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1、杰克伦敦马克吐温欧亨利 三美国短篇小说三剑客美国欧.亨利 欧亨利 (O. Henry, 1862-1910) The Cop And The AnthemO HenryOn his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near.A dead leaf fell in Soapys lap. That was Jack Frosts card. Jack is kind to

2、 the regular residents of Madison Square, and gives them warning of his annual call.Soapy realized the fact that the time had come for him to provide against the coming winter. And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench.The winter ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them there were no d

3、reams of Mediterranean voyages, of blue Southern skies or the Vesuvian Bay. Three months on the Island was what his soul desired. Three months of assured board and bed and good company, safe from north winds and policemen, seemed to Soapy the most desirable thing.For years the hospitable Blackwell p

4、rison had been his winter refuge. Just as the more fortunate New Yorkers had bought their tickets to Palm Beach and the Riviera each winter, so Soapy had made his arrangements for his annual journey to the island. And now the time had come. On the night before three Sunday newspapers, put under his

5、coat, about his feet and over his lap, had not helped him against the cold as he slept on his bench near the fountain in the old square. There were many institutions of charity in New York where he might receive lodging and food, but to Soapys proud spirit the gifts of charity were undesirable. You

6、must pay in humiliation of spirit for everything received at the hands of philanthropy. So it was better to be a guest of the law.Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine at some good r

7、estaurant; and then, after declaring bankruptcy, be handed over to a policeman. A magistrate would do the rest.Soapy left his bench and went out of the square and up Broadway. He stopped at the door of a glittering cafe. He was shaven and his coat was decent. If he could reach a table in the restaur

8、ant, the portion of him that would show above the table would raise no doubt in the waiters mind. A roasted duck, thought Soapy, with a bottle of wine, and then some cheese, a cup of coffee and a cigar would be enough. Such a dinner would make him happy, for the journey to his winter refuge.But as S

9、oapy entered the restaurant door, the head waiters eye fell upon his shabby trousers and old shoes. Strong hands turned him about and pushed him in silence and haste out into the street.Soapy turned off Broadway. Some other way of entering the desirable refuge must be found.At a corner of Sixth Aven

10、ue Soapy took a stone and sent it through the glass of a glittering shop window. People came running around the corner, a policeman at the head of them. Soapy stood still, with his hands in his pockets, and smiled at the sight of the policeman.Where is the man that has done that? asked the policeman

11、.Dont you think that I have had something to do with it? said Soapy, not without sarcasm, but friendly.The policeman paid no attention to Soapy. Men who break windows do not remain to speak with policemen. They run away. He saw a man running to catch a car and rushed after him with his stick in his

12、hand. Soapy, with disgust in his heart, walked along, twice unsuccessful.On the opposite side of the street was a little restaurant for people with large appetites and modest purses. Soapy entered this place without difficulty. He sat at a table and ate beefsteak and pie. And then he told the waiter

13、 that he had no money.Now go and call a cop, said Soapy. And dont keep a gentleman waiting.No cop for you, said the waiter. Hey!In a moment Soapy found himself lying upon his left ear on the pavement. He arose with difficulty, and beat the dust from his clothes. Arrest seemed a rosy dream. The Islan

14、d seemed very far away. A policeman who stood before a drug store two doors away laughed and walked down the street. Soapy seemed to liberty.After another unsuccessful attempt to be arrested for persecution a young woman, Soapy went further toward the district of theatres.When he came upon a policem

15、an standing in front of a glittering theatre, he caught at the straw of disorderly conduct.On the sidewalk Soapy began to sing drunken songs at the top of his voice. He danced, howled, and otherwise disturbed the peace.The policeman turned his back to Soapy, and said to a citizen:It is one of the Ya

16、le lads celebrating their football victory over the Hartford College. Noisy, but no harm. We have instructions not to arrest them.Sadly, Soapy stopped his useless singing and dancing. A sudden fear seized him. Was he immune to arrest? Would never a policeman lay hands on him? The Island seemed an un

17、attainable Arcadia. He buttoned his thin coat against the north wind.In a cigar store he saw a well-dressed man lighting a cigar. He had set his silk umbrella by the door, Soapy entered the store, took the umbrella, and went out with it slowly. The man with the cigar followed hastily.My umbrella, he

18、 said.Oh, is it? said Soapy. Well, why dont you call a policeman? I took it. Your umbrella! Why dont you call a cop? There stands one on the corner.The umbrella owner slowed his steps. Soapy did likewise. The policeman looked at them curiously.Of course, said the umbrella man, that is - well, you kn

19、ow how these mistakes occur - I - if its your umbrella I hope youll excuse me - I picked it up this morning in a restaurant - if it is yours, why - I hope youll -Of course its mine, said Soapy.The ex-umbrella man retreated. The policeman hurried to help a well-dressed woman across the street.Soapy w

20、alked eastward. He threw the umbrella angrily into a pit. He was angry with the men who wear helmets and carry clubs. Because he wanted to be arrested, they seemed to regard him as a king who could do no wrong.At last Soapy reached one of the avenues to the east where it was not so noisy. He went to

21、wards Madison Square, for the home instinct remains even when the home is a park bench.But on a quiet corner Soapy stopped before an old church. Through one window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist played a Sunday anthem. For there came to Soapys ears sweet music that caught and hel

22、d him at the iron fence.The moon was shining; cars and pedestrians were few; birds twittered sleepily under the roof. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions

23、and friends.The influence of the music and the old church produced a sudden and wonderful change in Soapys soul. He saw with horror the pit into which he had fallen. He thought of his degraded days, dead hopes and wrecked faculties.And also in a moment a strong impulse moved him to battle with his d

24、esperate fate. He would pull himself out of this pit; he would make a man of himself again. There was time; he was young yet. Those sweet organ notes had set up a revolution in him. Tomorrow he would be somebody in the world. He would -Soapy felt a hand on his arm. He looked quickly around into the

25、broad face of a policeman.What are you doing here? asked the policeman.Nothing, said Soapy.Then come along, said the policeman.Three months on the Island, said the Magistrate in the Police Court the next morning.察与赞美诗过冬计划苏比躺在麦迪生广场他那条长凳上,辗转反侧。每当雁群在夜空引吭高鸣,每当没有海豹皮大衣的女人跟丈夫亲热起来,每当苏比躺在街心公园长凳上辗转反侧,这时候,你就知道








33、士送的活结领带拉挺,把缩进袖口的衬衫袖子拉出来,把帽子往后一推,歪得马上要掉下来,向那女子挨将过去。他厚着面皮把小流氓该干的那一套恶心勾当一段段表演下去。苏比把眼光斜扫过去,只见那警察在盯住他。年轻女人挪动了几步,又专心致志地看起剃须缸来。苏比跟了过去,大胆地挨到她的身边,把帽子举了一举,说:“啊哈,我说,贝蒂丽亚!你不是说要到我院子里去玩儿吗?”麦琪的礼物 中英文对照麦琪的礼物一元八角七。全都在这儿了,其中六角是一分一分的铜板。这些分分钱是杂货店老板、菜贩子和肉店老板那儿软硬兼施地一分两分地扣下来,直弄得自己羞愧难当,深感这种掂斤播两的交易实在丢人现眼。德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第







40、,只有一元八角七,我能干什么呢?”七点钟,她煮好了咖啡,把煎锅置于热炉上,随时都可作肉排。最后一片叶子欧亨利IIn a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called places. These places make strange angles and curves. One Street crosses itself a time or two. An artist once discovered a va

41、luable possibility in this street. Suppose a collector with a bill for paints, paper and canvas should, in traversing this route, suddenly meet himself coming back, without a cent having been paid on account!在华盛顿广场西边的一个小区里,街道都横七竖八地伸展开去,又分裂成一小条一小条的“胡同”。这些“胡同”稀奇古怪地拐着弯子。一条街有时自己本身就交叉了不止一次。有一回一个画家发现这条街有一

42、种优越性:要是有个收帐的跑到这条街上,来催要颜料、纸张和画布的钱,他就会突然发现自己两手空空,原路返回,一文钱的帐也没有要到!So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenu

43、e, and became a colony.所以,不久之后不少画家就摸索到这个古色古香的老格林尼治村来,寻求朝北的窗户、18世纪的尖顶山墙、荷兰式的阁楼,以及低廉的房租。然后,他们又从第六街买来一些蜡酒杯和一两只火锅,这里便成了“艺术区”。At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio. Johnsy was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at the tabl

44、e dh?te of an Eighth Street Delmonicos, and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so congenial that the joint studio resulted.That was in May. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony, touching one here and there with his

45、icy fingers. Over on the east side this ravager strode boldly, smiting his victims by scores, but his feet trod slowly through the maze of the narrow and moss-grown places.Mr. Pneumonia was not what you would call a chivalric old gentleman. A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California z

46、ephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer. But Johnsy he smote; and she lay, scarcely moving, on her painted iron bedstead, looking through the small Dutch window-panes at the blank side of the next brick house.苏和琼西的画室设在一所又宽又矮的三层楼砖房的顶楼上。“琼西”是琼娜的爱称。她俩一个来自缅因州,一个是加利福尼亚州人


48、床上,一动也不动,凝望着小小的荷兰式玻璃窗外对面砖房的空墙。One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a shaggy, grey eyebrow.She has one chance in - let us say, ten, he said, as he shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer. And that chance is for her to want to live. This way people have of lining-u

49、on the side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly. Your little lady has made up her mind that shes not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind?一天早晨,那个忙碌的医生扬了扬他那毛茸茸的灰白色眉毛,把苏叫到外边的走廊上。She - she wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day. said Sue.Paint? - bosh! Has she any

50、thing on her mind worth thinking twice - a man for instance?A man? said Sue, with a jews-harp twang in her voice. Is a man worth - but, no, doctor; there is nothing of the kind.Well, it is the weakness, then, said the doctor. I will do all that science, so far as it may filter through my efforts, ca

51、n accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines. If you will get her to ask one question about the new winter styles in cloak sleeves I will promise you a one-in-five chance for her, instead of

52、one in ten.After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp. Then she swaggered into Johnsys room with her drawing board, whistling ragtime.Johnsy lay, scarcely making a ripple under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window. Sue stopped whistling, thi

53、nking she was asleep.She arranged her board and began a pen-and-ink drawing to illustrate a magazine story. Young artists must pave their way to Art by drawing pictures for magazine stories that young authors write to pave their way to Literature.As Sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow ridi

54、ng trousers and a monocle of the figure of the hero, an Idaho cowboy, she heard a low sound, several times repeated. She went quickly to the bedside.Johnsys eyes were open wide. She was looking out the window and counting - counting backward.Twelve, she said, and little later eleven; and then ten, a

55、nd nine; and then eight and seven, almost together.Sue look solicitously out of the window. What was there to count? There was only a bare, dreary yard to be seen, and the blank side of the brick house twenty feet away. An old, old ivy vine, gnarled and decayed at the roots, climbed half way up the

56、brick wall. The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung, almost bare, to the crumbling bricks.What is it, dear? asked Sue.Six, said Johnsy, in almost a whisper. Theyre falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a hundred. It made my hea

57、d ache to count them. But now its easy. There goes another one. There are only five left now.Five what, dear? Tell your Sudie.Leaves. On the ivy vine. When the last one falls I must go, too. Ive known that for three days. Didnt the doctor tell you?Oh, I never heard of such nonsense, complained Sue,

58、with magnificent scorn. What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well? And you used to love that vine so, you naughty girl. Dont be a goosey. Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were - lets see exactly what he said - he said the chances were ten

59、to one! Why, thats almost as good a chance as we have in New York when we ride on the street cars or walk past a new building. Try to take some broth now, and let Sudie go back to her drawing, so she can sell the editor man with it, and buy port wine for her sick child, and pork chops for her greedy

60、 self.You neednt get any more wine, said Johnsy, keeping her eyes fixed out the window. There goes another. No, I dont want any broth. That leaves just four. I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark. Then Ill go, too.Johnsy, dear, said Sue, bending over her, will you promise me to keep yo

61、ur eyes closed, and not look out the window until I am done working? I must hand those drawings in by to-morrow. I need the light, or I would draw the shade down.Couldnt you draw in the other room? asked Johnsy, coldly.Id rather be here by you, said Sue. Beside, I dont want you to keep looking at th

62、ose silly ivy leaves.Tell me as soon as you have finished, said Johnsy, closing her eyes, and lying white and still as fallen statue, because I want to see the last one fall. Im tired of waiting. Im tired of thinking. I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like o

63、ne of those poor, tired leaves.Try to sleep, said Sue. I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner. Ill not be gone a minute. Dont try to move til I come back.Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelos Moses be

64、ard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp. Behrman was a failure in art. Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistresss robe. He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. For several years he had painte

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