监理月报(总第04期 2013年第04期)

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《监理月报(总第04期 2013年第04期)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《监理月报(总第04期 2013年第04期)(146页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、145 / 1461工程概况1 地理位置安徽省绩溪抽水蓄能电站位于安徽省绩溪县伏岭镇境内,地处皖南山区,距合肥市直线距离约为20m,电站对外交通由绩溪县城经086县道进入电站场区。绩溪县086县道改线及改造工程起点位于杭黄铁路北村改线桥右桥头处,经过北村、水村、新桥、罗坑、江南村、安川和绩溪电站下水库大坝,过上岭前村后接至现有X86县道,起讫桩号K0+00K12+099,路线全长12.09。.水文地质条件12。地形地貌绩溪县境地处浙、皖两省交界的皖南山区,西部为黄山支脉,东部为西天目山脉,属中低山丘陵地貌。区内山脉多呈北东走向,与区域构造线走向基本相近,主要山峰高程均在100m以上。1.气象水


3、工程进度控制2.1 已完成工程形象截止013年5月2日,已完成工程量如下:2.1。1 登源河桥7片箱梁张拉注浆完成,剩余2片箱梁未张拉施工。21 逍遥河桥片箱梁张拉注浆完成。2。1。3 赤石坑桥3#台身C2片石砼浇筑完成,空心板张拉注浆9片。2.1。 BK +67BK4+703改线加宽段C15片石砼路肩墙墙身已全部浇筑完成,台背回填也全部完成。21.5 C改线CK +01CK0+0段内路肩墙C5片石砼已浇筑完成。2.16 30K2+0段内的剩余盖板涵已经全部完成,涵洞台背回填已经全部完成.21.7 路基已经全线贯通,已初步具备基本通行的条件。2.2 本月完成工程量及累计完成工程量统计2.1主体

4、工程:截止2013年5月20日,本月路基土石方工程已经基本结束(除路堑少部分欠挖),初步具备验收的条件;桥梁施工本月处于半停顿状态,桥梁下部结构至今仍未完成;路基内的挡墙、盖板涵施工进度较明显,路基排水防护工程未施工。全线的总体施工进度依然滞后。本月无土石方开挖,累计完成开挖4.341万m3。本月无路基填筑,累计路基填筑12。7万m,台背回填1000 m3.本月无路基清淤换填,累计2.2万m。本月无路基排水沟施工,累计完成约00米。本月无圆管涵施工,完成3道盖板涵施工,累计完成圆管涵共计5道,盖板涵0道(全幅).本月完成C15片石砼路肩墙500m3;累计完成浆砌片石路肩墙0.万m3,5片石砼路

5、肩墙2202万。本月赤石坑桥3#台台身剩余砼浇筑完成,张拉注浆空心板1片;累计完成桩基4根,墩柱4根,盖梁2片,0#桥台基础、台身、台帽砼浇筑,桥台基础及台身(大部分)砼浇筑;预制空心板梁1片,张拉注浆6片。本月逍遥河桥张拉注浆6片空心板,浇筑完成6个支座垫石;累计完成逍遥河桩基2根,墩柱2根,1墩盖梁,支座垫石6个,0#、2#桥台浇筑,预制箱梁片,箱梁张拉注浆6片。本月登源河桥张拉注浆片箱梁;累计完成桩基4根,墩柱4根,#桥台浇筑,0#桥台浇筑,1、墩盖梁浇筑,预制箱梁9片,箱梁张拉注浆6片。表一:路基主要工程量统计表 路基工程子目号子 目名称单位合同图纸及实际工程量截止05月2日完成工程量


7、8993。41194208-2护面墙aM0浆砌块石(路堑墙)m3729024501342091砌体挡土墙M0浆砌块石m327282082000-bC5片石混凝土基础m3263424240新增C1片石混凝土墙身m0。00222202080cM7。5浆砌块石(渣场)m3824221425140-C5混凝土克顶(渣场)m11313新增基础抛石39305493.050表二:桥涵主要工程量统计表桥梁及涵洞子目号子目 名 称单位合同图纸及实际工程量截止05月0日完成工程量剩余工程量4031基础钢筋-a光圆钢筋(HPB25)1853953395。0b带肋钢筋(HR335)169692504032204。32

8、0432下部结构钢筋a光圆钢筋 (HP5)62391562.61562。60b带肋钢筋(HB33)530014856148.504033上部结构钢筋-a光圆钢筋 (HP235)337853824。23117。2570699b带肋钢筋(HB3)10925911937.49352256。44034附属结构钢筋a光圆钢筋 (HB35)76595658。5055.5带肋钢筋(HRB35)5468233093030935钢材13322144444940950444干处挖土方m360095494295.454042干处挖石方m360700.700。2451钻孔灌注桩-a0mmm6018.6410。640-


10、23700217.4222.411预制预应力混凝土上部结构a50混凝土3730644。85822-C0混凝土m3012。55411浆砌片石0-M.浆砌片石315805041-水泥混凝土桥面铺装-aC5防水混凝土,厚10cmm1710165065452防水层a水泥基渗透结晶型(厚mm)1710501665411矩形板式橡胶支座GZ(20x300x52)个65056-GZ (x300x4)个2828028eGJZF(50300x65)个1218018GJZ(30x450x6)个280847-1橡胶伸缩装置个80型m362032b型m810191C0钢筋混凝土圆管涵新增钢筋混凝土圆管涵(=0。5m)

11、m04290b钢筋混凝土圆管涵(1.0m)m70204-C30钢筋混凝土盖板涵 -a钢筋混凝土盖板涵(1mm)m/道10。5/14010140/00新增钢筋混凝土盖板涵(m1。9m)道38/3330新增钢筋混凝土盖板涵(3m29m)m道696/702。22临建工程:无。2.3 进度分析本月路基施工缓慢,仅仅在线路后3公里段进行盖板涵和路肩墙台背回填碾压施工,路基排水沟施工已停顿,路堑墙、边坡防护、截水沟、急流槽等结构物依旧没有施工,路基整体进度依然不理想。桥梁施工已经基本停顿,本月仅完成了3片箱梁和9片空心板张拉注浆,赤石坑桥3#桥台剩余台身砼浇筑;但至今赤石坑桥下部结构(3桥台台帽、背墙和侧

12、墙)仍未完工。但桥梁施工进度依然比合同工期滞后很多,将是制约全线通车的第一因素,整体施工进度极不容乐观。总体施工进度滞后的原因主要是由于中水十五局项目部投入的资源严重不够造成的,尤其是在施工劳动力方面投入的数量严重不足,例如桥梁工程本月仅投入了6名工人,与月计划拟投入的劳动力数目明显相差甚远;另一方面是由于十五局项目部对作业队的督促管理力度严重不够造成的,没有赏罚分明的管理制度,造成了下面作业队漠视生产进度计划,拖拉推诿风气盛行。4 下月进度控制重点24.1督促施工单位全面开展路基整理工作,为路基验收创造条件。24。2 督促施工单位加强文明工地建设工作。2.3 督促施工单位精心编制路面施工进度

13、计划和施工方案。2.。 督促施工单位加强内业资料的规范化填写、查漏补缺等工作,为竣工资料整理打下基础.4.6督促施工单位开展预应力箱梁张拉、桥梁箱梁(板)吊装、防护支挡工程的安全技术交底工作。2.47 督促施工单位砼拌和站(渣场内)按照合同文件标准化、规范化生产,不定期组织试验人员抽查场地内堆放的原材料是否合格。28由试验监理不定期组织施工单位全线检查施工现场存放的同等条件下养护的砼试块及试验室台账。3工程质量控制在本月周生产例会上多次要求十五局对已浇筑完成的挡墙等要保证砼养护时间;加强施工现场的巡查管理力度,提高作业队的质量生产意识.在施工现场多次制止十五局挡墙作业队过早(浇筑完成不到4小时

14、)拆除模板,防止结构物出现砼低强及边角破损。对于箱梁张拉后注浆不按照规范和已审批的施工方案施工的问题,已经正式下发监理指令(213年006号),要求施工单位进行整改。在重要部位(工序)和隐蔽工程施工时,安排监理进行旁站。在路基台背回填过程中,严格控制施工质量,必须要通知试验监理单独进行压实度抽检工作.严格执行原材料进场的见证和抽检工作,对于不合格的原材料坚决要求施工单位做清场处理。3.1 落实质量监控制度本月进行了四次工地质量进度大检查,针对问题召开了4次现场工地例会。要求十五局在现场拌制砼过程中必须做到:严格按照配合比施工;必须采用自动计量装置,在开盘前进行计量标定工作;砂必须采用干净的河砂



17、定。承包商主要设备投入表6。1 本月投入施工人员统计表序 号工 种人 数备 注测量工22技术员53安全员1质检员25实验工16管理人员37普工1合计9表。 本月投入施工设备统计表序 号名 称规格型号单位数 量备 注 1电焊机台32汽车吊安徽蚌埠2T台13压路机柳工 20台14挖掘机卡特 30台装载机厦工台1自卸车斯太尔2辆7平地机天工台8油罐车东风7台9洒水车东风3T台10砼搅拌运输车重汽 m辆2发电机15W台12搅拌机S350型台213搅拌机JS5型台11拌和站J50型座合计238 大事记1203年0月05日,B改线取直加宽段全部完工。8. 2013年05月日,K9+3001+挖方段路基初步

18、贯通.3 1年05月09日,业主、监理和十五局三方全线排查挡墙、涵洞排水功能是否完善。8。4 201年05月10日,进行C改线塌方路段路肩墙突击施工。.5 2013年5月13日,十五局联系第三方做路基弯沉试验检测,监理全过程见证。.01年0月日,绩溪公司组织全体监理人员进行安全再教育及各专业知识考试.9 工程照片B改线段最后一层路肩墙施工挖方段路基回填碾压排查涵洞排水系统C改线塌方段路肩墙突击施工路基弯沉试验检测监理全过程旁站箱梁张拉(英文版 ) easilyblae, to pvent the broken window efec Servisethe leadi adrestopay an

19、exemary role,take t lad in the strct iplemenion o he oe and , lead to safegua the solmnity nd authority of the parisciline, esure tat the pt dicpline and te aws ad reulatons fr iplementatin i place. Throhut te discipline in the daily superviiond maneent, stenthn supervon and inspion, frm the hrogh n

20、vestigatioof iolatons of iipline bhior. Srengthen okeyrea, kedpartmens and ky prjets as welas the asesrlecttheocentrationo theuntsanddeptmt fo supesion stregheniprvin, dsipline inscion andsprvsin f cadrst set an exmple r complincewith te cd and ue is ma ust be exl, blcsithees ts own hrwar。 Disciplin

21、eispecion orgn as thexcutor oftheprty dsciln, and spviso f te dfenders,forts supeiion mut bemre trictly, dcipineispection and supervsi cares t firly establish the awares of P Consitutn, sese f iscpline and re onsciounss, oitislyal,sense obey AciospeJi Ordinance oet anxmlof he regulato of th rue law,

22、 strenthen supevio andaccp th serinfthefirmesand cnciousness,d comply ith d 。 To firly stablish the disciplinemut irt be slied,he superviso wll beubjec to heuevin f concep, andcosiously afegur an imlemnt pat opass pty, ae teleadin pratcng thre stict rea strt,so lal, clean, play。 To b god alearni, he

23、 Constn andthe cod a oral,pliticsadbroght to fruio; tolement , o not nt o, dre not,nt wthdiscpliar rule ouperviso;tdicline a ulr, oftene ctroinspeio, an csiusl i the idologcalrd line to ra th row Mng Goodcumlation is nde he ottom i,that he hahas ear, said t ha qit, the line hasendd。 Attad: ndiffrent

24、to heat, cally t the table our life, theearema unpdictble hisil hapen, e good, some bad hins, we canotcontrol is oweress t stop, but it tie, you will fiin lesomtimes turns o t be not ood,om bad tings finallytuned ou tbe aodthig,but thw mudy hwever did t know, tisi tetech u hing. 1, iecan be comple,

25、can also besim t imple lfe fprciptat, have enoug tme to rflect, t ae Beco morepefect。Lies the m imotnt thing i ot ti,u th struggle;not o he conquered, o hv fght el 2, th pain isthbkond e。Live a ain life, iv up o emseve is notacw, ut theise nswes; ot diillusod after te heart,such as ases, u exincesto

26、rm afer the nlightenme; notunewrdg perfunctly, u calm attitue of life ofunretaedslfofdene.Plin lvig, reis no noise niy, o hly ules, more id not il in tedsontnt of esre, so ust a clm, calm。 , mmory of heat wl ot oo tngsto erase he, l is a When no ovie,ain is a bgin,estrugleisa indof rocss, deh i a kn

27、d of ening Gi up tisgiving u is e hpess, dno giep the banoned, do n giveu hisging p isinorance, o ngieuphould nt gie p is persite. 4, thinfigured isheae, think impassbility i ell Snthelving, to lve better. Smeties e bcase o nrw-inded, o arrod the choes andpeny iead poud oli,o wr te cnde ome hingsto

28、attact toble and worry, comltey depns on hw loo at nd da wi.Dot alas akeeeythn bck thigs,a dtge in a blind alley,dontwatofae, dot narrowminded oke to cae,is a kind o pe-mindd, a ree and esy。 5, amno afrai o others behnme a kife, afrid o ookck ad se sab me, i y itentn to reatpople; I m no afd ofte tr

29、uth o tell esfried, Im fradh rnd o t as a jok totll dn 6, whn w are in osiveframe fmi,yuwlln may good thing; an whe ea in negie ste f mid, o will fid ma deresse thins; lfe happy an wrry, ll isyou ofife atiude,opmitc, gd luc;loss o snk, Ertra ompany. hen yu are iadvrsity, maih to nge aponto vw toink

30、everythig oer ot goThink, u good menaliy decided thefe of he!7, peoe are tired, rest; heart ir,a。 Growup, mue, hissociety read。Tired ad s, qa do, t tei ahug。 eauseheo n one ca smtiwih you, hav mercy o you. You cry,tears is yur ow; yo pain, ooe caunderstad。Th yo onlyarsto smile. 8, achpeoleaeyouh,Eah

31、 youhr a story, te life of ewod ner ges easier, wn what, i the rd al ow, shas eenhe same; now want anyhing, fo rthatthers kow, or lk to se sme, theatve,verything n e worldis folowed by irth,Rangrang, imporant thng is often t mostdffiult o opnoes mout, beause ords ill reduce is iportace; to strgrs eo

32、ple ae ou your lfein the od hin, the oigial snt easy 10, do no bae,doot lugh atwo, als don ev wh ik a ersn i akin oeling, not lke peron is tue The truth iseay o plan, I el Is unpeakale。 The bs ravelife i hat yo in a srane pce foun long lost touced,happylife ot inthe ustling i, nd n the pae of nd; o

33、mtterho mnygrevances, ouncomorabe, an utimel to heal thmselves r thei own, others may got you to cmort, ut eer knowyour hart is hw wnjiachuaxin。 12,maam, lie movie, learnt apeie, lan to be geul,learn tolerae, an gdnss,elngohes sead ofaccsi te sety, s nto one; ndn exepton sbete togv thn twha13, nt nv

34、y him Asum of, dn lseou ieand the lif,resectivey is:eorm s awxeienedcano escae n a a finallyillastminte, hile he latter is persisn, we ant to chish th meory oos peopl adhigs。 , len sm, larn to strong,he orld ou knw so any eopl,somay epe and yu are, ouat hnealso cant et evryonelike ou, s alo n wat do

35、.Life stoo short to go czy t love to gotowste, t chasethedream o regret。15,whentmper, a blsng to o A woudng egan pople, h keyis t onoltheir ownemotions。 With teouth s the ost supd behavior. Antrol negative eotiosthan cantake acity re orfulwaer lowslow, langug i xenive。 Peopl spttw yea f time le tspa

36、k, but tospe afw yers timeto sht . ha a kindof abily,that is akind ofwisdom16, lifei notperfet,soetimes, roth n acry, no an eyeful f tars, ther is n taeo emoton, hre is o a of op, nosie, cn,no static, there is onl one kind fdwnar sinngfeelig, sink murky?6? 7? 6? 7 ink? ? 7? ? 7 towad thebto of hesn

37、17,insoway, do ngo, you wil not know t ohr sidesenry is buful To yuis nogod,ou dont md too muc, o oneas an obliaon o you; you lear kowlede,is you have wapon, youca startfrom scrtch, bno unarmed; how o ou reat peope, des not represent how othrstreat you,i cannot se thrugh tis poin, ony niting wor. 18

38、, tiis lk a songe n th ate, as long asyou re wilingt squeez, thttal waer is stillthere。 Eery fe,afterthe ups and on Tebest estof lie, t life, srvivl and oniuatio, o ot stop t struggl in the jy ad soros f life nth road, so ta dferen soultobear life eat, acceptncfsfern. 19,indifferentto hear,calmlyint

39、able, eegntad comfortale life, dottke wh is soimportan The rsit wil b dapoind; t e alive, yowil htrouble. ifesthe mstraidofwhat ll want cre about, so what all gra is no fir,ithout ceey,separated popultios, sucas not ods,al ock ithe fate f the nd Why s too rigid,e natral, to o stay not toive, et g ob

40、ssio, v i,f heate ofthebroken ope f saiing, leaedon desar, the coast is till, ifthefae of hewithered ptas o te bifl, leasedono sink, the sriisstill, lfe ill lways bdlsstrue, plase ont hepess, becae thy are till lve, is till adra, h sun stll, we til. Lost,kep mmois; to et, mut orkto; bt themot import

41、ant isgood to rish ter on。 21, lie,seect heolx, is to ose te pan; choose a sle,schoo to b happ Te ompleword ik aSignificance ofpre. Hope h oratealace, outside eople admiring th magificn, livg i the deepnowldge o liing ito p te pce。 Simpe word as simple log can ousid rdiul shabby,hheart is willi go l

42、ive tonw the jy. Suffrig and joy is their ochoic。 22, lar ho to us a sigl owerfu heart, le thpast be tepst,et he futurece。Lif is really thnd of the end f a egl is ying wig, lif issantl uuit.ont miss to reret,don ai forold st is。 ime toreurn, seze ever mment, aain patakingly agatired als Thse strugli

43、ng to fly。 23,ife couldoYimapnghan, ven fl paemet, inaby threwl be few pics of oablocs. ome othe ocksrndth pat, while rs heto me itout Jut ove ohrs pute toe is vr easy, ecuse te stone ro theapprance can dicen;dificut to ysef o mveawa the hear f sne eadaime o sped wit her, oen reflect my hart, s as t

44、o mve you heart of stoe.24, eerything oe ot hv o be demanding, cometo,everything dos nothav ocre bou, vethe past; faing t o not frow, lug it laugResls Don demand, do to; lifeisasipl,calm nd peaceul. waysot t chooe eirwn pt and egret, lifeilike a tain, the scnery and hetheUntedStaes wil retret, hessa

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