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1、教学学院 班级 学号 姓名 密 封 线Quiz for Unit 51. Please choose the correct meaning for each word. (1*25=25)abundance ( ) adapt ( ) intermingle ( ) colossal ( ) integrity ( ) contamination( ) flame ( ) flicker ( ) immune ( ) built-in ( ) assault ( ) counterpart ( ) consent ( )deliberate ( )flare-back ( )contend

2、( )impetuous ( ) resurgence( ) damp( ) chorus ( ) fern ( ) considerable ( ) explosive ( )film ( ) adjust ( )a. To gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situationb. To gradually become familiar with a new situationc. Quantity that is more than enough; plentyd

3、. Sudden violent attacke. To argue or say that sth is truef. Agreement; permissiong. Great in size or amounth. To mix together or mix sth with sth elsei. Sudden outburst of strong or violent activity once morej. A very thin layer of liquid, powder, etc. on the surface of sthk. Slow and carefull. To

4、reduce; to make sth less strongm. Large, huge, immensen. Increasing suddenly or quickly in amount or numbero. To burn or shine unsteadily (said of lights or flame)p. Condition of being whole or undividedq. A type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers, but with no flowersr. Sth said,

5、sung or shouted by many people togethers. Forming a part of sth that cannot be separated from itt. To become suddenly bright with light or color, esp. red or orangeu. Rising or reviving after destruction, defeat, or disappearancev. Not affected by a disease, chemical, etc.w. Acting or done with litt

6、le thought or care; impulsivex. Sb or sth that has the same job, purpose, or function as sb or sth else in a different placey. The situation that a place or substance is made dirty or harmful by putting sth such as chemicals or poison in it2. Change the word forms according to the requirements. (20)

7、1) verb-noun (6)adapt _ modify confine desert restrain reserve 2) give synonyms of the following words (6)countless assault employ precisely lethal pollution 3) fill in the blank with appropriate prepositions (8)a limit the amount be confined bedto damp the power to hold the species boundsto subject

8、 people contact be progresspotentials harm war nature 3. Complete the following sentences with correct words. (1*10=10)1) There was once a town in the heart of America all life seemed to live in with its surroundings.2) In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a of color that flamed and across a ba

9、ckground of pines. 3) Then some evil settled on the community: mysterious diseases swept the of chickens; the cattle and sheep sickened and died.4) Nature has introduced great variety into the landscape and holds the specieswithin by the built-in checks and .5) It took hundreds of millions of years

10、to produce the life that now the earth.6) Under agricultural conditions the farmer had few insect problems.4. Paraphrasing work (2*5=10)1) The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. 2) This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable. 3) The chemicals are the synthetic creations of mans i

11、nventive mind, having no counterparts in nature. 4) Destructive insects often undergo a “flare-back,” or resurgence. 5) Such a system set the stage for explosive increases in specific insect populations. 5. Translation work. (35)A: Phrase translation (1*10=10)Evil spell browned and withered vegetati

12、on Intensification of agriculture Introduced species an inventive mind 赏心悦目 克制冲动 抛弃朋友 挖一口井 导致未曾见过旳伤害 B: Sentence translation (25)English into Chinese (3*5=15)1. Thus the chemical war is never won, and all life is caught in its violent crossfire. 2. The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace o

13、f man rather than the deliberate pace of nature. 3. Please, Id like to draw three hundred dollars in ten-dollar bills. 4. It was a close match. The final score was 87 to 86 in our favor. 5. Instead we need the basic knowledge of animal populations and their relations to their surroundings that will

14、“promote an even balance and damp down the explosive power of outbreaks and new invasions.” Chinese into English (2*5=10)6. 一场群众抗议席卷了全国,将他置于左右两方旳交叉火力当中。(crossfire) 7. 他说他宁可死也不乐意永远卧床不起,与外界隔绝。(be confined to) 8. 雷切尔卡森以将她旳毕生都献给了环境保护事业而闻名。(devote to) 9. 成年人往往对某些疾病有免疫力。(be immune to) 10. 这个协议旳签订使双方旳合作成为也许。(set the stage for)

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