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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题A joint communique, signed on August 17, 1982, arrested the precipitous deterioration of the relations between Washington and Beijing but as always seemed to promise more than would be delivered.问题1选项A.propitiousB.precipitantC.propensitiousD.frivolous【答案】B【解析】

2、考查近义形容词辨析。A选项propitious“适合的;吉利的;顺利的”;B选项precipitant“急促的;匆忙的;突如其来的;轻率的”;C选项propensitious不存在;D选项frivolous“无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的”。句意:1982年8月17日签署的一份联合公报制止了华盛顿和北京之间关系的急剧恶化,但一如既往地似乎承诺了更多的东西。precipitous“险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Carutherss latest literary criticism( )her reputation for trenchant commen

3、tary; despite its intriguing title and the fulsome praise on its dust jacket, it is nothing more than a collection of( ).问题1选项A.reinforces, pronouncementsB.advances, aphorismsC.belies, platitudesD.undermines, judgments【答案】C【解析】考查动词和名词辨析。A选项reinforces, pronouncements“加强,加固;强化;补充”,“声明;宣告;公告;判决”;B选项adv

4、ances, aphorisms“提出;预付;使前进;将提前;前进;进展;上涨”,“格言;警句”;C选项belies, platitudes“掩饰;与不符;使失望;证明虚假错误”,“陈词滥调;平凡;陈腐”;D选项undermines, judgments“破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基”,“判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力”。句意:卡拉瑟斯最新的文学批评掩盖了她犀利评论的名声;尽管书名引人入胜,书皮上也有溢美之词,但这本书不过是陈词滥调的集合。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题The Human Stain, directed by Robert Benton from a screenplay by Nich

5、olas Meyer, is an honorable B+ term paper of a movie: sober, scrupulous and earnestly respectful of its literary source. This is precisely the problem: that source, Philip Roths 2000 novel is not especially sober, scrupulous or respectful. It is an angry, ungainly squally of a book, a clamorous defe

6、nse of sexual vitality in an age of Puritan censoriousness and a lyrical inquiry into the mysteries of race, old age and recent. American history. Like much of Mr. Roths recent work, The Human Stain bursts with characters and ideas, and its apparently haphazard organization disguises an elegant and

7、cunning narrative strategy.The filmmakers explicate Mr. Roths themes with admirable clarity and care and observe his characters with delicate fondness, but they cannot hope to approximate the brilliance and rapacity of his voice, which holds all the novels disparate elements together. Without the ac

8、tive intervention of Mr. Roths intelligence the story fails to cohere. Its people wander through a strangely artificial landscape, and the ideas hover in the air above them like clouds painted on a backdrop.Zuckerman played by Gary Sinise has retreated to a lakeside cabin in New England, hoping to f

9、ind peace and quiet after two divorces and a bout of prostate cancer.His solitude is interrupted one night by the arrival of Coleman Silk played by Anthony Hopkins, a former dean and classics professor at nearby Athena College, who was forced to resign after being accused of making racist remarks du

10、ring a lecture. Coleman, whose wife died suddenly in the wake of the scandal, wants to take revenge on his former colleagues by writing a book. He puts this project aside once he falls into a revivifying affair with Faunia Farley played by Nicole Kidman, a damaged, desolate and illiterate 34-year-ol

11、d who does menial jobs at the college, the post office and a local dairy farm Their sexual idyll is menaced by the faculty busybodies who chased Coleman from his job, and also by Faunias former husband, Lester (Ed Harris), a deranged Vietnam veteran who sued to beat her and now stalks her in his big

12、 red pickup truck.What keeps the movie, which opens today nationwide, from drifting in the Sargasso Sea of literary high-mindedness is the vitality of the acting. Mr. Bention is the kind of director whose affection and respect for actors seep through the screen; his solicitude seems to open them up.

13、That Mr.Hopkins and Ms. Kidman are miscast is almost axiomatic. Ms. Kidman tries to overcome this by sheer force of will, struggling to stifle her natural radiance, blunt her crystalline voice and blur her fine features, and she comes closer to succeeding than you might expect. Mr. Hopkins, for his

14、part, must battle a more glaring discrepancy, and he does so with swinging nonchalance. Coleman Silk is a black man who has passed for white for most of his adult life, styling himself as the first Jewish classicist ever hired at Athena.These peculiarities of casting matter less than they might; or

15、rather how much they matter changes from scene to scene. The film includes some sex, a boxing match and an occasional burst of dancing, but most of the action consists of two characters in a room talking. Some of these moments-a late confrontation between Lester and Zuckerman, a breakfast table quar

16、rel between Faunnia and Coleman, a meeting of the minds between Faunnia and a large, caged crow-are awkwardly paced and placed, but many others are alive with human pain and heat.Some of the best performances are in secondary roles. Jacinda Barrett is wonderfully touching as Colemans first great lov

17、e, a blond Midwesterner to whom he decides, heedlessly and a little cruelly, to divulge the secret of his race. Ms. Snuth, her face a mask of maternal stoicism, brings home the tragedy of Colemans decision to pass for white with a speech so drily and evenly enunciated that its lacerating insight onl

18、y registers once the camera has turned away.At its beat-which also tends to be at its quietesThe Human Stain allows you both to care about its characters and to think about the larger issues that their lives represent. Its deepest flaw is an inability to link those moments of empathy and insight int

19、o a continuous drama, to suggest that the characters lives keep going when they are not on screen. The films powerful individual scenes seem like excerpts from a missing whole, well-appointed rooms in a house whose beams and girders have been cut away.1. The human Stain is a( ).2. The Human Stain( )

20、.3. Which of the following is the flaw of The Human Stain in the authors opinion?4. Which of the following could be a possible comment made by the author?5. The authors attitude towards The Human Stain is( ).问题1选项A.respectable screenplayB.scrupulous novelC.characteristic bookD.movie with many charac

21、ters问题2选项A.Fails to make the story coherentB.was produced by a good writerC.has the best actors and actressesD.is full of mysterious landscapes问题3选项A.It is not from a good screenplay.B.Some actors are not suitable for their roles.C.There is too much talking between people.D.Ms. Kidman and Mr. Hopkin

22、s are poor actors.问题4选项A.The Human Stain is mysterious and unscrupulous.B.The Human Stain is sober, scrupulous and respectful.C.The Human Stain does not tell us a coherent story.D.The Human Stain well reveals human weaknesses.问题5选项A.negativeB.positiveC.neutralD.sympathetic【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题

23、:C【解析】1.判断推理题题。由题干可定位到文章第一段第一句“The Human Stain, directed by Robert Benton from a screenplay by Nicholas Meyer, is an honorable B+ term paper of a movie: sober, scrupulous and earnestly respectful of its literary source.(改编自Nicholas Meyer的剧本,由Robert Benton执导的人性的污点是一篇令人尊敬的关于电影的B+学期论文报告:冷静、谨慎、认真地尊重它的文学

24、来源。)”。由此可知人性的污点是一篇学期论文报告。A选项“值得尊敬的剧本”;B选项“谨慎的小说”;C选项“特色书籍”;D选项“有许多角色的电影”,因此C选项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干定位到文章第二段的第二句话“Without the active intervention of Mr. Roths intelligence the story fails to cohere.(如果没有Mr. Roth的参与,本书所述的衔接就成了问题)”。由此可知该书有一位很好的作者。A选项“不能使故事连贯”说法错误;B选项“是一位好作家写的”正确;C选项“有最好的男女演员”和D选项“充满了神秘的风景”文章

25、都没有提到,因此B选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据题干定位到文章第六段第一句“That Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Kidman are miscast is almost axiomatic.(霍普金斯先生和基德曼女士选错角色几乎是不言自明的。)”。由此可知作者认为有些演员并不适合其角色扮演。A选项“它不是出自一个好的剧本”;C选项“角色之间的对话太多了”;D选项“基德曼女士和霍普金斯先生都是可怜的演员”都不符合题意,B选项“有些演员不适合他们的角色”符合题意,因此B选项正确。4.作者意图题。根据全文可知,作者描述了人性的污点中的主要情节以及主要人物的命运,最后一段作者说道“At

26、its beat-which also tends to be at its quietestThe Human Stain allows you both to care about its characters and to think about the larger issues that their lives represent.(关于它的节奏,往往是最安静的人性的污点让你既关心它的人物,并思考他们的生活所代表的更大的问题。)”,由此可知作者对该书的认识很深刻。A选项“人类的污点是神秘而不讲道德的”;B选项“人类的污点是冷静、细心、恭敬的”;C选项“人类的污点并没有告诉我们一个连贯

27、的故事”;都不太符合题意。D选项“人类的污点充分暴露了人类的弱点”最符合题意,因此D选项正确。5.观点态度题。由最后一段“Its deepest flaw is an inability to link those moments of empathy and insight into a continuous drama, to suggest that the characters lives keep going when they are not on screen.(它最大的缺陷是无法将这些同理心和洞察力与持续不断的剧情联系起来,无法暗示出角色不在屏幕上时,他们的生活仍在继续。)”可

28、知作者指出本书有成功的一面也有一些缺陷。A选项“消极的”、B选项“积极的”、D选项“同情的”都不正确,C选项“中肯的”符合题意,因此C选项正确。4. 单选题Judging from recent surveys and clinical experiments, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually a(n)(1)of sleepiness in the nation. Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better

29、 off with more rest.The beginning of our sleep-deficit crisis can be traced to the invention of the light Bulb a century ago. By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been(2)dramatically, to between 7 and 8 hours.Perhaps the most(3)robber of sleep, researchers say, is the complexity of the da

30、y. Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community mount, many people consider sleep most expendable item on the agenda. Often, though our efforts to squeeze ever more tasks into our days and nights(4). The person who invests in a full nights sleep, experts say, will be more than(5)in he

31、ightened productivity, creativity, and focus. Another thief of sleep is shift work, in which people work regularly in the evening, at night or on rotating schedules. Researchers say the brain has difficulty varying sleep times, which means that these employees usually suffer a(6)loss of sleep. The a

32、vailability of round-the-clock entertainment, especially all-night television, also takes its(72).To assess the consequences of sleep-deficit, researchers have put subjects through a(8)of psychological and performance tests requiring them to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them on

33、ly minutes earlier. Researchers found that if the subjects were sleep-(9). Their performance suffered, short-term memory was impaired, as were abilities to make decisions and to concentrate. Because their reaction time and attention span are affected, sleepy people may be more prone to making mistak

34、es.Sleeping(10)on weekends does not help the body recoup. But in chronic cases, people may need weeks of catching up to reverse the effects of sleep loss.问题1选项A.phenomenonB.epidemicC.tendencyD.symptom问题2选项A.whittledB.reducedC.imputedD.subjugated问题3选项A.relentlessB.annoyingC.mercilessD.greedy问题4选项A.ba


36、题:C【解析】1.考查名词辨析。A选项phenomenon“ 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才”;B选项epidemic“传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行”;C选项tendency“倾向,趋势;癖好”;D选项symptom“症状;征兆”。句意:从最近的调查和临床实验来看,大多数睡眠行为方面的专家都发现嗜睡流行病遍布整个国家。因此B选项正确。2.考查动词辨析。A选项whittle“削;削减;切;削弱”;B选项reduced“减少;降低;使处于;把分解”;C选项imputed“归罪于,归咎于;嫁祸于”;D选项subjugated“征服;使服从;克制”。句意:到了20世纪50年代和60年代,人们的睡眠时间急剧减少

37、到7到8小时。因此B选项正确。3.考查形容词辨析。A选项relentless“无情的;残酷的(多用来形容外界及周围环境的残酷);不间断的”;B选项annoying“讨厌的;恼人的”;C选项merciless“残忍的(多用来形容人的内心是残酷无情的);无慈悲心的”;D选项greedy“贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的”。句意:研究人员说,也许最无情的睡眠劫匪是一天的复杂性。因此C选项正确。4.考查逻辑关系。A选项backtrack“v. 原路返回;折回;折返;(屈于压力而)改变声明(或主张),出尔反尔;退缩”;B选项backcross“v. 使(杂种)回交(或逆代杂交);n. 回交;逆代杂交;回交子代”;

38、C选项backset“n. 涡流;逆流;倒退;挫折”;D选项backfire“v. 产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果;逆火;回火”。由题可知空格处应填带有转折意味的词,意为“通常情况下,尽管我们日日夜夜都在为更多的任务而努力,结果却事与愿违”,因此D选项正确。5.考查动词辨析。A选项rejuvenated“使年轻;使更新;使恢复精神;使复原;复原;变年轻”;B选项recovered“恢复;弥补;重新获得;恢复;胜诉;重新得球”;C选项refreshed“使恢复精力;使凉爽;重新斟满;提醒;提示;使想起”;D选项recompense“赔偿,补偿;酬谢,回报”。句意:如果你有充足的睡眠,那么在工作

39、效率、创造力和精神集中程度方面会远超过你本该有的报酬。也就是说你的工作效率、创造力和精神集中程度会有很大的改观。因此D选项正确。6.考查形容词辨析。A选项net“纯的;最后的;原价的;(重量)净的;(高尔夫球得分)净得的”;B选项total“全部的;完全的;整个的”;C选项great“伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的”;D选项sea“n. 海;海洋;许多;大量”。句意:研究人员表示,大脑很难改变睡眠时间,这意味着这些员工通常会损失大量睡眠时间。因此C选项正确。7.考查名词辨析。A选项part“部分;角色;零件;一些;片段”;B选项total“总数,合计”;C选项great“大师;大人物;伟

40、人们”;D选项effect“影响;效果;作用”。句意:24小时的娱乐,尤其是通宵的电视节目,也起到了一定的作用。因此D选项正确。8.考查短语辨析。A选项a bundle of“一捆捆的;一束;一包”;B选项a bevy of“一群;一组”;C选项a battery of“一连串的;一系列的”;D选项a batch of“一批(用来形容数量,后面接可数名词复数或不可数名词,它的谓语动词都用单数)”。句意:为了评估睡眠不足的后果,研究人员对受试者进行了一系列的心理和表现测试,要求他们添加一列数字,或者回忆几分钟前读给他们听的一篇文章。因此C选项正确。9.考查上下文语义。A选项deprived“贫困

41、的,穷苦的,严重匮乏的;(人)丧失的,被剥夺的”;B选项driven“被动的,受到驱策的;有紧迫感的;(人)发愤图强的”;C选项ridden“充斥的;受虐待的”;D选项laden“负载的;装满的;苦恼的”。前文提到了“sleep-deficit睡眠不足”,所以空格处应填与该词意思相对应的词,sleep-deprived“睡眠剥夺”符合题意,因此A选项正确。10.考查短语辨析。A选项sleep out“外宿;在外过夜;露宿;外宿房”;B选项sleep away“一直熟睡;用睡觉消磨(时光);用睡觉消除(头痛等)”;C选项sleep in“睡过头;睡懒觉;晚一点儿起床;迟起床”;D选项sleep

42、up“五倍深度睡眠;深度睡眠;睡起来了”。句意:周末睡懒觉无助于身体的恢复。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题He is very quiet and shy, he wouldnt say boo to a( ).问题1选项A.gooseB.flyC.dogD.bug【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项goose“鹅,鹅肉,傻瓜,雌鹅”;B选项fly“苍蝇,两翼昆虫”;C选项dog“狗,卑鄙的人”;D选项bug“臭虫,小虫,故障,窃听器”。would not say boo to a goose指非常胆小,害羞的人。句意:他很安静,很害羞,胆子很小。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题It was so

43、 pleasing to find a breeze up there allaying the fervid afternoon.问题1选项A.incendiaryB.incandescentC.dispassionateD.contumacious【答案】B【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项incendiary“纵火的,煽动性的,能引起燃烧的,非常辣的”;B选项incandescent“辉耀的,炽热的,发白热光的”;C选项dispassionate“不带感情的,平心静气的,公平的”;D选项contumacious“不听命令的,反抗法院命令的,顽固的”。句意:看到微风吹过,缓和了炎热的下午,

44、真是令人高兴。Fervid“热情的,炽热的,热心的,热的”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Square-jawed, with a pasty complexion and an athletic but not overly bulked-up build, he looks like a man meant to have a whistle around his neck.问题1选项A.sallowB.vividC.paleD.blushing【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sallow“气色不好的;灰黄色的”;B选项vivid“生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的”;C

45、选项pale“苍白的;无力的;暗淡的”;D选项blushing“鲜红的;脸红的”。句意:他长着方下巴,脸色苍白,体格健壮但不太结实,看起来就像脖子上挂着个口哨的人。pasty“苍白的;面糊似的”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。8. 单选题His trial is fixed for next week, but he has been allowed out on( ).问题1选项A.paroleB.leaveC.bailD.perjury【答案】C【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项on parole“被假释;假释”;B选项on leave“休假;在休假中;放假”;C选项on bail“保

46、释;保释中”;D选项perjury“伪证;伪证罪;背信弃义”,没有on perjury这个说法。bail与parole的区别:在欧美,被告如果没有逃亡或串供之虞,法官常常裁定保释,类似于我国的取保候审;假释是指已经在服刑的犯人,如果服完了最低刑期标准,同时在狱中表现良好,经假释审查委员会评估通过,就可以提早出狱。句意:他的审判定在下周,但他已获准保释。9. 单选题Thomas Jeffersons achievements as an architect rival his contributions( )a politician.问题1选项A.suchB.thanC.asD.more【答案】

47、C【解析】考查固定句式。Asas“与一样”。句意:托马斯杰斐逊作为建筑师的成就与他作为政治家的贡献不相上下。因此C选项正确。10. 单选题The German company retained a( )position in hormone research.问题1选项A.chairB.poleC.soapD.floor【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项chair“椅子;讲座;主席位;大学教授的职位”;B选项pole“杆;极点;电极”;C选项soap“肥皂;将肥皂涂在上;对拍马屁”;D选项floor“地板,地面;楼层;基底;议员席”。pole position指的是方程式赛车中的“竿位

48、”,即决赛中排在第一位出发的选手。“竿位”由决赛前排位赛中成绩最好的车手获得。此外,pole position还可表示“跑道内圈;有利位置”。句意:这家德国公司在激素研究方面保持着有利地位。因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Prices for bikes at that store run( )250 dollars.问题1选项A.as high asB.as high toC.so high toD.so high as【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。as high as/to都意为“高达”,但是后面明确接的是高达的数字时,用to。as虽然也是高达,但是用在两者作为比较的时候用的,如Tom i

49、s as high as his sister. 句意:那家商店的自行车价格高达250美元。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题Ill try to get in touch with him but hes( )ever at home when I phone.问题1选项A.rarelyB.almostC.hardlyD.occasionally【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项rarely“很少地;难得;罕有地”;B选项almost“差不多,几乎”;C选项hardly“几乎不,简直不;刚刚”;D选项occasionally“偶尔;间或”。其中hardly带否定意义,hardly ever含

50、never的意思,可当作固定搭配,意为“几乎从不,几乎不”。句意:我尽量和他联系,但我打电话时他几乎不在家。因此C选项正确。13. 单选题Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held for more than five years by Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian group that runs Gaza, was freed in exchange( )1,027 Palestinian prisoners. The first batch of 477 of them was released this week; the

51、 remainder are expected to be let( )next month.问题1选项A.for, outB.for, offC.of, outD.of, off【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。in exchange for“用交换(物品间交换)”;in exchange of“换取”;let(sb)off“宽恕,使爆炸/爆发”;let(sb)out“释放/放出,泄露,出租”。句意:吉拉德沙利特,一名被管理加沙的巴勒斯坦伊斯兰组织哈马斯关押了5年多的以色列士兵,以交换1027名巴勒斯坦囚犯为条件后获释。其中的477人已于本周获释,其余的人预计将于下月获释。由题意可知第一空

52、应该填in exchange of,第二空应填let out,因此C选项正确。14. 单选题We are making little( )in pollution control.问题1选项A.headwayB.sidewayC.edgewaysD.leeway【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项headway“前进;进步;航行速度;间隔时间”;B选项sideway“人行道;小巷”;C选项edgeways“侧着;边对边地;在边上的”;D选项leeway“退路;留有余地;风压差;余地”。根据固定搭配make little headway“前进的步伐很小;没什么进展”可知该题选headway

53、。句意:我们在控制污染方面成绩甚微。因此A选项正确。15. 单选题A court later reduced the cordon to 200 meters from the( )fence.问题1选项A.perimeterB.parameterC.diameterD.circumference【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项perimeter“周长(可以指任何形状的周长);周界;视野计”;B选项parameter“参数;系数;参量”;C选项diameter“直径;径;通径;外径”;D选项circumference“圆周;周长(主要指圆或椭圆的周长);胸围”。句意:后来法庭决定将警戒线

54、范围缩小至距离围栏200米处。因此A选项正确。16. 单选题Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as( )fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.问题1选项A.a controversialB.a statisticalC.an explicitD.an unimpeachabl

55、e【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项controversial“有争议的;有争论的”;B选项statistical“统计的;统计学的”;C选项explicit“明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的”;D选项unimpeachable“无可指责的;无可怀疑的;无懈可击的;无过失的,无罪的”。句意:18世纪的小说中,女性的作品要比男性的多得多,但直到最近,这种主导地位一直被认为只是一个统计事实,一种只有文献学家才注意到的晦涩知识。因此B选项正确。17. 单选题A rapid means of long distance transportation became a necessity for t

56、he United States settlement spread ever farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safer, ef

57、fective stopping system.Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860s there were thousands of miles or railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western line

58、s.The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linki

59、ng the Atlantic seaboard with Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project from California used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a great

60、er distance than the other. In 1896 they met at place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parade and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.The railroad was

61、very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and fanning by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.1. The major problems with Americas railroad sys

62、tem in the mid-19th century lay in( ).2. The building of the first transcontinental system( ).3. The best title for this passage would be( ).4. The construction of the transcontinental railroad took( ).5. What most likely made people think about a transcontinental railroad?问题1选项A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systemsB.lack of financial support for developmentC.limited railroad linesD.lack of transcontinental railroad问题2选项A.brought about a rapid growth

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