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1、摘 要我国的煤炭储量十分丰富,煤炭在我国能源体系中占有很重的地位。但是我国煤矿自然条件复杂,现有的煤矿环境监测系统不足以保证煤矿的安全生产。煤矿监测系统的落后在数据采集上表现在监测参数单一,在传输方式上表现在有线传输方式布网不灵活,网络维护开销大。在有线监控系统的基础上进一步融合基于无线传感器网络的多参数监测系统,构成煤矿安全监测无线与综合信息系统,将极大地提高煤矿环境监测与预警水平。正是在这种背景下,本文提出一种适合于煤矿环境监测的多参数监测无线传感器网络。本文首先对无线传感器网络的结构、分层模型和关键技术进行了介绍。并指出具有低功耗、通信可靠、网络的自组织、自愈能力强以及成本低廉等特点的Z


3、测区域需大量布线、需建设大量基础设施,监测点位置不易变化,对突发事件无能为力等不足,为环境监测提供了一种新的方法。关键词:煤矿; ZigBee;无线传感器网络;CC2430;人员信息;ABSTRACTThe reserves of coal are rich in our country and coal plays a very important role in the state resource system. But the natural conditions of coal mine in our country are complicated, whats more, the

4、existed coal mine environment monitoring systems are behindhand, which presents in two aspects. The first one is in flexible wired transportation network limiting monitoring scope and the other one is most of the system can only monitoring one parameter, Both of them result in many Production threat

5、s. Therefore, WSN(wireless sensor network)for coal mine environment multi parameter monitoring is proposed.The WSN is deeply discussed in the paper including the network structure, layer model and some key technologies. ZigBee is a typical WSN protocol that has a lot of unique such as low power cons

6、umption, reliable data communication, ad-hoc and low cost.There are two parts in the design: hardware design and software design. In the hardware design, different hardware modules are described in detail including the microprocessor, sensor and antenna. In the software design, monitoring software a

7、nd nodes firmware are discussed. The whole system can work reliably.Temporary installation is supported by This ZigBee monitoring Network. Multi-node, multi-Parameter data collection is achieved with automatic network setting up, and data transmission automatic. Its flexibility allows network nodes

8、to be adding, removing or changing in position easily. Because of the needs of complex equipment, a lot of cabling, and large infrastructure makes the existing measure of environmental monitoring inability for unexpected events, and difficult to move nodes Position. As a new approach for environment

9、al monitoring, this ZigBee network can offset these insufficiencies.Key Words: Coal mine; ZigBee; Wireless sensor network; CC2430; personnel information;目 录第1章 绪 论11.1课题来源11.2 研究背景及意义11.3 国内外研究现状21.4本文主要研究内容4第2章 矿井人员信息采集系统的总体设计方案62.1无线传感器网络简介62.3系统的总体设计13第3章 系统节点硬件设计173.1传感器网络节点硬件总体设计173.2射频模块CC2430

10、的分析与应用183.3主要传感器选择243.4电源模块的设计273.5天线模块的设计283.6声光振动报警电路293.7 RS-485串行接口电路303.8硬件抗干扰设计31第4章 系统的软件设计344.1软件总体设计344.2 Zigbee协议标准364.3系统的软件开发环境464.4 ZigBee网络终端节点的软件设计484.5 ZigBee网络汇聚节点的软件设计524.6 RS-485串口数据收发56第5章 总结与展望595.1本文工作总结595.2未来研究展望59参考文献61致 谢63附 录164附 录266外文资料67中文译文71第1章 绪 论1.1课题来源 我国的煤炭储量十分丰富,

11、煤炭在我国能源体系中占有很重的地位。近年来,随着对煤炭需求的高速增长,煤炭工业也得到很大发展,但是煤矿重大、特大事故时有发生,仍未实现对灾害事故的有效控制。矿井下环境是非常复杂的,矿井巷道内的风速、温度、湿度、煤尘、各类气体含量、矿井水对矿井下工作人员的健康乃至生命安全有着重要的影响。而且现有的井下环境监测系统,多采用有线技术进行网络组建。这类方案的特点是扩展性能差,布线繁琐,需要在矿井内设通信线路, 传递监测信息生产过程中矿井结构在不停变化, 加之有些坑道空间狭小, 对通信线路的延伸和维护提出了很高的要求。一旦通信链路发生故障, 整个监测系统就可能瘫痪,而且采用硬线连接,线路容易老化或遭到腐

12、蚀、磨损故障发生率较高,误报警率高。我国煤矿自然条件复杂,现有的煤矿环境监测系统不足以保证煤矿的安全生产。煤矿监测系统的落后在数据采集上表现在监测参数单一,在传输方式上表现在有线传输方式布网不灵活,网络维护开销大。在有线监控系统的基础上进一步融合基于无线传感器网络的多参数监测系统,构成煤矿安全监测无线与综合信息系统,将极大地提高煤矿环境监测与预警水平。正是在这种背景下,本文提出一种适合于煤矿环境监测的多参数监测无线传感器网络。1.2 研究背景及意义 在经济全球化的浪潮中,能源仍然是经济、社会进步的主要物质基础。我国是产煤大国,己探明储量为114.5G吨,煤炭作为我国的主要能源,占一次能源消耗构



15、短,成为制约有效实现矿井巷道中无线通信的瓶颈,因此如何从根本上解决这一问题是有效建立全矿井无线信息系统的关键。 煤炭是我国最为重要的能源资源,煤炭生产的安全事关重大。我国煤矿安全生产面临着非常严峻的形势,而广泛应用信息技术是加强和改进煤矿安全生产工作的有效手段,推广煤矿行业信息技术应用己刻不容缓。同时煤矿信息化也给信息产业提供了新的发展机遇,是信息产业改造传统产业的极好结合点。本课题研究有利于煤矿监控系统网络的信息集成,煤矿企业的信息化,推动我国煤矿安全监测监控系统进步,进而为我国煤炭行业信息化奠定一定的基础。也要明确实施信息化是改变我国传统煤炭工业劳动效率低、技术装备落后、安全状况差的现状,

16、规范企业内部管理,建立健全先进的管理手段和制度,提高企业竞争能力,实现长远发展的必要手段和基本保证。原国家经贸委在用高新技术和先进适用技术改造提升传统产业的实施意见中指出,煤炭行业有三个重点,其中之一就是推广应用信息技术。因此本课题对煤炭企业信息化建设,以先进的管理思想为指导,以成本控制为核心,以信息技术为支撑,实现煤炭企业数字化的生产经营管理模式,实现企业经营运作的高效率和高效益的都有十分重要的意义。1.3 国内外研究现状 目前我国煤矿井下环境检测多为分散、独立的传感器,且是布线方式居多,不能同时实时地监测矿井多个工作区的实时环境参数,并需要人员携带各种探测器进入现场监测后,才能得到矿下的各


18、送到用户终端。1.3.1国外概况在国外,二十世纪60年代以前,就己经存在多种形式的监测监控系统,经历了几个阶段的发展。最早期的是使用继电器用于扫描、报警及模数转换。随后第二代是在六七十年代占主导地位的4-20mA等模拟仪表测控系统,其显著缺点是:模拟信号精度低,易受干扰。第三代是后来产生的集中式监测系统,这类系统采用单片机或微机作为监测器,它们是整个监测系统的大脑,负责所有数据的集中采集、处理、分析及报警等。 矿井安全监测系统是从煤矿生产系统的遥控、遥信和遥测技术中发展起来的。继五十年代采煤机械化的出现,引起煤炭工业第一次技术革命之后,从六十年代初期,国外就已经开始对环境参数的监测进行了研究。





23、生产的技术支撑保障较为脆弱,这在一定程度上制约着煤矿安全生产工作。从系统集成来看,有关生产、管理的自动化与信息化水平相对较低;从产业角度看,目前煤矿行业安全生产软硬件研发和服务保障系统相对滞后,研发力量薄弱,适合煤矿行业特点和需求的软硬件与电子专用设备、仪器目前仍比较缺乏,还难以满足煤矿安全生产的需求和技术升级的需要。随着计算机网络技术、通信技术和智能控制理论的迅速发展,煤矿监测系统也由初期封闭的、不具可互操作性的、造价高的专用监测系统逐渐朝着低成本的智能化、网络化监测系统方向发展。参考文献1 孙利民.李建中.陈渝等.无线传感器网路.北京:清华大学出版社,2006.2 李文仲.段朝玉等.Zig

24、Bee2006无线网络与无线定位实战.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2008.1.3 Moise N, Delisle G Y. Geolocation in underground mines using wireless sensor networks. IEEE Antennas and PropagationSociety International Symposiumand USNC/URSI Meeting, Washington, USA: IEEE Press, 2005, 2292324 王贺.基于IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee的无线传感器网络的研究:硕士学位论文.黑

25、龙江大学,2008.5.5 唐秀辉.无线传感器网络技术及在环境监测中的研究:硕士学位论文.成都:电子科技大学,2006.5.6 李海光. 基于IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee的无线传感器网络研究:硕士学位论文.武汉科技大学,2008.5.7 关新明.无线传感器网络的环境监测系统设计.抚顺机电职业技术学校,2008.48 成都无线龙通讯科技有限公司.CC2430/CC2431芯片详细中文使用手册,2008.69 10 赵智慧.基于ZigBee技术的无线传感器节点在煤矿安全监控中的预研究:硕士学位论文.吉林大学,2008.511 文举.无线传感器网路在煤矿安全监控中的应用研究:硕士学位论文.

26、电子科技大学,2008.512 13 赵俊.基于无线传感器网络的煤矿瓦斯监测系统:硕士学位论文.江苏大学,2007.6.14 沈大伟.基于ZigBee技术无线传感器网络的研究:硕士学位论文.南京理工大学,2008.115 董亚超. 基于ZigBee无线传感器网络环境监测的开发:硕士学位论文.大连理工大学,2008.616 17 18 吴呈瑜. 基于ZigBee的煤矿瓦斯监测系统的研究与实现:硕士学位论文.中北大学,2008.519 IEEE Computer Society,IEEE802.15.4,Wireless Medium Access Control(MAC)and Physical

27、 Layer(PHY)Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks(LR-WPANs),USA,IEEE Computer Society,2003.20 钱春丽.张兴敢. 用于矿井环境监测的无线传感器网络.2006.21 汪丹丹.矿用无线传感器网络的研究与设计:硕士学位论文.合肥工业大学,2007.5.22 牛春雷.双路经煤矿环境多参数监测无线传感器网络的设计与实现:硕士学位论文.北京交通大学,2008.6.23 ZigBee Alliance,ZigBee Specification,USA,ZigBee Stand

28、ards Organization,2005.24 成都无线龙通讯科技有限公司.C51RF-3完全实验手册.2008.6致 谢光阴似箭,四年大学阶段的学习和生活即将结束。我要向所有给过我关爱和帮助的老师和亲友们表示衷心的感谢。真的非常感谢我的良师益友们无私的帮助!在本论文完成之际,我要特别感谢我的毕设指导老师王军老师,身兼我们专业班主任的他不仅要忙于班级事务,更是细心、热忱的指导我组同学的毕业设计。王老师以认真的教学态度、宽广的知识面、敏锐的学术洞察力带领这我们对新兴科技和具有良好发展前景的学科进行学习研究,让我在毕设期间学到了很多未接触过的新知识,得到了不少启发。在这里我还要深深的感谢我的家

29、人,是你们的质朴和勤劳给我创造了大学的学习机会,你们的关心和支持,是我永远的精神支柱和动力源泉。请你们相信我在最后的时间里也会很好的完成我的大学生活和学习!附 录1传感器终端节点硬件电路原理图协调器节点硬件电路图附 录2电路元器件参数列表元件类型参数值功能备注C1、C2CAP22pF连接32MHz晶振电路C3、C6CAP220nF去耦合,为电源滤波,提高芯片稳定性C4、C5CAP15pF低功耗设计C7CAP100nF去耦合,为电源滤波,提高芯片稳定性C8CAP47uF改善负载瞬态响应和噪声抑制功能C9、C11CAP0.1uF去耦合,为电源滤波C10CAP10uF稳定电源输出D1LED发光报警L


31、瓦斯浓度传感器U3SHT11温湿度传感器U4、U6TPS7333Q5V3.3V电压变化芯片U7MAX485RS485电平信号转换芯片J1DB9计算机接口外文资料Coal mine gas monitoring system based on wireless sensor networkAbstract】Based on the nowadayss condition , it is urgent that the gas detection cable communication system must be replaced by the wireless communication sy

32、stems. The wireless sensors distributed in the environment can achieve the intelligent gas monitoring system. Apply with multilayer data fuse to design working tactics, and import the artificial neural networks to analyze detecting result. The wireless sensors system communicates with the control ce

33、nter through the optical fiber cable. All the gas sensor nodes distributed in coal mine are combined into an intelligent flexible structure wireless network system, forming coal mine gas monitoring system based on wireless sensor network. Keywords】 gas;communication system;wireless sensor network;da

34、ta fuse;artificial neural networks;IntroductionWith continuous enlarging of exploiting scope and extension of depth in coal mine , more and more gas is released. The number of persona1 injuries and deaths caused by the gas explosion is increasing year by year, so it is very important to control the

35、gas accidents for achieving the safety in process of coal mine, and the development sustained and the healthy of coal industry. It is the basis of all safety process in coal mine to inspect the gas concentration, that is to say an advanced and intelligent gas inspecting network should be developed,

36、the wireless monitoring system for coal mine environment and the information platform for disaster warning should be established, As well as setting up the Gas Monitoring System on the basis of wireless sensor network underground. 1. Model of wireless sensor network of coal mine gas monitoringAt pre

37、sent, the coal mine gas monitoring system is generally composed by the monitoring sensor, underground substation, information transmission system and surface centre. The junction between the underground substations with the surface centre compose of the information transmission system directly effec

38、t on the transmission quality of information and investment cost of the system, The information transmission system Can be divided into three kinds by the structure:radial, circular an tree. The tree system is widely used by most of the coal mines at present, applying with one substation to be joine

39、d with several monitoring signals, so as to reduce the system branch and as near as possible to join the system cable which comes from the surface center with the underground substations at the condition of equal monitoring capacity. In the design of wireless communications, the existing optical fib

40、er communication system can be regarded as the trunk of tree, and the respective substations under the mine are replaced by host node of wireless communication system, each host node is joined with several subnodes and together with its subnode formed a group. The gas monitoring wireless communicati

41、on system in mine tunnel does a new kind of gas monitoring system, which is presented by combining the underground, exist optical fiber communication system with the wireless gas sensor network. 1.1Layout of wireless sensor networkThere are some characteristics of sensor, including inspecting and si

42、gnal reception, handling, judging, controlling of inspecting system switch and transmitting, as well as the characteristic of controlling the inspecting system switch according to the signa1. Thus each sensor is nominated as sensor node in the multi-sensor system . 1.2 System structure design in the

43、 sensor nodeThe system require that at the inner side of sensor node has the functions of storing, analyzing and making decision, the inspecting data and adjudging and analyzing result of each node in the group can be transferred by one another, the communication manner run as the synchronous mechan

44、ism. Based on the above the author presents follow sensor node model. 1.2.1 Memory moduleThe sensor with storing function should be adopted in the partitionedarea treatment for storing the inspecting data from other group and transferring, and simultaneously need to store other sensors data of this

45、group for making a decision that whether the inspecting system of this sensor has been opened or closed. All of these constitute the storing system of sensor node. Another important function of storing system is that the historical data inspected by inspecting system of storing this sensor node may

46、be compared with current inspected gas concentration, then come into the gas effusing rate nearby this sensor node. 1.2.2 Communication moduleThe communication system has the functions of sending and receiving the signals. The data that required to be inspected in the multi-sensor network system of

47、underground gas inspecting is the gas concentration in the node of sensor and the gas effusing rate in this node;moreover, the multi-sensor system has to be added with serial number of sensor node during transmitting the signal. 1.2.3 The module for inspectingThe gas of asymmetric diatomic and polya

48、tomic molecule(such as CH4, CO, H2, SO2, NO and C02, etc). All have the characteristic absorption peak in the infrared band;when the infrared radiation goes through the examined gas, the molecule will absorb the light energy, and the absorption of infrared radiation follows the Lambert-Beer relation

49、 : is the intensity at wavelength observed after propagation through a length 1 of the absorbing medium; is the incident intensity of the light; K is the spectrum absorption coefficient; L is the length of air chamber; C is the concentration of absorbing gas. 1.2.4 Analysis and decision moduleRelyin

50、g on the condition that the gas concentration is lower than the alarm setting, it will make a decision underground not to turn on the signal transmitting, whether the signal transmitting will be turned onof depending on the gas concentration and change rate of gas concentration(it indicates the gas

51、effusing rate)to make a decision. 1.2.5 Energy management of wireless sensor networkAt present, the energy conservation strategies mainly include dormancy mechanism, data fusion, conflict avoiding and error correction as well as multi-hop short-range communication and so on. They are being used in e

52、ach link of calculation module and communication module. 2. The implementation of wireless sensor gas monitoring network system2.1.1 The hardware development of gas monitoring node of wireless sensor networkThe infrared gas analyzers will be adopted, and inspecting principle is different gases towar

53、ds infrared light have different absorption spectrum an d the absorption strength of characteristic spectrum of some kinds of gas related to its gas concentration, thus the use of this principle may measure a certain gas concentration. 2.1.2 The hardware implementation of wireless sensor nodeSIAM S.

54、1.0 is a kind of sensor node of universal, low cost an d 1ow power consumption that was developed by Shenyang Automatic Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, an d providing a flexible hardware environment for the communication agreement an d application an d research of wireless sensor network.

55、2.2 The software development of gas monitoring node of wireless sensor networkMID04 intelligent infrared methane sensor through the software design makes it to be the intelligent sensor node, the main programmer design is carried according to the characteristic of hardware, applying the modularize p

56、rogram method and entirely programming with C language. 3. Conclusion and expectationThis research converts the existing coal mine gas monitoring communication system to wireless communication system, which completes the network a1teration of single un it infrared gas inspector, and makes the tradit

57、ional infrared inspector under the ground to be the intelligent gas inspecting node with self-powered and self-decision. For applying the wire . less sensor network technique to gas monitoring, greatly increases the inbeing security characteristic of gas inspecting system an d fulfilling the wireles

58、s transmitting of coalmine gas inspecting data. With the change of topological structure of wireless sensor network arising from the requirement of adding, reducing or moving the sensor node along with the excavation of new entry and abolition of old entry, it can make the gas wireless sensor achiev

59、es only one lay and avoid maintenance or minimum maintenance cost. The author presents that combing the main well optical fiber and embranchment entry with wireless sensor.中文译文基于无线传感器网络的矿井瓦斯监测系统摘 要】鉴于目前的矿井形势, 用无线通信系统取代原有的瓦斯有线监测系统显得迫在眉睫。分布于环境中的无线传感器系统能智能监测瓦斯。该系统与多层的数据安全系统共同应用于工作设计和采集人工神经网络数据, 以用于分析监测

60、结果。无线传感器系统通过光缆与控制中心联络。所有分布在矿井中的瓦斯传感器节点与智能灵活的无线网络系统组合在一块, 这就是所谓的基于无线传感器系统的矿井瓦斯监测系统。关键词】瓦斯;通信系统;无线传感器网络;数据安全;人工神经网络;引言随着矿井开挖深度的增加和开采范围的不断扩大, 将会有越来越多的瓦斯泄漏在矿井里。每年都有大批的矿工死于瓦斯爆炸事故, 因此相对于矿井的安全作业, 煤矿事业的可持续健康发展而言, 控制瓦斯事故的发生意义重大。矿井安全作业的基础是监测瓦斯气体的浓度, 也就是说我们应该要发展一种高级的, 智能的瓦斯气体监测系统。进而言之我们应建立无线监测系统, 该系统可以监测矿井内环境和

61、数据信息, 从而避免瓦斯事故的发生。建立基于无线传感器地下网络系统的瓦斯气体监测系统也是缘由于此。1. 矿井瓦斯无线传感器系统模型目前, 矿井瓦斯监测系统通常组成有:监测传感器, 地下基站, 数据传输网络, 地面控制中心。地下基站与地面控制中心的交汇点由数据传输网络构成, 该节点直接影响信息交换平台的优劣与系统的投资费用。数据传输网络的以三种结构形式构成:星型网络拓扑结构, 网状拓扑结构, 树簇拓扑结构。目前大部分矿井应用最广泛的是树簇拓扑结构。树簇拓扑结构用于一个基站与多个监测信号的连接, 目的是为了降低系统的分支数目, 并且尽可能地与光缆系统近距离连接。在监测容量平衡状态下, 光缆系统起始

62、于地面控制中心, 末端于地下基站。在无线网络传输系统设计中, 现存的光线传输系统可被看作为树簇拓扑结构的枝干, 矿层下的各个基站由无线网络传输系统的主节点替代。各个主节点与许多子节点相连, 如此组成了一个系统组合。这种设立于矿井隧道里的瓦斯无线网络传输系统确实存在一种信新的瓦斯监测系统。由于它能将地下系统, 光线传输系统用无线瓦斯传感器网络连起来而倍受推崇。1. 1 无线传感器网络的设计传感器有很多功能, 包括监测, 信号数据接收, 数据处理, 数据判断, 监测系统连接与传输的控制, 这种控制功能类似于监测系统根据接收到的信号进行切换动作。因而, 在多重传感器系统中每个传感器被分配不同的传感器

63、节点角色任务。1.2传感器节点的系统结构设计这种系统决定了传感器内部必须具备数据存储, 数据分析, 数据辨别, 监测数据, 判断的能力, 各个节点的数据分析结构能够被各个传感器相互转换, 这种传输运行方式类似于机械同步运行方式。1.2.1 存储器模数这种存储传感器被采用于一些分区的存储来自于其它结构和转换结构的数据, 同时也存储其它传感器的数据, 这些数据来自一些做判断的结构, 而不管这些传感器的监测系统是否开放。所有这些组成了传感器节点的存储系统。存储传感器另一大功能是能够将以前这个传感器的监测到的数据与现在监测到的瓦斯浓度进行比较。1.2.2 通信模块通信模块具有发送信号和接收信号的功能, 地下瓦斯监测系统的多重传感器网络系统需要监测一些数据, 而这些数据正是瓦斯泄漏速率和传感器的监测节点的瓦斯浓度。在传输这些数据的过程中, 多重传感器需与一系列传感器节点同时使用。 1.2.3 瓦斯气体分子的监测瓦斯中的极性双原子分子和

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