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1、窗体顶端Unit 1 Part 7 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters Provided)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 窗体顶端1.In the school lunchroom, both boys and girls el one another out of the way.Correct an

2、swer: elbowed2.I prepared to comfort her, but my friend el me aside, not letting me say anything at all. Correct answer: elbowed3. She smiled graciously and confidently as she el her way through the crowd. Correct answer: elbowed窗体顶端4.This new discovery of oil is of great sig to the countrys economy

3、.Correct answer: significance6.The reader will have to judge the source and sig of the book for himself.Correct answer: significance7.Jenny hoped that she would avoid re by wearing dark glasses and a hat.Correct answer: recognition8.Pride is a state in which people seek attention and reg for what th

4、ey think they are and what they think they have done.Correct answer: recognition9.The ac of language habits is in itself not enough for the true mastering of a language.Correct answer: acquisition10. There is also evidence of slower ac of language and a higher frequency of learning difficulties for

5、these students. Correct answer: acquisition窗体顶端11.Co now permits short hair for women, but it used to be thought strange.Correct answer: Convention12.He fearlessly attacked con , which caused many problems to him and his family.Correct answer: convention13.A nurse has many duties to fu in caring for

6、 the sick.Correct answer: fulfill14.If those conditions were fu , the boss would agree to pay.Correct answer: fulfilled15.He made a promise that he would certainly not rest until he had fu his responsibility.Correct answer: fulfilled16.The house isnt big enough for us, and, fu , its too far from the

7、 town center.Correct answer: furthermore17.He is not the right person for the project, as he is not very technically minded, and fur , he does not have the sense of responsibility. Correct answer: furthermore18.The new method is both reliable and objective, and fur , it has benefited greatly from th

8、e development of computer technology. Correct answer: furthermore19.He is very proud of whatever he does; he likes to feel wanted and ap .Correct answer: appreciated窗体顶端20.It took time for the new method to be accepted and ap by all.Correct answer: appreciated21. Your knowledge of the issues and you

9、r diligence in pursuing them to ensure protection of the natural environments is greatly admired and ap by us all. Correct answer: appreciated22. She invented a de that automatically closes windows when it rains. Correct answer: device23. The teacher suggests that the writing de was too complicated

10、for the students to use. Correct answer: device24. The de is essential to determining the effects of the new system. Correct answer: device25. If we bu carefully, well be able to afford a new house. Correct answer: budget26. It cost such a great amount of money, which was about three times my bu . C

11、orrect answer: budget27. He wanted to make sure that the bu would be spent to best effect. Correct answer: budget28. He argued that this document is not intended to re his will. Correct answer: replace29. He is the best one so far; there is no one to re him. Correct answer: replace30. The more ac th

12、e illness, the easier for a doctor to diagnose it. Correct answer: acute31. That health insurance provides for ac treatment and related care. Correct answer: acute32. The success depends a lot on the quality of communication and in between the two involved research groups. Correct answer: interactio

13、n33. Similarly, family structures, relationships, and in between members are widely variable between different religious groups in Britain. Correct answer: interaction34. The chief engineer demanded that each of these areas should be controlled and ass separately. Correct answer: assessed35. She loo

14、ked at 100 village plans and ass them one by one according to the requirements. Correct answer: assessed36. The research was designed and con with this particular group of women in mind. Correct answer: conducted37. The duty of the management is to con the business, including the pricing policy of t

15、he business. Correct answer: conduct38. Wh green and blue are cool colors, red and yellow are warm colors that attract attention. Correct answer: Whereas39. What he gave is his opinion, wh when he is asked who he will vote for he gives a fact. Correct answer: whereas40. The teacher greeted us with a

16、 cheerful smile, wh we had been anxious to avoid her for fear she would blame us for not passing the examinations. Correct answer: whereas41. She is extremely com , as well as very good at getting on with people, which is of course critical to jobs like that. Correct answer: competent42. The purpose

17、 of an interview is to identify honest and com applicants. Correct answer: competent窗体底端43. London is one of the most exciting and fas cities in the world. Correct answer: fascinating窗体底端44. The book is endlessly fas and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it to you. Correct answer: fascinating45.

18、The cl of reality and imagination is always disturbing. Correct answer: clash窗体底端46. Its the cl or argument of views that helps to clear up the question. Correct answer: clash窗体底端47. Try to keep the children am while youre cooking by giving them one of the books of fairy tales. Correct answer: amuse

19、d48. Alex did not understand why John seemed to be am by the idea, so he said nothing. Correct answer: amused49. It is said that the nation is surrounded by countries which are very hos to her and do not accept her existence. Correct answer: hostile50. This group of people are bitterly hos to the hu

20、ge powers and privileges of the church in southern Italy. Correct answer: hostile51. I am sorry that I have very sad and dis news to give you. Correct answer: distressing52. Please dont tell her anything about that for she would feel embarrassed and dis . Correct answer: distressed53. It was irres o

21、f you to leave the door unlocked when you went home. Correct answer: irresponsible54. It is not he to assist a friend by putting coins into the pockets that he has holes in. Correct answer: helpful55. To my great amu his false hair fell off when he laughed. Correct answer: amusement56. One must not

22、forget that rec is brought about not by the doctor, but by the sick man himself. Correct answer: recovery57. To do this job well, it is des that you know something about medicine. Correct answer: desirable58. Its hard for some people to get used to the cold impe of modern city life. Correct answer:

23、impersonality59. When access to a better life has been refused often enough, one still cannot use the rej as an excuse to stop all efforts. Correct answer: rejection60. Men sometimes are not in a state of co-operation, but of iso , as to the making of fortunes. Correct answer: isolation61. It is so

24、effi and saves vast amounts of time and money. Correct answer: efficient62. Government rules now require car companies to design and produce cars with increasingly effi engines. Correct answer: efficient63. The gardener was eager to ut different flowers and mix them in order to make the garden more

25、beautiful. Correct answer: utilize64. He realized how to best ut the data that is essential to his research project. Correct answer: utilizeUnit 1 Part 9 Vocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 1. Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank all of you f

26、or your co-operation. A. profitB. benefit C. occasion D. advantage Correct answer: D2. In copying this paper, be careful not to leave _ any words. A. outB. alone C. off D. behind Correct answer: A3. People who cannot _ between colors are said to be color-blind. A. compare B. separate C. establish D.

27、 contrast Correct answer: B4. We finally _ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining. A. reachedB. didC. arrivedD. drove Correct answer: A5. How could he _ from believing that she was changing her mind? A. avoidB. stopC. preventD. keep Correct answer: D6. It is desirable that the airplane _ as lig

28、ht as possible. A. isB. wereC. beD. had been Correct answer: C7. We came finally _ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time. A. ofB. intoC. toD. at Correct answer: C8. I am not used to speaking _ public. A. inB. atC. onD. to Correct answer: D9. He didnt live up to _ had been expect

29、ed of him. A. what B. which C. that D. all Correct answer: A10. She did not feel _ going out, as she had a slight headache. A. aboutB. like C. after D. for Correct answer: B11. The price of gold rose again, partly _ news about war. A. result in B. go with C. because D. due to Correct answer: D12. Re

30、sponsibilities _ becoming a father. A. charge for B. go with C. save for D. go through Correct answer: B13. If you _ in your rent again, you may get thrown out. A. fall behind B. account for C. charge for D. come to Correct answer: A14. The country has _ too many wars in the past few decades; its pe

31、ople are longing for peace so much. A. prevented from B. resulted in C. gone through D. gone with Correct answer: C15. She wouldnt even take a drink, _ stay for dinner. A. much more B. much few C. much lesser D. much less Correct answer: D16. The first popularly chosen president has _ the political

32、representatives over the slow pace of economic change. A. prevented from B. charged for C. accounted for D. clashed with Correct answer: D17. Unless we get more money, well be _ finishing this enquiry program. A. separated from B. recovered from C. prevented from D. charged from Correct answer: C18.

33、 The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, _ he could be in close contact with other cubists (立体派艺术家). A. where B. in which C. that D. in that Correct answer: A19. _ Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he says he is too busy. A. However B. Whomever C. Whenever D. Whatever

34、Correct answer: A20. Every organism produces waste products no longer useful to itself and which _ to accumulate would in fact be harmful. A. if they allowed B. if were allowed C. if was allows D. if allowed Correct answer: D21. I didnt make a _ mistake next time. A. like B. same C. nearr D. similar

35、 Correct answer: D22. Life insurance, _ available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people. A. before B. after C. former D. previously Correct answer: D23. He _ lives in the house where he was born. A. already B. yet C. still D. ever Correct answer: C24. Are you going to th

36、e football game? No. The tickets are _ expensive for me. A. very much B. so much C. far too D. highly Correct answer: C25. For tonights homework, do pages forty and forty-one in the workbook. Professor Hones, I think that is _ work. A. much too much B. much the more C. too hard D. hardest Correct an

37、swer: A26. Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _ well. A. her hair B. her hairs C. the hair D. the hairs Correct answer: A27. A series of problems _ cropped up recently. A. have B. has C. is D. are Correct answer: B28. The officials in the _ at London Airport were very polite. A. Custom B. Cu

38、stoms C. custom D. customs Correct answer: B29. There _ a lot of _ on the roads yesterday. A. was . traffic B. were . traffics C. was . traffics D. were . traffic Correct answer: A30. _ is easily seen. A. The advantage of the economic reform B. The economics reform advantage C. The reform of the eco

39、nomic advantage D. The economic reforms advantage Correct answer: A31. England is an island country. _ consists of three principal islands, and _ climate is generally mild. A. It . its B. She . her C. He . his D. She . its Correct answer: A32. England took arms against _ enemy. A. his B. her C. hers

40、 D. its Correct answer: B33. That man looks familiar to me. He reminds _ Dr. Richards. A. me to B. me C. me for D. me of Correct answer: D34. It seems very difficult _. A. to stop the child to cry B. restraining the child to cry C. to keep the child from crying D. holding the childs crying Correct a

41、nswer: C35. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _ buying some expensive equipment . A. to B. about C. into D. on Correct answer: C36. When Laura finally arrived she apologized _ so late. A. for to come B. that she was coming C. for coming D. to come Correct answer: CUnit 3 Part 7 Fill in the Blank

42、s (with the Initial Letters Provided) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. It is always the false jewels that look the most real, the most bri . Correct answer: brilliant2. To those who look upon t

43、he world reasonably, the world in its turn presents a reasonable view. The relation is mu . Correct answer: mutual3. Before going away, the boss arr his business affairs so that everything would continue as usual. Correct answer: arranged4. Mr. Smith argued with statistics qu from his recent researc

44、h to show that mixed couples had higher divorce rates than couples of the same race. Correct answer: quoted5. Criminal statistics are usually qu as hard facts; that is, they are accepted unquestioningly, and are often used to support the view that there is a rapidly increasing rate of serious crime

45、in modern society. Correct answer: quoted6. This hasty decision to raise income taxes has met a great deal of cri . Correct answer: criticism7. The young woman was filled with ha for the criminals who had killed her husband. Correct answer: hatred8. Ha is an very strong feeling of not liking someone

46、 or something. Correct answer: Hatred9. The woodman ch the block of wood in two with a single blow. Correct answer: chopped10. Nothing can com someone to stay in prison if they can get out; no one likes being walled. Correct answer: compel11. To com a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense; we shoul

47、d try to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Correct answer: compel12. Artistic creation and money making are often incom with one another. Correct answer: incompatible13. Some people think that if a man has experienced any hard , he should have a reward. Correct answer: hardship14. Brilliant

48、 war leadership consists of breaking the enemys re without fighting. Correct answer: resistance15. In the face of our powerful attacks, the enemy re collapsed. Correct answer: resistance16. I carry on walking down the street, careful not to b into people who know me. Correct answer: bump17. She tell

49、s the doctor that initially it appears as a small b , but grows rapidly. Correct answer: bump18. The man was average height, average build, with dark hair and a for face. Correct answer: forgettable19. The officer held that to promote equal opportunities between people of different ra groups in the

50、country was important. Correct answer: racial20. Long periods of ra oppression can result in a system of inequality that may last for indefinite periods of time even after racial barriers are removed. Correct answer: racial21. It is reported that black youth has also experienced high levels of ra di

51、scrimination when applying for work or training. Correct answer: racial22. Well have to decide what com we can agree on. Correct answer: compromise23. He should have been broken and com by fear and concern, but he was not. Correct answer: compromised24. We are committed to widening opportunities wit

52、hout com academic standards. Correct answer: compromising25. Some parents often over or ignore their childrens good behavior; they do not encourage their children in time. Correct answer: overlook26. He has said bitterly that he was over by the Nobel committee. Correct answer: overlooked27. Many of

53、the details are not included, and as a result are over in the plan. Correct answer: overlooked28. And we have coun many women who were both mentally bright and physically beautiful, to help them to build up confidence. Correct answer: counseled29. Come what may, Miller would not listen to coun , not

54、 even from his trusted publisher. Correct answer: counsel30. Our first and sub courses have been a success and are part of a long-term commitment to AIDS prevention. Correct answer: subsequent31. The plan which has emerged from the presidents visit and sub discussions is based on needs and condition

55、s between the two countries. Correct answer: subsequent32. The announcement, and sub meetings, will almost inevitably have an influence on relations between the two countries. Correct answer: subsequent33. Im confused, but it isnt fair to har groundless suspicions towards him. Correct answer: harbor

56、34. These people also har doubts about whether there was widespread political support for the Republicans. Correct answer: harbored35. Tomorrow, he decided, he must press her to a full explanation of the sadness hab in her heart. Correct answer: harbored36. Bill Johnson is, without res , the best pe

57、rformer on stage today. Correct answer: reservation37. My only res is that it might be too good to be true. Correct answer: reservation38. I am happy to agree without res with the points put to the heads of our department. Correct answer: reservation39. AIDS brings pre and fear, and people with the

58、disease are often isolated and rejected. Correct answer: prejudice40. He sets aside pre and thoughtfully explores the positive part of their idea. Correct answer: prejudice41. The new policies are not popular with the citizens as they often based on pre and ignorance. Correct answer: prejudice42. The title of the newspaper report will only serve to con my impression of the present situation. Correct answer: confirm43. Id lik

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