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1、Unit 20 New frontiers,基础知识提要,核心单词 根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。 1. _ n. 质量;大量 2. _ vt. 帮助;协助 3. _ n. 后者 4. _ vi. 点击 5. _ adj. 方便使用的 6. _ vt. 下载 7. _ vt. 更新 8. _ vt. 评价;评估 9. _ adj. 电子的 10. _ adj. 数字式的,mass,assist,latter,click,handy,download,update,assess,electronic,digital,11. _ vt. 拯救;救援 12. _ vt. 捐赠;赠送 13. _ v

2、i. 通信 14. _ conj. 同时 15. _ vt. 治愈 16. _ n. 障碍;屏障 17. _ vt. 允许;准许 18. _ vi. 打喷嚏 19. _ adj. 成熟的 20. _ vt. 宣告;宣布,rescue,donate,correspond,meanwhile,cure,barrier,permit,sneeze,ripe,declare,21. algebra_ 22. geometry_ 23. recreation_ 24. seminar_ 25. enterprise_ 26. welfare_ 27. conflict _ 28. specialist_

3、 29. colleague _ 30. procedure _ 31. premier _,代数,几何,消遣;娱乐,研讨会;交流会,事业;企业,福利,争执;冲突,专家,同事;同僚,程序;步骤,最重要的,32. circuit_ 33. microwave_ 34. patent_ 35. phenomenon_ 36. primitive _ 37. permanent_ 38. initial _ 39. socket_ 40. souvenir_,电路,微波炉,专利,现象,原始的,长久的;永久的,最初的;开始的,插座,纪念品,词类转换 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1.assist (

4、vt.) _ (n.) 助手 类似:participate _ (n.) 参加者 2. hand (n.) _ (adj.) 方便使用的 类似:mist _ (adj.) 多雾的 3. stain (n.) _ (adj.) 无污迹的 类似:breath _ (adj.) 屏息的 4. starve (vi.) _ (n.) 饥饿 类似:declare _ (n.) 宣告;宣布 5. equal (adj.) _ (n.) 平等 类似:active _ (n.) 活动,assistant,participant,handy,misty,stainless,breathless,starvati

5、on,declaration,equality,activity,6. assess (vt.) _ (n.) 评价;评估 类似:invest _ (n.) 投资 7. digit (n.) _ (adj.) 数字式的 类似:origin _ (adj.) 起初的 8. connect (v.) _ (v.) 切断 类似:cover _ (v.) 发现 9. ripe (adj.) _ (v.) (使)成熟 类似:wide _ (v.) (使)加宽 10. shave (v.) _ (n.) 电动剃须刀 类似:settle _ (n.) 移民;殖民者,assessment,investment

6、,digital,orginal,disconnect,discover,ripen,widen,shaver,settler,重要词组 1. _ 预先 2. _ 泄露(秘密) 3. _ 接收;接管 4. _ 处于进退两难的困境 5. _ 更不用说 6. _ 与此同时 7. _ 挑选出 8. _ 治愈某人的疾病 9. _ 求助于 10. _ 努力解决难事 11. _ 致力于做某事,in advance,give away,take over,in a dilemma,not to mention,(in the) meanwhile / meantime,single out,cure sb.

7、 of a disease,turn to sb. for help,wrestle with something,be dedicated to doing sth.,12._ 错误地 13. _ 弥补 14. _ 理解 15. _ 从到范围 16. _ 传达;使人了解 17. _ 出版;发售;上演 18. _ 换句话说 19. _ information technology 20. _ artificial intelligence 21. _ bluetooth technology 22. _ black hole,by mistake / in error,make up for,

8、figure out,range fromto,get across,come out,in other words,信息技术,人工智能,蓝牙技术,黑洞,23. _ light year 24. _ search engine 25. _ theory of relativity 26. _ space race 27. _ a stepping stone 28. _ kick off 29. _ drop off 30. _ rather than 31. _ in case 32. _ in conclusion,光年,搜索引擎,相对论,太空竞赛,垫脚石,开始;开球,减少,而不是,万一;

9、如果,总之;最后,重要考点突破,核心单词 1. electronic adj. 电子的 This dictionary is available in electronic version.这部词典有电子版。 辨析:electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。 electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。 运用:请使用electric, electrical, electronic填空。 (1) Please connect the two _ wires. (2) He buried h

10、imself in an _ book. (3) I love _ music.,electric,electrical,electronic,2. conflict n. 冲突;矛盾 vi. 发生冲突 There is, in fact, no conflict.其实并不矛盾。 The hours of the two meetings conflict.这两个会议时间发生冲突。 拓展:come into conflict 发生冲突 conflict with sb./sth. 与有分歧 运用:用conflict翻译下列句子。 (1) 中国法律与国际法律之间有分歧吗? Do _ any in

11、ternational laws? (2) 这两个室友经常闹矛盾。 The two roommates often _,Chinese laws conflict with,come into conflict.,3. instruction n. 使用说明,须知(常用复数);指令,教育,教学 I read the instructions on the bottle.我读了瓶子上的用法说明。 Instruction knows no class distinction.教育无贵贱之分。(有教无类) 辨析:explanation解释 description描述,描写 拓展:give instr

12、uctions to sb./sth. 给某人发出指令 运用:用instruction, explanation, description填空。 (1)The beauty of the sunrise is beyond_. (2) Before taking the medicine, you ought to study the _ or follow the doctors advice. (3)Reasonable as his _ for his absence sounded, I wouldnt accept it.,description,instructions,expla

13、nation,4. rescue vt. 挽救,救出(save.from harm or danger; set free) He rescued three children from the burning building.他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。 辨析: (1)rescue多指在直接的危险或祸患中给予迅速和有效的救援,较save更能表达拯救的紧迫性,一般指救人;它还有从监禁中救出的意思。 (2)save指通过救援不但使受害者(人或物)能脱离危险或祸患,而且使其能保存下来,有时可与rescue通用。从某种状态中把某人拯救出来多用save。,运用:用rescue或save填空。

14、(1)只有社会主义才能救中国。 Only socialism can _ China. (2)救生艇被派出去救沉船的水手。 The life boat was sent out to _ the sailors from the sinking ship. (3)消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。 The quick action of the firemen _the building from being burned down.,save,rescue,saved,5. split v. 劈开,使裂开,分担,分享n. 分裂 Some kinds of wood split easil

15、y.有些木材容易劈开。 Well split the cost of the petrol.我们平摊了油费。 拓展:split up with 断绝关系,分离 split into 分成 运用:用split翻译下列句子。 (1)我们分成两组搜查了树林。 _ and searched the forest. (2) 我决定同他绝交。 I decide_.,We split into two groups,to split up with him.,6. cure v. 治愈,治疗n. 治愈,疗法 The only way to cure backache is to rest.治疗背痛的唯一办法

16、是休息 When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 There is still no cure for the common cold.目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。 提示:cure表示治病的良药(=medicine)时,后面接介词for。 辨析:treat意为“治疗”,不一定治愈;cure则指“治愈”,且与treat搭配不同;heal意为“治愈”,但其多用于指治愈外伤(wound, injury, cut, burn etc.)。 搭配:treat sb. for a disease治疗某人的(疾病) cure s

17、b. of sth. 治好某人的(疾病),运用:补充下列句子。 (1)治疗头痛的唯一方法就是休息。 _ is to rest. (2)医生治好了他父亲的癌症。 The doctor _cancer.,The only way to cure headache,cured his father of,7. permit v. 允许,容许 n. 许可证 搭配: permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 注意:permit用做动词时,其后跟宾语(人),则要加动词不定式作宾补;若不跟宾语(人),则需要加动名词作宾语。类似的动词还有:all

18、ow, forbid, advise, recommend等 运用:用permit翻译下列句子。 (1)如果时间许可的话,我开完会就来。 Ill come after the meeting if_. (2)他们不允许你抽烟。 They dont_.,time permits,permit you to smoke,(3)办公室里不允许抽烟。 We dont _in the office. (4)你有没有取得驾照? Have you got a _. 拓展:说出下列句子中划线部分的意思。 (1)With your permission Ill leave now. (2)You cant ta

19、ke photographs here without permission.,permit smoking,driving permit,with your permission如果你许可,without permission 未经许可,8. declare vt. 宣布,公告 vi. 声明,表示 She declared that he knew nothing about the accident.她声称她对这起交通事故一无所知。 Jones was declared the winner.琼斯被宣布为冠军。 We declared for their proposal.我们声明赞成他们

20、的建议。 说明:可接that从句,也可接形容词或名词作补语。 搭配:declare for声明赞成 declare against声明反对,表态反对,运用:用declare翻译下列句子。 (1)他声称自己是无罪的。(至少两种译法) He declared_ _ (2)人民声明反对这场战争。 The people declare_ (3)我现在宣布会议开幕。 I now_ 拓展: declaration n. 宣布;公布 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 announce (vt.) announcement (n.)通知;布告,that he was i

21、nnocent,himself innocent /himself to be innocent,against the war,declare this meeting open,9. donate v. 捐献 运用:用donate翻译下列句子。 (1)她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。 _ (2)献血是我们的义务。 _ is our responsibility. 拓展:donation n. 捐献 联想:collect /raise money for sb./sth. 为某人/某事募捐,She donated her books to the library.,Donating blood,1

22、0. correspond v. 通信,符合,相当 搭配: correspond with sb. 和某人通信 (=communicate with sb.) correspond with sth. 与相符合 correspond to sth. 相当于 运用:请用上述短语填入下列的空格中。 (1)他所说的跟他所做的相符合(言行一致)。 What he said _ _ what he did. (2) 美国的国会相当於英国的议会。 The American Congress _ _ the British Parliament. (3) 我已多年没跟我的老朋友通信了。 I havent _

23、 _ my old friends for years.,corresponded with,corresponds to,corresponded with,重要词组 1. single out (for) (为特殊对待而)挑选出,找出 They all did wrong; why single him out for punishment?他们都有错,为何单挑他来处分? 联想:表示“挑选出”的还有select / choose / pick out等。 运用:用single out翻译下列句子。 (1)这学期我们都学习不错,我真不明白为什么我们的英语老师单单表扬了班长一个人。 I rea

24、lly dont see why our English teacher should _praise since we have all done quite well this term. (2)吉利被选为最优秀的学生。 Jerry _ as the best student,single out our monitor for,was singled out,2. wrestle with努力解决(sth.),同(某人)搏斗/扭打 He has been wrestling with the difficult problem. 他一直在努力解决这个难题。 He wrestled wit

25、h one of his classmates.他与一个同学扭成一团。 运用:用wrestle with翻译下列句子。 (1)昨天约翰与抢劫者进行了搏斗。 John_ (2) 他帮助她克服了她遇到的许多困难。 He helped her _ she met,wrestled with the robbers,wrestle with the difficulties,3. take over 接管 He wanted to take over the job.他想接管这项工作。 Our chairman has left, so Peter will take over.我们的主席走了,彼得将

26、接任。 运用:用含take over的短语翻译下列句子。 (1)当她生病的时候她女儿从她手中接管了生意。 When she fell ill, her daughter _ (2)你愿意让我替你开一会儿车吗? Would you like me to _ for a while?,took over the business from her,take over the driving,4. turn to 求助于,翻到 There is no body she could turn to. 她求助无门。 拓展:turn to sb. for help / comfort 寻求帮助/安慰 运用

27、:用turn to翻译下列句子。 (1) 这个孩子向他母亲寻求安慰。 The child _ (2)如果你遇到了困难,可以向你的老师求助。 If you are in trouble, _ (3)打开书,翻到第五页。 Open your books. _.,turned to his mother for comfort.,you can turn to your teacher (for help),Turn to Page 5,5. look into 调查(= investigate / examine) The policemen have looked into the murder

28、 case. 警察已经介入调查这件谋杀案了。 运用:用look into翻译下列句子。 (1) 他们成立了一个委员会来调查这一事件。 They set up a committee _. (2) 机器出了问题,我们正在检查。 Something is wrong with the machine; _,to look into the matter,we are looking into it.,6. give away 泄露;分发,捐赠;把(新娘)交给新郎 运用:说出这下列句子中give away意思。 (1) The bride was given away by her father.

29、(2) The mayor give away the prize at the school sports day. (3) Dont give away the ending! I want to watch it for myself. (4) She gave away all her money to the poor. (5)He would rather die than give away his friend.,把(新娘)交给新郎,颁发,泄露,把说出来,捐献,出卖,背叛,7. by mistake 错误地(= in error) He dialed the number by

30、 mistake.他拨错了电话号码。 运用:用by mistake翻译下列句子。 (1)对不起,我错拿了你的钢笔。 Sorry. I_. (2)汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。 Tom must have taken_. 拓展:learn by ones mistake 从错误中吸取教训 联想:mistakefor= takefor 把误认为 I mistook the stick for a snake. 我把这个棍子误以为是蛇了。,took your pen by mistake,your dictionary by mistake,8. figure out 理解,算出,找到 Ive n

31、ever been able to figure him out. 我一直都不能理解他。 运用:请说出下列句子中figure out的意思。 I cant figure out why he quit his job. (2) Have you figured out whats wrong with your car? (3) I have figure out how much the holiday will cost .,理解,找到,算出,9. make up for 弥补 Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。

32、拓展:make up to sb. 巴结某人 运用:用make up for语翻译下列句子。 (1)我们必须努力工作以弥补失去的时光。 We must work hard to_ (2)什么也不能补偿他们所受的痛苦。 Nothing can_ (3)他总是巴结他的老板。 He is always _,make up for the lost time,make up for what they have suffered,making up to the boss.,10. range fromto 从到范围 (=range betweenand) Leather shoes range from $10 to $30 a pair.皮鞋售价每双10美元至30美元不等。 运用:用range fromto翻译下列句子。 (1)价钱从7美元到10美元不等。 Prices _ (2)他的兴趣从下棋到游泳,范围很广。 His interests _,range between $7 and $ 10=range from $7 to $ 10,ranged from chess to swimming.,此处填写学校名称,此处填写联系方式,谢 谢 :,),

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