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1、,“Are Leaders Born?,75 Answers! - Uncut Bonus Edition,P R E S E N T S,or,Are They Made?”,LinkedIn is a trademark of LinkedIn Corporation Mountain View, CA USA 2008. Linked 2 Leadership is a group on LinkedIn. No other affiliation exists. These quotations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any

2、one other than the person quoted.,We asked the question: “Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both” Many think that Leaders are simply born with the DNA to lead. Many others think that Leadership can be learned and grown with proper education and experience. Some others think that it is a combina

3、tion of the two that breeds the greatest leaders. What is your take?,Quotations may be attributed incorrectly. This is an unedited edition of “Let the People Speak.” All quotations have been previously made available to the general public. This free resource may be re-quoted with the following attri

4、bution:,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,G. Clarke wrote: We are, for the most part born the same. Carbon based organisms. Ten fingers. Ten toes. Excluding birth defects and trauma, we have the same faculties to exploit. So, I am a believer that it has to do in large part

5、with environmental factors that affect the individual.,M. Wierzgac wrote: Leaders are made. Leaders become leaders in 1 of 3 ways: 1 - a crisis or event pushes them into leadership 2 - their personality leads them into it 3 - they choose to be a leader. If they choose to become a leader, they also c

6、hoose the depth of their training (some deep, some shallow).,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,G. Krstulovic wrote: They are born to be made. Let me clarify it this way Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by practice over time. This is true of literally any sk

7、ill. However, you need some in-born talent or “pre-determination” to master the skill. There is a significant difference between “learning the skill” and mastering one. I love basketball, but no matter how hard I practice, I wont be able to play it like Michael Jordan. I hope you see where I am comi

8、ng from.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,O. Ballesta wrote: Leadership is a quality that can be improved by training and experience. In short, passion, communicational abilities, innovative mindset, abilities to negotiate, humility, courage, self-determination and empower

9、ment are a mix of personality traits with learned skills that being most of them innate and inherent to the emotional profile and personality of an individual can be perfectly enhanced, expanded and improved by proper training, successive and diverse experience in the workplace, mentoring and behavi

10、oural coaching.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,S. Chapple wrote: The old nature versus nurture question! I am an advocate that leadership can be developed over time. It is essentially about understanding other people and, more importantly, understanding yourself. Of cour

11、se, there will always be those individuals who have a natural talent for leadership far above the majority!,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,C. Sorab wrote: Ahhhh. The old Nature vs. Nurture debate. I think the question here is what makes a good leader? Seeing as we are al

12、l individuals we are all led by different things or styles of management, what works well for one person may not work well for another. Some like to be led by the nose and others prefer a gentle tap in the right direction. A good leader may be born with the ability to inspire others, but it takes a

13、real leader to learn from others and improve himself. The ability to learn and adapt is paramount to effective leadership and the only part that nature plays in this is to give the individual the capacity to learn. Even the desire to better ones self is probably learnt through life. I think that as

14、a leader, the day you stop learning is the day you cease to be an effective leader. So I vote that it is the right mix of nature and nurture that develops a great leader. Im sure there are many great people born every day that have the potential to be fantastic leaders but who will never grow up in

15、an environment that enables then to realise their potential.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,D. Prasad wrote: To me its neither; they are self made with will and vision,S. Hazra wrote: Everyone comes into this world by virtue of birth and so do the Leaders! Leadership is

16、a skill and like any other skill can be acquired over a period of time by practicing it. Some people are talented and are born with good leadership qualities. But like any other skill, one has to hone it over a period of periods and has to remain dynamic. Not all of the leaders are born with the sam

17、e, it is through your upbringing and training of your mind, perseverance, ability What is a Leader? By my definition a true leader is one who encourages and ALLOWS those they lead to be the best they can be and in doing so facilitates advancement in a positive direction. By this definition leaders m

18、ay be found in all areas of our lives (not just in the board rooms of high powered companies, in the military, or in the political arena). We are all capable of leading (Born) to the degree that we are willing to learn (Made) to bring people together and allow each individuals strengths to contribut

19、e to a common goal.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,J.S. Webster wrote: I think that anyone can learn leadership skills, but the ability to inspire is what separates a person with leadership training and a person who is a leader.,B. Sanders wrote: There are those who are

20、born and those who are taken out by there own troops.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,G. Bernier wrote: That question is right up there with the nature or nurture debate over personality. As some the answers that have posted indicate there has been a great deal of researc

21、h on the subject, books have been written, and many people make a lot of money selling leadership training. Personally (and Ive been around quite a while) I believe leadership is like athletic ability. Nearly anyone can learn the skills necessary to play a sport reasonably well. Depending on how muc

22、h effort and time they are willing to devote to learning the tools of the trade will directly affect their level of expertise. However, regardless of effort there will always be very few Michael Jordans or Tiger Woods. The mechanics of leadership can be effectively learned. The vision and passion th

23、at makes really great leaders comes from somewhere else. (I dont believe the somewhere else is totally genetic - it has to do with personality and that is a complex combination of factors.),www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,R. Bowker wrote: Many tend to agree that true lead

24、ership qualities are threaded into our DNA and it just takes proper training/events for those qualities to come out. After spending 11 years in the Navy, I have seen many good and many bad leaders. I, myself never thought I could be a leader early in my career until I was “thrown” into a leadership

25、role. Looking back on it, I feel that I always had those qualities in me, but never knew they were there until I had no choice but to either lead or give up. Now, I can also say that I have seen other individuals faced with the same challenge fail. I, for one, do believe that there are leaders and t

26、hen there are followers. For any society, military, or organization to thrive, it must have both. All the training, education, books, and classes cannot turn a follower into a leader. You may make the follower more educated in leadership methodologies, but that person will never be able to put use i

27、t to the full potential. Henry Kissinger said, “If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere. A leader knows where they are going and it is hard wired into their thinking. A follower only knows how to get somewhere by reading a map or following someone else.,www.Linked2L,“

28、Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,S.M. Diamond wrote: Perhaps you should specify if you want a serious answer, or a humorous one - both can apply - equally . . . :-),I. Babelli wrote: Leaders are made, by someone who gives them a chance. Almost every leader has had a person who entrusted

29、 him/her with an opportunity that was bigger than his/her ability/skill set/knowledge/etc at the time of the opportunity, so s/he took it upon him/her-self to learn and advance and become a leader. I cannot, for the life of me, come up with an example to counter the above argument except in the jung

30、le (or similar sittings) where the dominant male fights his way up to leadership.,R. Evans wrote: Both. I absolutely believe that leadership can be taught/learned. This case has been made in many ways, including various research over the years. This has been addressed by people who have answered you

31、r question in one of the three postings. I also absolutely believe that some people are born leaders. My father, a career military man, used to say this: If you think theres no such thing as a born leader, leave a group of kids on a playground and come back in 20 minutes. Without fail, when you come

32、 back, there will be one kid leading that group. In many cases, it wont be the most popular kid and it often wont be the kid you expected. Furthermore, it frequently isnt the kid that wanted to lead the group. It will be the kid that has that something that enables him/her to say, lets do (whatever)

33、 and the others will follow. Interestingly, that same kid will quite likely become a leader throughout his/her life. I am certain that some people, particularly those who cite traditional research will disagree with this scenario. The most likely argument is that leading kids on a playground is not

34、really leadership. I submit that one key aspect of leadership is evoking in others the desire to follow. After all, without followers, leaders are just people out for a walk. I believe one reason that many people argue against born leaders is that it would seem to doom others to being permanent foll

35、owers. Many people insist that it must be one or the other, born leaders vs. developed leaders, and since there are clearly many developed leaders, then there can be no such thing as born leaders. In my opinion, accepting both pathways to leadership is more logical, and less narrow minded. It is als

36、o easily observable. Leadership is often attributable to charisma, something that cannot be taught. Yes, there are leaders who are not charismatic. But there are leaders - very successful leaders - who derive much of their leadership success from charisma alone. I believe the most dynamic and effect

37、ive leaders are those who posses the natural instincts for leadership and then work to develop leadership skills through refinement and training.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,R. Iyer wrote: I presume you are asking in the context of a business organisation. Some take t

38、o leadership naturally, by learning and observing. Others can learn / or be taught this skill, if they wish to! In either case, the will to lead must come from within.,www.Linked2L,R. Betts wrote: The short answer is yes. There are certain traits that have to be organic to you nature. In other words

39、, some things you just cant fake. Soft skills can be explained, but not engrained. The Hard skills can be learned until conscious competence is achieved. Until the become second nature, if you will. But the ability to share your vision for your company in a way that is not only understood completely

40、, but generates the sort of rabid support you find a English football matches isnt learnable. It takes more than a polished PowerPoint deck and some pithy words on a bunch of 3x5 cards. You must be able show your passion without looking like you are a straight jacket a way from the funny farm. You h

41、ave to be able to generate a rare sort of commitment and loyalty. Your employees have to be ready to take it to the wall for you, because they know that youll do the same for them. You have to hurt when they hurt and laugh when they laugh. You have to be ready to admit you are wrong and not rub it i

42、n when you are right. You have to know how to build and grow meaningful relationships. Even if you dont have a title or corner office, a leader, a truly great leader, will shine with the blinding intensity of a supernova. Its not nature vs. nurture, but nature and nurture. Combine them and its magic

43、.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,O. Lawrence wrote: The truly gifted leaders are born with certain supporting traits like patience, perseverance, creative thoughtfulness and ability to change. They have the required traits more than the ordinary or average. They become h

44、oned through adversity which everyone encounters and rather than simply surviving, they are thriving. Most leaders are born without those qualities and are simply trained to behave as leaders and receive respect from the leadership appointed status. One can easily spot them since they are the gateke

45、epers surrounded by mediocrity who prevent the talent to rise.,www.Linked2L,T. Modeste wrote: The problem with great leaders is that they are too few and far between. So waiting around or searching for a great leader can soon run afoul of the law of diminishing returns. Because, in the meantime, wev

46、e got an organization to run and simply cannot afford to wait around until the next great leader deigns to walk through the door. Besides, we probably couldnt afford him/her and he/she would probably have better things in mind than fooling around with our organization. Luckily for us, in our everyda

47、y work, we can get along very well without great leadership. And wed be highly inefficient if we waited around for a great leader every time we needed to fill a leadership slot. Therefore, what we do is that we take the people we have and work with them to make them into the kind of leaders we need

48、to get the job done. Experience shows that as a rule, such leaders do a good enough job at the level needed. In fact, some of them even turn out to be superb leaders.,www.Linked2L,Bose wrote: Leaders are born. Not everyone can be a Leader. I would rather say Leaders are synonymous to Great Communica

49、tors who have an aggressive attitude to win. Whether you motivate people, lead a team, or possess great negotiation skills, you should be a good communicator first. A leader should command and vision for their team, or organisation, and most importantly, the people in his team. They give a strategic

50、 direction to the people of his team and set goals with an objective to achieve with optimum utilization of resources. The best part about the leaders are they are able to motivate their team and they take the team along with them. They just dont lead a team but also teach them how to lead and make

51、them responsible.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,K. Rao wrote: I think i depends on your perspective - Leadership as a science or as an art. Leadership is like, say. Painting. You can go to a painting school and learn the techniques; though one in a million is da Vinci o

52、r Michelangelo. One in a million is a Jack Welch or a Lee Iacocca! In my opinion, leadership is an inherent birth trait that, at most, can be influenced by training in situations faced, but not created by them.,www.Linked2L,L.J. Anderson wrote: This is a complex subject and there is no simple answer

53、. Different cultural styles demand different leadership styles and what goes down well in one culture fails in another. One of the problems with attempting to teach leadership is that it can only be really learnt by doing it, partly because there are no universally applicable rules, so you have to g

54、et out there and get your hands dirty to develop the instincts you need to do the job properly. This also means that there is no way to develop leaders fast, which is why HR people prefer to recruit experienced leaders rather than train their own. In essence the leadership debate is a spin off from

55、the nature vs. nurture debate. As far as i can see, to train leaders effectively, you have to put them in real leadership situations for your organisations, let them get on with it while watching them like a hawk and making sure that they are pointing in the right direction. This takes up the time o

56、f the apprentice leader and the person coaching him/her. Most business dont have the time and they dont want to take the risk of having him run the show unsupervised, so they stick with experienced hires. Hope this adds something to the debate.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Bo

57、th?”,N. Vassudhev wrote: That leaders are born is Maya believed to be true by Politicians. Its the circumstances that affect the individual, upbringing, education and the developed attitude that makes a Leader.,C. Braverman wrote: Leaders have found their place. Whether it is a physical place or an

58、idea, they bring their passion and motivation to that place. Many have just not found their passion yet.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,R. Knill wrote: Both! Recollect if you will your elementary school years. Most of us will recall groups of both extroverts and introver

59、ts. What does it look like if leadership training was applied to both extrovert and introvert groups at the early age of 7? Imagine that same group of youngsters learningcontextual listening, neutral language, effective and timely messaging, acknowledging, asking vs. telling, discovery questioning,

60、balanced emotional but rather theyre forged on the heat of a situation where initiative, inspired views, and experience converge and set the new born leader in motion.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,S. Otterson wrote: Both. Some of the qualities of a leader are learned,

61、others are part of ones personality. For example, a good leader cant be an introvert. Most likely those people who choose to a be leader already possess some of the character traits that they will need: courage, strength, flexibility, ambition, etc. Did they learn these, or were they born with them?

62、 Who is to say?,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,M. Ingle wrote: It can be said leaders are born and will always be successful but there is also an aspect of being in the right place in the right time. Leading some businesses is also a matter of being in the business withi

63、n which one excels not just leading. If you get a gifted individual he or she may never lead given the circumstances. So I firmly believe it is not as simple as being a born leader but also a matter of whether or not you are in the position within which your natural talents as a leader can come to f

64、ruition,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,T. Willette wrote: As an individual develops, their abilities develop. Attitudes, personality, beliefs, behaviors, motivations all come into play when defining who an individual is. When an individual takes everything that they are

65、and invests that into what they have a burning desire to achieve, they become leaders. Now, everyone is living for something right? So why is it that we arent all leaders? Confidence. Confidence in personal abilities is what sets one person apart from another. So now we get into the issue of confide

66、nce and how to build it. To build confidence in personal ability, an individual must have two things, knowledge and experience. So can a leader be made? Yes, so long as they have knowledge, experience, and motivation. Can a leader be born? No, because all of the qualities needed to be a leader must be developed.,www.Linked2L,“Are Leaders Born? Or Are They Made? Or Both?”,J.H. Brondum wrote: We are all born. So guess the answer is yes. However, leade

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