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1、综合英语教学大纲一、课程说明1.课程代码:107012011-107012021-107012031-1070120412.课程中文名称:综合英语3.课程英文名称:Integrated English Course4.课程总学时数:414 5.课程学分数:23 6.授课对象:英语专业一、二年级学生 7.本课程的性质、地位和作用 综合英语是英语专业的专业基础课,也是英语专业基础阶段的综合技能课。它与英语专业基础阶段旨在发展学生听、说、读、写等语言单项技能的课程相辅相成,使学生在得到语言技能的分项训练的同时,得到全面、严格的听、说、读、写、译等语言基本技能的整合性训练,达到对英语基础语法和基本词汇

2、的熟练掌握和正确运用,各种语言技能协调发展,从而获得语言实际运用的能力;它还致力于使学生通过阅读和语言材料的课堂讲解分析,打开独立思考的空间,使他们的批判思维能力得到发展,人文知识得到增长,人文素养得到提高,为进入高年级的专业知识课程和相关专业知识课程的学习打下扎实的专业基础。二、教学基本要求1. 本课程的目的、任务综合英语课程主要通过对学生进行语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,以及通过组织学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动,使学生掌握英语语音、词汇、语法的基础知识,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,具备基本的口头和笔头表达能力和交际技能,达到




6、连词、形容词和副词的句法功能、比较级和最高级的构成及基本句型、冠词的一般用法;了解动词的主要种类、时态、语态及不定式和分词的基本用法、句子种类、基本句型和基本构词法。词汇:学习课文中的词汇及专四词汇,认知词汇不少于2,000个,能根据上下文的提示理解其含义。掌握1,200个左右的常用词和一定数量的习惯用语及固定搭配,并能在口笔语中运用;对词汇进行辨析。听力:听懂英勇语国家人士所作的难度不超过所学语言知识的讲座,掌握中心大意,理解主要内容,并能辨别说话人的态度和语气。听懂VOA慢速新闻广播和文化节目,抓住主要内容。 口语: 能就所听到的语段进行问答和复述;能就日常生活话题进行交谈,话题涉及家庭生

7、活,惊险经历, 文化教育,社会问题诸多方面,主题有父母, 教师, 运气, 朋友, 自然与人类;年长与青春, 残疾,分数,明星,贿赂,全球变暖;做到正确表达思想,语音、语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。 阅读:欣赏并掌握记叙文,说明文及议论文的写作特点及其中所使用的修辞手段,提高学生在篇章层面理解和把握课文的意识。要求学生了解掌握记叙文中的倒叙手法,口语化色彩,侧面描写,心理描写,按时间顺序的记叙,自传性质的记叙;熟悉议论文中的对比手法,亲身经历的论述;熟悉说明文中的例证法的运用。从修辞手段运用上看,了解并掌握暗喻,排比, 押头韵,双关语,委婉语, 拟人,拟声,夸张, 倒装句。另外,要求学

8、生能以每分钟60-90个单词的速度阅读生词率不超过3%的人物传记、故事、科普短文等,理解正确率达到70%;能读懂简单的应用文;能掌握所读材料的主要内容和中心思想,理解事实和细节。能阅读简写本的浅显材料,理解中心大意,抓住主要情节或论点。写作:能改写课文内容及回答问题;能正确写出便条和通知等;结合课后写作练习,能在30分钟内写出约120个单词的短文,内容切题,条理清楚,语言正确;翻译:能独立完成课程中的各种翻译练习,要求理解准确、语言通顺。二年级综合英语的重点强化听说训练、同时侧重阅读练习及写作练习,注重各项语言技能的全面发展,突出语言交际能力的培养。语音: 能自觉地模仿和纠音,正确掌握多音节单


10、英语变体(如美国英语、英国英语、澳大利亚英语);能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数为200个左右、语速为每分钟120个单词的录音材料,错误率不超过8%。 口语: 能就所听到的语段进行问答和复述;能就日常生活话题进行交谈;能运用习得的语言知识和语言技能进行交际,主题讨论涉及战争与和平,婚姻与家庭,爱情与友谊,人类与自然,竞争与合作等;能就所读材料进行问答、复述、概述和讨论;能就日常生活话题进行交谈;培养学生用英语表述自己的观点和意见、和他人交流思想、进行辩论的能力。阅读:着重课文的总体结构分析,提高学生的篇章意识。培养学生对课文整体把握以及对内涵和寓意的理解。熟悉写作修辞手段及其文体

11、效果。二年级牵涉到的修辞手段包括夸张,明喻, 暗喻,反复,引用, 举例,借代,换喻,类比, 对照,对比, 委婉语, 双关语,转喻,矛盾修辞格等。有效运用阅读技巧,理解中心大意,抓住主要情节或论点。写作:能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等,在30分钟内写出长度为200-250个单词左右的短文,鼓励学生应用所学的词汇和句型, 鼓励学生自己发表自己的观点。内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚,语法正确,语言能顺,表达得体;并能根据提示在10分钟内写出长度为60个单词左右的应用文。翻译:能独立完成课程中的各种翻译练习,汉译英的句子翻译及英译汉的段落翻译。要求理解准确、语言通顺,表达连贯。本课程教学方法采用课堂

12、教学和课后学习相结合的方法。课堂教学方法包括教师讲解、小组讨论、课堂讨论等。课堂授课以鼓励学生事先预习熟悉词汇,内容,课内精讲多练为原则,以提问法,讨论法启发学生思考,培养学生独立分析解决问题的能力,提高语言表达的精确性和流利性。课后鼓励辅导学生参加各项专业技能竞赛活动及当地文化建设活动,拓宽学生视野,使学生不断提高语言运用能力,使所学的专业知识能服务地区经济与文化建设的需要。三、学时分配第一学期:16周,每周6学时,共96 学时。新生军训,另加节假日,实际14周左右,共84学时左右。第二学期:18周,每周6学时,共108学时。节假日放假,实际17周左右,共100学时左右。第三学期:18周,每

13、周6学时,共108学时。节假日放假,实际17周左右,共102学时左右。第四学期:17周,每周6学时,共102学时。综合英语课程第一学期至少完成11个单元的教学,其他三个学期每学期一般应该完成13个单元的教学。不能完成的单元作为学生的自学单元。每学期的课程教学计划根据学生实际水平和能力,以及学校整体教学安排,经专业负责人批准,可适当调整。Book 1教 学 内 容学时数理论实践、实验总学时Unit 1Never Say Goodbye538Unit 2Whatever happened to manners538Unit 3When Lightning Struck538Unit 5Dealin

14、g with AIDS538Unit 6Towards a Gender Free Society538Unit 8Five Traits of the Educated Man53+2期中考试8+2期中考试Unit 9World Wide Web Technology: Whats Hot and Whats Not538Unit 11How to Be True to Yourself538Unit 13Darkness at Noon538Unit 14Cultural Encounters336Unit 15Salvation336Unit 16My Forever Valentine

15、53+2口试8+2口试合 计564096Book 2教 学 内 容学时数理论实践、实验总学时Unit 1My Fathers Shadow538Unit 2The Teddy Stoddard Story538Unit 3My Stroke of Luck53 8Unit 5Friends for Life538Unit 6 “Weve been hit”538Unit 7The Virtues of Growing older53 8Unit 8Fourteen Steps53+2期中考试6+2期中考试Unit 10Gregory Deck-An American Master538Unit

16、 11Letter to a B Student538Unit 13Focus on Global Warming538Unit14The Jeaning of America538Unit 15Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gifts?538Unit16Open the Door to Forgiveness53 +2口试8+2口试合 计6543108Book 3教 学 内 容学时数理论实践、实验总学时Unit 1Fresh Start538Unit 2Tyranny of the Urgent538Unit 3Chinese Food53 8Un

17、it4Why I want a Wife53 8Unit5The Company man53 8Unit6Knowledge and Wisdom53 8Unit 8Fun, Oh Boy. Fun. You could Die from It53+2期中考试8+2期中考试Unit 9O n Becoming a Better Student538Unit 10The Wonderful Lousy Poems53 8Unit 11The Red Truth about Lies53 8Unit 13A Magic Circle of Friends538Unit 14Father Forge

18、ts538Unit 15The Roots of Happiness53 +2口试8+2口试合 计6543108Book 4教 学 内 容学时数理论实践、实验总学时Unit 1 Never give in538Unit 2 Space Invaders437Unit 3 Alienation43+2测试9Unit 4 View of Mountains437Unit 6A French Fourth437Unit 7 Selling of President53+2期中考试8+2期中考试Unit 9 The Discus Thrower437Unit 10 How I found my voi

19、ce 538Unit 11 Mountain Lions Attack 538Unit 12 Christmas 437Unit 13 Promise of Blue Birds437Unit 14The Idiocy of Urban Life538Unit 15Dollys False Legacy43+2口试7+2口试合 计5745102四、课程内容Book One第一章 Never Say Goodbye 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Make the students know some information about narrative writing.2. Make clea

20、r about the structure of Text I and have a good understanding of it.3. Make the Ss master the use of some focal words and phrasal verbs.4. Make sure the Ss know the words which can be followed by the “object + infinitive (without to)” 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Understanding the theme of the text- Never say goo

21、dbye2. Focal words and expressions in Text I3. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:To understand the real meaning of “ Never say goodbye”; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close

22、Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2. 英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.3.英语专业1级水平测试习题集,陆远主编,外教社,2006.4.综合英语教程第二版第1册,邹为诚主编,高等教育出版社,2005【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:Have you ever attended a funeral of someone you knew very well? If you have, what we

23、re you thinking when you saw him for the last time?第二章 Whatever Happened to Manners? 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Make the students know some information about argumentation2. Make clear about the structure of Text I and have a good understanding of the text.3. Make the students aware of the different forms and v

24、alues of Manners in different cultures.【本章教学重点、难点】:1. The importance of good manners2. Focal words and expressions in Text I3. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:Identify the topic sentences; Construction of Comparison; The importance of good manners; Structural analysis;Language p

25、oints and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:1. Make a summary of the text with

26、in 150 words.2. Have a discussion of the following topic in groups: What are the criteria of judging a good teacher in Chinese traditional culture? Compare them with those talked about in this passage, and try to find out something universal.第三章 When Lightning Struck 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Make sure the stu

27、dents know about narrative writing.2. Make clear about the structure of Text I and have a good understanding of it.3. Make the Ss master the use of some focal words and phrasal verbs.4. Make sure the Ss know the different infinitive forms after the modal auxiliary 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expr

28、essions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:How to describe an event; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exerci

29、ses; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.3. 大学英语专业四级高频词汇速递,郑天义主编,世界图书出版公司,2003年【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:What is the significant point of the authors experience from the accident? 第五章Dealing with AIDS 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the theme of Text I. 2. Get a list of new words an

30、d structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 3. Be aware of the style of narration and the methods the author used to achieve this effect. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Narrative writing 2. Focal words and expressions in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:How to organize a narrative writing; Structural analysis;La

31、nguage points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Phonetics; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:Whats the most important way of protecting o

32、urselves from being infected by AIDS? 第六章 Towards a Gender Free Society 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Make clear about the structure of Text I. 2. Comprehend the topic sentences in Text I thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them.3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and wri

33、ting.【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Organization of an argumentation 【本章节主要教学要点】:Understanding of a single sex school; argumentation; .Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Clo

34、se Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.3.中级阅读教程第三版,陈汉生,上海外语教育出版社,2008年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:According to the author of Text I, the aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and bol

35、dness in thought and keep alive various interests. Do you agree with him? Explain your reasons within 120 words.第八章 Five Traits of the Educated Man 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the authors methods of organizing the exposition.2. Be able to summarize the traits and characteristics of a particular kind of peo

36、ple.3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Understanding of an expository writing 2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I3. Focal words and expressions in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:To Understand the five traits of an educated man ; Struc

37、tural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:What are

38、the necessary fine qualities of a well-educated man in your opinion? Refer to some of the Chinese classics and elaborate them. 第九章 World Wide Technology: Whats Hot and Whats Not? 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the ideas revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the passage through an intensive r

39、eading of Text I World Wide Web Technology: Whats Hot and Whats Not?2. Comprehend the strong points and weak aspects of the Internet and the Web. 3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.4. Be aware of the language characteristics of the passage. 【本章教

40、学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:To understand the organization of a piece of argumentation; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills

41、; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1.英语系推荐必读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:Do you agree that computer technology keeps peoples worlds apart? 第十章 Hollywood 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the major information and get the clue of the h

42、istorical development of through an intensive reading of Text I Hollywood.2. Figure out the vivid and impressive details which serve as the major facts or important information about Hollywood in the body of the text.3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and w

43、riting.4. Be aware of the deductive method of developing writings. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. focal words and expressions in Text I2. difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:the Hollywood movie stars; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exer

44、cises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises; Phonetics【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:How did Disney gain success in business? 第十一章 How to Be True to Yourself 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Understand the

45、 integrity in the beginning and ending parts of the text through an intensive reading of Text I How to Be True to Yourself.2. Comprehend the three key principles which constitute the Integrity triad.3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.4. Be aware

46、 of the deductive method of writing in exposition. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:To understand the real importance of integrity; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation

47、 exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:What do you think the main value of giving children examples? 第十二章 Shes Leaving Home 【本章教学目的、要求】: 1. Underst

48、and the story told by first person narrator through an intensive reading of Text I Shes Leaving Home. 2. Comprehend the employment of simple present tense to relate or narrate what happened in the past. 3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 4. Be

49、aware of the advantages of first person narrator in narrative writings. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:To learn how to write a narration; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Tra

50、nslation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:How do you feel before entering your college or university?第十三章 Darkness at Noon 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Comp

51、rehend the authors inner thoughts and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text I Darkness at Noon. 2. Grasp the theme of the text and get the vivid account of the authors disillusioning experiences which support the theme.3. Get a list of new words and struc

52、tures and use them freely in conversation and writing.4. Be aware of the writing technique of narrating in an ascending order and the formal writing style.【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I3. Understanding of the theme【本章节主要教学要点】:The mean

53、ing of Darkness at Noon; The meaning of Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出

54、版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:What is the authors general attitude towards the issue of the disabled discussed in the article?第十四章 Cultural Encounters 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text I Cultural En

55、counters. 2. Comprehend the deductive approach of argumentation development. 3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 4. Be aware of the importance and significance of intercultural understanding and empathy. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expression

56、s in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:The importance and significance of intercultural understanding and empathy; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Close Test; Oral ac

57、tivities; Writing practice; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2.英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】:Give some other examples of body language in intercultural communication.第十五章 Salvation 【本章教学目的、要求】: 1. Grasp the authors purpose of writing and make clear the structure of

58、 the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text I Salvation. Understand the writing approach of narrating in the chronological order. 2. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 3. Be aware of the religion of Christianity and its influence in th

59、e western society. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:The religion of Christianity ; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises; Exercises for integrated skills; Clos

60、e Test; Oral activities; Writing practice; Listening exercises【本章节阅读书目】:1. 英语系推荐英语简易及原著阅读书目;2. 英语背诵范文精华, 谭卫国主编, 华东理工大学出版社, 2009年.【本章节实验、实习或思考题】: What is the influence of the religion of Christianity in the western society?第十六章 My Forever Valentine 【本章教学目的、要求】:1. Grasp the idea of fathers love reveal

61、ed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text I My Forever Valentine. 2. Understand the writing technique of echoing the theme in the first and the last part of the passage. 3. Get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in co

62、nversation and writing. 4. Be aware of the customs observed on Valentines Day in the western society. 【本章教学重点、难点】:1. Focal words and expressions in Text I2. Difficult and complex sentences in Text I【本章节主要教学要点】:Valentines Day ; Structural analysis;Language points and difficult sentences; Vocabulary, Grammar, Translation exercises;

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