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1、L17译员的跨文化交际意识和能力,Interpreters awareness of and competence for cross-cultural communication,Class Arrangement,1. Warm-up activitySentence interpreting 2. Interpreting theoryFactors in cross- cultural communication 3. Examples analysis in Interpreting practice,1. Warm-up activitySentence interpreting,

2、Part I English-Chinese Interpretation Good morning. This past week I traveled to Austria and Hungary, where I had productive meetings with our European allies. /We discussed the challenges and opportunities we share, including the importance of spreading prosperity at home and around the world. /Its

3、 good to be back to America, and Im pleased to report that our economy is strong, growing, and delivering prosperity to more of our people.,1. Warm-up activitySentence interpreting,Part II Chinese-English Interpretation 在过去的两届年会上,我们分别以“中国因素”和“中国因素:机遇与挑战”为主题,/探讨了中国经济贸易的发展为全球海运市场和海运业界所带来的重要影响。/特别是在去年的

4、年会上,我们对“中国因素”将在未来一段时期继续推动国际航运业的发展形成了普遍的共识。/,Reference,Part 1: 上午好。上周我访问了奥地利和匈牙利,与我们的欧洲盟友进行了卓有成效的会谈。我们讨论了共同面对的挑战和机遇,其中包括实现国家和世界繁荣的重要性。很高兴能回到美国,而且我也高兴地告诉大家,美国经济依然繁荣,不断增长,并让更多的人民过上富裕的生活。,Reference,In the past two annual conferences, on the themes of “China Factor” and “China Factor: Opportunities and C

5、hallenges”, we discussed the major impacts brought by Chinese economic and trade development on global shipping market and industry. In particular, during last years conference, we reached consensus on the facilitating role played by the China factor on international shipping industry in the near fu

6、ture.,口译中的跨文化因素 Language is the principle means whereby we conduct our social live. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up culture in multiple and complex ways”。 - Kramsch,什么是跨文化交际?我国学者胡文仲指出,跨文化交际时人们在不自觉中经常进行的一种活动,它大到政治人物与外国领导人的谈判,小到观看和欣赏外国电影、小说等。简言之,跨文化交际就是具有 不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程。

7、在口译工作中,影响译员工作质量的文化因素,主要有以下几个方面:,在口译工作中,影响译员工作质量的文化因素,主要有以下几个方面:,一、语用原则 二、思维模式 三、社会习俗 四、跨文化交际中的非语言交际,一、语用原则,口译不同于笔译,它是一种口头交际活动。在交际过程中,除了遵循由语音、语法词汇等因素构成的语言规则外,还需要遵循一套严格的语用规则。,二、思维模式,中国人的思维模式则偏向于迂回式, 往往需要借助隐含的表达方式来透露内心的想法。 女士们,先生们,请注意! 此门不通,美国人的思维模式偏向于直线式 信息会直截了当地从一方传达到另一方; Attention, please! Ladies an

8、d gentlemen, may I have your attention please? No entry through this door Please use the other door,三、社会习俗,人们的社会交往要遵守约定俗成的社会习俗,这体现在交际过程的方方面面,比如见面时如何打招呼、分手时如何告别、如何迎来送往、如何宴请招待等。,四、跨文化交际中的非语言交际,非语言交际虽说不用语言文字表达,但却是语言交际的重要补充,而且能传递语言行为难以表达的内涵、意念和感情,是整个跨文化交际中不可缺少的组成部分。,语用就是语言的实际应用。 语言的实际应用主要是进行交际对话,就是用语言进行

9、信息交流和交换。 语用失误(pragmatic failure)是由英国著名语用学家JennyThomas 于20 世纪80 年代初提出的。 语用失误是指“不能理解话语的含义” (The inability to understand what is meant by what is said.)(Thomas,J,1983),语用失误,语用失误 1.语用语言失误(pragmatic-linguistic) 2.社交语用失误(sociopragmatic failure),1.语用语言失误(pragmatic-linguistic),语用语言失误指的是当说话人在某一表述中使用的语用方式系统性地

10、不同于将语言作为母语使用的说话人在这一表述中经常使用的语用方式时,而产生的失误。 (1)汉英词语一一对应,忽视了两者间的差别 (2) 套用汉语的表达结构,(1)汉英词语一一对应,忽视了两者间的差别,例1. 外方:Will the goods be shipped to our country by the end of this year? 中方:当然。 译员:Of course. “What a stupid question!”或“Only an idiotic foreigner would ask! ”,例2.中方:进一步简化手续,及时地积极地从国外引进技术,并且认真组织科学技术人员和

11、广大职工做好消化和推广工作。 译员:We should further simplify procedures and take prompt and vigorous actions to import urgently needed technologies and earnestly organize scientists , technicians and the mass of workers to assimilate and popularize imported technologies.,例3.“胜利召开” successfully convened This meeting

12、 must have gone through a lot of troubles before it finally convened. ” 例4. -我们需要团结一心,争取按期完成该项目。 - We need to work hard together to finish the project on time. ” 例5. -中方:请提宝贵意见。 -译员:Please give us your valuable opinions. Your opinions will be appreciated,(2) 套用汉语的表达结构,例1: 中方:我方会尽量克服公司管理过程中的种种困难。 译员:

13、We will do our best to over come various difficulties in the management of the company. 例2: 外方:Thank you very much. 中方:没关系,这是我应该做的。 译员:Never mind. Its my duty to do so.,例3:导游先生每到一个地方,都向客人叮嘱 You must come back here at 5oclock. You must get together at the lobby at 7 一个外国客人调侃导游说- What must we do when

14、we check out the hotel, Mr. Must?” (“必须先生”,我们退房时必须做什么?) “Would you please meet the lobby at 7?”、 “The bus will continue the trip at 5 P.M.”,你们不得在此 ,You must not, () Its imperative to ensure that there 或“You are kindly requested to” 你最好 You had better () I wonder if you could, 或Would you please,2.社交语

15、用失误(sociopragmatic failure),社交语用失误就是指因不了解或忽视交际双方的社会文化背景差异而出现的失误。 (1)“套话”翻译忽视文化差异 (2).文化渊源不同而产生误会 (3) 混淆同义结构的不同使用场合,(1)“套话”翻译忽视文化差异,例1: 中方:最后我祝愿此次的“经济论坛”取得圆满成功,并祝与会代表身体健康、家庭幸福! 译员:Finally ,I wish the“Economic Forum”a great success ,and wish you good health and a happy family. “Finally , I wish theEco

16、nomic Forumpa great success and wish you good health and a happy stay here. ”.,(1)“套话”翻译忽视文化差异,例2: 中方:史密斯先生,欢迎来我市。对于接待的不周我们感到非常抱歉,希望您能够谅解。 译员:Mr. Smith, welcome to our city. We apologize for the poor reception and beg for your forgiveness. We hope you enjoy your stay here. “If you know the reception

17、 is poor ,why dont you make it better ? “,(1)“套话”翻译忽视文化差异,例3: 英方:Thank you for your help. 译员:谢谢你们的帮助。 中方:这是我们应该做的。 译员:Thats what we should do.,(1)“套话”翻译忽视文化差异,例4: 外方:Its really a marvelous present, thank you very much! 中方:我们送给你的这个礼物和我们送给你们公司老总的礼物是一样的。 译员:This is the same present we give the head of

18、your company. Hope you like it.,(2).文化渊源不同而产生误会,望子成龙 to hope that ones child will become somebody 五讲、四美、三热爱 Five talks ,four beauties ,three loves “谈了五次恋爱,其中有四个是美人,爱上了其中的三个” five stresses, four beauties and three loves”, “五个重点、四个美人、三个情人”,五讲、四美、三热爱,Five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspec

19、ts of love” 或 “stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals; beauty of the mind, language, behavior and the environment; love of the motherland, socialismand the Communist Party”,(2).文化渊源不同而产生误会,中方:我们这个经济区确实是块肥肉啊! 译员:This economic development zone is really a piece of fat meat. This ec

20、onomic development zone is very promising.,(3) 混淆同义结构的不同使用场合,例1: 中方:我们是商场的老朋友啦,你就直接开个价吧。 译员:We are good partners in trade. Could you possibly give us an offer ? We are good partners in trade, so just give us an offer. 例2: 中方:在过去的两年里,我们的合作非常愉快。现在,你就拿些我们合资企业的产品让大家见识见识吧。 译员:We have been cooperating very well over the past two years. I wonder if you could show us some latest products of our joint venture. We have been cooperating very well in the past two years.Now ,lets have a look at some of our latest products.,

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