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1、Basic qualifications1. Native American who was born in America2. Age: at least 353. Live in America for 14 years (not necessary now )第1页/共23页Time points of 2012s electionvideo第2页/共23页Procession 1. primary election 2. national representatives conference 3.Running 4.Election 5.Inaugural address第3页/共23

2、页1. primary election February to June 1 year before the election members of each party who have interest in running for the office of president begin to make preparations, like organize his brain trust, run for fund. Then they will address in their own states. This phase is very important, which dec

3、ides whether you can be a member of candidate of your party. 第4页/共23页2. national representatives conference During the meeting ,they will vote in the presidential candidate of their own party. Then he will nominate the vice president.第5页/共23页3.Running The candidate will go to many states to win the

4、supporters. Media tools play an important role in propagandization . They will have televised debate during the time.4.Election第6页/共23页5.Inaugural address President: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of m

5、y ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. “我谨庄严宣誓,我必忠实执行合众国总统职务,竭尽全力,恪守、维护和捍卫合众国宪法。”第7页/共23页Several key words 第8页/共23页 领先者Front runner 指任何选举或提名进程中呼声最高或最有希望当选的候选人。 性别差异Gender gap 最近几次大选中美国女选民投票趋势和男选民不同,她们常舍共和党而选民主党,或者倾向于政治派别中比较有自由色彩的人士。报界把这种现象称之为“性别差异”。 联邦竞选法Fede

6、ral Election Campaign Act (FECA) 联邦选举委员会Federal Election Commission (FEC) 硬钱/软钱 Hard money/Soft money 这两个名词用来区分受与不受联邦竞选财务法律约束的竞选资金。硬钱受法律规定约束,并可影响选举结果,即为特定候选人摇旗助阵。软钱则不受法律规定约束,只能用于不影响国会议员或总统候选人当选的活动,即只用于选民登记、党的建设、行政开支,以及资助州一级和地方基层的候选人。 第9页/共23页 简单多数原则Plurality rule 指选举中按多数票决定胜出的办法。多数票即某一候选人所获选票数大于任何其他

7、对手,但往往不是总票数的一半。例如一候选人得票30%,另一人也得票30%,而第三人得票40%,第三人便获得了多数票,从而竞选胜利。 超级星期二 Super Tuesday 此词从1988年以来被广泛使用。美国南部几个州于1988年3月9日同时举行候选人初选,这是第一次大规模有实效的区域集体行动,旨在制造声势,表明南部各州在总统提名进程上的重要性,以抵消早些时候在新罕布什尔(New Hampshire)初选和艾奥瓦(Iowa)核心会议所产生的影响。 如今,人们在非正式的演说中使用此词时,其意义已经模糊了,这反映一个事实:在初选期间,可能各个不同区域会有若干个州的初选在同一个星期二或几个不同的星期

8、二举行。这种区域内或跨区域的集体行动,不管如何称谓都有其重要性。这样大规模同时进行的投票活动会影响被提名者成功与否,因为如此众多的全国代表大会的代表一下子同时产生了。 Why Tuesday?第10页/共23页非直接选举非直接选举 indirect election 每位选民都有投票选举的权利,但直接选出的并非总统,而是有进一步选举权的选举人团。 根据美国宪法,美国总统选举实行选举人团制度,总统由各州议会选出的选举人团选举产生,而不是由选民直接选举产生。这一制度于1788年第一次实行,现已经历了200多年的发展与演变。 根据选举人团制度,选民投票时,不仅要在总统候选人当中选择,而且要选出代表5

9、0个州和首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的538名选举人,以组成选举人团。总统候选人获得超过半数的选举人票(270张或以上)即可当选总统。 选举人团制度还规定,除了缅因和内布拉斯加两个州是按普选票得票比例分配选举人票外,其余48个州和华盛顿均实行“胜者全得”制度,即将其选举人票全部给予获得相对多数选民票的总统候选人。 第11页/共23页 (趣闻) “我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。” 伏尔泰 民主第12页/共23页Fierce competition of presidential candidates: Obama VS Romney January 3, 2012 Republican

10、Iowa caucus officially opened the curtain of the U.S. presidential election. November 16, U.S. voters will vote to elect the next President of the United States. This campaign looks likely to sharpen Americas divisions.第13页/共23页Obama VS Romney Brief Introduction1.Barack Hussein Obama, born on August

11、 4, 1961, is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 United States presidential election.2. A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he became the first black person to serve as president of the Harvard Law Re

12、view, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.第14页/共23页 Obama VS Romney Peoples views about Obama Less than half of Americas voters approve of the way Mr Obama is doing his job. Six out of ten

13、think the country is on the wrong track. The recovery is still weak and 12.7m Americans are unemployed. America added only 120,000 jobs in March, below expectations and fewer than in previous months.第15页/共23页Obama VS RomneyThe second time, its harder for Mr. ObamaStill, it could have been worse has

14、never been an inspiring re-election slogan. The recovery is still so tepid that Mr. Obama cannot risk running on his record alone. He has therefore to cast the election as a choice, not a referendum on his performance. That requires him to make the choice as stark as possible. 第16页/共23页Obama VS Romn

15、ey Electoral strategy of Obamahe is changing tack this time, bashing the rich via gimmicks such as the Buffett rule (which is supposed to make millionaires like Mr. Romney pay at least the same tax rate as their secretaries) and galvanising his base by brushing aside even the sensible part of the Re

16、publican argument that something radical must be done to curb entitlement spending. He may feel he has no choice. But it is a miserable portent for the future.第17页/共23页Obama VS Romney Governor Mitt Romney about Governor Mitt Romney Widely recognized for his leadership and accomplishments as a public

17、 servant and in private enterprise, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney delivers powerful insight on the current and future challenges facing America and the world, and offers compelling solutions on how America can regain its course.第18页/共23页Obama VS Romney Romneys Criticism toward Obama 1. M

18、r. Romneys retort is that the president is attacking policies nobody is proposing, setting up straw men to distract from his record. Coming from the Republicans, this is rich. They have attacked a straw man since the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated. 2.Mr. Romney also accuses Mr. Obama of drowning the

19、American dream in a sea of red ink 第19页/共23页Obama VS Romney Romneys tack about his election By instinct Mr. Romney is a moderate, but the primaries tugged him sharply right, forcing him to boast that he was severely conservative by embracing policies, including deep cuts in social spending, that eve

20、n the famous flip-flopper will now find it difficult to drop. After the primaries, candidates pivot towards the centre. 第20页/共23页 conclusion of this fierce competition1.This fight is going to be nastier than the one in 2008 2.This campaign looks likely to sharpen Americas divisions . 3.An already polarised America therefore faces a deeply polarizing election.第21页/共23页Thanks!第22页/共23页感谢您的观看!第23页/共23页

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