专题02 Unit 1 Topic 2 I’ll kick you the ball again(基础知识汉译英版)

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1、2019-2020学年仁爱英语八年级上学期单词,词组,句子背默 Unit 1 Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again.一、1. 有病的;不健康的 adj.2. 患病,病倒3. 介意;关心 v.思想,想法 n.4. 踢;踹;踢(腿)v.5. 传球;传递;经过;推移;及格 v.6. 帮某人一个忙7. 在某方面做得好8. 当然,确定,肯定 adv.9. 在某处 adv.10. 扔,投,掷 v.11. .斥责(某人);对某人大声说12. 争论;打仗(架)v.打仗(架);争论 n.13. 尽(某人)最大努力14. 协同工作,配合 n.15. 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的 adj

2、. 16. 对生气17. 谈论;讨论18. 无关紧要的东西;没有什么 pron.19. 完成,做好 v.最后部分,结尾,结局 n.20. (外)祖父;爷爷;外公 n.21. 发明,创造 v.22. 发明者,发明家;创造者 n.23. 球场,运动场;法庭 n.24. 在户外,在野外 adv.郊野;露天 n25. 世纪,百年 n.26. 起初,起先27. 室内的 adj.28. 球棒;球拍;蝙蝠 n.29. 变得,变成 v.30. 进入,到里面 prep.31. 形成,产生32. 目标;进球得分,射门 n.33. 穿过,贯穿 prep.34. 一边,一侧;一旁,侧面 n.35. (篮球运动的)篮;

3、篮子 n.36. 遵循规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上 v.37. 例子,实例;样品 n.38. 例如,举例39. 抓住;举办;保持;包含 v.40. 技艺;技能 n.41. 作为,当作 prep.像一样,如同;因为 advconj42. (用以引出比较的第二部分)比 prep.43. 得分,进球 vn.44. 爱好者;热爱者 n.45. 这样的,那样的,类似的 pron.46. 板球(运动)n.47. 主要的,最重要的 adj.48. 人;个人 n.49. 英雄,豪杰 n.50. 杯子,杯 n.51. 最终的,最后的 adj.52. 草坪;草地 n.53. 得分;观点,要点 n.(用手指头或物体)指

4、 v.54. 击(球);碰撞 v.二、 5原创精品资源独家享有,侵权必究!1 帮某人一个忙2 之一3 生病4 加入某人5 乐于做某事6 擅长做7 你介意8 一点也不9 练习做10 在操场上11 尽某人最大努力12 生某人的气13 对说对不起14 为了15 阻止做某事16 只为开心17 把变成18 许多19 把踢给20 递给某人某物21 像这样22 不要介意23 坚持做24 试一试25 在做得好26 乱扔27 其他某个地方28 朝喊29 对感到抱歉30 做有乐趣31 起初32 两者都33 形成34 例如35 大量的三、1. 周六我们和五班之间将会有一场足球赛。2. 但是我的一个队友生病了。3.

5、你想要加入我们吗?4. 你介意教我吗?5. 我把球踢给你,你再把球像这样传给我。6. 你介意我再试一次吗?7. 你介意不要乱扔瓶子吗?8. 不要像那样对我喊。9. 迈克尔足球踢得不好,但是他尽力了。10. 你应该学习团队协作,更经常的把球传给你的队友。11. 对迈克尔说对不起怎么样呢?12. 对我说的话我感到很抱歉。13. 多多练习,下次你将会做的更好。14. 你一定会玩的更开心。15. 篮球是美国以及世界其他地方最受欢迎的运动之一。16. 目标是将球投入对方的篮筐而得分,并阻止对方这样做。17. 对于你和其他队员来说,团队合作是很重要的。18. 许多人在公园或操场上踢足球只为开心。19. 他

6、们把大多数的主要队员都培养成了名人【参考参考答案】1. ill2. fall ill3. mind4. kick5. pass6. do sb. a hand7. do well in 8. certainly9. somewhere10. throw11. shout at sb.12. fight13. do ones best14. teamwork15. angry16. be angry with17. talk about 18. nothing19. finish20. grandfather21. invent22. inventor23. court24. outdoors2

7、5. century26. at first27. indoor28. bat29. become30. into31. come into being32. goal33. through34. side35. basket36. follow37. example38. for example39. hold40. skill41. as42. than43. score44. lover45. such46. cricket47. main48. person49. hero50. cup51. final52. grass53. point54. hit1. give sb a han

8、d2. one of .3. fall ill4. join sb5. be glad to do sth.6. be good at7. would you mind doing 8. not at all9. practice doing sth10. on the playground11. do ones best12. be angry with sb.13. say sorry to14. so that15. stop . from doing sth.16. just for fun17. turn . into .18. lots of19. kick sth to sb20

9、. pass sb sth21. like this22. never mind23. keep doing sth24. have a try25. do well in26. throw sth around27. somewhere else28. shout at29. be sorry for30. have fun doing sth31. at first32. both . and .33. come into being34. such as35. a number of1. We are going to have a soccer game against Class F

10、ive on Saturday.2. But one of my teammates fell ill.3. Will you join us?4. Would you mind teaching me?5. I kick the ball to you. And you pass me the ball like this.6. Would you mind if I try it again?7. Would you mind not throwing bottles around?8. Dont shout at me like that.9. Michael doesnt do wel

11、l in soccer but he did his best.10. You should learn teamwork, and pass the ball to your teammates more often.11. What about saying sorry to Michael?12. I am sorry for what I said.13. Practice more and you will do better next time.14. You are sure to have more fun.15. Basketball is one of the most p

12、opular sports in the United States and other parts of the world.16. The goal is to throw the ball through the other sides basket, and to stop the other team from doing so.17. It is more important for you and the other players to play as a team.18. Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just for fun.19. They turned most of their main players into famous persons.知识改变命运

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