenthesis. An Example of this format is as follows: Cardiology (the study of the heart) 心脏病学 (xin zang bing xue) Observe how in Chinese the word Myo

16、carditis (inflamed muscle layer of heart) 心肌炎 (xin ji yan) has a structure, which is not too dissimilar to the English with心 (xin) meaning heart, 肌 (ji) meaning muscle and炎 (yan) meaning inflammation. Using this word dissection technique the non-Chinese speaker can familiarize themselves with the Ch

17、inese Medical Terminology. Here is another example to illistrate how nicely the Chinese construct medical words. The Chinese word for big is大 (da) and Intestine is 腸 (chang). And from the previous example炎 (yan) is understood to mean inflammation. So when you start to put them together in wanting to

18、 say large intestine you have 大腸 (da chang) and for colitis which is an inflammation of the large intestine it is simply大肠炎 (da chang yan). Generally there are three basic parts to English medical terms: Word Root 词根 (ci gen) This is the central meaning of the term and is usually in the middle of th

19、e medical term. Prefix 前缀 (qian zhui) Seen at the the beginning of the term it helps to identify the central meaning. Suffix 后缀 (hou zhui) Always at the end of the term, the suffix modifies the central meaning as to what or who is interacting with it or what is happening to it. Here is an example of

20、 how to take apart a word to understand the term: Myocarditis 心肌炎 (xin ji yan) Prefix Word Root Suffix myo = muscle肌 (ji) card = heart 心 (xin) itis = inflammation 炎 (yan) Myo as the Prefix helps to identify the Word Root card, and it is modifying the Word Root by implicating an inflammation process

21、that is occurring. Ergo, we can now understand that Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. Prefix change: Myocarditis (inflamed muscle layer of heart) 心肌炎 (xin ji yan) Pericarditis (inflamed outer layer of heart) 心包炎 (xin bao yan) Endocarditis (inflamed inner layer of heart) 心内膜炎 (xin n

22、ei mo yan) Suffix change: Cardiologist (a physician specializing in the heart) 心脏病专家 (xin zang bing zhuan jia) Cardiomyopathy (damage to heart muscle layer) 心肌症 (xin jin zheng) Cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart) 心脏扩大症 (xin zang kuo da zheng) The basics illustrated above are just to introduce th

23、e parts of medicalterms and demonstrate 示范 (shi fan) how moving the parts of the word around modifies the central meaning without changing the Word Root cardio 心 (xin). When the Prefix and Suffix changes it can alter the meaning of a term without changing its central meaning by keeping the Word Root

24、 the same. Now let us take the Word Root therm 发热 (fa re) which means heat, and see how it is used to make words. Hypo is the Prefix and means less, so Hypothermia 体温降低 (ti wen jiuan di) can mean less heat. And another Prefix added to therm is Meter which means to measure, consequently a Thermometer

25、 温度计 (wen du ji), 体温计 (ti wen ji) is a something used to measuring heat. Here both forms of the Chinese word for Thermometer are listed as the Chinese language distinguish between a thermometer used for measuring the air temperature温度计 (wen du ji) and another for body temperature体温计 (ti wen ji). The

26、 following are frequently used word beginnings (prefixes) and word endings (suffixes) used to make up many medical terms. If you know them, you will know the majority of simple medical terms. Note that some organs have more than one word root. For example, let us look at the word Breast乳房 (ru fang)

27、which can be written as masto- or mammo-. Typically, one is derived from the Greek and one from Latin. You need to know both roots because you may see either of them used. An x-ray of the breast is called a Mammogram 乳房X线照片 (ru fang X xian zhao pian) and is used to help detect Mastocarcinoma (breast

28、 cancer) 乳癌and if the surgeon must remove the breast then that procedure is termed a Mastectomy乳房切除术 (lu fang qie chu shu). Remember the parts that make up medical terminology are prefixes, word roots and suffixes. The most typical sequence is prefix, word root, and suffix with the word root being c

29、entral but this is not always the case. In this manual you will see a hyphen in front of a suffix to indicate it is added to the end of a word, let us take the example of itis (inflammation) 炎 (yan) or oma (tumor) 瘤 (Liu). Prefixes and word roots are shown as freestanding word parts. A slash and a v

30、owel, such as seen in the example of Leuk/o (white) are called combining forms which make it easier to attach to other word parts, and, make the word easier to pronounce. A larger listing of Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes are given in Appendix B and is included in this book to help the reader in

31、further dissecting words and understanding them. Common Prefixes a/an = without, none Anemia贫血 (pin xue) Hyper = more then normal Hypertension 高血压 (gao xue ya) Hyperthermia 过高热 (guo gao re) Hypo = less then normal Hypotension 血压过低 (Xue ya guo gao) Hypothermia 降低体温 (jian de ti wen) Normo = Normal Nor

32、motensive 正常血压的 (zhen chan xue ya de) Brady = slow Bradycardia 心搏徐缓 (xin bo xu huan) Tachy = fast Tachycardia心动过速 (xin dong guo su) micro = small Microstomia (abnormally small mouth) 小口的 (xiao ko de) macro = large Macrostomia (abnormally large mouth) 颊横裂 (jia heng lie) mega/ -megaly = enlarged Megac

33、olon (abnormally large colon) 巨结肠 (ju jei chang) Prefixes Showing Location Endo = within Endoscopy 内窥镜检查法 (Nei Kui Jing Jian Cha Fa) Peri = around Perianal (around the anus) 肛门周围的 (Gang Men Zhou Wei De) Circum = around Circumcise (to cut around) 环切术 (Huan Qie Shu) Retro = behind Retrosternal (behind

34、 the breastbone) 胸骨后的 (Xiong Gu Hou De) Epi = upon, on top Epidermis (outermost layer of skin) 表皮 (Biao Pi) Trans = through Transurethral (through the urinary duct) 经尿道的 (Jing Niao Dao De) Intra = within Intravenous (inside the veins, e.g. IV fluids) 静脉内的(Jing Mai Nei De) Sub = below Subclavian (bel

35、ow the clavicle or collar bone) 锁骨下的 (Suo Gu Xia De) Prefixes Showing Color Leuk/o = white Leukemia (Overabundance of white blood cells) 白血病 (Bai xue bing) xanth/o = yellow Xanthoma (Yellow tumor) 黄瘤 (Huang liu) cyan/o = blue Cyanosis (Blueness due to cold or no O2 in blood) 苍白病 (Cang bai bing) mela

36、n/o = black Melanoma (Black tumor of the skin) 黑素瘤 (Hei su liu) Common Word Roots Stomato = Mouth Stomatitis口腔炎 (kou qiang yan) Dento = Teeth Dentist牙科医生 (Ya ke ti sheng) Glosso/Linguo = Tongue 舌头 (she tou) Glossitis 舌炎 (She yan), Lingual nerve舌神经 (She shen jing) Gingivo=Gums齿龈 (Chi yin) Gingivitis齿

37、龈炎 (Chi yin yan) Encephalo = Brain 脑 (nao) Encephalitis脑炎 (Nao yan)Gastro = Stomach胃 (Wei) Gastritis胃炎 (Wei yan) Entero = Intestine 腸 (Chang) Gastroenteritis肠胃炎 (Chang wei yan) Colo = Large intestine大腸 Colitis大肠炎 (Da chang yan) Megacolon巨结肠 (ju jie chang) Procto = Anus肛门 (Gang men) Proctitis直肠炎 (Zhi

38、 chang yan), Proctology直肠病学 (Zhi chang bing xue) Hepato = Liver肝脏(Gan zang) Hepatitis肝脏炎 (Gan zang yan), Hepatomegaly肝肿大 (Gan zhong da) Nephro/Rene = Kidney腎(Shen) Nephrosis肾变病 (Shen bian bing), 肾病(Shen bing), Renal artery肾脏的 动脉 (Shen zang de dong mai), orchido = Testis睾丸(Gao wan) Orchiditis 睾丸炎 (Ga

39、o wan yan) Orchidectomy睾丸切除术(Gao wan qie chu shu) Dermo = Skin 皮肤 (pi fu) Dermatitis 皮炎 (pi yan) Masto/Mammo = Breast乳房 (ru fang) Mastectomy 乳房切除术 (ru fang qie chu shu) Mammography 乳房X线照相术 (ru fang X xian zhao xiang shu) osteo = Bones 骨骼 (gu ge) Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 (gu zhi shu song zheng) Cardio = He

40、art 心脏 (xin zang) Electrocardiogram (ECG) 心电图 (xin dian tu) Rhino = Nose鼻子 (bi zi) Rhinitis鼻炎 (bi yan), 鼻粘膜炎 (bi nian mo yan) Phlebo /Veno = Veins 静脉 (jin mai) Phlebitis静脉炎, (jing mai yan) Phlebotomy 刺骼, 放血 (fang xue) Phlebosclerosis 靜脈硬化 (jing mai ying hua) Pneumo/Pulmo = Lung肺 (fei) Pneumonitis局限性

41、肺炎 (ju xian xing fei yan) Pulmonologist 肺科医生 (fei ke yi sheng) Hemo/Emia = Blood 血 (xue) Anemia贫血, 贫血症 (pin xue, pin xue zheng) Hematologist 血液学家 (xue ye xue jia) Common Suffixes -itis = Inflammation炎症 (yan zheng) Tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎 (bian tao xian yan) Appendicitis 阑尾炎 (lan wei yan), 盲肠炎 (mang chang y

42、an) -osis = Abnormal 反常的 (fan chang de) Cyanosis 苍白病 (Cang bai bing) -ectomy = to remove Appendectomy 阑尾切除术 (lan weiqie chu shu) Tonsillectomy 扁桃腺切除术 (bian tao xian qie chu shu) -otomy = to cut into Tracheotomy (cut into windpipe气管 (qi guan ) 气管切开术 (qi guan qie kai shu) -ostomy = to make a mouth Col

43、ostomy 结肠造瘘术 (jie chang zhao lou shu) -scopy/ -scopic = to look Colonoscopy结肠镜检查 (jie chang jing jian cha) -graphy = recording an image Mammography 乳房X线照相术 (ru fang x zhao xiang shu) -gram = image Mammogram 乳房X线照片 (ru fanf X xian zhao pian) (X-ray) X光照片 (X guang zhao pian) Appendix A Types of Physic

44、ians and other Medical Professionals Appendix B Prefixes, Common Root words and Suffixes Appendix C Common Medical Abreviations Appendix D Medical Terms listed alphabetically About the Authors Appendix A Names of Types of Physicians and other Medical Professionals Cardiologist 心脏病学家 (xin zang bing x

45、ue jia) Cardiovascular Surgeon 心血管外科医生 (xin xue guan wai ke yi sheng) 心脏血管医师 (xin zang xue guan yi shi) Dentist 牙科医生 (Ya ke ti sheng) Epidemiologist流行病学家 (liu xing bing xue jia) 流行病专家liou xing bing zhuan jia 流行病医师 (liu xing bing yi sheng) Gastroenterologist 肠胃病学家 (chang wei bing xue jia) Gynecologis

46、t 妇科医生 (fu ke yi sheng) Hematologist 血液学家 (xue ye xue jia) Internist 内科医生 (nei ke yi sheng) 实习医生 shi xi yi sheng Nephrologist 肾病专家 (shen bing zhuan jia) Neurologist 神经科专门医师 (shen jing ke zhuan men yi shi ) Neurosurgeon 神经外科医生 (shen jing wai ke yi sheng ) Obstetrician 产科医师 (chang ke yi shi) Oncologis

47、t 肿瘤科医师 (zhong liu ke yi shi) Orderly 勤务兵 (qin wu bing) Orthopedist 整形外科医师 (zheng xing wai ke yi shi ) Osteopathic Physician 整骨医生 (zheng gu yi sheng) Pathologist 病理学家 (bing li xue jia) Plastic Surgeon 可塑的外科医生 (ke su de wai ke yi sheng) 整形外科医生 (xheng xing wai ke yi sheng) Proctologist 直肠病学家 (zhi chan

48、g bing xue jia) Psychiatrist 精神病学家 (jing shen bing xue jia) Public Health Physician 公众的健康内科医生 (gong zhong de jian kang yi sheng) 公 共卫生医生 (gong gong wei sheng yi sheng) Pulmonologist 肺科医生 (fei ke yi sheng ) Researcher 调查者 (diao cha zhe ) 学术研究员 (xue shu yan jiu yuan) Rheumatologist 风湿病学家 (feng shi bin

49、g xue jia) Surgeon 外科医师 (wai ke yi shi ) Urologist 泌尿科医师 (mi niao ke yi shi) Physician Assistant 医生助手 (yi sheng zhu shou) Midwife 助产士 (zhu chan shi接生婆 (jie sheng po) Nurse 护士 (hu shi) Ordery 勤务兵 (qin wu bing) Candystriper (volunteer) 糖尿病专家 (tang niao bing zhuan jia) 调查者 (diao cha yuan) 凝结型ning jie xing

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