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1、Section B Heavy Body, Not Heavy Heart,CONTENTS,Preview the following questions before reading the text.,What do you think of people who are overweight? If you were overweight, how would you live your life? Are you in a weight-obsessed culture? Why or why not? What do people around you think of being

2、 overweight?,Questions Preview,In pictures from college I was thin. I worked full time, went to school full time, smoked, and lived off fast food and soft drinks. Friends say that I dont look like myself in those pictures. I looked ill, sad, and unhealthy.,Para. 1,Heavy Body, Not Heavy Heart,Text B,

3、Chinese,Now, at a weight considered to be dangerously high by medical charts, I live better than ever. I have given up smoking, and I eat a lot of vegetables; I enjoy walking, swimming and dancing classes. I exercise and eat well because I love living, not because I want to lose weight. My doctor te

4、lls me I am healthy, and this is much more important than being thin. Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than “normal” weight people who do not.,Para. 2,Text B,Chinese,Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood. One study showed that, as early as nu

5、rsery school, children liked pictures of disabled children of similar ages better than those of fat children. Similarly, a study of college students said they would rather marry a drug user, a thief, or a blind person than someone who was fat. These attitudes create discrimination that affects fat p

6、eople in every aspect of their lives, including money matters. In fact, overweight, white women usually earn less than thin, white women24 percent less, according to one study.,Para. 3,Text B,Chinese,People often justify their judgments about fat people by saying that people choose to be fat. Choose

7、? Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture? There are many false ideas about fat people in society: that all fat people have eating disorders or emotional or mental issues; that if they really wanted to lose weight they could.,Para. 4,Text B,Chinese,In reality, however,

8、some people are naturally fat. How a person is born is simply science, not a comment on someones character. The Center for Disease Control reports that 78 percent of American women are trying hard to lose weight, and at an amazing failure rate95 percent get back what theyve lost within two to five y

9、ears. The often-heard comment of “you have such a pretty face” does not please me because of all thats not said: “If youd just lose the weight youd be beautiful.” Beauty is a taught concept and the cultural standards for beauty change constantly.,Para. 5 I smoked and had fast food and soft drinks al

10、most all the time.,I worked full time, went to school full time, smoked, and lived off fast food and soft drinks.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: Now Im considered to be so fat that I may be in danger of having health problems according to standards for good health. However, now my life is better

11、than any other time in the past.,Now, at a weight considered to be dangerously high by medical charts, I live better than ever.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: . I get pleasure from walking, swimming and dancing classes.,. I enjoy walking, swimming and dancing classes.,Meaning of the Sentences,Mea

12、ning: My doctor tells me that I am quite healthy, and a healthy body has a greater value than a thin body.,My doctor tells me I am healthy, and this is much more important than being thin.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: Studies show there are a smaller percentage of deaths for fat people who exer

13、cise than for people who are of standard weight but do not exercise.,Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than “normal” weight people who do not.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: When one is a child, he/she begins to dislike fat people and think that they are not

14、 good in some way.,Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: One study showed that even very young children prefer pictures of disabled children of their own age to those pictures of fat children.,One study showed that, as early as nursery school, chi

15、ldren liked pictures of disabled children of similar ages better than those of fat children.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: In the same way, a study of college students found that they might marry a drug user, a thief, or a person who was unable to see, if they had to, rather than marry a fat per

16、son.,Similarly, a study of college students said they would rather marry a drug user, a thief, or a blind person than someone who was fat.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: These attitudes lead to unfair treatment that influences fat peoples lives in every way, including things related to money.,The

17、se attitudes create discrimination that affects fat people in every aspect of their lives, including money matters.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: People often say they have good reasons to have negative attitudes toward fat people, that is, fat people decide to be fat themselves.,People often ju

18、stify their judgments about fat people by saying that people choose to be fat.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: How could it be that people choose to be fat?,Choose?,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: No one would decide to live as a fat person in a culture where people pay so much attention to weig

19、ht.,Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture?,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: People have many incorrect ideas about fat people in society. They believe that all fat people have bad eating habits or suffer from emotional or mental problems and that they dont really wan

20、t to lose weight.,There are many false ideas about fat people in society: that all fat people have eating disorders or emotional or mental issues; that if they really wanted to lose weight they could.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: But in fact, some people were born to be fat.,In reality, however

21、, some people are naturally fat.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: How a person is born to look like is simply a matter of science and cant be a basis for judging ones qualities.,How a person is born is simply science, not a comment on someones character.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: The Center

22、 for Disease Control reports that 78 percent of American women are making great efforts to lose weight, but an amazingly great number of them are unsuccessful95 percent have the same weight as they did two to five years ago, when they started trying to lose weight.,The Center for Disease Control rep

23、orts that 78 percent of American women are trying hard to lose weight, and at an amazing failure rate95 percent get back what theyve lost within two to five years.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: If you were not so fat you would be beautiful.,If youd just lose the weight youd be beautiful.,Meaning

24、 of the Sentences,Meaning: Ones idea about what is beautiful is something one learns, rather than something he or she is born with. Besides, people always change their cultural ideas about what is beautiful.,Beauty is a taught concept and the cultural standards for beauty change constantly.,Meaning

25、of the Sentences,Meaning: When I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a man who lives there asked me to take a picture with him by the sea.,While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: I asked,

26、 “Why did you choose me to be in a picture with you? There are women who have very beautiful body shapes.”,I asked, “Why me? There are women who look like models here.”,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning: “Dogs like eating bones,” he said with a smile. “Men like eating meat.”,“Bones are for dogs,” he

27、said with a smile. “Meat is for men.”,Meaning of the Sentences,New Words,Words do not depend on others opinions or judgments.,New Words,false adj.【1】not true or correct 不正确的;错误的 e.g. Many people have been cheated by mean people with false name cards. 许多人都有过被坏人利用假名片欺骗的遭遇。 【2】not real 不真实的;假的 e.g. Her

28、 teeth are false, but they look very natural. 她的牙齿是假的,但看上去像真的一样。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,false,2. 宁愿有公开的敌人,也不愿有虚情假意的朋友。,Better an open enemy than a false friend.,1. 许多人都有过被坏人利用假名片欺骗的遭遇。,Many people have been cheated by mean people with false name cards.,New Words,disorder n.【1】 (a) failure of

29、part of the body (or mind) to work properly ( 身体、精神的)失调;紊乱;小病;不适 e.g. Eating the wrong foods can cause a stomach disorder. 饮食不当会引发胃病。 【2】 lack of order; confusion 混乱;无秩序;杂乱;凌乱 e.g. The office was in a state of disordershe couldnt find a thing she looked for. 办公室凌乱不堪,她找不到要找的东西。,New Words,Exercises,Ex

30、ercises,disorder,2. 你如果能保持良好的饮食习惯,就能拥有健 康的身体。,You can keep yourself healthy if you are free from eating disorders.,1. 压力太大可能会诱发精神病。,Too much pressure may cause mental disorder.,New Words,naturally n.【1】by nature; as a natural quality 生来;天然地 e.g. Her daughter is naturally a beauty. 她女儿天生是个美人。 【2】lack

31、 of order; confusion 混乱;无秩序;杂乱;凌乱 e.g. After the lecture, the students will naturally ask you questions. 演讲完后,学生们自然会问你一些问题。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,naturally,2. 那位老人75岁时寿终正寝。,The old man died naturally at 75.,1. 这个小女孩生来就害羞。,The little girl was naturally shy.,New Words,comment n. (a) written or

32、 spoken opinion, explanation, or judgment made about an event, person, situation, etc. 评论;评语;评注 e.g. What are your comments on old people living alone? 你对老人们单独生活如何看待? v. make a comment; give an opinion 评论;发表意见 e.g. The boss commented that our plan was too expensive. 老板发表意见说,我们的计划费用太高。,Exercises,New

33、Words,Exercises,comment,2. 有些学生对老师的衣着打扮做了一番评论。,Some of the students commented about their teachers clothes.,1. 请就我们正在讨论的主题提出问题并发表意见。,Please limit your questions and comments to the topic we are discussing.,New Words,control n. the power to command, influence, or direct 控制;管理;抑制 e.g. Some college stu

34、dents have no control of themselves. 一些大学生不能自制。 v. have a direct influence over; fix or limit the amount, degree, or rate of; have power over; rule 控制;管理;管辖 e.g. The brain controls the rest of the body. 大脑控制着身体的其他部位。,Exercises,New Words,Exercises,2. 这家公司掌握着该行业77%的业务。,This company controls 77% percen

35、t of the trade.,1. 政府严格控制价格。,The government has strict control on prices.,New Words,control,3. 女孩再也无法控制自己的感情,哭了起来。,The girl couldnt control herself any longer and started to cry.,failure n.【1】lack of success; act of failing 失败;不成功 e.g. Sometimes failure is a turning point in ones life. 失败有时会成为人生的转折点

36、。 【2】a person, attempt, or thing that fails 失败的人(事或企图等) e.g. Several failures dont mean the world is coming to an end. 几次失败并不代表世界末日来临了。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,failure,2. 在众多失败者中,他觉得自己是成功人士。,He felt himself to be a successful man among a lot of failures.,1. 考试不及格只能怪你自己。,Youve got only yourself

37、 to thank for the failure in the test.,New Words,beauty n.【1】the qualities in someone or something that give pleasure to the senses or lift up the mind or spirit 美;美丽;漂亮 e.g. Which do you think is more important, the beauty of face or the qualities of character? 你认为哪个更重要,是漂亮的脸蛋还是性格品质? 【2】someone (us

38、ually female) or something beautiful 美人;美好的事物 e.g. She will grow up to be a beauty. 她长大后肯定会漂亮。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,beauty,2. 我们游玩过的那个公园真是漂亮极了。,The park we visited was a beauty.,1. 大海的美丽使我们兴奋不已。,The beauty of the sea excited us.,New Words,model n.【1】a person employed to model clothes; a per

39、son employed to be painted by a painter or photographed by a photographer(服装)模特;(绘画或摄影)模特 e.g. The company has signed three top models for the fashion show. 公司已签约三位顶级模特出场进行时装表演。 【2】a person or thing that is a perfect example to be followed or copied 模范;典范;好榜样 e.g. Parents should act as models to the

40、ir children. 父母应该给孩子树立好榜样。,New Words,Exercises,Exercises,model,2. 用行动给你弟弟做个好榜样。,Make what you do a model of your brothers.,1. 因为画家太穷,没钱请模特,他只好画自己的妻子、女儿,有时甚 至借助镜子画他自己。,Since the painter was too poor to hire models, he painted his wife, his daughter, and, with the help of a mirror, himself.,New Words,

41、Exercises,live off 靠过活,父母去世后,他由叔叔供养。,e.g. The people on this island live off seafood. 小岛上的居民吃的主要是海产品。,Expressions,He lived off his uncle after his parents died.,Exercises,enjoy doing 享受的乐趣;喜欢做,我的美国朋友喜欢烧中国菜。,e.g. Most of my classmates enjoy going to the cinema. 我的大部分同学喜欢看电影。,Expressions,My American f

42、riend enjoys cooking Chinese food.,Exercises,as early as 早在的时候,英国政府早在1948年就将铁路收归国有。,e.g. Researchers have found that AIDS cases in humans could go back as early as 1959. 研究人员发现,人类最早的艾滋病病例可追溯到1959年。,Expressions,The British government nationalized the railways as early as 1948.,Exercises,would rather.

43、 than. 宁愿而不愿,孩子们通常宁愿打扫院子也不愿做作业。,e.g. I would rather stay at home alone than go to the party tonight. 今晚我宁愿呆在家里也不去参加晚会。,Expressions,More often than not, the children would rather clean the yard than do their homework.,Exercises,in reality 实际上;事实上,孩子们喜欢那个陌生人,可实际上他是个罪犯。,e.g. We dream of freedom in real

44、ity, as well as in name. 我们梦想拥有名副其实的自由。,Expressions,The kids liked the stranger, but in reality, he was a criminal.,Exercises,try hard to do (something) 努力争取去做,我非常努力,想在工作中取得成功。,e.g. They are trying hard to hold their jobs. 他们正努力坚持工作。,Expressions,I tried very hard to be successful in my work.,Exercis

45、es,at a rate 以的速度,世界人口正以危险的速度增长。,e.g. My fellow workers work at a very fast rate. 我的同事们工作效率非常高。,Expressions,The population of the world is growing at a dangerous rate.,Exercises,1. Many people take part in exercises to lose _ and change their body shapes. 2. The young man who had just come to work i

46、n the office was _ as one of the few best employees in the company. 3. She looks ill, as she has been experiencing a sleeping _ for some time. 4. In my own life, I have developed some of both my mother and fathers _.,weight character blind justify false disorder rate control concept model,weight,rat

47、ed,disorder,character,Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.,Part I Using the Right Word,5. Dog owners have been required to keep their animals under _. 6. I understand some of the subjects key _, but Im not sure about it

48、s details. 7. The results of the study have certainly _ the money that has been spent on the project. 8. What is known as “good reason” is the ability to judge rightly, separating the true from the _.,control,concepts,justified,false,Part I Using the Right Word,weight character blind justify false d

49、isorder rate control concept model,1. She walks her dog every day _ the beach. 2. Some kinds of plants and animals are disappearing _ a fast rate. 3. The students show very positive attitudes _ their study. 4. You must consider the problem _ all its aspects.,on,at,toward,in,Part II Working with Expr

50、essions,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,5. Its not easy for people to give _ their bad habits. 6. The old couple live _ their nursery garden. 7. The guest speaker was asked to comment _ his college life. 8. I got my lost money _ from a tax

51、i driver.,up,off,on/upon,back,Part II Working with Expressions,Para 1,体胖心宽 在大学的照片上我很瘦。那时我全天工作,全天上学,抽烟,吃快餐,喝软饮料。朋友们说现在的我和照片中的我一点都不像。那时的我看上去一脸病态、情绪低落、身体很差。,译 文,Para 2,根据医学标准,我现在的体重已经超标到危险的程度,但我的生活状况比以前任何时候都好。我戒了烟,每天吃很多蔬菜;我喜欢散步、游泳、学跳舞。我积极锻炼,注意饮食,并不是为了减肥,而是因为我热爱生活。医生说我很健康,这比苗条重要得多。研究表明坚持运动的肥胖者的死亡率比不运动的“

52、正常”体重者低得多。,译 文,Para 3,人们从孩童时代就开始歧视肥胖者。一项研究表明,在幼儿园,孩子们更喜欢同龄的残疾儿童的照片而不喜欢肥胖儿童的照片。与此相似,一项对大学生的调查显示,他们宁可同吸毒者、小偷或盲人结婚,也不愿意同肥胖者结婚。这类态度导致了肥胖者在生活各方面受到歧视,包括经济方面。事实上,一项研究表明肥胖的白种妇女的收入比苗条的白种妇女少24%。,译 文,Para 4,人们常常为歧视肥胖者找借口,认为肥胖是自己选择的。选择?在这样一个对体重高度敏感的文化中谁愿意选择做胖子呢?社会上对于肥胖存在种种错误观念:所有的肥胖者都有饮食、感情或精神问题;要是他们真想减肥,是可以做到的

53、。,译 文,Para 5&6,然而,事实上,有些人天生就肥胖。人的体型是一个科学问题,而不应该成为评价一个人性格的依据。疾病控制中心的报告表明78% 的美国妇女正竭力试图减肥,但成功率却出奇的低其中95%的人在2至5年内又恢复了原来的体重。 常常有人对我说“你有一张漂亮的脸。”我却对此不以为然,因为我知道他们的潜台词:“你要是瘦一些的话会很漂亮的。”其实美是别人教给的概念,而且美的文化标准也在不断变化。,译 文,Para 7&8,后来的生活中我欣喜地了解到,不同文化的审美标准是不同的。有一次我来到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上一起拍照。我问他:“你为什么选我呢?这儿有些女人身材好得像模特。” 他微笑着对我说:“狗才喜欢骨头,男人喜欢肉。”,译 文,

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