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1、单 元 写 作 专 项Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?本单元的话题是“烹饪”,引导学生学习如何按照步骤制作一种食品。在写作中,学生要会运用表示顺序的单词,如first,next,then,after that 等,同时要会运用祈使句让文章语言丰富。【高频词汇】1.turn on _2.cut up _3.peel the pears _4.pourinto _5.还有一件事 _将梨削皮切碎接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开把倒进里one more thing6.传统食物 _7.main dishes _8.a piece of bread _9.

2、fillwith _10.coverwith _11.奶昔 _一片面包主菜traditional food用把装满用覆盖milk shake【开头句】1.Here is one way to make turkey.这是制作火鸡的一种方法。2.Let me tell you how to make it.让我告诉你怎样制作它。【中间句】1.First,wash and cut up all the fruits.首先,清洗所有水果并切碎它们。2.After that,cook them for about 10 minutes.在那之后,把它们煮大约10分钟。3.Finally,dont fo

3、rget to add some salt.最后,别忘了加些盐。【结尾句】1.Now,its time to enjoy the rice noodles.现在是享用米线的时间了。2.They taste delicious,dont they?它们尝起来很可口,是吗?【名言警句】1.It is difficult to cater for all tastes.众口难调。2.Food is the first necessity of people.民以食为天。3.Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。【写作任务】假

4、如你班下周一英语口语课上要交流烹饪心得,你喜欢西红柿炒鸡蛋(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)这道菜,并且会做这道菜,请用英语写一篇短文在口语课上向同学介绍这道菜的做法。要求:语言流畅通顺,词数80左右。【写作点拨】1.审题:(1)确定时态。描述西红柿炒鸡蛋这道菜的制作过程,应用一般现在时;(2)确定体裁。短文是介绍一道菜肴的烹饪步骤,应是说明文。交代所用原材料后,应用first,next,then等表示先后顺序的词将制作步骤交代完整。(3)确定人称。该文多用祈使句,主要涉及第二人称。【范文点评】Hello,everyone!Today,let me tell you

5、how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes,a delicious dish.Here are some instructions for making it.You need two eggs,two tomatoes,some oil,sugar and salt.Now,lets practice together.Here are some instructions for making it.该句引出下文,简洁明了。用Now,lets practice together.起到承上启下的作用,从介绍原料转移到操作步骤的介绍。First,you sh

6、ould mix up the two eggs.Next,cut up the tomatoes into small pieces.Then,pour some oil into the pan.After a while,put the eggs in the pan,and then the tomatoes.Cook them for about three minutes.Finally,dont forget to add a little salt and sugar.Now,its time to have the nice dish.Thats it.Thanks.firs

7、t,next,then等词汇的使用,使短文层次分明,步骤环环相扣。另外,mix up,cut up,pour,put,cook,add等动词的使用准确得当。请你根据以下图片提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下水果沙拉的制作过程。要求:语句通顺,80词左右。_Do you like eating fruit salad?And do you know how to make it?If you dont know,let me tell you.First,buy some yogurt and some fruits you like.For example,you can buy an oran

8、ge,an apple,a banana,and some strawberries.Next,wash the apple and the strawberries,and peel the banana and the orange.Then,cut the fruits into pieces and _put them into a bowl.Finally,pour the yogurt into the bowl and mix it up with the fruit pieces.Make sure to mix them well.Its quite simple to make fruit salad,isnt it?Now you can have a try._谢谢观看谢谢观看Thank you for watching!

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