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1、通州区十总小学六年级英语学科集体备课教案课题Unit 3 Asking the way总课时4第1 课时主备人马晓惠执教者教学目标1.让学生能听懂,会说,会读和写以下问路和指路的句型:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to , please? Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your . Thank you. Thats all right.2.让学生能听懂,会说,会读以下表示地点的单词:a shopping centre, a post office, a mid

2、dle school, a primary school, a history museum, a train station.教学重点1.让学生能听懂,会说,会读和写以下问路和指路的句型:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to , please? Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your . Thank you. Thats all right.2.让学生能听懂,会说,会读以下表示地点的单词:a shopping centre, a post office, a

3、middle school, a primary school, a history museum, a train station.教学难点在实际的情境中,熟练地运用所学的句型向他人问路及为他人指路。教学过程合成案复备调整一、复习交流,新知导入1. Free talk.T: What day is it today?S: Its Tuesday.T: Whats the date today?S: Its the twenty-third of March.2. T: Now, lets say numbers quickly. When I say “one”, you should sa

4、y “the first”, when I say “two”, you should say “the secondDo you understand? S: Yes! T: Nine. S: The ninth. T: 3. T: OK! Lets say the chant. S: Left, left, right, right, come, come, go, go, go!Turn left, turn right, come, come, go, go, go!On your left, on your right, come, come, go, go, go!【设计意图】通过

5、自由会话,抢答数字,有效地复习了序数词的知识。Chant的设计,让学生边跳边唱,熟悉了左右的表达和与此相关的词组。为新知的学习打下了很好的基础。二、合作探究,自主学习1. T: Boys and girls, can you say “海师附小” in English?S: Sorry, we cant.T: We can say “Haian Teachers School Attached Primary School”.(板书:a primary school)T: Lets read the word one by one.S: 2. T: We will finish primary

6、 school after three months. Where will you go?S: The middle school.T: Yes.(板书:a middle school)T: Lets read the word from low to high.S: 【设计意图】从学生熟悉的学校名称说起,引出新单词的学习,过渡自然巧妙。3. T: Lets have a look, wheres the middle school?(针对室内的布置提问)S: Here, here, heres the middle school.T: 引出句型:Can you tell me the wa

7、y to the middle school? Go along this street, and then turn left at the second crossing. The middle school is on your left.(板书句型,领读句型)S: (跟读句型)【设计意图】把教室布置成街道,创设真实的生活情境,自然引出问路和指路的句型。4. T: Who wants to be a guide? Please show me the way.S: Me.T: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the primary school

8、?S: Go along this street, and then turn right at the first crossing. The primary school is on your right.T: Thank you. S: Thats all right.【设计意图】让学生做小导游,给老师指路。激发了学生的学习兴趣,在情境中操练了句型。5. T: Guess, I want to do some shopping, where shall I go?S: A supermarket or a shopping centre.T:(板书:a shopping centre)L

9、ets read the word in groups.S: T: I want to post some letters, where shall I go?S: A post office.T:(板书:a post office)Lets read the word together.S: T: I want to see some old things, where shall I go?S: A history museum.T:(板书:a history museum) Lets play “Wooden man game”, OK?S: OK!【设计意图】history museu

10、m比较难读,用木头人游戏让学生在兴趣盎然中记住单词的读音。 T: Theres a history museum in Haian. How can we get there?S: On foot. Go along Shuguang road, and then turn right at the first crossing. The History Museum is on your left.T: To get there faster, we can take bus No.4.(板书:get on/get off the bus)S: (Act out the words.)T:

11、I want to visit Nanjing History Museum. How can we get there?S: By train.T: There is a train station in Haian.(板书:a train station) Lets read the word in groups. S: 【设计意图】公共场所名称的导入,充分调动学生已有的生活经验储备,用Guessing game的游戏引出。三、精讲点拨,综合运用 1. T: Lets play Brain Storm.(头脑风暴)S: 【设计意图】把6个新授单词一一隐去,让学生注意观察和识记,是哪个地点被

12、隐去了。这是对新授单词的巩固练习,让学生的头脑再次经历语言的大量刺激和激活。2. T: Now, lets talk about your pictures. S: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the park?Go along this street, and then turn right at the second crossing. The park is on your left.Thanks.Youre welcome.(学生利用课前自己准备的路线图讨论交流)【设计意图】让学生把课堂上的模拟情境与实际生活中的真实情境紧密结合起来,把课

13、堂所学语言运用到实际生活中去,主动参与,以达到用语言交际的目的。3. T: Lets work in pairs, talk about the pictures of Part C. S: T: Now, fill in the blanks according to the pictures.Excuse me, can you _ me the _ to the _ _?Go _this street, and then turn_ at the _ crossing. The _ _ is on your_.Thanks.Not _ _.S: T: Lets be a good des

14、igner and a little policeman. S: (学生小组合作,根据自己的生活经验,结合所学的知识,设计一份城市规划图。“小警察”负责回答别人的提问) 【设计意图】“我是城市设计师和交通小警察”任务的设置,是对学生所学知识的综合运用。体现了语言习得中循序渐进的原则,使学生的语言积累越来越充实。同时小组合作学习在这里得以运用,让学生学会合作,学会学习。四、强化练习,拓展延伸T: Todays homework: 1. Listen, read and record the words.2. Copy the new words3. Design a map of your ci

15、ty. Then describe it.【设计意图】培养学生听、说、读、写综合能力,养成良好的学习习惯。注重基础,同时注意适当拓展、延伸。附板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 3 Asking the waya middle school a primary school Excuse me, can you tell me the way to?a shopping centre a post office Go along this street, and then turn at the a history museum a train station cross

16、ing. The is on your 教后小记通州区十总小学六年级英语学科集体备课教案课题Unit 3 Asking the way总课时4第 2 课时主备人马晓惠执教者教学目标a) Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the new words, phrases and patterns correctly: turn left /right, stop, post office, get on /off; Can you tell me the way to, please?b) Enable the students

17、 to listen, speak and read: city, History Museum, along, street, crossing, away.教学重点a) Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the new words, phrases and patterns correctly: turn left /right, stop, post office, get on /off; Can you tell me the way to, please?b) Enable the students to li

18、sten, speak and read: city, History Museum, along, street, crossing, away.教学难点1. Enable the students to understand and grasp Part A.2. Enable the students to read Part A fluently and act it out.教学过程合成案复备调整一、复习交流,新知导入1. Free talk.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Cui.T: What day i

19、s it today?S: Its Tuesday.T: What date is it today?S: Its the 23rd of March.2. T: Today is Tuesday. Were happy today. Please listen and do. (Show me your left hand. /Put it on your head. /Show me your right foot. /Put it on your desk.)【设计意图】TPR活动有导入,既营造师生之间和谐、轻松的课堂氛围,又复习了旧知识,激发了学生的学习兴趣,也为今天的学习做好了铺垫。

20、3. Look and say.T: (Show the picture of the History Museum and ask) Where is the History Museum? Ss: ( Put up their picture and say) Here, here, here is the History Museum. ( 同理复习the park, the post office, the cinema, the zoo, the garden, the hospital等地点名称 )4. T: Show the picture of our school(海师附小)

21、and ask what place is it? Ss: Its our school. T: Do you know where our school is? Ss: 在曙光路。T:Yes, its on Shuguang Road.(CAI呈现词组并教读)【设计意图】根据我校的实际情况来进行教学,让我们的教学和生活实际紧密结合,真正做到学以致用。5.T:(带上Helen头饰)Im new here now. I want to go to Wenfeng Shopping Centre. Who can tell me the way?S: Go along this street, a

22、nd then turn right at the second crossing. Wenfeng Shopping Centre is on your left.T: How far is it from here? (CAI呈现句型)T:(自问自答)Its about a kilometre away.(一千米远)同时呈现学校操场图。【设计意图】操场图片的出现,帮助学生从抽象到具体地理解a kilometre away的含义。6.T:How can I get there?(CAI呈现5路公路汽车图)Can I take bus No. 5 ? S: Yes, you can take

23、bus No.57. How many stops are there?教学stop, stops, how many stops? CAI,区别、比较the bus stop and the bus station【设计意图】通过教室里小组间的站牌直观的呈现,体现问题的情景,让学生身临其境。二、合作探究,自主学习1. T: (出示Mr. Smith人物)Boys and girls, who is he? Where is he now? And what is he doing? Look at the pictures, listen to the tape and then answe

24、r my questions.出示Part A挂图.播放课文录音一遍。Questions:(1) Where is he now?(2) What is he doing?S: 看图听录音,并回答问题。(1)Hes Mr. Smith.(2)Hes in Nanjing now.(3)He is asking the way.T: 板书课题Asking the way【设计意图】由问题来调动学生求知的欲望,使他们学会怎样去理解课文,教给他们学习的方法。正所谓“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”同时以问题(3)自然导入课题,做到引入自然。2. T: Boys and girls, open your b

25、ooks at Page22. Listen to the first paragraph and fill in the blanks.Mr. Smith_ from Australia. He is _in Nanjing now. He wants to visit the _ _, but he does not know the _.He is _Yang ling how to _ _.S:Listen and do.3. T: What are Mr. Smith and Su Yang saying? Listen to the dialogue and then judge

26、the sentences.听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.Mr. Smith wants to visit Hongshan Zoo.( )2.Mr. Smith can go along this street and then turn left at the third crossing.( )3.The History Museum is about a kilometre away from here.( )4.There is a bus every ten minutes.(每隔十分钟)( )5.The post office is on Zhongshan Road.

27、S:Listen and judge.【设计意图】整体呈现课文对话部分,让学生对课文内容整体了解,以“问路”为设置任务,让他们会说话,从而把所学的语言运用到实际的任务中去,语篇教学改变过去逐词逐句翻译句子,不强调对词的理解,而强调语言的运用。4. 教师引导学生分组、分角色朗读对话,教师巡视并个别辅导,学会初步表演对话。【设计意图】请两位学生分角色来扮演Yang ling和Mr. Smith ,可以不受课文内容的限制,自由发挥,把所学知识得以延伸。5. Now Yang Ling is telling Wang Bing about her conversation with Mr. Smith

28、. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.(出示课文后练习题)【设计意图】通过Yang Ling的复述的填空题来检查学生对课文的理解,也让学生学会综合运用语言。6. Im sure with the help of Yang Ling. Mr. Smith can find his way easily. Yang Ling is a kind girl, do you think so? 【设计意图】在课文理解的基础上,让他们充分感悟:要乐于助人,让他们在心灵深处接受爱的洗礼,养成学生乐于助人的良好品质。三、精讲点拨,综合运用1. T: W

29、ould you like to be a kind person? S: Yes, wed like to.T: OK, you are so great. Look, who is coming?2. (CAI刘谦):Hello, boys and girls, do you know me?Ss: Hello, Liu Qian.(CAI刘谦): I hear Haian is a very beautiful town, so I come here. Now Im at your school gate, I want to go to Hailing Park, but I don

30、t know the way, can you tell me the way to the park, please, if you can , Ill show you my magic.S: Make a dialogue with partners.3. T: Can you show us your dialogue? (2组反馈)S: Act the dialogue.T: Very good. Lets cheer for them.【设计意图】刘谦的出现,掀起了课堂学习的高潮,孩子们对他们熟悉和喜欢的人物所表现出来的热情,是我所末能料及的,这一练习的设计, 让我们的课堂学习达到

31、了事半功倍的效果。 四、强化练习,拓展延伸Homework T:Todays homework1. Listen, read and record the text.2. Copy the new words and sentences.3. If you are a little guide, and Xiao Shenyang comes to our beautiful Haian one day. He wants to buy some beautiful presents for us, but he doesnt know the way to the supermarket.

32、Please write a short dialogue and show him the way.Ss: 抄写作业要求【设计意图】家庭作业是课堂的延伸,听读是基础,通过课堂的学习让学生给小沈阳设计一份旅游路线,夯实了基础,同时注意适当拓展、延伸,从而达到了学以致用的目的。附板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 3 Asking the way挂图1挂图2Excuse me, can you tell me the way to?Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing.The is on your How f

33、ar is it from here?How many stops?教后小记通州区十总小学六年级英语学科集体备课教案课题Unit 3 Asking the way总课时4第 3 课时主备人马晓惠执教者教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词thief及steal, shout等动词的过去式。句型How can I get to?及其应答。2. 进一步掌握Can you tell me the way?及其应答。教学重点1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词thief及steal, shout等动词的过去式。句型How can I get to?及其应答。2. 进一步掌握Can you tell me the

34、 way?及其应答。教学难点1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词thief及steal, shout等动词的过去式。句型How can I get to?及其应答。2. 进一步掌握Can you tell me the way?及其应答。教学过程合成案复备调整一、复习交流,新知导入T: Hello, boys and girls. Good morning.S: Good morning.T: Oh, Whats the weather like today?S: Its rainy.T: Ji Weihua, are you as tall as your friend?S: No, Xiao Ti

35、an is shorter than me.T: Wang Rongrong, do you run faster than Ding Peng?S: No, I run slower than him.T: Which is longer, the Yellow River or the Changjiang River?S: The Changjiang River.T: Yes. Read after me, river.Ss: River.【设计意图】通过Free talk将学生纷繁的思绪拉回英语课堂,并潜移默化地渗透了新单词;同时将各个小组变成有实际意义的场所,学生变成单词的主人,增

36、添学生读单词的动力。T: Look here. There are some cards on the desk. Each group can choose one.The students choose the card.T: Dont go back to your seats. Please stand in a line and hold up the card.The students hold up the cards.T: Lets read these words, OK?Ss: History museum, primary school, middle school, t

37、rain station, post office, shopping centre, zoo, park.T: Now, Im here. I want to go to the history museum. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the history museum?G1:(代表历史博物馆的小组全体起立并一起回答) Go along this street, and then turn right at the first crossing, the museum is on your left.T: Wheres the post

38、office?G4: Go along this street, and then turn left at the third crossing, the post office is on your left.T: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the train station?G3: Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The train station is on your right. T: Tomorrow is my friends bir

39、thday. I want to buy some presents. Can you tell me the way to the shopping centre?S: You can go along this street, and turn left at the first crossing. The shopping centre is on your left. Its about a kilometre away.【设计意图】平时的学习活动中老师往往是学生的指引者,这一活动让学生来指引老师,让学生成为学习的主人。二、合作探究,自主学习(Part D)T: How can I g

40、et to the shopping centre?S: You can take bus No.2 and get off at the second stop.T: Thank you very much. Follow me. How can I get to the shopping centre?【设计意图】通过学生已经习得的句型来学习新句型,以旧带新,使新知识的学习水到渠成,学生的知识体系形成螺旋式的上升。The students read the sentence.T: Andy wants to buy some presents for his friends, too. H

41、ow can he get to the shopping centre? Read the dialogue please.The students read the dialogue.【设计意图】没有任务的阅读是没有价值的。让学生带着问题阅读对话,问题的指引会使学生的阅读变得目标更明确。T: How can Andy get to the shopping centre?S: Its on River Road. Its about a kilometre away. He can take bus No.7 and get off at the third stop.T: Wonderf

42、ul! Lets read the dialogue together.The students read the dialogue.Then they read the dialogue and act it out by themselves.T: Boys and girls, this is Hailing Park. Look at this card, and answer my question. How can I get to Hailing Park?S: Its on Zhongba Road, Go along this street and then turn rig

43、ht at the fourth crossing. You also can take bus No.2 and get off at the third stop.T: Thank you very much.S: Not at all.T: Look at this card, there are some key words on the back of the card. Use these sentences and make up a dialogue. You can work in pairs.S: OK.(让学生根据他们先前领回去的卡片背面的关键词来编对话)【设计意图】让学

44、生先在组内自行交流,因为有优等生的提点,后进生并不会有为难情绪,自信度会瞬间提升,而自信正是英语学习成功的源泉之一。The students make up a dialogue and act it out.三、精讲点拨,综合运用(Part E)T: Were tired. Lets play a game. Listen and do! Turn left, turn right, put your feet on your desk. Run out of the classroom.(教师示范并领读)The students follow the orders. T: Lets do

45、again. Run out of the classroom.Ss: Run out of the classroom.T: Lets shout, to be No.1. Shout. Do you know?(呈现shout)S: Shout.【设计意图】空洞呆板的阅读会使学生的学习兴趣受到打击,但让学生在身体的律动中理解和阅读run out of和shout,学习会变得格外的生动和有趣。T: Read after me, run out of, shout.S: Run out of, shout.T:(漫画呈现)This is a bookshop,theres a thief, t

46、hiefS: Thief.T:(漫画呈现)Look carefully! They are twoWho can?S: They are two thieves.T: Who can spell it?S: T-h-i-e-v-e-s.T: Good!(教师当堂书写)Yes. Two thieves stole the womans purse just now.领读 stole(呈现stole的原形steal)。The students read the words.T: When you see a thief, you can shout, Stop thief! S: Stop thi

47、ef.【设计意图】:有趣且夸张的漫画会调动学生的学习兴趣,降低理解的难度。T: Heres an interesting story about Nancy. You can read it by yourselves.The students read and number. T: Give me your answers.S: 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 1T: Lets listen to the tape and read after the tape.【设计意图】小学英语教学中磁带的作用不容小觑。让学生听录音跟读,会对学生纯正语音语调的形成产生积极的作用。T: Read the s

48、tory and do some exercise in the paper.(出现练习纸)【设计意图】有梯度的练习可以逐步加强学生对文章的理解,真正做到听,说,读,写全面发展。The students read and write.The students answer the questions.T: Read the story and act it out.The students act it out.【设计意图】学生不受限制自由发挥,培养学生的小组合作精神和创新精神。T: Here are two exercises. You can choose one and fill in

49、the blanks.(出示练习纸)The students choose and fill in the blanks.T: Lets check and read.The students check and read. 【设计意图】考虑到学生的差异性,给他们安排不同的任务,让每个学生都能体验到成功的喜悦。四、强化练习,拓展延伸Make up a dialogue according to Part D or Part E【设计意图】开放性的家庭作业,有利于调动学生的作业兴趣。改变以往死气沉沉的作业形式。附板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 3 Asking the

50、wayExcuse me, can you tell me the way to?Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing.The is on your How can I get to?教后小记通州区十总小学六年级英语学科集体备课教案课题Unit 3 Asking the way总课时4第 4 课时主备人马晓惠执教者教学目标a) Enable the students to listen, speak and read the new words correctly: Bank of China, hotel.b) Enable

51、the students to grasp the pronunciation of the letters “ou” in the words.c) Enable the students to learn the song “Excuse me”教学重点a) Enable the students to listen, speak and read the new words correctly: Bank of China, hotel.b) Enable the students to grasp the pronunciation of the letters “ou” in the

52、 words.c) Enable the students to learn the song “Excuse me”教学难点1. Enable the students to play the game of Part F.教学过程合成案复备调整一、复习交流,新知导入1. Greetings and free talk.T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you.Ss: Hello, Miss Ben. Nice to see you, too.T: Oh, its a mouse.Tony(一生头戴老鼠头饰): Hello, boys and gir

53、ls. Im Tony. Im from Japan. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Haian.Tony: Thank you very much.【设计意图】以Tony这一卡通人物为引子,也为后面的Tony参观海安埋下了伏笔。2. Do some exercise with Tony.(兔子舞)T: Lets do some exercise with Tony. OK?Left, left, right, right, go, turn around, go, go, go. Left, right, lef

54、t, left, right, right.Left, left, right, right, go, go, go. Left, left, right, right, go, turn around, go, go, go.【设计意图】兔子舞的引入给课堂增添了无穷的色彩,它旋律活泼,悦耳动听,既创造了愉快和谐的课堂氛围,又让学生在不知不觉中复习了left, right这两个单词。二、合作探究,自主学习1. T: Look, I have a magic bag. Who can touch it?(S1, 2, 3 touch the pictures)T: Where is it?S1,

55、 2, 3: Its a history museum, a train station, a shopping centre, a primary school, a middle school, a shopping centre.(师将图片贴于黑板上构成一个简易的街道网络)2. T(拿出hotel,Bank of China图片): Do you know where it is?Ss: No.T: Let me tell you, its a hotel. Hotelhotelits a hotel. And this is Bank of China. Bank BankBank o

56、f China.3. Play a guessing game.T: This is a hotel. This is Bank of China. What s in my right hand?4. T(拿一个教学用的小磁铁):Look, Im here. Can you tell me the way to the park, please?S1: Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The parkis on your leftT: How far is it from here?S1: It

57、s about two kilometres away.T: How can I get there?S1: You can take bus No.4 and get off at the second stop.T: Thank you. S1: Youre welcome.【设计意图】通过前面的学习,学生已积累了大量的语言素材,掌握了基本的语言使用规律,设计这一环节,为他们提供了一个学有所用的大舞台,使语言学习在真实的语言环境中更具生命力。5. Play a passing game.T:(呈现一顶旅行帽与一顶警察帽)There are two caps here. Lets play

58、a passing game. I play the music, you pass the caps one by one. When the music stops, the students who gets the caps should stand up, one acts as the policeman or the policewoman, the other acts as the visitor, make a dialogue with the drills on the screen. T: You are a policeman and you are a visit

59、or. You can choose one place which you like and ask him/her how to get there.(出示警察帽,并鼓励其用问路的三种方法来提问)【设计意图】孩子天生好动,对于游戏乐此不疲。采用击鼓传花的游戏,让学生在兴致盎然的游戏中操练运用所学知识,最大限度地调动学生的热情,激发他们的参与欲。三、精讲点拨,综合运用1. T: You know, Tony is in our school now. He is new here and he is going to visit Hailing Park. Heres a map of Ha

60、ian. (投影海安地图)Heres our school. Heres Shuguang Road. Can you tell me more places which you can see in the map?S1, 2, 3Wenfeng Great World, Huiyuan Bookshop, No.1 Peoples hospitalT: Who would like to read the words for us? S1: Let Helen do it, she reads better than all of us.T: Would you please, xx?(R

61、ead after the little teacher)【设计意图】让学生当小老师,把自己的英语知识教给同伴,激发学生的自信心,也是学生自主学习理念的生动体现。2. T: Now Tony is in our school, he wants to go to Hailing Park. Who would like to be a policeman and tell him the way? ( The student who acts as the policeman should wear the policeman cap)Tony: Excuse me, how can I get to Hailing Park?S1: Go along Shuguang Road, turn right at Zhongba Road, then go along Zhongba Road. Hailing Park is on your left.(鼓励生用F部分的句型进行交际)Tony: Thank you very much.S1: You are welcome.

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