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1、Unit 11.人体面朝上为仰卧位A person is supine when lying face upward 2.人体面朝下为俯卧位A person is prone when lying face downward3.不同姿势影响对人体相对部位的描述The position of the body can affect the description of body parts relative to each other.4.肘在腕的上方The elbow is above the hand5.方位术语描述人体不同部位之间的相对关系Directional terms describ

2、e parts of the body relative to each other.6.头部在人体的最高点The head is the highest point of human body.7.人体的前面是腹面The anterior surface of the human body is the ventral surface.8.脚在腿部的远端The foot is attached at distal end to leg.9.外侧面指远离中线的方向Lateral means away from the midline.10.鼻位于眼睛内侧The nose is located

3、in a medial position in the face.11.皮肤在肌肉和骨的表面The skin is superficial to the muscle and bone.12.矢状面将人体分为左右两部分A sagittal plane separates the body into right and left portions.13.冠状面从左到右垂直穿过人体A coronal plane runs vertically from right to left.14.体腔包括鼻腔、颅腔、腹腔等The body contains the nasal, cranial, and a

4、bdominal cavities etc.15.纵膈中有心脏、胸腺、气管、食道以及血管、神经等。The mediastinum contains the heart, thymus gland, trachea, esophagus, and other structures such as blood vessels and nerves.Unit 21. 冠心病 coronary artery disease (CAD),coronary heart disease (CHD)2. 心绞痛 angina Pectoris3. 临床表现clinical manifestations4. 诱

5、发因素precipitating factors5. 心血管系统cardiovascular system6.心肌梗塞myocardial infarction (MI)7. 发病机理pathogenesis8. 血管痉挛vasospasm9.交叉性栓子paradoxical emboli10. 缺血性心肌病ischemic cardiomyopathy11. 如果心脏没有足够的含氧血液供给, 就可能发生胸痛即心绞痛When the heart has not enough oxygenated blood supply, chest pain will be resulted, called

6、 angina.12.心绞痛是冠心病的一个常见症状Angina is a common symptom for coronary heart disease.13.一般体力活动(如步行和登楼)不受限, 仅在强、快、或长时间劳力时发生心绞痛Ordinary physical activity, such as walking and climbing stairs, does not cause angina. Angina with strenuousor rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.14.一切体力活动都引起不适, 静息时

7、发生心绞痛Inability to carry on any physical activity , angina syndrome may be present at rest.15.在缺血性心脏病引起的死亡中, 缺血性心肌病多达40Ischmic cardiomyopathy is responsible for as much as 40% of the mortality in ischemic heart disease (IHD)Unit 31. 肺泡alveolous2. 低氧血症hypoxemia3. 终末细支气管the terminal bronchioles4. 急性呼吸道

8、感染acute respiratory tract infections5. 二氧化碳潴留carbon dioxide trapping6. 动脉血气分析Arterial blood gas analysis7. 慢性呼吸衰竭chronic respiratory failure8. 肺气肿没有明显的肺纤维化。Emphysema without obvious fibrosis9. 慢性阻塞性肺病包括两个相关的疾病:慢性支气管炎和肺气肿。COPD actually comprises two related diseases, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

9、10. 引起慢性支气管炎的各种因素如感染、吸烟、大气污染、职业性粉尘和有害的气体的长期吸入、过敏等, 均可引起慢性阻塞性肺病, 其中主要因素是吸烟。Chronic bronchitis is caused by all kinds of factors, such as infection, cigarette smoking, air pollution, inhalations and allergies of powder and toxic fumes from work in a long history, which occurred COPD, and cigarette smo

10、king is the most important one .11. 治疗慢性阻塞性肺病的主要目的在于改善呼吸功能, 提高患者工作和生活的能力。The main purpose of therapy for COPD is improve respiration function and elevate the work and living ability of patients.12. 慢性阻塞性肺病多发于长期吸烟的人群。COPD typically occurs insidiously in individuals with a long history of cigarette sm

11、oking.13. 健康教育对于慢阻肺患者很重要。Health education can play an important role to COPD.14. 停止吸烟有助于疾病的所有过程。Stopping smoking is beneficial at all stages of the disease. Nicotine.15. 长期氧疗可以提高存活期。Long term oxygen therapy may increase life expectancy of patientsUnit 41. 软化食物soften the food2. 内痔internal hemorrhoids

12、3. 肛周脓肿perianal abscesses4. 部分消化的食物partially digested food5. 结肠息肉colon polyps6. 感染性结肠炎infectious colitis7. 排便习惯改变a change in normal bowel habits8. 肠易激惹综合征irritable bowel syndrome9利用多种筛查, 可以在出现症状之前防治结肠癌By using a variety of screening tests, it is possible to prevent, detect, and treat the disease lon

13、g before symptoms appear.10几乎所有的结肠直肠癌起源于息肉Almost all colorectal cancers begin as polyps.11便秘通常由食物中缺乏纤维所致Constipation is usually caused by inadequate fiber in the diet.12结肠结构异常需进行外科治疗The structural abnormality of colon needs to be treated surgically.13肛裂的治疗包括服用止痛药、多食食物纤维及药物坐浴Treatment for anal fissur

14、es includes pain medicine, more dietary fiber and sitz baths with drugs. 14胰腺可以分泌唾液淀粉酶Pancreas can secrete ptyalin.15通过保持建康的生活方式, 许多结肠和直肠疾病可以得到预防Many diseases of the colon and rectum can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Unit 51. 如果肾小球损害严重, 红细胞穿过肾小球, 形成血尿。If the glomeruli are severely

15、damaged, erythrocytes pass through causing haematuria.2. 毒素在体内堆积。Toxins build up in the body.3. 只有一个肾脏可以即可以正常发挥作用。 Kidneys can carry out their normal functions even if only one is working.4. 最常见的肾衰的原因是糖尿病和高血压。The most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure.5. 过滤血浆filter

16、 the blood of waste products and excess water6. 如果这些肾单位不能正常滤过, 肾脏将会停止工作。If nephrons dont carry out the filtering process, the kidney will stop functioning.7. 减少食物中胆固醇量reducing intake of protein and phosphate8. 肾脏具有强大的功能储备The kidneys have a large functional reserve.9. 在等待肾移植时,可以进行血液透析Dialysis is used

17、 while waiting for a suitable transplant opportunity.10. 肾脏可以将废物滤出体外Kidneys can filter waste products out of the body. 11. 大分子蛋白进入尿中形成蛋白尿Large protein molecules are lost in the urine causing proteinuria12. 肾脏衰竭通常是一个渐进性的过程Usually kidney failure is a gradual process. 13. 如果肾单位不能进行滤过,肾脏将停止工作If nephrons

18、 dont carry out the filtering process, the kidney will stop functioning.14. 在肾病的晚期,肾脏皱缩,表面不平,变硬When kidney disease is advanced, the kidneys are shrunken, have an uneven shape and are firm to touch.15. 减少蛋白及核苷类食物摄入以减轻肾脏负担Reducing intake of protein and phosphate can ease the strain on the kidneys.Unit

19、 61. 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus2. 碳水化合物 carbohydrate3. 胰腺 pancreas4. 急慢性病 acute and chronic disease5. 高血糖症 hyperglycemia6. 传染性病 communicable disease7. 脱水 dehydrate8. 蛋白质代谢 protein metabolism9. 感染 infection10. 并发症 complication11. 胰岛素是胰腺分泌的一种能调节糖、脂肪等物质代谢的激素。Insulin is a hormone that is secreted from the pa

20、ncreas, which is able to regulate the metabolisms of the nutrients, such as carbohydrate , fat.12. 糖尿病是一种因体内胰岛素的相对或绝对不足而引起糖、脂肪和蛋白质代谢紊乱的慢性代谢性疾病。Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease caused by insufficient production of insulin, including either absolutely or relative to the bodys needs, which lead

21、to the disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. 13. 糖尿病的早期症状有:食欲增加, 尿量增加, 体重减轻, 疲劳、视力模糊等。The early symptoms of diabetes are manifested as increased appetite, polyuria, weight loss, fatigue, blured vision, etc.14. 糖尿病的慢性并发症与血管疾病有关, 包括小血管和大血管疾病。The complications of diabetes are associa

22、ted with vascular diseases, including microvascular and macrovascular diseases.15. 糖尿病的治疗因人而异, 其方法包括减轻体重, 饮食控制, 锻炼, 口服药物, 注射胰岛素等等。The treatment of diabetes must be individualized, which involves reducing body weight, diet control, physical exercise, medication and insulin injection. Unit 71. 中风 stro

23、ke, apoplexy2. 瘫痪paralysis3. 康复rehabilitation4. 中枢神经系统central nervous system5. 周围神经系统 peripheral nervous system6. 颅内出血intracerebral haemorrhage7. 脑梗塞由血栓堵塞脑部血管所致 cerebral infarction results from the blockage of blood vessels in the brain induced by a blood clot8. 蛛网膜下腔出血通常表现有突然的剧烈头痛subarachnoid haemo

24、rrhage is commonly manifested as sudden,severe headache.9. 中风的治疗包括药物、手术、住院治疗和康复治疗The treatment of stroke includes medications, surgery, hospitalization, and rehabilitation10. 中风患者的恢复情况取决于大脑受损的程度The recovery of stroke depends on the extent of brain tissue damaged12. 血液受阻的原因可能是动脉堵塞或者动脉壁破裂The obstructi

25、on of blood circulation may be caused by the blockage or rapture of an artery. 13. 短暂性脑缺血症状可与中风相似, 但患者在24小时内得以恢复The symptoms of transient ischemic attack resemble to those of a stroke, but they may resolve within 24 hours.14脑部动脉痉挛引起大脑局部缺血Arterial Spasm causes the cerebral ischaemia in the part of br

26、ain. 15高血压患者较血压正常人群更容易出现动脉瘤hypertensive patients are more likely to have aneurysms than normotensive people.Unit 81. 血红蛋白Hemoglobin2. 白蛋白 Albumin3. 晕厥 Syncope4. 促红细胞生成素Erythropoietin5. 网织红细胞 Reticulocyte6. 急/慢性出血 Acute / chronic bleeding7. 静脉痉挛Venouspasm8. 劳累性心动过速Fatigue tachycardia9. 再生障碍性贫血Aplasti

27、c anemia10. 失血性贫血Hemorrhagic anemia11. 突发性的严重的出血可诱发低血容量性休克, 心血管衰竭, 甚至死亡。Sudden,severe hemorrhage can induce hypovolemic shock, cardiovascular failure, and death.12. 慢性失血会消耗铁储备引起缺铁性贫血。Chronic blood loss will deplete iron stores and produce an iron deficiency anemia.13. 正常人可以轻易耐受总血容量20%的失血量。Blood volu

28、me losses of up to 20%of the total blood volume are readily tolerated by a normal individual.14. 骨髓对贫血的反应能力部分取决于促红细胞生成素的刺激水平The capacity of marrow to respond(to the anemia) depends on the level of erythropoietin stimulaiton.15. 慢性内出血诊断更难。Slower bleeding internally can be harder to diagnose.Unit 91鉴别

29、诊断Differential diagnosis2 流行病学Incidence and epidemiology3 银屑病关节炎Psoriatic arthritis4骨关节炎Osteoarthritis5 寰枢关节Atlantoaxial joint6 齿突Odontoid prcess7 腰椎Lumbar8拇趾外翻Hallux valgus9近端指 (趾) 间关节Proximal interphalangeal joint10 颈椎病Cervical spondylosis11 从出现症状到确诊平均需要6个月到1年The average time from the onset of sym

30、toms to diagnosis is about 6 months to 1 year. 12 如果病人保持一个姿势时间过长, 就会出现类似“凝胶”的现象A simillar ”gelling” phenomenon occurs when Patients remain in a single position for a prolonged period of time.13 在类风湿性关节炎中, 腰部疾病是很常见的 Waist disease is quite common in RA.14 肩关节炎可引起疼痛, 活动受限, 回旋肌腱的撕裂。Arthrits in the shoul

31、der joint can cause pain,decrease range of motion,and chronic rotator cuff tears. 15 在患有严重肩关节炎的病人中, 疼痛引起的入睡困难是很常见的疾病。Difficulty in slepping due to pain is a very common complaint in paients with significant shoulder arthritis.Unit 101.阴阳学说建立在对立统一规律的基础上The theory of Yin-Yang is guided by the law of u

32、nity of the opposites. 2.阴阳之间的关系有阴阳的对立、阴阳的互根、阴阳的消长和阴阳的相互转化The interaction between Yin and Yang can be summed up briefly as: opposition of Yin and Yang, interdependence of Yin and Yang, waning and waxing of Yin and Yang, and inter-transformation of Yin and Yang.3.阴阳消长指阴阳之间的相互作用及其转化waning and waxing o

33、f Yin and Yang describes the interaction and potential exchange between Yin and Yang.4.静止、下降、黑暗等属阴The characteristics of stillness, descending, darkness, and, etc. pertain to Yin5. 阳盛阴虚则滋阴潜阳,阴阳两虚则滋阴益阳In case of little Yin deficiency, nourishing Yin and subdue Yang. In case of deficiency of both Yin

34、and Yang, nourishing Yin and tonifying Yang.6. 事物阴阳的属性是相对的The Yin-Yang attribution of the thing is relative7. 阴阳两者之间互为条件,任何一方都不能脱离另一方而存在Yin-Yang are interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. Each of the two aspects is the condition for the others existence and neither can exist in isolatio

35、n.8. 量变可以导致质变Quantitative change can lead to qualitative change.9. 功能性疾病、器质性疾病Functional diseases. Organic diseases.10. 维持阴阳平衡是中医学的基本治则The general principle in the treatment of the TCM is “to keep Yin-Yang in balance”.11. 阴阳可以概括疾病的性质The nature of diseases attributes to either Yin or Yang.12. 在一定条件下,

36、阴阳可以相互转化In certain circumstances, Yin and Yang will transform into each other.13. 五行包括木、火、土、金、水The five elements include wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.14. 五行之间的正常关系包括相生、相克,异常关系有相乘和相侮There are two types of interactions among the five elements, inter-promotion and inter-restriction. In addition,

37、 there are two abnormal relationships among the five elements, i.e. over-restriction and reverse-restriction.Unit 111.五脏包括肝、心、脾、肺、肾The heart, lungs, spleen, liver and kidney are termed the five Zang-organs 2.六腑指胆、小肠、大肠、胃、膀胱、三焦等The gallbladder, Stomach, large and small intestines, bladder and tri-Jia

38、o are termed the six Fu-organs3.奇恒之腑有胆、脑、骨、脉、髓、女子胞等The brain, spine, bones, vessels, gallbladder, and uterus are termed the extraordinary or extra Fu-organs.4.心为君主之官The heart is considered to be the most important of all the internal organs, sometimes described as the “ruler” or “monarch” of the int

39、ernal organs.5.心主血脉The heart governs blood and blood vessels.6.心藏神,开窍于舌The heart houses the mind opens into the tongue.7.肺主气司呼吸The lungs govern Qi and respiration.8.脾主运化、主统血,为气血生化之源The spleen governs transformation and transportation, controls the blood and is described as “the source of Qi and bloo

40、d”.9.肝主藏血,主疏泄The liver stores blood, and ensures the smooth flow of Qi.10.肾藏精、主发育与生殖The kidneys store essence and govern birth, growth, reproduction and development.11.肾与膀胱相表里The kidney has interior-exterior relationship with urinary bladder.12.三焦主气化,通行元气、水液等The triple jiao dominates all kinds of Qi

41、, governs the “Qi-varying”of the human body and is pathways of Qi, fluid and foodstuff.13.大肠可以接受食物残渣The large intestine receives food dregs.14.脑为髓海,主管精神活动The brain is consider as the “the sea of the marrow”and governs the mental activities of the human being.15.女子胞可以发生月经和孕育胎儿。Uterus is the organ for

42、 occurrence of menstruation and housing and nourishing the embryo and fetus during pregancy.Unit 121.病因学 etiology2.邪气 pathogenic factors3.外邪 exogenous pathogens (factors)4.痰饮 phlegm and fluid retention5.瘀血 blood stasis6.疫疠 pestilence(epidemic pathogenic factors)7.六淫 six exogenous pathogens8.七情 seven

43、 emotions 9.病机 pathogenesis10.过劳 overwork11.病因学的定义是造成疾病的各种原因。Etiology is defined as various kinds of factors that cause diseases.12. 通过分析疾病的症状、体征来推求病因, 为治疗用药提供依据的方法称为“辨证求因”。Seeking the cause by syndrome differentiation is actually a method to offer a basis for treatment and prescription through anal

44、ysis of symptoms and signs of the disease to infer its cause.13. 病机是指疾病发生、发展和转归的机理。Pathogenesis is the mechanism of the occurrence, development and outcome of diseases.14. 正邪相争不仅与疾病的发生有关, 而且直接影响到疾病的发展和转归。The conflict between the vital-Qi and pathogens is not only related to the occurrence of a disea

45、se, but also directly affects its development and final outcome.15.气血紊乱指的是气血亏虚、功能失调和相互依赖关系崩溃导致的一种病理状态。The disturbance of qi and blood refers to a morbid state caused by deficiency and dysfunction of qi and blood, and the breakdown of their interdependent relationship.Unit 131.四诊 four diagnostic meth

46、ods2.观察指纹 observation of infants fingerprint3.舌质、舌苔 tongue proper, tongue coating4.望、闻、问、切 inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and pulse diagnosis5.用指尖判断脉象 to feel the pulse with the ginger-tips6.四诊为诊断提供基础 The four diagnostic methods are applied to provide a basis for clinical dia

47、gnosis.7.有神、少神、失神、假神 strong vitality, insufficient vitality, losing vitality and pseudo-vitality.8.望面色可以判断脏腑证候及疾病的性质 Observation of the complexion can help to deduce the syndromes of Zangfu-organs and the nature of disease.9.通过四诊可以判断脏腑、气血、津液的盛衰情况 Rise and fall of zangfu organs, qi, blood and body fl

48、uid can be judged through the four diagnostic methods. 10.人体是一个有机整体,局部的病变可以反应的全身,全身病变也可以身体的特定部位反映出来Human body is an organic entirety, because local disorder can influence the whole body and the whole-length disease also can be reflected at certain part of the body.11.闻诊包括听患者发出的声音和闻患者所发出的气味Auscultati

49、on and olfaction include listening to the patients sounds of speaking, respiring, coughing and moaning and smelling the patients odor of the secretion and excretion.12.问病史包括主诉、现病史、个人史、家庭史、治疗史、生活史等The content of inquiry includes the chief complaints, the history of present disease, life history, fami

50、ly history, treatment history, constitution and so forth.13.排泄物包括痰、唾液、呕吐物、涕、泪、汗、尿、大便、月经及白带等 excretions include sputum, saliva, vomitus, nasal discharge, tears, sweat, urine, stools, menstrual flow and leukorrhea. 14.触诊指医生触摸或按压患者的皮肤、四肢、胸、腹等部位,以检查体温、润燥、软硬等Palpation means that the physician touches and

51、 presses the patients skin, four limbs, chest and abdomen in order to detect the body temperature, moistening and dryness, tenderness and hardness, etc.15.神指人体生命活动的外在表现,包括精神、意识、思维等The vitality refers to the general external manifestations of life activity of the human body, including spirit, conscio

52、usness and thinking.Unit 141.食欲欠佳poor appetite2.失眠多梦insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep3.小便淋漓dribbling after urination4.肛门脱垂prolapse of anus5.颧部潮红malar flush6.自汗盗汗spontaneous perspiration,night sweating7.气喘痰鸣dyspnea with rumbling of sputum8.痰热扰心phlegm-fire disturb the heart9.风热犯肺wind-heat invade the

53、lung10.脘部烧灼样疼痛Burning sensation and pain in the epigastrium.11.腹痛绵绵,喜温喜按Dull pain and relieved by warmth and pressure.12.肝阴虚肝阳上亢引动肝风Deficiency of liver-Yin with rising of liver-Yang leading to liver-wind.13.小肠热盛证候可表现有小便短赤、灼痛、尿血等Excessive Heat in the Small Intestine can manifest as: scanty and dark u

54、rine, burning pain in micturition, hematuria,etc.14.大肠湿热可表现为腹痛、腹泻、脓血便、肛门灼热等Sydrome of Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine can manifest as: abdominal pain, diarrhea, mucus and blood in stools, burning in anus,etc.15.肾阴虚证可见乏力、头昏、耳鸣、眩晕、耳聋、盗汗等Kidney-Yin Deficiency can manifest as: lassitude, dizziness, tin

55、nitus, vertigo, deafness, night sweating,etc.Unit 151. 预防法preventive method2. 既病防变prevent progress of disease once it occurs.3. 治病求本concentrate treatment on the root cause4. 扶正祛邪strengthen vital Qi and eliminat pathogens5. 三因治宜Adjust treatment to individual constitution, local conditions and seasona

56、l conditions.6. 解表法exterior-relieving method7. 消食导滞remove the retention of food and eliminate stagnation8. 清热解毒clear heat and remove toxin9. 半表半里证semi-exterior and semi-interior phase10. 肝胃不和liver-stomach disharmony 11. 在辨证论治原则指导下, 中医临床治疗中有汗、吐、下、温、清、消、补这的八种基本治疗方法As therapeutic methods embody therape

57、utic principles, there are eight basic therapeutic methods in TCM, namely han (diaphoresis), tu (emesis), xia (purgation), he (regulation), wen (warming), qing (heat-clearing), xiao (resolution) and bu (invigorating, tonifying or reinforcing) which are commonly used in clinical treatment.12. 温法是祛除寒邪

58、和补益阳气的一种治法Warming therapy is a therapeutic method used to eliminate pathogenic cold and invigorate Yang Qi.13. 补法是补益人体脏腑气血阴阳不足的一种治法Invigorating therapy is used to treat deficiency of Qi and blood, Yin and Yang, Zang and Fu.14. 攻补兼施适用于正虚邪实的虚实错杂证Simultaneous application of purgation and tonification i

59、s a therapeutic method used for in deficiency of vital Qi and excessive pathogens.15. 损其有余和泻其不足是调整阴阳这一治疗原则的体现The former is also known as “excess should be treated by purgation. ” and the later as “deficiency should be treated by tonification. ”Unit 161. 中药:Materia medica2. 四气五味:four natures & five f

60、lavors3. 归经:meridian tropism4. 升降浮沉:lifting and lowering, floating and sinking5. 寒热温凉:cool, cold and warmth, hot6. 酸苦甘辛咸:sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty 7. 渗湿利尿:emoving dampnessand promoting diuresis8. 清热燥湿:clearing away heat and drying dampness9. 解表散寒:disperse cold and expel exterior pathoge

61、nic factors10. 脾胃不和:incoordination between the spleen and stomach11. 中药的寒热温凉四种药性称为四气。Four properties of Chinese drugs, cold, hot, warm and cool, are also called the four natures or four xing in TCM12. 五味是指中药的辛、甘、酸、苦、咸五种不同的滋味。The five flavors of Chinese drugs refer to the five different tastes, punge

62、nt, sweet, sour, bitter and salty, which can be tasted by the tongue.13. 升降浮沉是药物作用于人体的四种不同趋向。Lifting, lowering, floating and sinking refer to four different directions of actions of Chinese drugs in human body when they are taken.14. 归经是指某药对人体某脏腑经络病变有明显和特殊的治疗作用, 而对其他脏腑经络起的作用较小或不起作用, 体现了药物对人体各部位治疗作用的

63、选择性。Meridian tropism refers to that drugs may often produce their therapeutic effects on some portion of a human body in preference, in other words, their therapeutic action is mainly related to some viscus or channel or some channels in predominance but lt may seem to produce fewer effects on or seem not related to the other viscera and channels.15. 药物的升降浮沉作用与药物的性味、质地有一定的关系。lifting and lowering, floating and sinking of the herbs is different with the texture, flav

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