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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 中国农业银行数据中心2022年招聘人员名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.中间业务也叫收费业务,是指不构成银行表内资产、表内负债的非利息收入的业务,其特 点描述错误的是( )。A.不运用或不直接运用银行自有资金B.直接承担市场风险C.以接受客户委托为前提,为客户办理业务D.以收取服务费、赚取价差的方式获得收益答案:B解析:中间业务相对于资产和负债传统业务而言,银行不再直接作为参与信用 活动的一方,不承担或不直接承担市场风险。2.绩效管理是指运用科学的

2、方法和标准对员工完成工作数量、质量、效率及员工行为模式等方面的综合评价。其目的有( )。A.检査和改进员工现有工作绩效B.是人员任用的依据C.是人员调配和服务升降的依据D.是人员培训的依据答案:A,B,C,D3.环保局组织人员清理东湖的水葫芦,若100人清理,24小时可把东湖清理干净。若130人清理,16小时可把东湖清理干净。现有160人清理,几小时可把东湖清理干净?()A.18B.15C.20D.12答案:D解析:设生长速度为X,原有量为Y,套用牛吃草公式有: Y=(100-X) x24, Y=(130-X) x16, 解得X =40, Y=1440, 设需要T小时,则有1440= (160

3、-40) xT,解得T=12.4.根据下列内容,回答186-190题。Success is often measured by the ability to overcome adversity. But, it is often the belief ofothers that gives us the courage to try.J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, began writing at age 6. In herbiography, she remembers with great fondness w

4、hen her good friend, Sean, whom she met insecondary school, became the first person to encourage her and help build the confidence that oneday she would be a very good writer.He was the first person with whom I really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer. Hewas also the only person who thoug

5、ht I was bound to be a success at it, which meant much more tome than I ever told him at the time.Despite many setbacks Rowling persevered in her writing, particularly fantasy stories. But itwasnt until 1990 that she first conceived the idea about Harry Potter. As she recalls, it was on along train

6、journey from London to Manchester that the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into myhead. To my immense frustration (沮丧), I didnt have a functioning pen with me, and I was tooshy to ask anybody if I could borrow one. I think, now, that this was probably a good thing,because I simply sat and thought,

7、for four(delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up inmy brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who didnt know he was a wizardbecame more and more real to me.That same year, her mother passed away after a ten-year battle with multiple sclerosis, whichdeeply affected her wr

8、iting. She went on to marry and had a daughter, but separated from herhusband shortly afterwards.During this time,Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression. Unemployed,shecompleted her first novel in area cafes, where she could get her daughter to fall asleep. After beingrejected by 12 publishi

9、ng houses, the first Harry Potter novel was sold to a small Britishpublishing house.Now with seven books that have sold nearly 400 million copies in 64 languages, J. K. Rowlingis the highest earning novelist in history. And it all began with her commitment to writing that wasfostered by the confiden

10、ce of a friend !Who believed J.K.Rowling was to be a good writer?_A.Her friend SeanB.Her motherC.Her daughterD.Her husband答案:A解析:文章第二段最后一句话“And it all began with her commitment to writing that wasfostered by the confidence of a friend!”可以得知,罗琳在写小说的时候是一个朋友给的自信。因此,选A。5.为降低和防止核泄漏造成的危害,发生核泄漏时,下列做法中不正确的是

11、( )A.离开核泄漏地区后,要换衣服和鞋子并将其放在塑料袋中B.食品不暴露在空气中,而是放在密闭的容器内或冰箱里保存C.进人被放射物质污染的地区时,使用手帕、毛巾等捂住口鼻D.将从核泄露国家回来的人员隔离,避免他人受到放射性元素的伤害答案:D解析:从核泄漏国家回来的人员没必要进行隔离,可首先进行核检测,然后对人员及所带物品进行处理。答案为D。6.中国传统医学中“七情”之一的“惊”指突然遭受意料之外的事,引起心神欠稳或脏腑机能失调,之后又遇到异物异声而产生的伴有紧张惊骇的情绪体验。根据上述定义,下列选项中可以认定为“惊”的是A.李某意外摔下楼梯后昏迷不醒,醒来后未感到异常,只觉得自己睡了一觉B.

12、遭遇歹徒劫持的王某被营救后大哭起来,并拉着民警的手连声称谢C.赵某目睹车祸惨剧后呆若木鸡,再次看到摩托车紧急刹车时一下子晕倒在地D.周某与朋友聊天时得知自己中了500万大奖,他顿时热泪盈眶并跳了起来答案:C解析:本题对定义谓语和状语的考察。定义给出的是“遭受引起不适,之后再次遇到产生紧张情绪”。A选项中李某醒来未感异常,没有产生紧张情绪且不是再次遇到;B选项中王某被解救后没有再次遭受;C选项是看到车祸后再次遇到紧急刹车的情况会“紧张死”;D选项中周某热泪盈眶不是紧张情绪是激动,也不是再次遇到。因此,本题答案为C选项。7.The earliest telephones required a di

13、fferent pair of wires for each phone _ you wished to which答案:D解析:本题考察定语从句。题目意为“最早的电话需要一对不同的线路分别给本机和想要接通的电话。”本题是介词+关系代词形式,connect表示连接二者时,需要介词,connect sb/sth with/to sth。关系代词which在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,可以跟介词一起放在主句和从句之间,这时的关系代词不能省略;有时为了使关系代词紧跟它所修饰的先行词,也可以把介词放在从句中有关动词的后面,这时的which

14、可用that替换。考点定语从句8.根据英国银行家杂志发布的2013年全球千家最大银行报告,交通银行一级资本位列第( )位,较去年提升7位。A.23B.24C.25D.26答案:A9.2008年我国全年建设占用耕地19:16万公顷,灾毁耕地248万公顷。生态退耕076万公顷,因农业结构调整减少耕地249万公顷。土地整理复垦开发补充耕地2296万公顷。全年水资源总量27127亿立方米,比上年增加74;人均水资源2048立方米,增加69。全年平均降水量659毫米增加80。年末全国大型水库蓄水总量1962亿立方米比上年末多蓄水93亿立方米。全年总用水量5840亿立方米,比上年增加04。其中生活用水增长



17、吨C.800万吨D.500万吨答案:B解析:与2007年相比水泥消费增加量为万吨。10.店庆之于( )相当于( )之于蛋糕A.花篮寿诞B.打折促销C.鞭炮鸡蛋D.店长厨师答案:A解析:分别将选项代入题干,确定逻辑关系。A项:“店庆”送“花篮”,“寿诞”送“蛋糕”,前后二者均属于对应关系,前后逻辑关系一致,符合;B项:“店庆”时“打折”,二者属于对应关系,“促销”与“蛋糕”没有必然的逻辑关系,前后逻辑关系不一致,排除;C项:燃放“鞭炮”庆祝“店庆”,二者属于对应关系,“鸡蛋”是制作“蛋糕”的原料,二者属于原材料对应关系,前后逻辑关系不一致,排除;D项:“店长”组织“店庆”,“厨师”制作“蛋糕”,

18、但前后词语顺序不一致,排除。因此,选择A选项。11.某公司在原有基础(销售部70人,售后服务部30人)上扩大规模现售后服务部新增加8人。为使销售部和售后服务部人数比例低于2:1,问销售部人数最多能增加的比例为( )。A.10.3%B.11.5%C.9%D.8.6%答案:D解析:售后38人,则销售增加到76人,6/70=8.6%。12.储蓄存款口头或函电挂失必须在()日之内补办正式手续,否则,挂失自动失效。A.3B.5C.7D.10答案:B13.YANGON-Myanmar has officially accepted an offer of the United States to send

19、 humanitarian aid to the countrys cyclone victims, state radio reported Friday in a night broadcast. Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister Kyaw Thu gave the assurance Friday, saying that the country is receiving such relief aid from any country without limit at this time according to its policy of dealing

20、 with the disaster, the report said.Kyaw Thu denied rumors about Myanmars turning down of such relief materials from Western countries but accept those from nations in good relations with Myanmar, saying that the country has never done so in this case.Kyaw Thu said that well wishers abroad may make

21、cash donation through Myanmar embassies stationed there, while those who like to donate relief goods may present at the Yangon International Airport and seaports.According to the report, the US relief aid would arrive in Yangon in days.A foreign ministrys statement said earlier on Friday that at thi

22、s moment, the international community can best help the victims by donating emergency provisions such as medical supplies, food, cloth, electricity generator, and materials for emergency shelter or with financial assistance, adding that Myanmar will wholeheartedly welcome such course of action.The g

23、overnment and the people of Myanmar are grateful to the friendly nations, the United Nations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, private individuals and others for their sympathy and generosity. it said.Which of the following is true?A. The US relief aid was turned down at

24、first and then acceptedB. The US relief aid has been sent to the capital city of MyanmarC. There are rumors that Myanmar has turned down the US relief aidD. Myanmar will wholeheartedly welcome such course of action but the US relie答案:C解析:细节理解题。由本文第二段首句“Kyawnu denied rumors aboutMyanmarSturning down

25、ofsuch relief materials from Western countries”可知。选项8根据文章“According to the report,tIle US relief aid wouldarriveinYangonindays一句可以排除。14.货币政策在对宏观经济领域发挥作用时 , 其目标是A. 稳定物价B. 经济增长C. 平衡国际收支D. 充分就业答案:A,B,C,D15.根据数字使用规范,下列公文中的数字写法正确的是( )。 A.初步估计共需三十七、八万元B.一篇讲话稿长达5千200字C.“文件”二字可采用2号字体D.该村直到95年才修通公路答案:C解析:数字连

26、用表示的概数,应当采用汉字数字。同时,两个数字连用表示概数,两数之间不用顿号隔开。例如“三四个月”、“四十五六岁”。故A项错误。在使用数字进行计量的场合,为达到醒目、易于辨识的效果,应采用阿拉伯数字。因此,B项错误,正确的写法是“一篇讲话稿长达5200字”。四位数字表示的年份不应简写为两位数字,例如“1995年”不写为“95年”。故D项错误。因此,本题选择C项。16.提高行政效率既是行政管理的出发点,也是衡量行政管理水平和效果的重要标志。那么 提高行政效率的基本保证是( )的合理化。A.行政人员 B.行政制度C.行政组织机构 D.权力分配答案:C解析:行政效率是国家行政机关及其行政工作人员从事

27、行政管理活动所得到的 劳动效果、社会效益同所消耗的人力、物力、财力、时间的比率关系。提高行政效率是行政管理 的核心问题,也是行政管理的出发点和归宿。行政效率的高低,是衡量行政管理活动是否科学 的重要标准,因此,如何提高行政效率是我国目前行政管理改革中一个非常重要的问题。提高 行政效率的途径有多种,其中之一是推进机构改革,建立合理的行政管理体制,而行政组织机 构的合理化,是提高行政效率的基本保证。17.当某个国家发生严重的通货膨胀时,理财产品价格将( )。A.上升 B.下跌C.不变 D.大幅波动答案:B解析:严重的通货膨胀是很危险的,经济将被严重扭曲,货币加速贬值,资金流出证券市场,引起股票、债

28、券等理财产品的价格下跌。18.基尼系数是( )。A.居民消费指数 B.收入产出比例C.收入分配差异 D.支出产出份额答案:C解析:基尼系数(Gini Coefficient)为意大利经济学家基尼(Corrado Gini, 18841965)于1922年提出的,定量测定收入分配差异程度。19.根据2015 年10 月1 日起施行的中华人民共和国食品安全法规定,下列说法错误的是( )。A.消费者陈某在网上购买刘某的大米后发现其以次充好、缺斤少两,可以向刘某要求赔偿B.林某买了一瓶价格为5 元的饮料,该饮料不符合食品安全标准,林某除可以得到5 元赔偿外,还可以得到1 000 元赔偿C.张某要到网上

29、销售自家生产的大豆,网络第三方食品交易平台提供者需对其进行实名登记D.戴某委托广告公司为其生产的玉米制作广告,广告内容夸大了玉米的营养含量,声称其具有保健作用,对此戴某没有责任答案:D解析:广告经营者和发布者(消费者权益保护法第45 条)、在虚假广告或者其他虚假宣传中间消费者推荐食品的社会团体或者其他组织、个人(消费者权益保护法第45 条和原食品安全法第55 条)、集中交易市场的开办者、柜台出租者或展销会的举办者(原食品安全阀第52 条),在法定情形中均应与商品生产经营者承担连带责任。新食品安全法除覆盖上述规定之外,新增规定为违法生产经营行为提供生产经营场所或者其他条件、食品检验机构出具虚假检

30、验报告和认证机构出具虚假认证结论,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的,均应当与食品生产经营者承担连带责任。20.Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike received an e-mail from Sophia Jones.She wrote an e-mail to Mike who is the contact person of Monsell.Sophia Jones asked some information about Register

31、ed Education Savings Plan of Monsell.Read the e-mails.A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences.Select the best answer to complete the text.Then select the right answer.Dear Mike,I am one of those concerned mothers who believe that

32、 education is the key1our childrens future.But as far as I know,its costly-currently as much as$60,000 for a four year degree at a Canadian university.My daughter Alisa has just got2to the University of Toronto.On one hand,I am thrilled at this great news,while on the other hand,I am a little bit wo

33、rried3our moderate financial status.As a result,I write this to ask for suggestions on ways to maximize our education savings.How many options do I have and how do they work I really appreciate and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Sophia JonesRecently,Xiangning started to communicate

34、 with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike received an e-mail from Sophia Jones.She wrote an e-mail to Mike who is the contact person of Monsell.Sophia Jones asked some information about Registered Education Savings Plan of Monsell.Read the e-mails.A word or phrase is missing in some of t

35、he sentences.Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences.Select the best answer to complete the text.Then select the right answer.Dear Mike,I am one of those concerned mothers who believe that education is the key1our childrens future.But as far as I know,its costly-currently as much a

36、s$60,000 for a four year degree at a Canadian university.My daughter Alisa has just got2to the University of Toronto.On one hand,I am thrilled at this great news,while on the other hand,I am a little bit worried3our moderate financial status.As a result,I write this to ask for suggestions on ways to

37、 maximize our education savings.How many options do I have and how do they work I really appreciate and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Sophia JonesMrs.Jones,Firstly,please send my sincere congratulations to Alisa for getting into the University of Toronto.As far as I can see,our Re

38、gistered Education Savings Plan(RESP)is the4way to help you maximize your education savings.Tax-sheltered investment growth and eligibility for government grants can make a big contribution to your childs future.This plan consists of the5plan and the family plan.The former is to open an RESP for an

39、individual child,while with a family plan you can name one or more children as beneficiaries.Attached is a brochure on RESP.Please feel free to write to me if any further information is needed.4A.perfectB.more perfectC.most perfectD.perfectest答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】the _ way to【主题句】AS far as I can s

40、ee, our Registered Education Savings Plan(RESP) isthe _ way to help you maximize your education savings.在我看来,我们的注册教育储蓄计划(简称RESP),是帮助您最大化教育储蓄的完美方案。【解析】本题的问题是“我看来,我们的注册教育储蓄计划(简称RESP),是帮助您最大化教育储蓄的完美方案。”本题考查的是perfect,“完美”,这个词是极端形容词,没有比较级和最高级。21.服务是指为他人做事,并使他人从中受益的一种有偿或无偿的活动,不以或很少以实物形式而以提供活动的形式满足他人某种特殊需要

41、。根据以上定义,以下不属于服务的是()A.小周的车出现故障去维修,汽车修理店更换了价值2000余元的零件B.为方便学生随时取款,某银行在校园里安装了一部自助取款机C.某医院派出医疗队深入农村,为农民上门诊断治疗D.某小区居民小王在小区网络论坛上发帖要求提高物业管理水平答案:D解析:服务的定义要点是:以提供劳动的形式为他人做事,使他人从中受益,并满足他人某种特殊需求的活动。A、B、C三项均符合定义,而D项小王只是在网上发帖,并没有以提供劳动的形式为他人做事,不符合定义要点。故答案选D。22.资料:THOMAS WILSON15 Spring DriveSometown, WI 53205Home

42、:(555)555-5555|twAdministrative AssistantFour years of experience providing top-notch support to VPs, directors and managersAdministrative: Adeptly handle administrative matters including screening calls, managing calendars, planning meeting, making travel arrangements, composing documents and organ

43、izing offices for efficiency.Communications: Interact professionally with all levels of staff and maintain the highest level of confidentiality, known for tact and diplomacy in handling sensitive issues.Computers: Considered a power user of Microsoft Office; quickly learn and master new technology.E

44、XPERIENCEABC COMPANY-Sometown, ORAdministrative Assistant, 2009 to PresentProvide administrative support to the investment banking group VP and five of her department directors. Answer telephones and promptly and courteously assist clients and employees throughout the organization. Maintain calendar

45、s, coordinating extensive appointments, meetings and domestic/international travel.Office Management: Overhauled recordkeeping system from manual to computer-based, creating a user-friendly and systematic information management system and reducing data-retrieval time.Travel Logistics Management: Coo

46、rdinate a busy travel calendar that includes six international symposiums annually, ensuring all events are successfully executed.Customer Relationship Management: Tapped into the power of PeopleSoft CRM Analytics to track the effectiveness of leads, marketing initiatives and revenues. Generated rep

47、orts that assisted upper management with decision making and were distributed to 200+ employees departmentwide.TEMPORARY AGENCY ASSIGNMENTS-Sometown, ORAdministrative Assistant, 2008 to 2009Assigned by DEF Temporary Agency and GHI Temporary Agency to serve in administrative support roles for clients

48、 in investor relations, high tech, healthcare and real estate sectors.Hit the Ground Running: Learned organizational processes, policies and procedures with minimal ramp-up time. Successfully completed administrative assignments for ABC Co., JKL Co., MNO Co. and PQR Co.Service Focus: Adapted to dive

49、rse work styles and consistently provided friendly, personable service.Excellent Performance: Offered full-time position at the conclusion of temporary assignment at ABC Co.EDUCATIONABC TRAINING ACADEMY-Sometown, ORCertificate in Office Management, 2009Completed 45-credit certificate program. Focuse

50、d on business data processing, software applications, basic accounting, business communications and business law.Which of the following is NOT included in the Office Management program in ABC Training Academy? data applicationsC.advanced law答案:C解析:

51、本题的问题是“以下哪一项不包括在ABC培训学院的办公管理课程中?” A选项“商业数据处理”;B选项“软件应用”;C选项“高级会计”;D选项“商业法”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,主题句中,A、B、D三个选项均有涉及,C选项中会计课程应为基础会计,故选C。23.下面哪种糖,人在品尝时不是甜味的?( )A.乳糖 B.蔗糖 C.果糖 D.葡萄糖答案:A解析:不是所有的糖都有甜味,例如,牛奶中有4%的乳糖,乳糖是没有甜味的糖;蔗糖、葡萄糖是大家熟悉的糖,它们不仅味道甜,而且还是供应人体能量的物质;蜂蜜中含有果糖,果糖是最甜的糖。根据实验测定,果糖、蔗糖与葡萄糖的甜味的比例是9:5:4。24. 商业银行

52、财务管理原则有 A. 科学管理原则B. 防范为主原则C. 统一管理原则D. 审慎管理原则答案:A,C,D25.资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.Another different approach to doing business is that in a b

53、uying decision Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both option. For example, a Chinese panel may feel that a supplier who claims of best quality with a low price may either raise the price during the contract or fail to implement the contract.

54、 They will therefore often prefer to choose a supplier whose price is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. In addition, a Chinese panel may avoid awarding each supplier more than one contract, in order to minimise dependence on a single supplier. Such an approach may make a Westerner think t

55、hat a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he believes he is being quite straightforward.Whats more, both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the C

56、hinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee). which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit. In a centralised and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get things done. And in a place like China where the legal sys

57、tem is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong.Both China and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligatio

58、ns can become a trap it is hard to escape.The word “deadline-driven” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:A.arrange schedule according to the according to the deadlineC.afraid of the deadlineD.procrastinative答案:A解析:本题考查的是推理判断。【关键词】deadline-driven; closest in meaning to【主题句】第1自然段We

59、stern business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. 西方商人往往严格遵循截止期限,商业谈判时不愿配合中国式慢节奏。【解析】题干意为“与第1自然段的deadline-driven意思最相近的是哪一项?” 选项A意为“按期限安排时间表”;选项B意为“根据截止日期驾驶”;选项C意为“害怕最后期限”;选项D意为“拖延的”。根据主题句可知,deadline-driven的意思就是根据截止日期来安排计划表,选项A符


61、实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( )A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6,日利率为3D.年利率为8%,月利率为3,日利率为0. 33答案:D解析:本题考査的是利息率的表达方式。银行以年利率、月利率、日利率表示利率。年利率以百分比表示,月利率以千分比表示,日利率以万分比表示。三者之间的对应关系:如年利率8厘写成8%,即每百元存款定期一年利息8元;月息6厘写成6%。,即每千元存款一月利息6元;日息3厘写为0.3,即每万元存款每日利息3元。28.The companys production h

62、as been put on the right _.A.orbitB.courseC.routeD.track答案:D解析:本题考察名词,题目意为“该公司的生产已走上正轨。”A选项意为“轨道、眼眶、势力范围”,B选项意为“课程、航线”,C选项意为“航线、路”,D选项意为“轨道、路线”。固定搭配on the right track ,意为“走上正轨”。29.当前的互联网电子商务网站中,闲鱼等二手商品交易平台,其本质的特征是( )A.O2OB.B2BC.B2CD.C2C答案:D解析:C2C是个人与个人之间的电子商务,成鱼交易是消费者之间交易二手商品的平台,符合C2C的概念,故D项正确; 02O,是Online To Ofline的缩写即在线离线/线上到线下,是指将线下的商务机会与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的平台,故A项错误:B2B是指进行电子商务交易的供需双方都是商家,使用互联网的技术或各种商务网络平台,完成商务交易的过程,故B项错误: B2C又称“商对客”直接面向消费者销售产品和服务商业零告模式。30.甲公司因特殊情况需要借用乙公司原始凭证,经乙公司会计机构负责人

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