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1、What is the consumptive disease?Jin Gui Yao Lue is the first book that proposed the name of consumptive disease.Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Luan dose a more detailed exposition of consumptive disease reasons and all kinds of symptoms,and take a specific explanation for five tiredness(五劳五劳),six excessive(六极六极)

2、,and seven injury(七伤七伤).After Jin dynasty,many physicians have done a lot of research of the theory and clinical treatment for consumptive disease,and has a larger development.LiDongyuan attach importance to the spleen and stomach,and he was good at sweet-warm complement the middle energier(甘温补中甘温补中

3、).Qing Dynasty,consumptive disease data have been collected and researched more systematically by BuJuJi.This book contained many years intellective accumulation of the ancient doctors.金匮要略首先提出了虚劳的病名。诸病源候论比较详细地论述了虚劳的原因及各类症状,对五劳、六极、七伤的具体内容作了说明。金元以后,许多医家对虚劳的理论认识及临床治疗都有较大的发展。如李东垣重视脾胃,长于甘温补中。清代的不居集对虚劳的资

4、料作了比较系统的汇集整理,是历代医家们多年智慧的累积!Ancient researchModern research Consumptive disease is a common syndrome,modern medicine refers to the physiological hypofunction or disorder symptoms.The past 10 years,many medical workers to consumptive disease a great deal of clinical and experimental studies,which expl

5、ore the essence of the consumptive disease and raise the level of diagnosis and treatment is of great significance.虚劳是常见的一种病证,现代医学上指生理功能减退或紊乱症状。近10余年来,许多医学工作者对虚证进行了大量的临床及实验研究,这对探讨虚劳的实质,促进虚劳辨证论治水平的提高具有重要的意义。六极:气极、脉极、筋极、肉极、骨极、精极。五劳:志劳思劳心劳忧劳和疲劳。七伤:大饱伤脾,大怒气逆伤肝,强力举重久坐湿地伤肾,形寒饮冷伤肺,形劳意损伤神,风雨寒暑伤形,恐惧不节伤志。Symp

6、toms of Consumptive Disease 1.Deficiency of Lung Qi:shortness of breath(气短气短),sweat spontaneously(自汗自汗),alteration of chills and fever recently(时寒时热时寒时热),and easy to catch a cold(易感冒易感冒).2.Deficiency of Spleen Qi:sallow complexion(面色萎黄面色萎黄),loose stool(大便溏泻大便溏泻),poor appetite(胃口不好胃口不好).3.Deficiency

7、of Heart Qi:palpitation(心悸心悸),shortness of breath(气短气短),especially activities.4.Deficiency of Kidney Qi:lumbar debility(腰膝酸软腰膝酸软),weak and tired(虚弱无力虚弱无力),a frequent urge to urinate(尿频尿频)Deficiency of Lung Qi Deficiency of Spleen QiDeficiency of Heart Qi Deficiency of Kidney Qi They have other sympt

8、oms like lassitude(神神疲疲),fatigue(劳累)(劳累),pale tongue(舌淡舌淡),weak pulse(脉弱脉弱)5.Deficiency of Heart Blood:palpitation(心悸心悸),forgetful(健忘健忘),insomnia(失眠失眠),dreaminess(多多梦梦),fine pulse(脉细脉细)6.Deficiency of Liver Blood:hypochondriac pain(胁痛),(胁痛),numbness of limb(肢麻),(肢麻),blurred vision(视物模糊)。(视物模糊)。Other

9、 symptoms:dizziness(头晕头晕),blurred(眼花眼花),sallow complexion(面容憔悴面容憔悴)7.Deficiency of Heart Yang:palpitation(心悸心悸),sweat spontaneously(自汗自汗),choking sensation in chest(胸闷),胸闷),heart stuffy(心闷心闷),late Pulse(脉迟脉迟)8.Deficiency of Spleen Yang:poor appetite(胃口不好胃口不好),bowel sound(肠鸣肠鸣),abdominal pain(腹痛腹痛),l

10、oose stool(大便溏泻大便溏泻).9.Deficiency of Kidney Yang:lumbar debility(腰膝酸软腰膝酸软),nocturnal emission(遗精遗精),impotence in males(阳痿阳痿),Other symptoms:aversion to cold(畏寒畏寒),cold limbs(肢冷),(肢冷),weak pulse(脉弱脉弱)Treatment Yin Asthenia Nourish yin and calm the nerves,Clear away heat and fret Semen,Poria,Anemarrhena,Chuanxiong,Licorice Suanzaoren SoupWarm in the middle energizer and invigorate spleen,Harmonize the yin and yang,ginger,licorice,peony,jujube Asthenia of both Yin and Yang Benefit qi and Warm in the middle energizer,Harmonize the yin and yangAstragalus,ginger,licorice,peony,jujube

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