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1、PEP小学英语六年级下册第一单元集体备课(二)作者:王屯小学小学英语教师焦永祥 六年级下册第一单元课题Unit 1 How tall are you? 第四课时课型词汇课主备单位、教师王屯小学 焦永祥使用单位、教师教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:heavier, longer, thinner, bigger和smaller.2.能够灵活准确地运用以上形容词比较级描述人物和动物的特征差异。3.能够完成Lets play 部分的活动并在活动中用相应的语言正确表达。能够理解Story time中的故事。教学重难点教学重点:四会掌握五个形容词的比较级形式: heavier, lon

2、ger, thinner, bigger和smaller.教学难点:掌握以下形容词比较级的构成方式:heavyheavier, thinthinner,bigbigger. 教具准备录音机,单词卡片,一个气球,一段橡皮筋和一组胖瘦对比明显的人物的图片。对本主备稿的评价教 学 过 程二次备课1.Preparation(1) Lets chant. Shorter, shorter, make yourself shorter. Taller, taller, make yourself taller. Older, older , make yourself older. Younger, yo

3、unger, make yourself younger. Stronger, stronger, make yourself stronger.(2) Ask and answer T: How tall are you ? S: Im 160 cm tall. T: Im 166 cm. Im 6cm taller than you. (Youre 6cm shorter than me) (3)让学生模仿刚才的对话,使用句型:How tall/ heavy/ old are you? Im Im (比较级) than you.在小组内调查某名学生的身高、体重、年龄等,然后请几组学生汇报调

4、查情况。设计意图:通过说唱自编歌谣复习巩固A课所学单词,让学生加深印象并活跃课堂气氛,让学生在轻松愉快的环境下进入学习的最佳状态,同时为新课的学习做铺垫。2.Presentation (1)教师拿出一个气球,请一名学生上台吹气球:“Please make it bigger.”教师带领全班学生跟随该学生吹气球的节奏喊:“Bigger! Bigger! Bigger!”教师领读并板书该单词,让两排学生轮流拼读单词。(注意bigger需要双写字母g,再加er, big-bigger )教师接着说:“Look at the balloon, it is bigger.”并领读该句子,自编chant,

5、和学生一起说唱:bigger, bigger, bigger, the balloon is bigger。然后教师拿着已经吹大的气球,一点一点放出空气,带领学生说:“Smaller! Smaller! Smaller!”教师板书并领读该单词,让两排学生轮流拼读单词。教师指着气球说:“Look at the balloon, it is smaller now.”并领读该句子,自编chant,和学生一起说唱:smaller, smaller, smaller, the balloon is smaller。(2)教师拿出一段橡皮筋,一边拉长,一边领学生说:“Longer! Longer! Lo

6、nger! 接着慢慢放松橡皮筋说:“Shorter! Shorter! Shorter!”然后板书并领读这两个单词,让两排学生分别拼读这两个单词。自编chant,和学生一起说唱:Longer, longer, longer, it is longer. Shorter, shorter, shorter, it is shorter.(3)教师问:“Who is strong in our class?”学生会说:“A is strong .No,.is stronger! No,.is stronger than.”教师请出其中一名学生,说:“Youre strong. How many b

7、ooks can you carry?”然后让他伸开双臂抱书本,教师一本一本往上加时说:“Heavier! Heavier! Heavier!”教师板书heavier并领读该词,请学生再次确认从heavy到heavier的词尾变化。(先把y变为i,再加er.)自编chant,和学生一起说唱:heavier,heavier, heavier, the books are heavier.(4)教师出示一组胖瘦强烈对比的图片说:“Look! She is heavy! She wants to be thinner. So she does exercises everyday and eats

8、less meat. She is thin after three months. She keeps doing exercises. She is thinner after another three months.”然后板书并领读thinner.(强调thinner要先双写字母n,再加er.)让两排学生分别拼读这个单词。自编chant,和学生一起说唱: thinner, thinner, thinner, she is thinner.(5)教师播放录音,让学生跟读单词和句子。然后教师找几位学生当小老师领读单词和句子。(6)让学生四人一组在小组内读单词,采用兵教兵的形式。然后检查学生

9、的掌握情况。设计意图:创设与学生生活较贴近的情景,利用学生平时爱玩的气球和橡皮筋做教具,使语言内容直观,激发学生的学习热情和学习动机,培养学生学习的兴趣,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学到知识。运用小组合作学习,能调动学生的学习积极性,以达到每个学生都参与口语活动,提高他们的语言表达能力。3. Practice(1)猜单词游戏。让两名学生上台,一人出示卡片,让大家做动作,另外一名学生说单词。(2)让学生拿出自己的动物玩具,四人一组用所学单词来讨论。(3)让学生分组进行单词拼读竞赛。(4)Make a new chant:bigger, bigger, bigger, the balloon is b

10、igger。smaller, smaller, smaller, the balloon is smaller。Longer, longer, longer, it is longer. Shorter, shorter, shorter, it is shorter.heavier,heavier, heavier, the books are heavier.thinner, thinner, thinner, she is thinner.设计意图:通过游戏和拼读竞赛,巩固所学新词,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,同时训练学生的快速反应能力,通过说唱自编歌谣,加深学生对所学新单词的印象

11、,用以巩固所学新知。4.Production(1)教师先与一名学生做示范,然后让学生两人一组用身体部位和学过的动物来练习,鼓励他们说出更有创意的句子,比如:My eyes are bigger than yours. Your neck is longer than mine. An elephant is heavier than a tiger,等。 (2)利用教室内的物品或者学生自带的文具,相互比较,利用本堂课所学的新单词和新句子练习,拓展知识,形成能力。然后找几组学生在班上汇报。设计意图:让学生借助自己的身体部位,以及随地可取的物品,两人一组对本课所学的生词加以巩固和应用,培养他们的知

12、识运用能力和语言思维能力。5.Progress(1) Story time学生默读对话后回答:“Who is an excellent goalkeeper? Why?教师鼓励学生说出不理解的句子,大家一起讨论,扫除阅读障碍。教师放该部分录音,学生跟读。学生六人一组,练习对话.(2)小结:让学生总结形容词比较级的变化规则,教师再补充说明。(4)让学生做基础训练中本部分的配套练习。Homework: 让学生听录音跟读所学内容,把四会单词会背会拼。板书设计 Unit 1 Part B Lets learn bigger His tail is longer./ smaller His head i

13、s small./ longer heavier thinner教学札记:王屯小学英语集体备课教案2012年3月六年级下册第一单元课题Unit 1 How tall are you? 第五课时课型对话课主备单位、教师王屯小学 焦永祥使用单位、教师教学目标1.掌握主要句型:How heavy are you? I m 48 kg. Im thinner than you,and shorter.2.能询问、回答有关体重、身高、脚的大小尺寸、头发的长度等问题,并能在实际生活中运用。3.学中用,用中学,培养学生养成运用英语解决问题的好习惯。教学重难点1、 本课的重点是学会正确询问体重并根据回答作出讨

14、论,涉及的句型是:How heavy are you ? Im _ kg. I m thinner than you,and shorter.2、 难点:根据实际情况灵活运用How tall/long/heavy are you?能正确运用长度和重量单位。教具准备1、 课前准备录音机磁带。2、 教师准备本课时所需的表格。对本主备稿的评价教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Preparation1. Lets enjoy the song” my pets”.2. Free talk 参考句型: How are you? How old are you? How long is your des

15、k?How tall are you? Im. Im taller/ than you.(3)找出高矮、胖瘦、年龄大小差距较大的三组学生,让其他同学通过比较说句子。A is .than B.设计思路:通过师生,生生对话,来复习旧知识,来复习旧句型,同时来简化新句型学习的难度。3. Act out the dialogue on page 4. 设计思路:激发学生的表现欲望,使其思维进入相关知识领域。4. Review the words.设计思路:使学生进入轻松活跃的学习氛围,为本课教学做铺垫。Step 2 Presentation 1. lets try (1)学生自己阅读课本中的相关画面,

16、进行预测。Please look at the pictures carefully.(2)教师播放录音,学生选择正确的图画。Listen to the tape and try to find out the picture.(3)教师再次播放录音,学生听录音填入缺少的单词。Listen again and write down the missing words.(4)教师订正正确答案。Lets check up the answer.(5)请有能力的学生根据听到的内容试着说一句话。Would you try to say a sentence to describe the pictur

17、es?设计思路:让学生初步感知本课时的主要句型。 2.教 How heavy are you? I m 48 kg. I m thinner than you,and shorter.(1) T: I am 55 kg heavy. How heavy are you?引导学生回答后再引导学生反问老师,Can you ask me?以学说并练习句子How heavy are you?(板书)SS read this drill one by one.T: OK. How heavy are you?S: Im 48 kg.T: Oh! You are healthy.同位利用该句型相互询问。设

18、计思路:学中用,用中学以便于学生快速掌握。(2)老师找一名学生ST: I am 55 kg. How heavy are you?S: Im 50 kg.T: You are 50 kg .which one is thinner?S: I am thinner than you and I am shorter than you.T: Good .Yes. You are thinner than me, and shorter.T: Follow me please. I m thinner than you,and shorter.SS read this drill one by on

19、e.同位利用How heavy are you ? Im _ kg. I m thinner than you,and shorter.相互操练。3.教How big are your feet ?(1)教师出示自己的脚,说T: I wear size 23.How big are your feet? 学生回答后引导反问老师。How big are your feet?以操练问句。教师板书How big are your feet? SS read this drill one by one.教师然后询问其他同学。同桌之间再相互操练改句型。4.教How long are your legs?

20、教师指自己的腿的,说Look at my legs. My legs are 95 cm long. How long are your legs?引导学生回答并反问,以练习问答。教师板书How long are your legs? SS read this drill one by one.教师然后询问其他同学。同桌之间再相互操练改句型。5. 用上面同样的方法教学生说问句:How long are your arms?。设计思路:把句子学习融入到创设的情景之中,使学生易于接受新句型,排除了干燥无谓的学。学中用,利于学生快速有效的掌握。Step 3 Practice1. 教师提出问题。How

21、 heavy is Zhang Peng?Is Zhang Peng bigger and stronger?2Listen to the tape and follow the tape.2小老师领读对话,并感知对话内容。3小组之间相互操练该对话。设计思路:在操练完重点句型之后在听录音,可以降低难度,减轻学生的学习压力,培养学英语的信心。通过提问问题,让学生带着问题,有针对性的听录音进一步训练学生的听力。Step 4 Production1 小组比赛,分角色表演对话。2make a survey. (T:请同桌相互调查.)YouYour friendHeightLegsFeet3. Make

22、 a report. 根据调查情况,同桌做出简要汇报。For example:S:Hi, I m Mike. I m 145cm tall. I m taller than Tom. Tom s feet are bigger than me .My legs are longer than Tom.设计思路:此活动与学生的实际生活相联系以便于巩固叙述所学语言用引导学生关注生活,让学生学以致用。Step 5 Progress 1 Finish the exercises book on page5.2 listen to the tape at home.3 Survey and finish

23、 the table at home.LengthWeightEraserAn eggPencilYouDoorAn elephantFrom Fei Xian toNi Nanpig设计思路:进一步的练习,来训练学生的英语逻辑思维,同时调查表的完成便于培养学生的在生活中的观察能力。板书设计Unit 1 Part B Lets talkHow heavy are you? I m_.How _ are your feet? I wear size_.How _are your legs? _cm.教学札记:王屯小学英语集体备课教案2012年3月六年级下册第一单元课题Unit 1 How tal

24、l are you? 第六课时课型阅读课主备单位、教师 王屯小学 焦永祥使用单位、教师教学目标1听、说、认读Lets read部分的内容,特别是能听、说、认读单词:squid, lobster, shark, seal, whale和单位词ton, meter, kg, cm;能听、说、认读句子:Can dive into the deep cold water./jump out of water. Each up to 20cm long.并能正确完成填充句子的练习。2能够正确完成Match and say连线、表述的练习。3能够正确完成Lets check部分听音圈图的练习。教学重难点教

25、学重点:让学生理解、会读文段内容,能正确理解几个单位词:ton, meter, kg, cm.并了解sperm whale 和 killer whale的区别。教学难点:是对长度、重量、大小的单位区分以及表达教具准备1录音机,录音带。 2、相应的图片3.学生调查鱼的资料。对本主备稿的评价教 学 过 程二次备课1.Preparation(1) Lets sing. (2) 出示单词卡片,复习A、B两课Lets learn 中的单词。 (3)Lets check.教师放该部分录音,学生听录音完成听音圈图的练习。然后教师核对答案。设计意图:在欢快的歌声中复习所学的形容词比较级,既创设了良好的英语学习

26、氛围,又激发了学生的学习兴趣。2.Pre-reading1) Teach: each / Each up to 20cm long.先出示几支相同长度的铅笔,每支都长20厘米。Look! I have some pencils here. How long are they? 拿一把量一量其中的一支铅笔,让学生看刻度回答。The pencil is 20 cm long. 再用一支铅笔去量其他的铅笔,通过比较让学生得出几支铅笔长度相同的结论,教学生说句子:each up to 20 cm long.T: Look ! Each up to 20cm long.(板书) Read the wor

27、d and the sentence after teacher. Read the sentence one by one/ together.2) Teach: deep/ can dive into the deep cold water, can jump out of water. T: (图片出示一只海豚) Dolphin is a good swimmer. They like diving. They can dive into the deep cold water. They can jump out of water.(领读并板书):deep Can dive into

28、the deep cold waterCan jump out of water. Read the word and the sentences after teacher.Read the sentences one by one/ together.设计意图:在阅读前,利用课件创设情景,突破文中的难点句子,为下面的阅读扫除了部分障碍。3. In -reading T : “Today, Lets get to know two kinds of whales, sperm whales and killer whales.(板书并领读) Do you want to know somet

29、hing about them?(1) Lets read the dialogue quickly and silently, and find out the answers to the questions:a. How long is the sperm whale?b. How long is the killer whale?c. How heavy is the sperm whale?d. How heavy is the killer whale?Then check the answers.(在引导学生回答的过程中教单词meter和ton.)(2)This time let

30、s read the dialogue as carefully as you can, find out something difficult and new words, then answer these questions ,you can talk about with your partner:1. How many teeth do they have? How long is each tooth?2. What does a sperm whale eat ? What does a killer whale eat?3. What can they do ?Ask: Wh

31、o has questions? (教师对学生提出的生词squid, lobster, shark, seal, even进行教学并板书,对提出的难点进行突破。对其中较难记忆的单词 squid, lobster,采用音义结合法记忆。)Then check the answers. (3)This time lets read the dialogue again, and write the answers on your books .Then check the answers.(4)(教师播放录音)Let the students listen to the tape, correct

32、their pronunciation.(5) Listen and repeat.(6) Read the dialogue after teacher.(7) Read the dialogue after the little teachers.(8) Read the dialogue in groups.设计意图: 让学生带着问题去读文章,并且让学生找出难点和疑点,与老师进行探讨,这样能诱发学生自主尝试的动机,培养其自主学习的能力。4. Post-reading(1) Let the students work in pairs. (2) 让学生根据课文内容试着自编chant.A s

33、perm whale is longer, Longer, longer, longer. A killer whale is shorter, Shorter, shorter, shorter. A sperm whale is bigger, Bigger, bigger, bigger. A killer whale is smaller, Smaller, smaller, smaller. A sperm whale is a good diver, Diver, diver, diver. A killer whale is a good swimmer, Swimmer, sw

34、immer, swimmer.(3)(让学生拿出搜集的鱼类资料,)Let the students work in groups of four, and make up a new dialogue, then ask some groups to act it out。设计意图:通过听、说、读、写,对所学语言进行重组和创造,以促进语言活动中多维能力的发展。5.Progress (1)Sum-up.(2) Do exercises.(3) Match and say.Homework :(1)Read the dialogue.(2)搜集一些动物的资料,用英语谈论他们的长度,重量,大小等。板书设计 Unit 1 Part B Lets readsperm whale Each up to 20cm long. killer whale Can dive into the deep cold water. meter Can jump out of water. ton each squid lobster shark deep seal教学反思:

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