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1、第一讲分清主从把握结构 I. 分清主从 把握结构分清主从是理清原文结构,拟出译文整体框架的关键,而辨析词义是确保译文准确的前提。不少考生也能理解译文的大致意思,却组织不好译文,不是拖泥带水就是丢三拉四,其主要问题在于没能分清主从,不能从整体上把握原文结构。请看这样一例英语翻译试题:It is hard to believe that automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator, to mention only a few items, have come into common use wi

2、thin thirty years.1. 抓主谓结构这是理清原文结构,搭建译文整体框架的关键。譬如下面这样一道题:考题实例:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place

3、. (2001)考题实例:The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than 100 years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.(2002)2. 抓关键信息由于句式结构的复杂多变,有时候仅仅抓住了原文的主谓结构还不

4、够,还需抓住时间、地点、人物、事件等关键信息。请看这样一例:As the clock crept toward 11: 15 p. m. last Thursday, the 500 scientists and engineers packed into the control room and an adjacent auditorium at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory kept their eyes riveted on a bank of computer monitors.再看下面一例:Views of the railings

5、where doomed passengers and crew members stood evoked images of the moonless night 74 years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves.3. 抓逻辑关系在很多情况下,注意原文的逻辑关系能保证译文的层次清楚,结构有条不紊。如Titanic中的最后一句:The stern, which settled on the bottom almost 1,800 ft. from the bow, had swiveled 180on its way down

6、.其主谓结构为:The stern had swiveled 180 船尾旋转了一百八十度如按照原文的语序译为“在海底离船头几乎有一千八百英尺远的船尾在下沉时旋转了一百八十度”,既不符合汉语的按时间地点的先后顺序,又十分拗口。在这种情况下,不妨另起一句,使译文层次清楚:再看下面一例:The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. - 第二讲遣词用字恰如其分

7、 II. 遣词用字 恰如其分考题实例:Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived. (2001)将来完成时 被动语态2)多种同义。这种情况在英汉翻译中较为普遍,也即是同一个词语有

8、若干词义完全一样,但色彩意义不同的对应词,如:wife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人president: 总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长3)一词多义。这种情况在英汉翻译中最为普遍,也即是同一个词语有若干词义不同的对应词,如:cousin: 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、卿.carry: 搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧.4)交织对应。这类情况在英汉翻译中时有发生,也即是一组词义相近的词,根据不同的上下文,可以译作对应词语中的任何一个,如英语中的say, speak, talk, tell与汉语的“说、讲、谈、

9、诉”之间的关系:5)无对等词语。翻译中的这种情况极少,偶有发生,一般用解释或音译的方式来解决英汉之间的对应关系。teenager: 十三至十九岁的青少年 (解释)prey: 被捕食的动物(解释)hacker黑客2词义辨析词义辨析是遣词用字的前提。一般来讲,词典给出的词义解释五花八门,无从定夺。在这样的情况下,我们可以从四个方面来处理英语词语的具体含义1) 根据构词法辨别词义我们可以根据词的前后缀,词根、词干来辨析词义;如:miniultrasonicprober = mini (微型的)+ ultra(超) +sonic (声音的)+prober(探测器);即:微型超声波金属探伤仪macros

10、pacetransship = macro(巨型的)+ space (太空)+ trans (转运)+ ship (船); 即: 巨型空间转运飞船pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis pneumono (肺的) +ultra (超) + micro (微) + scopic- (观察仪器的) + silico (硅的)+ volcano(火山的)+ coni- (尘埃) + osis (病症);即:硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病(一种矿工易染的病)2) 根据指代关系辨别词义我们可以根据人称代词、物主代词、指示代词等来辨析词义;如:(1) He fat

11、her sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself.(2) Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.3) 根据上下文的语境或词的搭配辨别词义语境分析是翻译的重要手段,没有一定的上下文,翻译就无从着手。如下面一例:Tension is building up.根据不同上下文的具体情况,我们可分别将其译作:(1) 形势紧张起来。(2) 张力在增大。(3) 电压在增加。(4) 压力在增强。(5)

12、血压在增高。(6) .再如story一词的翻译:(1) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation.(2) It is quite another story now.(3) Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.(4) Hell be very happy if that story holds up.(5) The girls story is one of the saddest.(6) A young m

13、an came to Scottis office with a story.(7) , but officials refused to confirm the story.(8) The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV.4) 根据不同学科或专业类型辨别词义(1) The lathe should be set on a firm base.(机械)(2) As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt.(

14、化学)(3) A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.(电子)(4) Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC.(数学)(5) The weary troops marched back to the base.(军事)(6) He is on the second base.(体育) 练习一、根据词语搭配辨析词义。以常见的形容词good为例:1. good saying 3. good boy 4. good child 5. good cont

15、ract 6.7. good debt 8. good eggs 9. good eyesight 10. good father 11. good features 12. good friend 13. good friend 14. good idea 15. good investment 16. good joke 17. good looks 18. good luck 19. good manners 20. good match 21. good mother 22. good neighbor 23. good reason 24. good soil 25. good te

16、acher 26. good wife 二、根据上下文翻译develop一词:1 His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff. 2 Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft. 3 Inspired by these ideas, in 1752 Franklin developed a practical lightning

17、 rod. 4 A hypothesis is a specific statement developed by a scientist from observations. 5 Until the domain theory of magnetism was developed, they did not have much success. 6 To develop the capabilities of the geophysical prospecting, the renewal of the techniques and equipment is the first thing

18、to be considered. 7 Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed. 8 As young Goddard grew into manhood, he developed tuberculosis. 9 We must develop all the natural substances in our country which can make us rich. 10 Several attempts have been made through

19、 the years to develop the deposit. - 第三讲直译意译抓住要点 III. 直译意译 抓住要点考题实例:Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. (1999)I. 直译与意译什么是直译?所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译

20、文中尽量保持原文的形式特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。例如,汉语中的“武装到牙齿”、“鳄鱼的眼泪”、“连锁反应”、“双赢”等便是从英语的be armed to teeth, crocodiles tears, chain reaction以及win-win等词组短语直接翻译过来的,对应了原文的字面意义,保留了原文的生动形象。再如关于“死”的说法,英汉均有非常丰富的委婉表达方法。对于不同的对象,“死”的用法也各有讲究,直译较能生动地表现出原文的风格面貌、形象特点:breathe ones last (断气),see God(见上帝),see ones ancestors(见祖先),

21、see Marx (见马克思),go west(上西天),go to heaven(进天国),kick the bucket(蹬腿儿了)所谓意译,是指译文与原文因表达方式上的差异,不便或无法将原文的思想内容或形象直接表现出来,需要译者根据原文的意思用自己的话恰如其分地将其译出。这就需要译者付出创造性的劳动,从整体上把握句子或篇章的内容。例如:1. It rains cats and dogs. 2 Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.3. Love me, love my dog. 4. Do you see any green in my eye

22、?以上各例,均不宜按原文字面意义直接译出,否则,会令人感到莫名其妙,不知所云。直译与意译是相对的,而不是绝对的。无论直译还是意译,都只能限定在一定的条件和范围内,根据一定的上下文、具体的文体需要而加以处理,如:Kill two birds with one stone.按直译法,此句可译作“一石二鸟”;按意译法,此句可译作汉语的成语“一箭双雕”,“一举两得”。不少英语句子根据不同的上下文,既可用直译来翻译,又可用意译来处理。如:5Every life has its roses and thorns.直译:每个人的一生都既有玫瑰,又有荆棘。6. Valuable left in full vi

23、ew can be open invitation to theft.直译:把贵重物品放在现眼处,等于是给小偷发请帖。7. A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.直译:礼物是打开把你关在门外的房门的钥匙。8. What the tongue says, the neck pays for.直译:舌头说话,脖子还账。II. 运用直译与意译的要点无论是直译还是意译,均需以理解原文为前提。直译应当便于理解,切忌望文生义,并非全都按字面译出,譬如,go to bed不能按字面理解为“去上床”,而是“去睡觉”之意;成语show sb.

24、 the door ,不是“把门指给某人看”而是“把某人撵出门”;talk shop不是“谈商店”而是“说行话”;talk horse不是“谈马”而是“吹牛”;bulls eye靶心; tiger cat虎纹猫(豹斑猫)意译应当注重事实依据,不能无中生有、信口开河,否则就会变成胡译、乱译。在一般的情况下,应当尽量考虑用直译的方法。在直译无法或不变与表达的情况下,可以考虑用意译来解决问题。下面是运用意译的一道英译汉试题。考题实例:What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose pro

25、fessional identity than to step out of uniform?此题是一个there is sth. for sb. to do的简单句结构,句中唯一一个生词identity已作了注释,应当说是比较容易翻译的。可是,不少考生面对这样一个稍稍改头换面的疑问句却感到束手无策。从句式结构上看,绝大多数考生译不出原文的疑问口气;词语上更是花样百出:有人把barber译作“酒吧侍者”,有人把way译作“路”,有人把lose professional identity译作“失去教授身份”,更多的人不能根据上下文正确理解step out of uniform的含义,有译作“走出

26、统一服装”的,有译作“跨出军装”的,有译作“摆脱行业单位”的,等等。其实,lose professional identity和step out of uniform在此处的含义并不难理解,前者直译为“丧失职业身份”,意译也就是“让人看不出职业身份”;后者直译为“从制服中跨出来”意译也就是“脱下(不穿)制服”。在把握了全句意思的基础上,我们完全可以打破原文结构,用自己的话意译出此句的准确意思。考题实例:There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will

27、disable them when they offend. (2001)(从句when一旦)When的不同译法:在以下各例中,when都不宜译作“当”、“当时候”。1. Well go to the countryside at the beginning of June, when the summer harvest will start.2. I stayed till noon, when I went home.3. When the teacher had left the classroom, the pupils started talking.4. When that ma

28、n says “To tell the truth”, I suspect that hes about to tell a lie.5. Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.6. Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance.7. When there is really pla

29、nned and proportionate development ,our national economy will achieve sustained, stable and high-speed growth.8. When you cross the river you are safe.9. How can I convince him when he wont listen?10. He usually walks when he might ride.11. They had only three transistors when they needed five.12. W

30、hy are you here when you should be in school?13. When I am opposed to such actions on general principles, how can I make this case an exception?14. How could you do it when you knew that this might damage the apparatus?15. When one is older, one is also more experienced. - 第四讲适当增添清楚明了 IV. 适当增添 清楚明了考

31、题实例:Under modem conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. (2000)一般来说,翻译时不应对原文的内容随意增减。不过,由于英汉两种语言文字之间所存在的悬殊差异,在实际翻译过程中很难做到词字上的完全对应。一般情况是为意义完整而增译,如英语中某些及物动词用作不及物动词时后面省略了宾语,write, r

32、ead, wash(1)Mary washes before meals (2)Mary washes before going to bed (3)Mary washes after getting up.(4)Mary washes for a living (5)Mary washes in a restaurant 考题实例:But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is

33、in itself a huge victory.增词法的常用情况1增添原文语法所省略的词语1) Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.2) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.2 增添必要的连接成分增加连词英语中的并列连词和从属连词大都是以单个单词出现,而汉语中的联合连词和偏正连词大

34、都是成对出现。因此,在将英语译成汉语时,应将汉语的连词补充完整。如:if,如果,那么because因为,所以; although虽然,但是; unless除非,否则1) Heated, water will change into vapor.2) However carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost.3) Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it.3用增词法表达出原文的复数概

35、念和数量词英语中没有量词,而汉语表达中的量词却是不可缺少的,如:first thing第一件事;the first oil well第一口油井;等等。1) The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley.2) He stretched his legs which were scattered with scars.3) Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation.4用增词法把抽象概念表达清楚1) Oxidation wil

36、l make iron and steel rusty.2) This lack of resistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computers.3) After all preparations were made, the plane took off.5增加完善性或概括性的词语1) Air pressure decreases with altitude.2) According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of

37、 topsoil.3) A runner from Kenya has won the 42 km Boston Marathon6重复性增词1) Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.2) I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.3) A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither.7修辞或连贯增词1) This

38、 typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.2) They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines, and canals.3) A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories, and his conclusion. - 第五讲词语省略言简意赅 V. 词语省略 言简意赅考题实例:While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are histor

39、ians, modem practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. (1999)The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explan

40、ation of the cosmos. (1998)一般来说,汉语较英语简练,因此时,许多在原文中必不可少的词语要是原原本本地译成汉语,就会成为不必要的冗词,译文会显得十分累赘。省略法在英汉翻译中使用得非常广泛,其主要目的是删去一些可有可无、不符合译文习惯表达法的词语。请看下面一例翻译试题:In the 1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely wealthy and the poor.the 1880s即the eighties of the nineteenth century(19世

41、纪80年代),land此处意为country,不能理解为“土地”;between the immensely wealthy and the poor照字面翻译为“在巨大的财富和贫穷之间”。如果照英语原文结构翻译,势必造成译文的不顺。为了清楚地表达英语原文的意义,同时也符合汉语习惯表达法,可以考虑省略介词between,同时增添“两极”二字。省略技巧的常用情况1代词的省略英语中各类代词的使用十分频繁,要是在译成汉语时,如不省略读起来就会很别扭。(1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.(2) Af

42、ter getting up,I wash my face,brush my teeth,and comb my hair.(3) They went in to dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them.2. 冠词的省略汉语中没有冠词,英语中的定冠词a, an如果不具有量词one的含义,便可以省略,不定冠词the如果不具备指示代词this, that, these, those的含义,也应当省略。1) Any substance is made

43、 of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.2) Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.3) The direction of a force can be represented by an arrow.3. 介词连词的省略英语词句之间的连接依靠介词和连词来完成,而汉语讲究不言而喻,故将英语译成汉语时,可尽量省略介词和连词。(1) The difference between the two machines consists

44、 in power.(2) If I had known it, I would not have joined in it.(3) Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.4. 动词的省略英语凡是句子就少不了动词,而汉语不要动词句子也能成立。(1) When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low.(2) Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do.(3) For this reason

45、television signals have a short range.5. 非人称代词“It”的省略如果it在句中表示时间、距离、天气或作形式主语宾语,在译汉语时应省略。(1) Outside it was pitch-dark and it was raining cats and dogs.(2) This formula makes it easy to determine the wavelength of sounds.(3) It was not until the middle of the 19th century that the blast furnace came

46、into use.练习:代词的省略1 We have 7 days in a week.2 You can never tell!3 They say its so.4 Is it a he or a she?5 As it is, we got there at 10.6 In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves7 I threw the ball to Tom and he threw it to Mary.8 How strongly an airplane is built depends on its

47、 type and purpose. - 第六讲转换变通自然流畅 VI. 转换变通 自然流畅考题实例:Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true. (1998)(词类转换 被动and)考

48、题实例:Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.(1998)( 结构转换,and, 短语) 在翻译过程中,由于两种语言在语法和表达习惯上的差异,我们有时必须改变原文某些词语的词类或句子成分才能有效地传达出原文的准确意思。譬如这样一例:This watch never varies more than

49、 a second in a month.英语中的vary(改变,不同)为动词,汉语没有这样的表达习惯,所以只能将其转换为名词“误差”。英译汉试题中有这样一道题:My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable.此题的结构并不复杂,表语从句的主谓结构为:the complaint is inevitable. 不过,由于complaint的修饰成分过长,我们不宜将the frequent complaint of one g

50、eneration about the one immediately following it译作“一代人对紧接它下来的下一代人的经常的抱怨”,而是要对名词complaint,代词the one和进行词类转换,分别译作动词“抱怨”和名词“一代人”,同时省略代词it,增添连接成分“这一点”,进行这样的词类转换、增减和调整之后,译文就出来了。再看下面这道试英译汉试题:Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.You very likely

51、give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat.此句中的give other passengers a quick glance不宜照字面译作“给乘客们迅速的一瞥”;而要译作“很快地瞅别的乘客一眼”,to assure them的宾语从句that you mean no threat,其中的谓语动词mean也需要进行了词类转换。翻译中的转换变通技巧主要有词类转换和句子成分转换两种情况。 II英译汉的词类转换方法技巧1.各种词类转换成动词汉语的动词使用频

52、率比英语高, 所以将英语各种词类转换成汉语动词是最常见的词类转换。如:Families upstairs have to carry pails to the hydrant downstairs for water.(英语动词只有一个,汉语有5个。)以下是常见的英语各种词类转换为汉语的动词的情况。1) The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.(名词转为动词)2) Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.

53、(名词转为动词)3) Everyone in the room was greatly surprised at what he said(介词转为动词)4) A force is needed to move an object against inertia.(介词转为动词)5) Chemist that he is, Charles is suspicious of all doctors prescription(形容词转为动词)6) When the switch is off, the circuit is open and electricity doesnt go throug

54、h.(副词转为动词)7) In this case the temperature in the furnace is up.(副词转为动词)2各种词类转换为名词1) Most U S spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earths atmosphere after completing their missions.(动词转为名词)2) The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity.(动

55、词转为名词)3) The new contract would be good for ten years.(形容词转为名词)4) In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive.(形容词转为名词)5) He is physically weak but mentally sound.(副词转为名词)6) Supporters of the “nature” theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is

56、 biologically determined(副词转为名词)7) Radio waves are similar to light waves except that their wavelength is much greater.(代词转为名词)8) The specific resistance of iron is not so small as that of copper.(代词转为名词)3各种词类转为形容词1) Given that theyre inexperienced,theyve done a good job.(名词转为形容词)2) Independent thin

57、king is an absolute necessity in study.(名词转为形容词)3) Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.(副词转为形容词)4) It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic.(副词转为形容词)5) The pressure inside equals the pressure outside.(副词转为形容词)4. 各种词类转换成副词1) Below 4, water is in continuous expansion instead of cont

58、inuous contraction.(形容词转为副词)2) Only when we study their properties can we make better use of the materials.(形容词转为副词)3) I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted.(名词转为副词)4) The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.(名词转为副词)5) Rapid evapo

59、ration at the heating-surface tends to make the steam wet.(动词转为副词)III. 英译汉的句子成分转换形式在很多情况下,英语中不同的句子成分也可以根据翻译的需要进行互相转换;譬如,主语转为宾语,宾语转为主语,主语转为谓语,主语转为定语,状语转为主语等等。下面是一些典型的英译汉句子成分转换模式。1) As the match burns, heat and light are given off.(主语转为宾语)2) This sort of stone has a relative density of 2.7.(宾语转为主语)3)

60、Care must be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp.(主语转为谓语)4) Careful comparison of them will show you the difference.(主语转为谓语,宾语转为主语)5) The baby doubled its weight in a year(主语转为定语)6) Thousands of terrified watchers stared with their hearts beating fast(定语转为谓语)7) The test i

61、s intended to reinforce what you have learnt in the past few weeks.(谓语转为表语)8) Mathematics is well taught at that school(状语转为主语)9) The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net.(宾语转为主语) 练习:and的翻译。And在以下各例中,and都不宜译作“和”、“与”、“并且”。1. He did the work, and he did it very well.2. He read for

62、 an hour and went to bed.3. The sun came out and the grass dried.4. I went to his house, and he came to mine.5. He is so rich and lives like a beggar.6. Rust is abrasive and can cause damage to the injection components.7. Chemical splashes can cause eye irritation and permanent eye damage.8. These p

63、arts are made of woods or plastics and not metals.9. This means drying the oil before it enters the system and, to be sensible, ensuring that the air above the oil is dry.10. One step more, and you are a dead man. 第七讲结构调整顺理成章 VII. 结构调整 顺理成章考题实例:Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems a

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