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1、2022年高中英语Unit8AdventurePeriodthree课时作业北师大版必修.阅读理解AThe light from the campfire brightened the darkness,but it could not prevent the damp cold of Denniss Swamp(沼泽地) creeping into their bones.It was a strange place.Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jacks dare.They liked camping,but not n

2、ear this swamp.“So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals.“How did this place get its name?”“Are you sure you want to hear it? Its a scary story,” warned Jack.“Of course!” cried out Tom.“If there were anything to be scared of,you wouldnt have chosen this place!”“OK,but dont say I didnt wa

3、rn you,” said Jack,and he began his tale.“Way back in time,a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here.He built that cottage over there to live in.In those days,the area looked quite differentit was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystalclear river.After three hard years,Dennis had c

4、leared several fields and planted crops.He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.”“You are clearing too much land, warned one old man.The land is a living thing.It will hit back at you if you abuse it.”“Silly fool, said Dennis to himself.If I clear more land,I can grow more

5、 crops.Ill bee wealthier.Hes just jealous!”“Dennis continued to chop down trees.Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed.He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door.He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of t

6、he land.He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”“What happened?” Martin asked.It was growing colder.He trembled,twisting his body closer to the fire.“The land hit backjust as the old man warned,” Jack shrugged.“Dennis disappeared.Old folks around here believe that swamp plants

7、moved up from the river and dragged him underwater.His body was never found.”“What a stupid story,” laughed Tom.“Plants cant.” Before he had finished speaking,he screamed and fainted(晕倒)The other two boys jumped up with fright,staring at Tom.Suddenly,they burst out laughing.Some green swamp ivy(常春藤)

8、 had covered Toms face.It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.1The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .Acourage BassistanceCinstruction Dchallenge答案D解析词义猜测题。通过对上下文的理解可知,他们接受了Jack的挑战,而来到这片沼泽地。2Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?ATo frighten them.BTo sa

9、tisfy their curiosity.CTo warn them of the danger of the place.DTo persuade them to camp in the swamp.答案B解析细节理解题。由第二、四段可知,Martin和Tom对沼泽地名字的由来感到很好奇。3Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?AThe old man envied him.BThe old man was foolish.CHe was too busy to listen to others.DHe was greedy fo

10、r more crops.答案D解析细节理解题。根据“If I clear more land,I can grow more crops.Ill bee wealthier.Hes just jealous!”可知,Dennis认为,开垦更多的土地,就能种植更多的庄稼,他就会变得更加富有。因此,D项正确。4Why did Tom scream and faint?AHe saw Denniss shadow.BHe was scared by a plant.CHis friends played a joke on him.DThe weather became extremely col

11、d.答案B解析细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Some green swamp ivy(常春藤) had covered Toms face.”可知B项正确。BApart from speeches,in my point of view,we can use our eyes to express ourselves.And through ones eyes,we can read sorrow,happiness,encouragement,and many other emotions.Eyes are always the most direct organs to reveal our

12、 thoughts.Until now I still remember an experience,which happened when I took part in a singing contest at the age of nine.It was the power of my mothers eyes that encouraged me to go for it.I had shown great interest in singing before that,but I was too shy to sing in public.So one day my mother to

13、ok me to sign up for the singing contest.With my mothers pany and encouragement,I was determined to meet that challenge.Standing on the stage,I suddenly found I had bee the focus of all attention.I got so nervous that I couldnt even keep my eyes open.When it was my turn to be introduced to the audie

14、nce and sing,I became even more nervous.I felt my legs were shaking and my memory seemed to have left meI couldnt remember anything.Searching for help,I met my mothers eyes which were sparkling with encouragement and strong power.It seemed that they were speaking to me,“Take it easy.You can do it!Il

15、l always be with you!”I read the message in her eyes and at that moment I got my confidence back and began to sing my song.When I came down from the stage,she came up to me,saying,“Great!Im proud of you!” and gave me a big hug.At that moment,I saw her eyes filled with tears of joy.Sometimes,you see,

16、just a look of encouragement from a loved one can make a shy person brave.5Whats the authors purpose of telling us about her unforgettable experience?ATo prove that we can express ourselves through our eyes.BTo explain that our eyes are an important part of our body.CTo share her unforgettable exper

17、ience with us.DTo tell us how she became brave.答案A解析主旨大意题。作者通过讲述在一次比赛中妈妈用眼神对自己的鼓励说明,眼睛也是人们表达情感的一种途径。文章第一段提出作者对眼睛的看法,然后第二段通过描述自己的亲身经历来证明自己的观点。6According to the passage we know that .Athe author wasnt interested in the singing contest at allBthe author was nervous because she couldnt see her motherCth

18、e author didnt do well in the singing contestDthe author got confidence from her mothers eyes答案D解析细节理解题。从第二段倒数第四句可知,是妈妈的眼神鼓励了作者,使她找回自信,完成了比赛,故D项正确。由第二段第三句排除A项;作者紧张是因为她很害羞,排除B项;比赛结束后,妈妈为她在舞台上的表现而拥抱她,可以看出作者在舞台上的表现应该还算不错,排除C项。7What does the underlined word “reveal” in the first paragraph mean?AGive awa

19、y. BGive up.CGive in. DGive out.答案A解析词义猜测题。从第一段可以看出,从人的眼睛里,我们可以看出一个人的情感和想法等,因此reveal的意思与give away“泄露”最为接近。8What did the mother think of the authors performance?AUnbelievable. BUnusual.CSuccessful. DSpecial.答案C解析推理判断题。由比赛结束后妈妈的称赞、拥抱以及喜悦之泪可以判断妈妈认为作者的表演是成功的。.完形填空There once was a King who offered a priz

20、e to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace.Many artists 1 .The King looked at all the pictures, 2 there were only two he really liked and he had to 3 between them.One picture was of a calm lake.The lake was a perfect 4 for peaceful high mountains all around it. 5 was a blue sky with f

21、luffy(绒毛似的) 6 clouds.All who saw this picture thought that it was a(n) 7 picture of peace.The other picture had 8 too.But these were rugged(高低不平) and 9 .Above was a(n) 10 sky,from which rain fell,in which lightening 11 .Down the side of the mountain tumbled(翻腾) a foaming(泛泡沫) 12 .This did not look p

22、eaceful 13 .But when the King looked closely,he saw 14 the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack(裂缝) in the 15 .In the bush a mother bird had built her 16 .There,in the midst of the rush of the angry water,sat the mother bird on her nest.in perfect 17 .Which picture do you think won the prize?The

23、 King chose the 18 picture.Do you know why?“Because,” explained the King,“peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, 19 ,or hard work.Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be 20 in your heart.That is the real meaning of peace.”1A.tried BfailedCsucceeded Dlef

24、t答案A解析由下文的“The King looked at all the pictures, there were only two he really liked.”可知,此处指很多人都进行了“尝试”。B项有一定的干扰性,联系下文国王从中选出了两幅画可知,此处强调的是很多人尝试,而不是很多人失败。2A.and Bso Cbut Dor答案C解析分析句意可知前后为转折关系,因此用but。3A.fight BpaintCdiscuss Dchoose答案D解析国王要选出最好的一幅画,所以他还要从这两幅图中“选出”一幅,故D项正确。4A.pool Bmirror Cbowl Dpond答案B解析

25、由上一句中的“a calm lake”可知,此处指湖四周群山环绕,而湖面就像一面完美的“镜子”。其他选项都不能体现湖面的平静。5A.Overhead BHereCInside DOutside答案A解析联系空后的“a blue sky”可知,此处指“高处”是碧蓝的天空。6A.bright BheavyCwhite Ddark答案C解析画面体现的是宁静,因此天空是蓝的,云应该是“白的”。7A.boring BinterestingCproper Dperfect答案D解析所有看了这幅画的人都觉得这是体现宁静的“最完美”的图画,因为这幅画符合大多数人对宁静的理解。8A.lakes Bmountai

26、nsCclouds Dbirds答案B解析联系下文的“rugged”可知,另一幅画也有“山”,不过山是高低不平、光秃秃的。9A.beautiful BbareCsnowcovered Dgreen答案B解析与空前的“rugged”相呼应的只有bare。C项有一定干扰性,snowcovered不能说明山的单调,与下文“rain fell”,“lightening”不符;而beautiful和green都是形容山好看,与空前的rugged不能并列。10A.blue BwideCangry Dsunny答案C解析由下文的“.from which rain fell,in which lighteni

27、ng.”可知,此处是形容下雨时“发怒的”天空,即乌云密布的天空,所以只有C项符合。11A.played BdiedCstopped Dhid答案A解析由“from which rain fell”可知,画上表现的是大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣。12A.river BwaterfallCsea Dstream答案B解析根据下一段中的“waterfall”可判断应选B项,从山上翻腾而下的是泛着泡沫的瀑布。13A.in all Babove allCat all Dafter all答案C解析从上文描绘的情景可知,这幅画看起来“一点儿都不”宁静。in all总共;above all最重要的是;after al

28、l毕竟,均不合句意。14A.under BaboveCon Dbehind答案D解析由后文“in the midst of the rush of the angry water”可知此处指在瀑布“后面”的岩石裂缝中生长着一棵小小的灌木。15A.water BgrassCrock Dmountains答案C解析根据空前的“in a crack”并联系上文讲到的mountain可知,此处应该指的是“岩石”的裂缝。16A.cave BholeCnest Dbridge答案C解析根据本段最后“.sat the mother bird on her nest.”可知,鸟妈妈在这里筑了鸟巢。17A.warmth BpeaceCfort Dsilence答案B解析此处指鸟妈妈表现得非常“宁静”。联系下文的评论可以得此答案。18A.first BsecondCabove Drecent答案B解析根据下文国王的解释可知,他选择的是“第二”幅图画。19A.water BlightCtrouble Drain答案C解析本空与“noise”和“hard work”相并列,四个选项中只有trouble合适。20A.kind BpleasantCeasy Dcalm答案D解析在这样的环境里心中仍能保持“平静”,这才是宁静的真谛。

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