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1、The Translation of Professional Terms in English Grammar 英语语法中专业术语的翻译,词类 parts of speech,实词 notional word noun pronoun verb adjective adverb numeral 虚词 form word article preposition conjunction interjection,名词 noun / 缩写n. 普通名词 common noun(类名词 class noun/ 集体名词 collective noun/ 物质名词 material noun/ 抽象名

2、词 abstract noun ) 专有名词 proper noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 单数 singular /()/ number 复数 plural / number 名词的格 case of noun 主格nominative / case 宾格objective/ case 所有格possessive/ case,冠词 article / 缩写art. 定冠词 definite(肯定的、确切的) article 不定冠词 indefinite article 数词 numeral / 缩写num. 基数词 cardi

3、nal / numeral 序数词 ordinal / numeral,连词 conjunction / 缩写 conj. 等立连词 coordinative conjunction 从属连词 subordinative conjunction 简单连词 simple conjunction 关连连词 correlative conjunction 分词连词 participle conjunction 短语连词 phrasal conjunction 感叹词 interjection 缩写 int.,代词pronoun / 缩写pron. 人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词

4、 possessive pronoun nominal possessive pronoun 名词性物主代词 objective possessive pronoun 形容词性物主代词 自身代词 self-pronoun 相互代词 reciprocal / pronoun eg: each other 指示代词 demonstrative / pronoun 疑问代词 interrogative / pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun 不定代词 indefinite pronoun eg: some something ,介词 preposition / 缩写 prep

5、. 简单介词 simple preposition 复合介词 compound preposition 二重介词 double preposition 短语介词 phrasal preposition 分词介词 participle preposition 介词短语 prepositional phrase,形容词 adjective / 缩写adj. 比较等级 degrees of comparison 原级 positive degree 比较级 comparative degree 最高级 superlative degree 副词 adverb / 缩写adv. 普通副词 ordina

6、ry adverb 疑问副词 interrogative / adverb 关系副词 relative adverb 连接副词 conjunctive adverb,动词 verb / 缩写 v. 限定动词 finite / verb 非限定动词 nonfinite / verb (动词不定式 infinitive/动名词 gerund/dernd/ /分词 participle/独立结构 absolute construction) 实义动词 notional / verb 连系动词 link verb 情态动词 modal / verb 助动词 auxiliary / verb 及物动词

7、transitive / verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 动词短语 phrasal verb,动词的基本形式 principal forms of the verb 动词原形 root form of the verb 过去式 past tense form 规则动词 regular verb 不规则动词 irregular verb 过去分词 past participle 现在分词 present participle 时态 tense,句子sentence,句子成分 members of the sentence 主语 subject / 谓语 predicat

8、e / 谓语动词 predicate verb 表语 predicative / 宾语 objective / 定语 attribute / 状语 adverbial / 同位语 apposition / 句子的独立成分 independent elements of the sentence 插入语 parenthetical / statement,句子的分类 classification of the sentence 陈述句 declarative / sentence positive肯定 negative 否定的 疑问句 interrogative / sentence 一般疑问句

9、 general question/特殊疑问句 special question/选择疑问句 alternative question/反义疑问句 disjunctive question 祈使句 imperative / sentence 感叹句 exclamatory / sentence 简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence,并列句和复合句 compound sentence and complex sentence 关联词 connective 主语从句 subject clause 表语从句 pr

10、edicative clause 宾语从句 objective clause 直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech 定语从句 attributive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause,时态 tense,时态 tense 时间 time 方面 aspect 一般时态 indefinite tense 一般现在时 present indefinite tense 一般过去时 past indefinite tense 一般将来时 future indefinite tense 一般过去将来时 future-in-the-past i

11、ndefinite tense 进行时态 continuous tense 现在进行时 present continuous tense 过去进行时 past continuous tense 将来进行时 future continuous tense 过去将来进行时 future-in-the-past continuous tense,完成时态 perfect / tense 现在完成时 present perfect tense 过去完成时 past perfect tense 将来完成时 future perfect tense 完成进行时态 perfect continuous te

12、nse 过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense 现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense 时态一致 sequence of tenses,语态 voice 主动语态 active voice 被动语态 passive voice 语气 mood 直陈语气 indicative mood 祈使语气 imperative mood 虚拟语气 subjunctive mood,词法 morphology / 句法 syntax / 词序 word order 形式主语 formal subject 形式宾语 formal object 省略 ellipsis / 倒装 inversion / 句子分析 sentence analysis 名词短语 noun phrase 代词短语 pronominal phrase 形容词短语 adjectival phrase 动词短语 verb phrase 副词短语 adverbial phrase,

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