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1、武林外传英语话剧 (节选) 【说死姬无命的那一集】This is a part from ,in Chinese ,called 武林外传。In this part ,姬,who is a Offenders ,escape from the Prison ,and return to The Tongfu hotel to revenge! However, he cant remember who he is ,in other words he forgets everything that once happened in the hotel. Being frightened, th

2、e people in the hotel decide to run away, and our story begins!白(急):pick up things that are necessaryand then we should run away as possible as we can! 掌柜: Why? Are you okay, Zhan tang白:Ji escape from the prison!大嘴:Ai.It isnt as bad as I thought. If he dares to come, I will put him into the prison a

3、gain without yours help.白:Then I just need to wait for your body. Nobody knows how strong he is. If there was not a exception for him, we would not have the chance to speak here today.掌柜(面露紧张):Then what we should do ,now?白:We can do nothing except run away as soon as possible.掌柜(转向贝):Xiao Bei ,there

4、 is not any point studying ,you ,now inform Xiucai and Xiao guo.Hurry!(秀才进)白:Okay,Xiucai is coming ,now I will go to inform Xiaoguo!秀才:Em,I come to make you know why I say knowledge is power!掌柜(摔掉手中的书):Dont you see we are busy? Translate it to Xiaoguo!秀才:No. She will hit me.老白:(放下手中东西,指着秀才)If you do

5、nt go ,I will hit you秀才:It is better to say something than do for a gentleman.掌柜:(把秀才向门外推)秀才: AI.Is it every difficult to accept the truth?掌柜:(收拾手中的手饰) Ok, say it!秀才:It will begin with the relationship between the universe and the human being.白:Excellent! Beautiful ! Well, take the pillow?秀才:Then ,w

6、hy you were laughing at me?掌柜:It is our ignorance .Where is my mirror?秀才:(疑惑)you?掌柜:We are stupid !Okay? Go, quickly.Well,where is Dazui?白:He goes to rent a trio .掌柜:Then we are ready. Isnt it?(楼下传来打斗声,碗碟破碎声,老白,掌柜的出)贝:Then when will we go?(姬拉过小贝,小贝大叫)白:Stop! She is your own daughter!( (The shopkeepe

7、r speak to Lao Bais ear with low voice ,then,Lao Bai frightened) What?掌柜:I have no choice!白:Although, you shouldnt tell lies!姬:Then whose daughter she is on earth?掌柜:yours!(指向姬).his!姬:What? His daughter? Your are a big beast!秀才:Stop! Once a sage said Force will not resolve any problems!众人: Who?秀才:DR

8、.LV.姬(angry):Well, I will kill you the way you like!郭 :(comes out)the row mountain pour sea,(BE used the arm elbow system by the small 姬 ) Alas!.姬: Next time recruit, there is no need to speak out! Taking a life.秀才:Wait! Of course you can kill me, but before you kill me, please tell me who would hav

9、e killed me.姬:Silly question! Its me, of course!秀才:Who is that “me”?姬:How do I know who you are !秀才(smile):Well ,there is the question.姬:What do you mean on earth?秀才:It Will begin with the relationship between human being and the universe. Take yourself for example, there is a problem bothering you

10、from the day you wereborn till the day you die.姬:Whats the problem?秀才:Who am I?姬:Ive already known it!秀才:Really? No, you dont know. Who are you? Are you Jiwuming? No, it is only a name, a signal. You can be called Jiwuming, so can I, and so can they. But when we take the signal off, who are you? 姬:I

11、.I dont know. And I dont have to know!秀才:Alright, then answer me another question-who am I?姬:This question has been asked just now.秀才:No, what I asked you just now is me, and this time, is myself!姬:Any difference?秀才:For instance, when I take the use of signal “I” to make a dialogue, your signal is “

12、I” too. Dose not it mean that you are me and I am you?姬:ThisThis question is not worthy to answer!秀才:Ok, lets talk about some thing worthy. Where do I come from? When would I die? Why am I in the world? What is the significant for my coming to the world? Is that I choose the world or the world choos

13、es me?!姬(angry):OK, thats enough!秀才:Is there any essential relationship between the universe and I? Is there an edge for the universe? Dose time have length? Where did the past time disappear? Where dose the future stop? The question Im asking now is the question you just heard?姬(angry):Ill kill you

14、!秀才(with louder voice):who kills me, and who is killed by me?!姬(silent for a long time):I kill myself?秀才:Yes, congratulations! You are right! Then do it!旁白:Jimuming hit himself on his head, fall to the floor.秀才:He wouldnt get up again, would he?展堂:(摸其呼吸) Never!小郭:How to say this.秀才(smile):Easy! Know

15、ledge is power! (Applause )welcome to see the knowledge Competition hold by the Tongfu hotel the same time next week!秀才说死姬无命 the Verbal killing of Jiwuming by Xiucai LV 姬无命:(对秀才)你这个禽兽! You bastard秀才:别过来!子曾经说过:武力是解决不了任何问题的! dont come up. The teacher once said:force is not a solution to problems 众人:什么

16、子? which teacher?秀才:吕子! Teacher LV姬无命:想怎么死?我成全你! How do you wanna be killed? Ill help you.小郭:排山倒海!(姬无命不怕,反倒把小郭弄疼了)诶呦! Vehement force!(ouch!) 姬无命:下回出招用不着先喊!拿命来!(向秀才奔去) Next time, play before uttering a word. you are dead! 秀才:慢着!杀我可以,但你先说明白了,我到底是死在谁的手里? hold on. you can kill me,however,I want to be su

17、re that who wants me dead.姬无命:废话,我呀! bullshit.me!秀才:我是谁? who is ME?姬无命:(犯迷糊,想了会)我怎么知道你是谁啊? How am I supposed to know who you are? 秀才:问题来了吧? Here comes the question. 姬无命:(看看大家,又看秀才)你,什么意思啊? you.what are you trying to say? 秀才:这得从人和宇宙的关系开始讲起了.(示意姬无命坐下),在你身上长久以来一直就有一个问题在缠绕你. Ill start to explain it by t

18、elling the relationship between the universe and human beings. There is a question that has been bothering you for a while.姬无命:什么问题啊? what question?秀才:WHO AM I?(我是谁?) Who am I?姬无命:我这个我已经知道了 about this.Ive already known it.秀才:不!你不知道。你知道吗?你是谁?姬无命吗?不!这只是个名字,一个代号,你可以叫姬无命,我也可以叫姬无命,他们都可以。把这个代号拿掉之后呢?你又是谁?

19、NO.you dont know.do you know it? Who are you? Jiwuming? no.Its simply a name,a symbol.your name is Jiwuming.I can name myself Jiwuming,too.So can they. If you take this symbol off you,what have you got?姬无命:(摇摇头)我不知道。(愤怒)我也不用知道! I dont konw.I dont need to know.秀才:好!好!那你再回答我另一个问题。我是谁? Ok.fine.Can you

20、answer me another question? Who am I?姬无命:这个问题已经问过了?! youve sked this question already.秀才:不,我刚才问的是本我,现在问的是自我。(不一样吗?) no.I was asking about self.Now I am asking about myself.姬无命:这有什么区别吗?Any difference between these two? 秀才:举个例子,当我用我这个代号来进行对话的同时,你的代号也是我,这以为着什么呢?这是否以为着,你就是我,而我也就是你? For instance, when I

21、talk to you using this symbol,it is also mine.you know what it means? Does it mean that I am YOU and you are ME?姬无命:(沉思说到)这个问题没什么意义吗! there is no point to this question!秀才:那就问几个有意义的!我生从何来,死往何处,我为何要出现在这个世界上?我的出现对这个世界来说意味着什么,是世界选择了我还是我选择了世界?! ok.Let me ask you something meaningful.Where did I come fro

22、m? Where will I leave for? Why am I here in this world? What do I mean for this world? Did the world pick me or I chose the world?姬无命:够了! Enough!秀才:我和宇宙之间有必然的联系吗?宇宙是否有尽头,时间是否有长短,过去的时间在那里消失,未来的时间又在何处停止,我在这一刻提出的问题还是还是你刚才听到的问题吗?Is there a definite connection bewteen me and the universe? Does the time h

23、ave length? where did the past vanish.Where will the time cease? Is the question you heard minutes ago the same one I am asking now? 姬无命:我杀了你!(极其愤怒) Im gonna kill you!秀才:是谁杀了我,而我又杀了谁?! Who killed me,and Who did I kill?姬无命:是我杀了我。 Its me who killed me!秀才:回答正确!动手吧! correct! Please.姬无命:呀!(自杀)。 ahhhh. 秀才

24、:他不会再醒过来了吧! Hes dead,isnt he?老白:应该不会了。 I think so.小郭:这这算个什么说法啊! what.what was this?秀才:知识就是力量。 Knowledge is power!小贝:那啥时候走啊?(小姬拉过小贝,小贝大叫)老白:住手,(指着小贝)他是你亲生闺女。(掌柜的在老白耳边低声说了几句,老白大惊)啊?掌柜:(捂住老白嘴)我也是被逼无奈的,没有办法。老白:(起身)那你也不能胡编乱造呀你!姬无命:哎,(抱着小贝,走到掌柜的,老白身旁)你们说,他到底是谁的闺女?掌柜:(指小姬)你的(又欲指老白,看到秀才从楼梯上下来,指着秀才)他的。(秀才正不解




28、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。

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