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1、Lesson 3Message of the Land,Detailed analysis: Paras. 4-7,What are the changes that have taken place in the village in recent years? What are the significances of “pigs”, “water buffaloes” and “jeans” to the woman and the young people? How does the woman present the changes in her speech? What is th

2、e womans philosophy of life?,Changes in the villages in Esarn,barter for things,cash,neighbors help to build houses, reap price or dig well,pay money for it,fine bamboo pieces, village crafts,plastic things, plastic bags,never went to hairdresser, painted lips or nails,sell pigs and water buffalo to

3、 buy a pair of jeans,offer food to the monks and go to temple regularly,leave these things to old people,condemned ungrateful son, and give him a good beating,shout and scream at his mother,Words in harmony with,be at peace with oneself make ones peace with may sb. rest in peace a peace settlement c

4、onclude (sign) a peace,心平气和 (同)和解,修好 愿某人的灵魂安息 和平解决 缔结(签订)合约,tiedown,Children do tie you down, dont they? She didnt want to be tied down by a full-time job. A plan of union ties the negotiations down to real facts and real pieces of church life.,to restrict sb./sth. to certain conditions,tie. up,a. t

5、o tie sb.s arms, legs, etc. so that they cannot move b. to be very busy, so that you cannot do anything else,* Her hair was tied up in a hair net and the hat was removed and placed to the right of her chest. * Im sorry, hes tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?,on the wing,This area is n

6、oted for butterflies in summer, and in August the purple hairstreak will be on the wing. John shot the duck on the wing.,The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 Its an ill bird that fouls its ow

7、n nest. 恶鸟渎巢(指家丑不可外扬) Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟(一举两得),heal,It took three months for my arm to heal properly. The trauma (心灵创伤) of divorce can often be healed by successful remarriage. Time heals all sorrows.,v. a. (esp. of wounds) ( to cause) to become healthy and sound b. to (help sb.) be

8、come mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience,shimmer,The lake shimmered in the moonlight. Hed reached to click off the light, and the room shimmered again with the faintest light from the moon. She likes the shimmer of glasses in the candlelight.,v./n. to shine with a soft light

9、that looks as if it shakes slightly,Synonyms: shine gleam glimmer flash glow beam,pass on,I passed her message on to her mother. Pass the book on to me when youve finished with it. It was discovered that he had been passing secrets on to the Russians whilst working at the Pentagon (五角大楼).,to hand or give sth. to sb. else, esp. after receiving or using it oneself,

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