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1、桂林市卓远文化艺术培训学校专用资料桂林市2023年中学英语四级测试题第二部分 语言知识运用(共15分)第五节 选择填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 请阅读下面的对话和句子,并从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。23What are you going to do when you grow up?My is to become an astronaut.A. hobby B. dream C. job24Im sorry I left my homework at home .Shall I go and it?No, you neednt. Bring

2、it here tomorrow.A. take B. send C. get25Children can usually dress at the age of five.A. them B. ones C. themselves26The earth is about as the moon.A. five times as big B. as fifty times big C. as big fifty times27The air in Beijing is getting much now than a few days ago.A. clean B. cleanest C. cl

3、eaner28He failed to break the world record for the long jump many times, but he never hope.A. gave up B. put away C. took off29Remember, boy! You wont get good grades you work hard.Yes, I see, Mum.A. as soon as B. unless C. since30Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He a speech there in two days.A. has

4、 given B. gave C. will give31Could you please take out the rubbish?. But could I hang out with my friend after that?A. Sorry, you cant. B. Sorry, I can. C. Yes, sure.32I dont think history is more useful than physics.I disagree. In my opinion, history is physics.A. as useful as B. not so useful as C

5、. less useful than第六节选词填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)下面是一篇谈论电视的发明给人们生活带来的利与弊的短文。阅读后,请从Word Bank中选择恰当的词语,并用其正确形式填空。(提示:Word Bank给出的六个词语中有一个是多余的。) Word Bankprogram because watch information take withoutDuring the past one hundred years, there have been many inventions that makeour life much easier and more inter

6、esting. TV is one of them. Many people enjoy(33)TV for fun. Some even believe that TV has made their childrensmarter because there are all kinds of (34)on it - news, science, sportsmusic and language. Children can learn a lot from TV in a short time (35)going out.But we have found that more and more

7、 children today have problems with readingthinking, and concentrating(集中注意力)even though they have watched a lot of TV.In fact,getting much (36)from TV does not mean real learning. Children whowatch too much TV do not have enough time to think or to communicate withpeople. Besides, it (37)time and lo

8、ve for children to grow up. Children need their parents most. Parents should give children love, and help them to solve problems in the right way.第三部分阅读理解(共40分)第七节 阅读并补全对话。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 下面是一段对话。请一边阅读,一边从下面的文本框中选择恰当的句子,完成这段对话。(提示:选项中有两项为多余选项。)A: Hi, Tom. Have you finished reading the book you bor

9、rowed from me last week?B: No, I havent.A: (38)B: No, I cant read it (39)A: Why? Is the book too difficult for you?B: Yes. There are too many new words in this book, so I have to use a dictionary. (40)A: Thats true. What can I do for you then?B:(41)A: Another English storybook?B:(42)A:What about thi

10、s one?B:Oh, Oliver Twist. This one is fine. And the words are much bigger. Thank youvery much.A:Youre welcome.A. Dont you enjoy the book?B. Lend a good English dictionary.C. How long have you kept the book?D. Besides, the words are too small for me.E. Yes, but an easier one with bigger words.F. Well

11、, Id be glad if you could find me another bookG. I had a hard time reading a few pages. Ive decided to give up.第八节 阅读并匹配。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)下面是五位学生给学校“知心小屋”的知心姐姐发出的求助邮件。阅读后,请根据学生的困难、烦恼,将学生的求助邮件与知心姐姐的回复予以匹配。A. Whatever I do, I always want to knowif other people will like it. How can I stopworrying abou

12、t what others think?B. My dream is to be on the Olympic team for swimming.My dad thinks I start too late and Ill never be able to make it.What should I do?C. I just came to a new school and Im shy. How can I make new friends?D. I have a problem, and I needyour help. I always thought I was popular at

13、 school.But I just found out that my friends wereplanning a party for my best friend andthey didnt invite me. I dont know why.E. Summer vacation is coming. I want to go camping with my classmate.But I need to get some money to pay for it.What shall I do?43. Its a good idea to go camping during summe

14、r vacation. You couldget a part-time job to make money or ask your parents for somemoney.44.In yournew school, talk to someone who looks friendly. Youcanask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class.Good luck!45.Just be yourself and try not toCareabout what others think. Themore

15、 you think about it, the worse you will feel. Just relax.46.You should tell your dad about your dream and that if you work reallyhard, your dream will come true.47.There are many things you could do.You could call your best friendand tell him you want to go to his party.Or maybe you could askyour fr

16、iends if they forgot to tell you about the party.第九节阅读并判断正误。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)下面的短文介绍了三个城市的特色。阅读后,请根据短文内容,判断句子的正误。(提示:请在正确的句子前写“T”;错误的句子前写“F。)What is the best city in Europe?Each city has its character(特色). It depends on what one person likes and dislikes.Now lets see the three popular cities.London,

17、 England If you like ale(麦茅啤酒)or theater, or you are interested in history,you will like this city. The best time to visit London is from May toOctober. You can visit the BritishMuseum, the Tate Modem and Westminster.Amsterdam, HollandPeople who love art will like this city. And it is also a great p

18、lace to ride bikes. In April or May you can see many beautiful tulips(郁金香).July and August are the best months. The Royal Palace and the Van Gogh Museum are great places.Paris, FrancePeople who like traditional food will like this city. Spring is the best time to visit.Summer is also a good time. Th

19、e Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and Montparnasse are thegreat places you should visit.48.Spring is the best time to visit London.49.If you go to Amsterdam in April or May, you can see beautifulroses.50.Paris is a good place to try traditional food.51.You can go to Paris if you are interested in history.5

20、2.The three cities are all in Europe.第十节 阅读并选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 下面的短文谈论的是家长如何引导子女做各项决定。阅读短文,请根据短文内容从题中所给A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳答案。 Most parents want their children to be happy and successful. But do you know the best way to encourage them to be so? The answer is to allow them to make their own decisions

21、.Unfortunately, popularculture has different ideas about childrens decision making.Most parents make decisions for their children一what they wear, what they eat and what movies they watch. In fact, its not good for childrens growth.Parents should allow children to make decisions when they are very yo

22、ung. Butthis doesnt mean children are allowed to do everything. For example, you shouldnttake your children into a store and tell them they can have anything they want. They would be overwhelmed(不知所措的)by the choices(选择). But you can give them a choice among snacks. When children get older, expand th

23、e number of choices yougive them. For example, allow them to decide the activities they want to take part inor when they go to bed.The next step is to get your children to think before they act. Let them ask themselvesseveral important questions. First, why do I want to do this? Second, what are myc

24、hoices? Third, what are the results of the actions? After these questions, they aresure to have right decisions.53.The best way to make children happy and successful is to allow them. A. to do everythingB. to make their own decisions C. to make decisions for their parents54.According to the writer,

25、it isnt a good idea towhen they are very young.A. let children think before they actB. let children choose their favorite snack in a storeC. tell children they can have anything they want in a store55.The underlined word expand in the passage means“”in English.A.increaseB. describeC. decrease56.Chil

26、dren should ask themselvesquestions before making a decision.A.twoB. threeC. four57. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. Most parents like asking questions B. How to make children successful. C. How to teach children to make decisions.第四部分 综合运用(共35分)第十一节 阅读并改错。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 为关注学生上学交通安全,校刊在某班就学

27、生上学交通方式进行了一次调查。粗心的Tom在撰写调查报告时写错了六处关键信息。请认真阅读调查记录卡,帮Tom在调查报告中找出这些错误并改正。(提示:找出错误的地方,并将错误信息与改后的正确信息一同填写在题号后的答题线上;第一个错误作为示例已给出。)Survey Report CardTypes of transportationThe number of the students(50 in Class 1 Grade 2)ReasonsAwareness of(认识到) the importance of road safetyBus10Live farWalking15Good for h

28、ealth;Live near schoolBike20Members of school bike-riding team;like riding bikesSubway5Live 15 km away from school Last week we did a survey of the students in Class 1 Grade 2 about how to get to hospital.And this is what we learned.There are fifty students in the class. They go to school in the sam

29、e way . Ten students take the bus because they live close to the school. Fifteen students go to school on foot because their home is near to school. And they think driving is good for their health. Twenty percent of them get to school by bike because they like riding bikes and they are on the school

30、 bike-riding team. Only one tenth take the cars to school because they live 15 km away from school.All the students realize that road safety is very important to them no matter what types of transportation they use and they should always keep it in mind.Example: hospital school58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 第十

31、二节 阅读并回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)下面是Alice与Bill的下周活动安排表。阅读后,请根据活动安排表的内容,回答问题。(提示:每小题答题字数不限)TimeAlices plan for next weekBills plan for next weekMondaystudy group meeting: 3:30p.m.Basketball match: 4:30p.m.Tuesdayart class: 5 p.m.-6p.m.Help pick apples on the farm:34:30p.m.Wednesdaygo to the cinema with Ro

32、se: 7p.m.art class: 5:306:30p.m.Thursdayvisit sick kids in the hospital as a volunteer: 4:30 p.m.visit old people in the old peoples home as a volunteer: 4:30 p.m.Fridayvolleyball match: 4:30 p.m.study for an exam: 7:30 p.m.Saturdayshopping with Mom: 9 a.m.go bike riding around the city:10 a.m.-11:3

33、0a.m.SundayGo to Marys birthday party: 11a.m.watch a movie with his family:6 p.m.63. What is Alice going to do at 3:30 next Monday afternoon?64. When is Bill going to help the farmers?65. How long are they going to have the art class next week?66. Are they going to do the volunteer work next week?67

34、. Who will go to the cinema with Bill?第十三节 书面表达。(共1题,计15分)68假如你是Lisa,六月十日是你的生日,你发邮件邀请朋友Ann来参加你的生日聚会。根据下面的提示写一篇60词左右的邀请信。信的开头与结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。提示:邀请她到你家参加生日聚会并告知聚会时间;告诉她生日聚会安排了哪些活动;告诉她到你家的路线。Dear Ann, Yours, Lisa参考答案第五节 23-32 BCCAB ABCCA第六节 33 watching 34 programs 35 without 36 information 37 takes第七节 38-42 AGDFE第八节 43-47 ECABD第九节 48-52 FFTFT第十节 53-57 BCABC第十一节 58 the same way different ways 59 closefar 60 drivingwalking 61 TwentyForty 62 carssubway第十二节 63.She is going to study group meeting. 64. At 3 p.m.-4:30p.m. next Tuesday afternoon. 65.One hour. 66.Yes, they are. 67.His family.第十三节 略

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