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1、English Paragraph Writing 英语段落写作 段落写作 段落是文章内容中具有一个完整意义的外部表现形 态,是文章结构的基本单位。段落通常由若干个对 一个主要观点展开论述的相互关联的句子组成。但 段落并非是句子的随意堆砌,句子内容之间应该具 有连贯和逻辑性。段落表达的内容应该是单一的, 一个段落只能表达一个意思,而不能把意思上互不 相关的句子堆砌在一起,造成段落内容的庞杂错乱 ;段落表达的内容应该是完整的,一个意思应当尽 量集中在一个段落里陈述,最好不要分割成两段或 几段,而使段落内容支离破碎。 English Paragraph Writing 1 Paragraph St

2、ructure 2 Paragraph Unity 3 Paragraph Coherence 段落的整体性 段落的构成 段落的连贯性 1. Paragraph Structure 段落的构成 One English paragraph usually includes the following three parts: (1) Topic Sentence主题句 (2)Supporting / Developing Sentence 辅助句 / 支撑句 / 发展句 (3) Concluding Sentence 结尾句 Topic sentence 主题句 在段落中用于概括段落主旨大意的句

3、子,叫做主 题句。一个好的主题句能够准确地表达作者的观 点或态度。关于主题的这个观点或态度成为主题 思想( controlling idea)。主题句限定了在一个 单独的段落中所允许讨论的内容。 例: 主题句 Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.该句中 gold 是主题词, two important characteristics 是表 达主题思想的关键词。 How to Write a Good Topic Sentence Three essential points: 3个要点 1.主题

4、句必须是一个完整的句子 ,包括一个主语,一 个谓语动词,常常还带有其它修饰语。下面的例子中 虽然有的包括主题思想,但并不是完整的句子。 Fragments: Driving on freeways. How to register for college classes. The benefits of television to children. Revised sentences: Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness机敏 . Registering for college classes can be a frustratin

5、g experience for new students. Television benefits young children in three major ways. Fragments: Driving on freeways. How to register for college classes. The benefits of television to children. How to Write a Good Topic Sentence Three essential points: 2.主题句 由 主题词 和 主题思想 的表述两部分构成 主题词表明讨论的对象。主题思想的表

6、述部分 限制或控制这个主题在一个段落中能够被论述 的具体方面。它应该是能够展述主题思想的一 个词或一个短语,即关键词。 Topic and controlling idea The topic sentence gives a paragraph direction and purpose. It tells what the paragraph is about (the topic), and how the writer will develop that topic (the controlling idea). 试分析下列的主题句: 例 1 The Womens Movement h

7、as had several effects on the English language. 在这个主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是 several effects,它规定了谈论的主题和内容。为了论证这个 主题思想,作者应提供具体细节或实例来回答这样的问 题:“ What reasons did I have for saying several effects?” 有可能列出以下原因: 1) It has created Ms., a title for women comparable to Mr. for men. 2)The Movement has changed the endi

8、ng of several compound words from man to person. 3) The Movement is responsible for some new terms. 例 2 Students on this campus recently voiced several complaints. 问题:该主题句中,表达主题思想的关键词是 什么? 答案: several complaints 所以在主题句后,应辅以细节来论证主题思想 several complaints。 有可能列出下列事实: 1) They voiced dissatisfaction with

9、the campus lighting. 2) They expressed their disgust with the cafeteria food. 3) They protested the grading politics of the instructors. 例 3 Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive habit . 该主题句中,主题是 the habit of smoking cigarettes, 主题思想是 Smoking cigarettes can be expensive。 在此句中 expensive是表示主题思想的关键词,

10、在展开 主题句的段落中,应论证吸烟的确是开销较大的一种习 惯。下面是一个说明主题展开的段落提纲。 1) Cigarettes cost about seventy-five cents. 2) The average smoker smokes two packs a day. 3) The annual expense for this smoker is $547.50. 4) The smoker must also pay for extra cleaning of carpets, furniture, and clothes. How to Write a Good Topic S

11、entence 3.由于主题句仅仅提及主题思想,因此 只是一种概括性 的陈述而不提供具体的细节 ,它能被段落中其它句子 解释、论证或分析。主题句应该对该段落内容进行适当 概括和限制。主题句如果太过笼统,就不能包含具体的 思想和观点,对段落如何展开缺乏指导和限定,使读者 由于内容太空泛而很难确切地知道本段要谈论的内容; 主题句如果太具体,读者就会发现作者对这段内容已无 发挥、充实的余地,而无法将主题句展开。 Which is a good topic sentence? 1. American food is terrible. 2. American food is tasteless and

12、 greasy because Americans use too many canned, frozen, and prepackaged foods and because everything is fried in oil or butter. 3. American food is tasteless and greasy. 1. American food is terrible. 第一句作为主题句不合适,因为句子内容阐 述 过于笼统和抽象 ,段落扩展的 发挥点不 明确 。 2. American food is tasteless and greasy because Ameri

13、cans use too many canned, frozen, and prepackaged foods and because everything is fried in oil or butter. 第二句 缺乏概括性的特点 ,局限于某个具 体事务,而在文字和内容上无法再进一步 展开。 3. American food is tasteless and greasy. 第三句 具有概括性的观点 ,可以通过列举事实、说明 理由,补充细节材料,展开段落内容。所以,这是一 个比较好的主题句。 试分析下面的句子: 是否能做主题句 ? Hong Kong is famous for its

14、developed economy, high standard of living, and intercultural atmosphere. 分析:这个句子包含了 过多的信息,主体不明确,这 会使段落缺乏统一性 。句中所阐述的三个部分的内容 是互不相关的,不能单独放再单独的一个段落内叙述 ,而应放在三个段落里写。改写为: Hong Kong is famous for its developed economy,就可以成为一 个比较好的主题句了。 Activity Identify which is the topic sentence: 1. Systolic pressure收缩压

15、between 140 and 160 indicates borderline hypertension. 2. In the usual blood pressure reading, the systolic measurement is given first and is the higher of the two. 3. Systolic pressure is taken when the heart is contracting to pump blood; diastolic pressure舒 张压 is taken when the heart is resting be

16、tween beats. 心脏收缩泵血时测得收缩压;心脏舒张时测得舒张压 Activity Identify which is the topic sentence: 4. Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and diastolic. 5. Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement of 140, and when the systolic pressure is 160 or higher, then hypertension exists. How to W

17、rite a Good Topic Sentence Position of Topic Sentence: 主题句的位置 主题句 的位置比较灵活,通常位于段首,其优 点是开门见山,一目了然。用演绎法写的段落也 称 “扩张法”,就是以概述主题开首,随之辅以 细 说,即用具体细节或事例来演绎展开主题句中的 主题思想。 主题句有时也位于段落的中间。这种写作方法 常用来比较或对比不同的对象。段中主题句起承 上启下,使上下文平衡的作用。 How to Write a Good Topic Sentence Position of Topic Sentence: 主题句的位置 用归纳法写段落也称作“收拢

18、法”,从细节出 发,最后归纳到段落的中心论点。用此种方法 写作时,主题句一般位于段落的末尾,它是依 据上文的细节推论出的论点,起到画龙点睛的 作用。 在有的段落中,主题句甚至不直接写出来,而 是通过细节的陈述含蓄地表达出段落的主题思 想。是,需有读者意会。 尽管主题句可以出现在段落中的任何位置, 但对于英语写作的初学者来说,大多数情况 下,采用段首主题句的方法进行写作练习, 便于扩展和限制全段的写作,是一种行之有 效的方法。我们必须明确,主题句无论出现 在段落的何处,都必须是段落内容的焦点, 即必须涵盖段落其它句子所阐述的论点。 Practice Read each of the follow

19、ing paragraphs. If you find a topic sentence, underline it. Paragraph1 Changes in the prices of goods can cause changes in production and consumption. Production increases when the prices are high. As the prices of goods go up, producers make more goods because they can make more money when they sel

20、l the goods. On the other hand, consumption incrassates when the prices are low. As the prices goods go down, consumers buy more goods because of the low prices. Paragraph2 Albert Einstein, one of the worlds geniuses, failed his university entrance examinations on his first attempt. William Faulkner

21、, one of Americans noted writers, never finished college because he could not pass his English courses. Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered one of the masters of the English language, had to have special tutoring in English during elementary school. These examples show that failure in school do

22、es not always predict failure in life. How to Write Good Supporting Sentences 辅助句也称展开句或推展句。 辅助句是主题句的延伸 ,是段落中对主题句进行具体论证的句子,即以具体 的和真实的细节对段落主题进行阐述、说明、举证或 引申,从而扩展深化主题。 学生在英语写作中存在的一个最大的问题常常是在文 章中缺乏组走的信息和具体细节来说明或支持段落主 题。要写好辅助句,必须注意所有辅助句的阐述都要 与主题密切相关,要有充分的论证细节来说明主题思 想,保持句子的连贯性,所有的句子都应按其逻辑顺 序排列。 例 My roomma

23、te Paul possesses the characteristics of a good student. One of his characteristics is always being prepared for classes. For example, when his philosophy professor assigns a class discussion on the idea of Kant(康德) , he goes to the library and does extensive research on the subject. In addition, wh

24、en his English instructor assigns an out-of-class essay, he brings to class the final copy of an essay that he has revised several times. 在这个段落中,辅助句以简明和独特的具体实 例来论证和展开主题句,而且所有句子都统一 于这个主题。 Activity Try developing the topic sentences. Illustrate your personality with specific examples. I am a very sens

25、itive person. I am a very independent person. I think I would be a good friend. I am a very sensitive person, and thats good to a point. I feel everyone should be able to feel or understand what others are going through. But when you hurt, cry, or are unhappy for people you dont know, or for a movie

26、 that is not real, then I think thats a little too sensitive. Thats the way I am. I am a very independent person. I must do things for myself. I dont like people doing things for me, or helping me, or giving me things. Its not that I dont appreciate it, because I do. I just feel that when someone do

27、es something for you, you owe them, and if there is one thing I dont like to feel, its that I owe anyone anything. I think I would be a good friend. I would do almost anything for someone I like, and would share or give anything I have. Im very caring and understanding. People trust me with their se

28、crets, and theyre right for doing so because I never tell any secret that is told to me. Im always there to help in any way that I can. All you have to do is ask. How to Write a Good Concluding Sentence 使用表示段落结尾的转承信号词 , 如“ in conclusion, in summary, finally, in brief, in sum, to conclude, all in all

29、”等。 对段落要点加以总结。 对主题加以评论,给读者留下深刻的印象。 Activity Write a concluding sentence based on the given outline. Topic Sentence: There are three things that would make me the happiest person in the world. Body Part: A happy family life A satisfying career Inner peace and security Concluding Sentence: In conclusi

30、on, if I could have a good home life, a challenging job, and inner strength, I would be contented and satisfied with my life. Practice Finish writing the concluding sentences: Producers make more goods when prices are high, and consumers buy more goods when prices are low. As prices go up, producers

31、 make more goods because they can make more money for their goods. As prices go down, consumers buy more goods because of the low prices. This shows us how changes in the prices of goods can cause changes in production and consumption. Practice Try to appreciate the following paragraph, and identify

32、: (1) Topic sentence (2) Supporting sentences (3) Concluding sentences Of all the four seasons, I have a stronger preference for spring. Spring is the season when nature wakes up from her long winter sleep, and everything starts to grow. You can always listen for birds singing, witness butterflies d

33、ancing and watch bees busy with flowers. Spring is a season associated with beautiful landscape. The sky is crystal clear, so is the water with beautiful red flowers and lovely green grass surrounding you. Spring is a soft song, sweet and melodious. When I am in a bad mood, I will occasionally searc

34、h my memories for the notes of this song. When I meet with difficulties, I sing the song to find comfort, nourishment, strength and inspiration in its gentle tune. That is spring my favorite season, dynamic and colorful, which always fills me with joy and gives me peace of mind. keys Of all the four

35、 seasons, I have a stronger preference for spring. Spring is the season when nature wakes up from her long winter sleep, and everything starts to grow. You can always listen for birds singing, witness butterflies dancing and watch bees busy with flowers. Spring is a season associated with beautiful

36、landscape. The sky is crystal clear, so is the water with beautiful red flowers and lovely green grass surrounding 主题句 you. Spring is a soft song, sweet and melodious. When I am in a bad mood, I will occasionally search my memories for the notes of this song. When I meet with difficulties, I sing th

37、e song to find comfort, nourishment, strength and inspiration in its gentle tune. That is spring my favorite season, dynamic and colorful, which always fills me with joy and gives me peace of mind. keys 结尾句 2.2 Paragraph Unity 段落的一致性是指文章基于一个统一的主题, 段落内容应保持一致,每个段落只能阐述一个中 心思想,每一个句子都应与主题句密切相关,那 些与主题无关和不

38、能展开论证主题思想的句子应 删去,从而形成一个严谨的段落结构。 阅读下面 段落,并分析段落是否具有一致性。 There are few places in the world today that have not been spoiled by industrial development and pollution. The air we breathe is more often than not polluted by the smoke from factory chimneys and the exhaust fumes of motor vehicles, while chemi

39、cal waste poisons our rivers, lakes and seas. And by covering more and more of the earths surface with buildings and roads, we are erecting huge barriers of concrete between ourselves and nature. It would appear that we are purposely cutting ourselves off from nature and destroying wildlife as we do

40、 so. 例 1 分析例 1: 这段例文中,所有的句子都是围绕着“我 们 生存环境被污染,生态环境被破坏”这一主 题 论述的,具有较好的统一性。 例 2 Another problem facing a number of elderly people is living on a reduced income. Upon retiring, old people may receive a pension from their company or Social Security from the government. The amount of their monthly checks

41、is often half the amount the checks they received when they were employed. Suddenly, retirees find that they can no longer continue the life-style that they had become accustomed to, even if that life style was a modest one. Many find, after paying their monthly bills, that there is no money left fo

42、r a movie or a dinner out. Of course, sometimes they cant go out because of their health. Maybe they have arthritis or rheumatism, and it is painful for them to move around. This can also change their life style. Some older people, however, discover that the small amount of money they receive will n

43、ot even cover their monthly bills. They realize with horror that electricity, a telephone, and nourishing food are luxuries they can no longer afford. They resort to shivering in the dark, eating cat food in order to make ends meet. (Smalley we have, nonetheless, remained close to each other even to this day- our twentieth class reunion.

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