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1、人教新起点三年级上册英语句型转换专项强化练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据要求写句子。1I can draw a nice picture. (改为否定句)2My mother has a red bicycle. (改为一般疑问句)3Is this a colour spinner? (否定回答)4The coffee isbitter. (根据句子意思提问)5The flowers arepink. (根据句子意思提问)2. 句型转换。1This dog is fat.(改为否定句但意思不变)This dog_.2Hesmy brother.(根据句子提问)_he?3. 根据汉语提示按要求

2、改写句子。1This is my book. (改为否定句)This_my book.这不是我的书。2Drink my milk. (改为否定句)_drink my milk.不要喝我的牛奶。3Id like a cake. (改为一般疑问句)_you like a cake?你想吃蛋糕吗?4Whats this?(作出回答)Its_English book.它是一本英语书。4. 句型转换。1Listen to him.(改为否定句)2.This ismy English book.(根据句子意思提问)3.She is my aunt. (改为一般疑问句)4Would you like a s

3、weet? (否定回答)5.Id likea yellow doll.(根据句子意思提问)5. 句型转换。1.She issix years old.(对句子提问)2.Theres Zoom.(改为一般疑问句)6. 句型转换。1Id likea yellow doll.(根据句子意思提问)2There are some books on the table.( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答)3I like to drink some milk. (用what提问)4I like the beautiful picture(图片). (改成一般疑问句)like the beautiful pictu

4、re?5It iswinter. (根据句子意思提问)is it?7. 句型转换。1Imfine. (根据句子意思提问)you?2This is Mr Wang. (改为般疑问句)Mr Wang?3Listen to him.(改为否定句)4My T-shirt isgreen. (根据句子意思提问)is your T-shirt?5This ismy English book.(根据句子意思提问)?8. 句型转换。(1)I wanted to go to the museum last Sunday. (变为一般疑问句)_ _want to go to the museum last Sun

5、day?(2)Wevisited lotsofplacesat the weekend. (根据句子意思提问)What _ you _ at the weekend?(3)Hesfine. (根据句子意思提问) _ _ he?(4)We visited the British Museum. (变为否定句)We _ _ the British Museum.9. 按要求改写句子。1. I like swimming. (改为一般疑问句)2.Sixsheep. (句子提问)3. Open the gate. (改为否定句)4. I likedancing. (句子提问)5. Can you he

6、ar the cows? (改为肯定句)6. is, birthday, cake, a, you, here, for, (连词成句)10. 句型转换。1The flowers arepink.(对句子提问)2He is a pupil.(改成复数)3The apples areten yuan.(对句子提问)4My mother has a red bicycle.(改为一般疑问句)11. 句型转换。1Has your mother got a nice dress?(作否定回答)2Sam has got a new kite.(改为一般疑问句)3She hasnt got a nice

7、toy.(改为肯定句)4This doll is nice.(改成复数)12. 按要求完成句子。1That is my coat.(改为一般疑问句)_your coat?2Is this your yacht?(作肯定回答)_, it_.3Is that your watch?(作否定回答)_, it_.4Is this your vest?(改为陈述句)_my vest.13. 按要求完成句子。(1)is,GuoYang,name,His(.)(连词成句)(2)many,have,How,you,canyons,do(?)(连词成句)(3)friend,is,She,my(.)(连词成句)(

8、4)Whatsthematter?(翻译成中文)(5)Mysisterisveryyoung.(翻译成中文)14. 根据要求完成句子。1.Itisanegg.(变为一般疑问句)2.Thatisacake.(根据句子意思提问)3.Idlikesomebreadandsomemilk.(英译汉)4.are/you/here(.)(连词成句)5.please/egg/an/like/Id(.)(连词成句)15. 按要求写句子。1Itsan owl.(对句子提问)_it?2Is that your yacht?(作否定回答)_, it_.3Itstwo oclock.(对句子提问)_is it?4I

9、like bananas.(改为否定句)I_bananas.5I like apples.(改为一般疑问句)_you like_?16. 句型转换。1Is it a hot dog?(作肯定回答)2Hello, are you Miss Cat? (肯定回答)3I amten. (根据句子意思提问)4My name isQiqi. (根据句子意思提问)5Im Dongdong. (写出同义句)17. 按要求改写句子。1. My name isTim. (句子提问)2.Tim and Tomare afraid of the big bad wolf. (句子提问)3. Imnine. (句子提

10、问)4. I like pandas. (改为一般疑问句)5. door, little, open, pigs, the, (连词成句)18. 句型转换。1. This is my foot. (变复数)2. I have a big head. (变一般疑问句)3. My nose is small. (变否定句)4. I have long arms. (变否定句)5. Do you have a big mouth? (作否定回答)19. 句型转换。1Hesmy brother.(根据句子意思提问)he?2My name isMary.(根据句子意思提问)name?3They are

11、apples.(改为单数句)apple.4The bananas are long.(改为否定句,但意思不变)The bananas.5There aretwopears.(根据句子意思提问)are there?20. 按要求完成下列各题。1. is/ my/ this/ head. (.) (连词成句)2. to/ your/ point/ leg (.)(连词成句)3. Point to the bears arm. (翻译成汉语)4. This ishis foot.(根据句子意思提问)5. This is a new desk. (改为一般疑问句)21. 句型转换。1We like t

12、his kite.(改为否定句)We_this kite.2His sister isnine.(对句子提问)_is his sister?22. 按要求写句子。1. Where are you from?(根据实际情况作出回答)2. My name isJack(对句子提问)3. Mike is fromAmerica(对句子提问)4. Are you Chen Jie?(作出肯定回答)23. 按要求完成下面的句子。1.It isnt a duck.(改为肯定句)2.Is his birthday in July?(作肯定和否定回答)3.When is your mothers birthday?(按实际情况回答)4This is my cat. (变为复数形式).24. 根据要求改写句子。1What are these?(用duck回答)2Whats this?(用orange回答)3Is it a pig?(作否定回答)4Are those cows?(作肯定回答)5Nice to meet you.(答语)25. 按要求写句子。1. Is it a frog? (作否定回答)2. What colour is the hat? (用“红色”回答)3. Whats this? (用“便帽”回答) 4. Whats in it? (用“一个书包”回答)8 / 8

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