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1、2022年考博英语-国防科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Its a brand new worlda world built around brands. Hard charging, noise making, culture shaping brands are everywhere. Theyre on supermarket shelves, of course, but also in business plans for dotcom startups and in the names of sports complexes. Brands are infilt

2、rating peoples everyday livesby sticking their logos on clothes, in concert programs, on subway station wall, even in elementary school classrooms.We live in an age in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air, in which Burger King and McDonalds open kiosks in elementary-school lunchrooms,

3、in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo! Founders Chair. But as brands reach (and then overreach) into every aspect of our lives, the companies behind them invite more questions, deeper scrutinyand an inevitable backlash by consumers.“Our intellectual lives and our public

4、spaces are being taken over by marketingand that has real implications for citizenship, says author and activist Naomi Klein. “Its important for any healthy culture to have public spacea place where people are treated as citizens instead of as consumers. Weve completely lost that space.”Since the mi

5、d-1980s, as more and more companies have shifted from being about products to being about ideasStarbucks isnt sling coffee; its selling community!those companies have poured more and more resources into marketing campaigns.To pay for those campaigns, those same companies figured out ways to cut cost

6、s elsewherefor example, by using contract labor at home and low-wage labor in developing countries. Contract laborers are hired on a temporary, per-assignment basis, and employers have no obligation to provide (any benefits, such as health insurance) or long-term job security. This saves companies m

7、oney but obviously puts workers in vulnerable situations. In the United States, contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs, which employers and workers alike pretend are temporaryeven though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.The massive expansion of mark

8、eting campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums. This made those institutions much too willing, even eager, to partner with private companies. But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions, reaching too far, and overwhelm

9、ing the civic space with their marketing agendas.46. What does the passage intend to tell us?47. Which of the following does the author state as a factor in the increasing presence of brands in peoples lives?48. The text suggests that most contract laborers in the U.S. _.49. We may infer from the la

10、st paragraph that _.问题1选项A.The problems with current corporate practices.B.The nature of current marketing campaigns and strategies.C.The importance of brands in American culture.D.The excessive presence of brands and marketing in peoples lives.问题2选项A.The aggressive nature of corporate marketing.B.T

11、he willingness of schools and museums to cooperate with private companies.C.The lack of government regulations of marketing methods.D.The marketing campaigns take up public spaces.问题3选项A.pretend to be temporary workersB.may have trouble supporting their families financiallyC.have work conditions com

12、parable to those of low-wage workers overseasD.are likely to receive health benefits from their employers问题4选项A.inadequate federal funding facilitated the privatization of schools and museumsB.government reduced spending for schools and museums for their cooperation with companiesC.public institutio

13、ns were too quick to accept corporate marketing as a source of fundingD.by the 1980s, very few public institutions were not being funded by corporations【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C【解析】46.【试题答案】D【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章想要告诉我们什么?”。文章在第一段就提到Its a brand new worlda world built around brands. Hard charging, noi

14、se making, culture shaping brands are everywhere.(这是一个全新的围绕品牌建立的世界。强势收费、制造噪音、塑造文化的品牌无处不在。),接下来几个段落,作者通过举例指出品牌和营销在人民生活中的不断渗入,包括衣服、电视节目、公共空间和教室等,并且品牌和营销使得公司费用增加,从而迫使公司降低员工的成本;综合推断可知,这篇文章主要讲的是品牌和营销在人们生活的方方面面中过度渗透,D项“品牌和营销在人们生活中的过度存在”正确;A项“公司现行做法存在的问题”和B项“当前营销活动和策略的性质”都只是文章的部分内容;C项“品牌在美国文化中的重要性”没有提到。因此,

15、该题选择D项正确。47.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“作者认为下列哪项是品牌在人们生活中日益增多的一个因素?”。第二段最后一句提到But as brands reach (and then overreach) into every aspect of our lives, the companies behind them invite more questions, deeper scrutinyand an inevitable backlash by consumers.(但是,随着品牌渗透到我们生活的方方面面,然后是过度渗透,它们背后的公司引来了更多的问题和更深入

16、的审视,以及消费者不可避免的强烈反应。),以及文章最后一句But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions, reaching too far, and overwhelming the civic space with their marketing agendas.(但企业利用了这些机构的需求,影响太远,用营销计划压倒了公民空间。)综合推断,品牌在人们生活中日益增加的一个原因是品牌营销侵略性太强,故A项“企业营销的侵略性”正确;由文章最后一段第一句The massive expansion of marketin

17、g campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums.(20世纪80年代,市场营销活动的大规模扩张与政府对学校和博物馆的开支削减相吻合。)可知,B项“学校和博物馆与私营公司合作的意愿”只是市场营销活动的大规模扩张与政府开支削减吻合的结果,并不符合题干;C项“市场营销方式缺乏政府监管”没有提到;D项“营销活动占用了公共空间”属于营销侵略性的特点。因此,该题选择A项正确。48.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“文章暗示美国大多数

18、合同工”。根据第五段最后一句In the United States, contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs, which employers and workers alike pretend are temporaryeven though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.(在美国,合同劳工催生了所谓的“麦当劳工作”,雇主和工人都假装这些工作是临时的,尽管做这些工作通常是设法养家糊口的人。)可推知,文章暗含的意思就是

19、这些美国合同工养家糊口可能是有困难的,B项“养家糊口可能有困难”正确;A项“假装是临时工”在文章中明确提及了,并不是暗含的意思;C项“工作条件与海外的低薪工人相当”没提到;由第五段中的Contract laborers are hired on a temporary, per-assignment basis, and employers have no obligation to provide (any benefits, such as health insurance) or long-term job security.(合同工是临时雇佣的,按任务分配,雇主没有义务提供任何福利,如

20、医疗保险或长期的工作保障)可知,D项“有可能从他们的雇主那里得到健康福利”错误。因此,该题选择B项正确。49.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“我们从最后一段可以推断出”。根据最后一段前两句的内容The massive expansion of marketing campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums. This made those institutions much too willing, even eag

21、er, to partner with private companies.(20世纪80年代,市场营销活动的大规模扩张与政府对学校和博物馆的开支削减相吻合。这使得这些机构非常愿意、甚至迫切地与私营企业合作。)可以推断,学校、博物馆等这些公共机构急于通过企业营销来削减开支,即作为一种资金的来源,故C项“公共机构太急于接受企业营销作为一种资金来源”符合题意;最后一段没有提到联邦资金,A项“联邦资金不足导致学校和博物馆私有化”不正确;B项“政府减少了学校和博物馆与公司合作的开支”错误,并不是政府减少了开支,而是市场营销;D项“到20世纪80年代,很少有公共机构不是由公司资助的”错误,营销公司帮助公

22、共机构的是削减开支,并不是资助。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 翻译题Whether they are male or female, adolescents feel like deciding on everything themselves in spite of parents instruction, especially when they face problems like sex, mental stress, etc., which make them feel ashamed and embarrassed. Thus they often automatically ge

23、t into troubles due to their imperfect comprehension and judgment. Some are addicted to cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lings and make them breathless quickly. Other cant quit drinking alcohol, whose harmful effects includes causing young pregnant women to abort or give bir

24、th to abnormal babies. The worst is drug abuse, for the withdrawal is tough once their bodies are accustomed to the drugs. Meanwhile, those who share needles bought from illegal chemists are at great risk of being infected with desperate AIDS. If so, neither injecting nor taking pills can guarantee

25、their survival.However, dont be disappointed at or have prejudice against our children so easily. After all, being awkward is an appendix of youth. As long as we strengthen communication with them instead of only banning this or banning that, we will surely help them avoid anything unfit.【答案】参考译文:不论


27、有偏见,毕竟,不成熟是年轻的必然附属品。只要我们加强和他们的沟通,而不是仅仅禁止这样,不准那样,我们一定能帮助他们避开不健康的东西。3. 单选题Do not bear malice toward him; he is really a good man by nature.问题1选项A.malignancyB.hospitalityC.meticulousnessD.mischievousness【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项malignancy“恶性(肿瘤等),恶意”,B项hospitality“好客,殷勤”,C项meticulousness“谨小慎微”,D项mischievousne

28、ss“恶作剧”。句意:你们不可对他怀恶意,他真是一个本性善良的人。根据句意可知,malice在句中表示“恶意”。因此,该题选择A项。4. 单选题Although is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even top those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize spectators for athletic _.问题1选项A.snobberyB.ignoranceC.arroganceD.inactivity【答案】

29、D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项snobbery“势利,谄上欺下”,B项ignorance“无知,愚昧”,C项arrogance“自大,傲慢态度”,D项inactivity“不做任何事,不活动”。由quite common 和even可知,前后两句是对应的,那么根据前面的not painting对应可知,athletic _也要表示否定,且空格部分表示的是事情,并不是人,所以只有D项符合。句意:尽管谴责艺术馆参观者不挥毫作画这样的事甚为罕见,但是即使对于那些并不怎么热衷于体育活动的人来说,去批评体育观众在体育上的不参与,这样的事却相当普遍。因此,该题选择D项。5. 单选题The newly-bui

30、lt apartment is well _.问题1选项A.ventilatedB.meditatedC.irritatedD.evaluated【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项ventilate“使通风,给装通风设备”,B项meditate“考虑,计划,企图”,C项irritate“刺激,使兴奋,激怒”,D项evaluate“评价,估价”。由主语newly-built apartment(新建的公寓)可知,空格处填入“通风”符合语境。句意:这座新建的公寓通风良好。因此,该题选择A项。6. 单选题The spheres had been magnetized _ attracted or

31、repelled each other.问题1选项A.so that theyB.so they wereC.as if they hadD.in order that they【答案】A【解析】考查结果状语从句。根据句子可知,空格后面的内容是前面部分句子的结果,所以这里是一个结果状语从句,so that可以引导结果状语从句,表示“所以”,故A项正确;B项为被动语态,但each other前面没有by,所以不能用被动语态;C项as if引导的是方式状语从句;D项表示目的。句意:这些球被磁化了,所以它们相互吸引或排斥。因此,该题选择A项正确。7. 翻译题People cannot live ap

32、art from nature; that is the first principle of the conservationists. And yet, people cannot live in nature without changing it. But this is true of all creatures; they depend upon nature, and they change it. What we call nature is, in a sense, the sum of the changes made by all the various creature

33、s and natural forces in their intricate actions and influences upon each other and upon their places. Because of the woodpeckers, nature is different from what it would be without them. It is different also because of the borers and ants that live in tree trunks, and because of the bacteria that liv

34、e in the soil under the tree. The making of these differences is the making of the world.Some of the changes made by wild creatures we would call beneficent. Beavers are famous for making ponds that turn into fertile meadows; trees and prairie grasses build soil. But sometimes, too, we would call na

35、tural changes destructive. According to early witnesses, for instance, large areas around Kentucky salt licks were severely tramped and eroded by the great herds of hoofed animals that gathered there. The buffalo “streets” through hilly country were so hollowed out by hoofwear and erosion that they

36、remain visible almost two centuries after the disappearance of the buffalo. And so it can hardly be expected that humans would not change nature. Humans, like all other creatures, must make a difference; otherwise they cannot live. But unlike other creatures, they must make a choice as to the kind a

37、nd of the difference they make. If they choose to make too small a difference they diminish their humanity. If they choose to make too great a difference they diminish nature, and narrow their subsequent choices; ultimately, they diminish or destroy themselves. Nature, then, is not only our source b

38、ut also our limit and measure.【答案】参考译文:人类的生存离不开大自然,这是生态环境保护者的第一原则。然而,人类不可能在大自然中生存而不改变它。不过,这对所有生物来说都是如此,它们依赖自然且改变它。在某种意义上,我们把大自然称为各种各样的生物和大自然力量在自己复杂的活动、相互影响以及对生活环境的影响中引起的变化的全部。因为啄木鸟的存在,所以大自然不同于没有啄木鸟的大自然会呈现的样子。大自然也因为生活于树干的钻蛀虫和蚂蚁,以及生活在树下泥土中的细菌而不同。这些差异的形成就是世界的形成。我们会把野生生物引起的一些变化称为是有益的:海狸因为把池塘变成肥沃草地而出名,树木


40、后他们会使自身数量减少或毁掉自身。因此,大自然不仅是我们人类生存的资源,并且还是我们人类生存的界限和标杆。8. 单选题By education I mean the influence of the environment upon the individual to produce a permanent change in the habits of behavior, of thought and of attitude. It is in being thus susceptible to the environment that man differs from the animal

41、s, and the higher animals from the lower. The lower animals are influenced by the environment but not in the direction of changing their habits. Their instinctive responses are few and fixed by heredity. When transferred to an unnatural situation, such an animal is led astray by its instincts. Thus

42、the ant-lion whose instinct implies it to bore into loose sand by pushing backward with abdomen, goes backwards on a plate of glass as soon as danger threatens, and endeavors, with the utmost exertions to bore into it. It knows no other mode of fight or if such a lonely animal is engaged upon a chai

43、n of actions and is interrupted, it either goes on vainly with the remaining actions (as useless as cultivating an unsown field) or dies in helpless inactivity. Thus a net-making spider which digs a burrow and rims it with a bastion of gravel and bits of wood, when removal from a half-finished home,

44、 will not begin again, though it will continue another burrow, even one made with a pencil.Advanced in the scale of evolution along such lines as these could only be made by the emergence of creatures with more and more complicated instincts. Such beings we know in the ants and spiders. But another

45、line of advance was destined to open out a much more far-reaching possibility of which we do not see the end perhaps even in man. Habits, instead of being born ready-made (When they are called instincts and not habits at all) were left more and more to the formative influence of the environment, of

46、which the most important factor was the parent who now cared for the young animal during a period of infancy in which vaguer instincts than those of the insects were modeled to suit surroundings which might be considerably changed without harm. This means, one might at first imagine, that gradually

47、heredity becomes less and environment more important. But this is hardly the truth and certainly not the whole truth. For although fixed automatic responses like those of the insect-like creatures are no longer inherited, although selection for purification of that sort is no longer going on, yet se

48、lection for educability is very definitely still of importance. The ability to acquire habits can conceivably inherit just as much as can definite responses to narrow situations. Environment and heredity are in no case exclusive but always supplementary factors. 58. Which of the following is the mos

49、t suitable title for the passage?59. What can be inferred from the example of the ant-lion?60. Based on the example provided in the passage, we can tell that when a spider is removed to a new position where half of a net has been made, it will probably _.61. Which of the following is true about habi

50、ts?问题1选项A.The Evolution of Insects.B.Environment and Heredity.C.Education: The Influence of the Environment.D.The Instincts of Animals.问题2选项A.Instincts of animals can lead to unreasonable reactions of animals in a strange situation.B.When it is engaged in a chain actions it cannot be interrupted.C.E

51、nvironment and heredity are two supplementary factors in the evolution of insects.D.Along the lines of evolution heredity becomes less and environment more important.问题3选项A.begin a complete netB.destroy the half- made netC.spin the rest of the netD.stay away from the net问题4选项A.They are natural endow

52、ments to living creature.B.They are more important than instincts to all animals.C.They are subject the formative influence of the environment.D.They are destined to open out a much more far-reaching possibility in the evolution of human beings.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C【解析】58. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】主旨大意题。这是一篇

53、科技性的文章,从文中内容可知,作者是在讲外部环境和遗传是互补的因素,主要是为了说明两个生物和遗传学中重要的概念:先天的“本能”(instinct)和后天的“习惯”(habit),以及它们之间相互的关系。选项A“昆虫的进化”可以排除掉,文章的主题显然不是讨论昆虫的进化。选项C“教育:环境的影响”,D“动物的本能”都分别是文章讨论的一个侧面,也可以排除。所以应该选B“环境和遗传”,从全篇文章尤其是最后一句都明确表现出文章“环境和遗传”这一主题。59. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。本题可参照第一段中间一句话if such a lonely animal is engaged upon a

54、chain of actions and is interrupted, it either goes on vainly with the remaining actionsor dies in helpless inactivity(如果这样一个孤独的动物在一连串的行动中被打断,它要么徒劳地继续剩下的行动要么在无助的无为中死去),从中可知,蚁狮会执著地做出本能的反应。因此A项“当它参与连锁行动时它不能受到干扰”为正确答案。B项“动物的本能会导致动物在陌生的情况下做出不合理的反应”,C项“环境和遗传在昆虫进化中是两个补充因素”,D项“沿着进化方向遗传作用变小环境变得更为重要”,皆与文章不符。

55、60. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。文章第一段最后一句Thus a net-making spider which digs a burrow and rims it with a bastion of gravel and bits of wood, when removal from a half-finished home, will not begin again,(一只织网的蜘蛛在挖洞的时候,用沙砾和木屑筑起一个堡垒,当它从一个半成品的家里搬走时,它不会再开始),可知当一只蜘蛛建造它的小巢的工作进行到一半的时候,到了一个新的环境,它不会重新开始修建另一个巢穴,而是会继续完成

56、一个半成品的巢穴,这是动物的本能的反映。依此类推,当人们把一只蜘蛛从一个织了一半的网上拿到另外一个织了一半的网上的时候,它显然会在本能的驱使下把那个织了一半的网完成。因此C项“继续织剩下的网”,为正确答案。A项“开始织一个完整的网”,B项“摧毁织了一半的网”,D项“远离网”,均不符合文意。61. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。可从第二段最后一句Habits, instead of being born ready-made (When they are called instincts and not habits at all) were left more and more to

57、the formative influence of the environment, of which the most important factor was the parent who now cared for the young animal during a period of infancy in which vaguer instincts than those of the insects were modeled to suit surroundings which might be considerably changed without harm(习惯,而不是天生的

58、现成的(当它们被称为本能而不是习惯的时候),越来越多地被环境的影响所左右,其中最重要的因素是父母在幼年时期照顾小动物,在幼年时期,比昆虫更模糊的本能被模仿来适应环境,环境可能会发生很大的变化而不会造成伤害),对习惯的描述推出C“他们受到环境的影响”。A项“他们是生物的自然天赋”,B“对所有动物来说,它们比本能更重要”,D “他们注定会在人类的进化中开阔有极其远大前景的可能性”,均错误。9. 单选题Tucker is a _ eater. Every day he polishes off a half-dozen hamburgers, a pound of potato salad, and

59、 a giant bowl of chocolate mousse.问题1选项A.savoryB.palatableC.culinaryD.voracious【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项savory“咸味的,好吃的,好闻的”,B项palatable“(食物或饮料)可口的,味美的”,C项culinary“烹饪的,食物的”,D项voracious“饭量大的,贪吃的,狼吞虎咽的”。由后面的句意“吃掉六个汉堡包、一磅土豆沙拉和一大碗巧克力慕斯”可知,D项符合。句意:塔克食量很大,他每天要吃掉六个汉堡包、一磅土豆沙拉和一大碗巧克力慕斯。因此,该题选择D项。10. 单选题Just a week

60、after Scottish embryologists announced that they had succeeded in cloning a sheep from a single adult cell, both the genetics community and the world 31 are coming to an unsettling realization: the science is the easy part. It is not 32 the breakthrough was not decades in the making. Its just that o

61、nce it was complete once you 33 how to transfer the genetic schematics from an adult cell into a living ovum and keep the fragile embryo 34 throughout gestation. most of your basic biological work was finished. The social and philosophical temblors it triggers, 35, have merely begun.Only now, as the

62、 news of Dolly, the 36 oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to 37 those soul-quakes? How will the new technology be regulated? What does the sudden ability to make genetic stencils of ourselves say about the concept of individuality? Is there something about the ind

63、ividual that is lost when the mystical act of 38 a person becomes standardized into a mere act of photocopying one?Last week President Clinton took the first tentative step toward answering these questions, charging a U.S. commission 39 the task of investigating the legal and 40 implications of the

64、new technology and reporting back to him with their findings within 90 days. Later this week the House subcommittee on basic research will hold a hearing to 41 the same issues. The probable tone of those sessions was established last week when Harold Varmus, director of the National Institute of Health, told another subcommittee that cloning a person is “42 to the American public.”Around the globe, the reaction was just as 43

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