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1、八年级上册英语单词、词组表清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果八年级英语上册单词表Unit 1 第一单元单词及短语 1. 多久一次2.锻炼;运动v.&n .3.踩滑板;参加滑板运动v 4.几乎不;几乎没有adv5.曾;曾经adv6.购物v7.一次adv8.两次;两倍adv 9.次;次数n10.在激浪上,驾(船);在冲浪v11.网络;互联网n 12. (戏剧、广播、电视等的)节目、表演;(电脑)程序n.13.(美)中学;(英)公立中等学校 14.大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的adj15.没有的;全无的adj.16.结果;成果n 17.活跃的;积极的a

2、dj18.对于;关于;在方面;就而言prep19.r至于;关于 20.约摸;几乎adv21.废弃的旧物;破烂物n22垃圾食品23.牛奶n 24.咖啡n25.(食物等的)薄片n.26.可乐n27.巧克力n28.喝;饮v. 29.健康;健康状况n30.多少31.采访者n32.习惯;习性n 33.试图;想要;设法;努力v.34.当然;自然35.照顾;照看36.生活方式n. 37.分数;成绩;年级n38.(good和well的比较级)更好的;更使人满意的;健康状况有所好转的adj 39.同样的;相同的adj.40.(表示比较)像(一样) prep41.差异的;不同的adj 42.不同;差异;区别n43

3、.不健康的;不益于健康的adj 44.(表示反感、厌恶等)呸;啐int45.或许;大概adv.46. (=though)虽然;即使;纵然conj. 47. (表示时间、距离、数量)达;计prep.48.爷爷;外公n.49.大量;许多 50.保持;使保持某种状态v.51. modal.必须v52.(little的比较级)较小的;更小的;较少的;更少的adj Unit 2 第二单元单词及短语 1. .事情;问题;差错n2.得(病);患(病) v3.伤风;感冒n4.患感冒 5.胃痛;腹痛;肚子痛n.6.疼痛的adj7.后背;背脊n8.臂;胳膊n.9.耳朵n 10眼睛n.11.脚;足n.12.手n13

4、.头;头部n14.腿;腿部n15.嘴;口;口腔n 16.脖子;颈部n17.鼻子n18.胃;胃部n19.牙齿(pl.teeth) n. 20.喉头;喉咙;咽喉n21.牙痛n.22.发烧;发热n23.休息v24.蜂蜜n. 25.牙医n26.应该v27.头痛n.28.不应该【2】29.(距)以前adv 30如此;这样pron.31疾病;生病n.32.劝告;忠告;建议n.33.渴的;口渴的adj. 34.加压力于;使紧张v.压力;紧张n35.紧张的;有压力的 36.脆的;易碎的;(某些蔬菜和水果)新鲜而脆生的adj. 37.谷类植物;加工而成的,谷类食物(一般指燕麦片、玉米片等早餐食品) n 38.(

5、美)甜饼干;曲奇饼n39.早;提早adv40.问题;令人困惑的事物;难以处理的事情n 41.方法;手段;方式;样式n.42.传统的;惯例的adj.43.相信;认为v 44.平衡;平衡状态;协调n 45.(汉)(中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一,跟“阳”相对)阴 46.(汉)(中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一,跟“阴”相对)阳 47.adj.(身体)虚弱的;无力的48.(中草药)党参49. (中草药)黄芪 50.草本植物;药草;香草n51.愤怒的;生气的adj.52.豆腐n53.药;药物;药剂n 54.西方的;来自西方的adj55.每人;人人;各人pron56.变

6、得v. 57.(表示否定)很少的;几乎没有的adj58.(表示肯定)有些;几个59.继续是;保持v 60.重要的;重大的adj.61.平衡的;协调的adj62.饮食;节食n63.瞬间;片刻n 64.此时;现在65.晚66.直到之时;在之前conj. 67. (表示惊奇、苦恼、懊悔等)呵;哎呀int.68.寄宿家庭69.昨天;昨日n. 70.r.听见;听说v Unit 3 第三单元单词和表达式 1. 临时照顾(婴幼儿) v2.设营;宿营;露宿v.3.计划;规划;方案n.&v.4.西藏 5.徒步旅行;远足v.6.香港7.是adv8.多久 9.向远处;离开;向另一方向adv.10回来11.送;寄;派

7、谴v12.名信片n 13.(美国州名)夏威夷14. (美国加利福尼亚州西部港市)旧金山 15.自行车;脚踏车n16.乘骑;搭乘;乘骑(搭乘)旅行(的路程) n.17.观光;游览n. 18.捕鱼;钓鱼v19.租用;出租v.20.著名的;出名的adj21.去度假 22.希腊23.西班牙24.欧洲n25.某物;某事pron.26.湖;湖泊n 27.(加拿大与美国之间的五个大湖的总称)五大湖28.离去;出发v. 29.乡下;农村;乡村n30.大自然;自然界n31.忘记;忘却v.32.很;非常;常常 33.结束;完毕;完成v34.泰国35.旅行者;游客n.36.意大利 Unit 4 第四单元单词和表达式

8、 1.搭乘(某种交通工具) v2.地铁;地下火车n3.走;步行;散步v. 4.(用以促使注意,表示惊异或询问)嘿;喂int5.火车n6.四十num.7.五十num. 8.六十num9.七十num10.十num.11.九十num.12.一百num 13.分钟n14.花费(时间) v.15.表示交通、传递等的方式rep16.乘坐公共汽车 17.远的;遥远的adj.18.多远19.公里;千米n.20.淋浴v. 21.快的;迅速的adj.22.自行车;两轮脚踏车n23.车站n24.早的;提早的adj 25.英里n26.车站n27.运送;运输28.北部的;北方的29.北美洲 30.地区;区域n.31.事

9、物;事情n.32.另外的;其他的adj.33.依赖;依靠v 34.而定;决定于35.河;江n36.船n37.乘坐小船 38. (表示推测)一定v.39.(用于形容词、副词的比较级之后)比conj 40.(用于构成部分形容词及副词的比较级)(比)更;更多的;更大的adv. 41.方法;手段;工具n.42.小汽车n.43.镇;城镇n44.生病的;不健康的adj. 45.担心;担忧;焦虑v.46.朝看47.(表示程度)这么;那么adv48.十分;非常adv. Unit 5 第五单元单词和表达式 1.课;课程n2.又一的;再一的adj3.音乐会n.4.(who的宾格)谁;什么人pron 5.日历;日程

10、表n.6.明天;明日n.7.后天8.邀请n 9.非周末休息日;工作日n.10可惜;遗憾;可惜的事n.11.训练;锻炼12.化学n 13.美国的;美洲的adj.14. (学校的)课题;作业;项目n.15.比赛;竞赛n. 16.整个的;全部的;完整的adj.17.从一边至另一边adv.18.顺便来访 19.空闲的;有空的adj.20.直到之时;在之前conj. Unit 6 第六单元单词和表达式 1.友好的;爽直的adj2.孪生的;双胎的adj.3.(心情)镇静的;无忧虑的adj 4.卤莽的;轻率的adj5.严肃的;庄重的adj.6.聪明的;伶俐的;机敏的adj. 7.体格健美的;体格强健的adj

11、.8.注释;说明n.9.表示的意思;作的解释v. 10.以的方式;如同那样adv.11. (某个)方面;某)点n.12.两个(都);两者(都) pron. 13.她的(所有物);属于她的(东西) pron14.物理;物理学n.15.然而conj 16. 超出17.共同的;共有的adj.18.共同(的);共有(的) 19.擅长;在方面做得好20.学业;功课n.21.使;促使;迫使v. 22.笑;发笑v.23. (表示对象、用途等)为;给;对prep.24.对立的;相反的adj 25.观点;想法;态度n.26.兴趣;爱好n.27.大多数28.虽然;即使;纵然conj. 29.必要的;必须的;必需的

12、adj30.打败;战胜;超过v31.对在意;对计较v. 32.友好;友谊n33.初级的;小学的adj34.小学35.消息;资料n. Review of units 1-61.轮子2.女人3.使用4.奶酪5.不适的,患病的6.身体7.开始8.以以前9.游泳池10.激动的11.哈尔滨12.安全的13.快的,迅速的14.乘客,旅客Unit 7 第七单元单词和表达式 1.一种混合饮料2.奶昔(牛奶与香料,有时为冰淇淋,混合或搅打至起泡的饮料) 3.果汁机;搅和器n4.打开(电器)5.切;割;削v.6.分开;成碎片adv7.切碎 8.剥;削(水果等的皮) v.9.倾倒;灌;浇v.10.到里;进入到之内p

13、rep 11.酸奶;酸乳酪n12.(烹调用的)材料;原料;成份n13.小茶杯;一杯的容量n. 14.西瓜n15.茶匙n.16.总额;总数;数量n.17.命令;指示;用法说明n 18.最后地;最终adv.19.混合;混在一起v.20.混合在一起21.爆米花n 22爆米花机n.23.煮沸;烹煮v.24.盐;食盐n.25.加;增加;加添v. 26.把加到上27.三明治n28.面包n29.黄油n30.调味品;佐料n 31.苣;生菜n.32.火鸡n.33.薄片n34.特级的;极好的adj35.顶;上部n 36.烹调法;食谱n.37.核对;检查v.38.(带茎叶的)嫩洋葱; 葱39.鸭子n. 40.调味汁

14、;酱油n41.薄煎饼;烙饼n42.滚动;卷起v Unit 8 第八单元单词和表达式 1. 礼物;赠品n2.鲨鱼n.3.水族馆n.4.海豹n.5.逗留;徘徊v. 6.(俚语)经常出没;闲荡7.纪念物;纪念品n8.赢;获胜v 9.亲笔签名n. 10.奖赏;奖金;奖品n 11.访问者;参观者;游客n.12.户外的;在户外的adj.13.章鱼n. 14.结束;结尾n.15.班长n16. (美国伊利诺斯州东北部港市)芝加哥 17.(美国)加利福尼亚州18.睡过头;起得晚19.驾驶;驱车旅行n. 20.休息;不工作adv.21.雨水;雨天;(持续的)降雨n22. abbr.(=digital video

15、disk)数字化视频光盘 23.院子;庭院n.24.(在卖主家当场进行的)庭院旧货出售25.幸运地adv. 26.雨伞;伞n.27.雨衣n.28.湿的;潮的adj.29.竞争;比赛;竞赛n. 30.运动员n31.将来;未来n32.再一次;又一次adv. Unit 9 第九单元单词和表达式 1.生(孩子、幼畜)2.国际的;世界(性)的adj.3.记录;(尤指运动中的)最高记录n. 4.打嗝v.&n.5.打喷嚏v.&n 6.太以致不能7.(打)高尔夫球 8.巴西的;巴西人的adj.9.国家的;全国的;民族的adj10.成就;功绩n. 11.演出;表演v.12.体操运动员n13.金(制)的adj.1

16、4.奖牌;奖章n. 15.冠军称号;(-s)锦标赛n.16.高尔夫球运动员n.17.成为;变成v. 18.把叫做;称呼;为取(名) v.19.有天赋的;天才的adj20.慈爱的adj 21.有创造力的adj.22.杰出的;出色的adj23.和蔼的;仁慈的;友好的;亲切的adj. 24.不寻常的;罕有的;独特的adj25.孙子;外孙n.26.小提琴手n.27.滑冰;溜冰v. 28.滑冰29. (在比赛中)得第一名的人(动物、物品等);冠军n.30.在旅行;观光;参观 31.美利坚合众国;美国32.有名的;出名的;众所周知的adj. 33钢琴手;钢琴家n.34. (can的过去式)可以;能;可能m

17、odal v.35.作嗡嗡声;哼唱v. 36.歌曲n.37. (艺术品、音乐的)幅;篇;首n.38.手风琴n.39.参加;参与 40.参加;参与41.波兰42.人;人物n.43活着的;在世的adj. 44.运动选手;运动员n.45.因为;由于46.亚洲;亚细亚洲47.乒乓球运动 48.大学n.49.主修;专研v.50.主修;专研51.管理;经营n. 52.号码;编号;(用于数字前,可略作No.或no.) n.53. (网球、乒乓球等的)单打比赛n 54.abbr.(=International Table Tennis Federation)国际乒乓球联合会 Unit 10 第十单元单词和表达

18、式 1.生长;发育v.2.成长;长大3.电脑程序设计人;程序师n.4.工程师n 5.计算机科学6.飞行员;飞机驾驶员n7.专业的;职业的adj 8.表演;演戏v.9.移动;搬动v10.梦;梦想;幻想n.11.在某处;到某处adv 12.兼职的adj.13.储存;储蓄v.14.同时15.举行;召集;主持v. 16.展览;展览会n.17.富有的;富裕的;富饶的adj.18.旅行;游历v.19.到处;遍及 20.(使)退休;退职;退役v21到此时;至今adv.22.决心;决心要做之事n 23.器具;工具;乐器n.24. (在数目、数值、程度等方面)超过;在以上prep.25.传真n. 26.读者n.

19、27.强健的;健康的adj.28.通话;交际;交流思想v.29.女士;贵妇人;淑女n. 30.外国的;在外国的;对外的adj.31.教;讲授v32构筑;建造;建筑v. 33.交换;互换;交流n.&v.34.交换生 Unit 11 第十一单元单词和表达式 1.杂务;杂事;(尤指)日常的普通工作n.2.伙伴;同伴;搭档n.3.盘;碟n.4.洗餐具 5.扫除;清扫;清除v.6.垃圾;废物;碎屑n 7.取出8.折叠;折起来v. 9.(指睡前或起身后)整理床铺10.起居室;客厅 11.会议;集会n.12.从事;忙于13憎恨;憎恶v14.处理琐事;干家务 15.洗衣店;要洗的衣物n.16.洗衣服17.小吃

20、;快餐n. 18. (13-19岁的)青少年n.19.借;借入;借用v.20.邀请;恳请v.21. (电)唱机n. 22.不同意;持不同意见v.23.照顾;照管;管理n.24.照看;照顾25.喂养;饲养v. 26.我的(所有物) pron Unit 12 第十二单元单词和表达式 1.无线电;无线电广播n.2.无线电台3.舒适的;安逸的adj.4.座位n 5.屏;幕;荧光屏n.6.近的;接近的adj.7.靠近;接近8.服务;服务性工作n. 9.品质;特质n.10.剧院;戏院n.11.电影院n.12. (总称)衣服;衣着n. 13.(pl.)牛仔裤n14.时髦的;赶时髦的adj.15.(13-19

21、岁的)青少年n. 16. (俚语)时髦的;极好的adj.17.安逸的;自在的adj.18.调频 19.调幅20.爵士乐;爵士乐曲n. 21.(bad和badly的比较级)更坏的;更差的adj.22.(bad和badly的最高级)最坏的;最差的adj 23.特价商品;便宜货n.24.欣喜;高兴;愉快n.25.膳食;一餐n.26.积极的;肯定的adj. 27.消极的;否定的adj28.乏味的;无聊的;单调的adj.29.(声音)响亮的;喧闹的adj 30.天才;天资;才干n31.业余歌手演唱会(文中指才艺表演)32.成功n. 33.演员;演出者;演奏者n.34.表演者;短节目n.35.无;没有;缺

22、少prep. 36.在一起;共同adv.37. (关于)音乐的adj.38.距离;路程n. 39.近的;靠近的;接近adj.40. (far的最高级)最远的(地)adj.&adv.41.省份n. 42. (在)南方的adj.43.还是;还;仍然adv.44.(=15)15摄氏度 45.令人愉快的;美好的adj.46. (在)北方的adj.47.充足的;充分的adj. 48.(=-10) 零下10摄氏度49.雪;下雪天气n. Review of units7-121.海,海洋2.音乐节目主持人3.洛杉矶4.中心的5.路边小餐馆6.咖喱7.熟食店8.领导者9.管乐队,伴舞乐队10.容易的11.片,

23、块,段12.黑面包13.禁止14.故宫15.骆驼16.老鼠17.丝毫(也不),一点(也不),根本(不)18.母牛,奶牛19.哈20.说正经的,严肃的21.母鸡22.下(蛋)清华大学英语系测试:1.初中英语作文 水污染水污染Water PollutionEverybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing.Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier.

24、 Most of fish in the water have died, and we cant swim in the water. My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends. That was before, but now we cant see such clean rivers. Lets protect the water from pollution, becaus

25、e we cant live without water. The water is really important to us all.2.元旦英语作文(初中) January 1st is New Years Day. Its a great day for all the people throughout the world. As the saying goes, A good beginning is half the battle. So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day. On that day, I

26、 went to the Book City with my classmates. We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books. I believe Knowledge is power. I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study. In the evening, my family had a big dinner party. All the members in my family wished me a g

27、ood luck in the new year.3.关于时间的英语作文 初中英语作文We often hear the sayingTime is money.But I think time is much more precious than money.Because If we lost time, we cant find it.But We can try to woke harder to get more money.No matter whatever you do ,you can not get lost time back.Time flies.time and ti

28、des wait for no men.You can see how important time is.Lunxun had saidI spent the time on my work while others are havig coffee.We must make good use of our time,especially for our students,we shouldnt waste time in playing games and the like.4.初中英语作文 My friend (我的朋友)I have many friends. One of them

29、is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation.He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up my mind to catch up

30、 with him and to join the League in the near future.5.初中英语作文 水Water is very important to us. If you dont have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, put out fires and so on. We use millions o

31、f liters of water every day.Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the specia

32、l factories (we call water plants) that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please dont leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.6.关于读书的英语作文If we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longlyWhen Im free or in trouble, I always take out a

33、 book and read quietly. In no time, Ive put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the troubles. Its in this way that Ive formed the habit of reading in any time.Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school tha

34、n I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.Reading “The Emperors New Clothes”, I had to let out a b

35、urst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldnt keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Kellers patience and perseverance Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a ma

36、n and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didnt before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.7.MY AIM 我的志向Whatever a mans status is (may be), he must have an aim. If not, he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world. That s

37、tands to reason.However important fame and wealth may be, we must not let them become our object in life. We should aim at doing something useful to the society.If my aim can come true, I hope (wish) to be a teacher. However, teaching is by no means an easy thing. I must apply myself closely to my s

38、tudies so as to be able to cope with my duties (as a teacher).8.TO BE PATIENT 要忍耐When someone disagrees with you or offends you, dont lose your temper. Why? Because it is of no use to do so. You ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him. You must know that patience

39、is not cowardice, but a virtue. I hope that everybody practices it.In addition, patience will also bring us success. When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart. You must keep on fighting until (till) the final victory belongs to you.9.WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WA

40、Y 有志者事竟成The secret of success (The key to success) is not so much money as a strong will. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his life. He is no more than a f

41、ailure.It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world. if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason.10.CHOOSING FRIENDS 选择朋友A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them. Why

42、? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world. To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones. Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart. On the other hand, we should do

43、our best to a void keeping company with bad people.清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果初一英语第一学期期末考试试卷I. 听力测试(共20小题,每题1分,满分为20分。) 听对话,选图画 下面有5段对话。每段对话听两遍,听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出能回答所提问题的一幅,将答案填在右边的方框内。 听对话,选答案 请听对话。每段对话听两遍,然后根据所提的问题,从三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其填在右边的方框内。 6. A. RedB. BlueC. Purple( ) 7. A. Its in

44、 the box behind the door.( ) B. Its under the bed. C. Its in the box near the desk. 8. A. In the skyB. On the wallC. On the table( ) 9. A. OrangeB. Dark brownC. Light brown( ) 10. A. FiveB. FourC. Six( ) 听对话,填写字母 请听一段对话。对话听两遍,然后你将有3分钟的时间,按照对话所提供的信息,将代表下面的各种物品的字母填写在图中的适当位置。 1115 听对话,填写单词 每组对话听两遍,然后,你

45、将有30秒钟的时间,把所遗漏的单词填上,使对话完整、正确。 16. Are they _ _? Yes, they are. 17. What is it? Its a computer. Is it a new one? No, but _ _ is new. 18. I cant find my _. Where is it? Is this yellow one _? Yes, thank you very much. 19. How many _ are there in this classroom? There are _. 20. What color are your _? T

46、heyre _.II. 语言知识(共15小题,每题1分,满分为15分)。 请你从A、B、C三个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最恰当的选项,然后把代表该答案的字母写在方框内。 21. _? How do you do?( ) A. How are you B. What do you do C. How do you do 22. Is this your sons ID? Oh, thats it! Thank you very much. _( ) A. Thats right.B. Youre welcome.C. All right. 23. How do you spell trouser

47、s? Its t-r-o-s-e-r-s. No, it isnt right. There is _ u after o. Its t-r-o-u-s-e-r-s.( ) A. anB. aC. the 24. Can you find Shenzhen on this map? _ Its near Hong Kong.( ) A. Yes, I can.B. No, I cant.C. Where is it? 25. What time is it? Its ten oclock. Its time _ bed.( ) A. toB. ofC. for 26. What are tho

48、se white animals on the hill? Are they _? No, they are _.( ) A. sheeps; horsesB. horses; sheepC. horse; sheep 27. _ black dog is this? I think its Toms.( ) A. WhatB. WhichC. Whose 28. _, put on your clothes. Its late for school. Oh, dear. Where are my socks, Mum?( ) A. ComeB. Come inC. Come on 29. W

49、hose bird is it? _ mine. _ name is Polly.( ) A. Its; ItsB. Its; ItsC. Its; Its 30. What can you _ at the door? Let me have a _.( ) A. look; seeB. see; lookC. look; watch 31. Is this _ sweater? No, it isnt. _ is blue and yellow.( ) A. your, MineB. your, MyC. yours, Mine 32. What is blue and yellow? I

50、t is _.( ) A. blackB. greenC. purple 33. I dont like the brown boxes. Could you _ them blue, please? OK.( ) A. colourB. giveC. look 34. Whats on the table? There _ an orange and two pears on the table.( ) A. isB. areC. am 35. Is your teacher a man or a woman? _.( ) A. Yes, she is.B. No, he isnt.C. A

51、 young woman.III. 阅读理解(共14小题,满分为27分) 看图判断正误。(共5小题,每题2分,共10分。)A 按照上面的Family Tree判断正确与错误,正确为A,错误为B。 36. Is the Kings a big family?( ) Yes, it is. There are eleven people in their family. 37. Whos Sam?( ) Hes Pauls son. His wife is Jean. 38. Whose daughter is Lucy?( ) Marys. Mary has two children. 39.

52、Paul has three children. Who are they?( ) Jean, Sam and Tina. 40. Whos Teds aunt?( ) Jean and Tina. Ted has two aunts and one uncle. 阅读文章选择正确答案:(共5小题,每题2分;满分为10分。)B Mrs. Sato is sad (not happy). It is her birthday, and she has no families with her. Her husband died(去世)in 1985. Her daughter doesnt li

53、ve in the same city. Her son is working. Mrs. Sato goes to the telephone and calls a company(公司)in Tokyo, Japan. “Hello”,a woman answers. “Hello”,Mrs. Sato says. “Id like to rent a family.” “What would you like?”the woman asks Mrs. Sato. “A son? A daughter? Some grandchildren?” “Id like to rent a da

54、ughter, a son-in-law, and two grandchildren,”Mrs. Sato says. At seven oclock that evening, four actors(演员)come to Mrs. Satos housea woman, a man, and two children. “Happy Birthday!”the actors say. The actors are with Mrs. Sato for three hours. They talk with her, eat dinner with her, and watch TV wi

55、th her. Then they go home. Mrs. Sato is happy. No one came to Mrs. Satos birthday, so she called Rent-A-Family. Rent-A-Family is a new company in Tokyo. The company sends“families”to peoples houses. The families are really actors. The actors visit for three hours. The cost is $ 1, 000. Most people r

56、ent families because they have no families with them. Their children and grandchildren dont come and see them. But some people rent families because they like the actors. One woman says, “I always argue(争吵)with my son, and daughter-in-law. But I never argue with my rented family. My family is OK. Bu

57、t my rented family is better!” 41. Mrs. Sato is sad because _.( ) A. her husband died B. her daughter lives far away C. no families come for her birthday 42. he makes a telephone call to _.( ) A. her daughterB. her sonC. a company 43. That evening, _ have the birthday party with Mrs. Sato.( ) A. her daughters family B. some people near her house C. some people from the

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