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1、2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Crops dies during the( ), resulting in famine throughout the country.问题1选项A.adversityB.disasterC.droughtD.calamity【答案】C【解析】adversity灾难,逆境,不幸;disaster灾祸;drought干旱;calamity 灾难,不幸事件。根据句意可知,庄稼应该是在旱季才会死亡,所以选项C符合语境。2. 单选题War may be a natural expression of biological i

2、nstinct and drives toward aggression in the human species. Natural impulses of anger, hostility, and territoriality are expressed through acts of violence. These are all qualities that humans share with animals. Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism, an instinct for self-preservation, th

3、at allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence. But, no the other hand, human violence shows evidence of being a learned behavior. In the case of human aggression, violence cannot be simply reduced to an instinct. The many expressions of human violence are always conditioned

4、by social conventions that give shape to aggressive behavior. In human societies violence has a social function. It is a strategy for creating or destroying forms of social order. Religious traditions have taken a leading role in directing the powers of violence. We will look at the ritual and ethic

5、al (道德上的)patterns within which human violence has been directed.The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law. The more developed a legal system becomes, the more responsibility society takes for the discovery, control, and punishment of violent acts. In most tribal societi

6、es the only means to deal with an act of violence is revenge. Each family group may have the responsibility for personally carrying out judgment and punishment upon the person who committed the offense. But in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffuses. The soc

7、iety assumes the responsibility for protecting individuals from violence. In cases where they cannot be protected, the society is responsible for imposing punishment. In a state controlled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle of revenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state as

8、sumes responsibility for their protection.The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus. While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supreme power over the indiv

9、iduals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial by combat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makes its most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, and supreme sacrifice. Times of war test a communitys deepest religious and ethical

10、commitments.1.Human violence shows evidence of being a learned behavior in that( ).2.The function of legal systems, according to the passage is( ).3.What does the author mean by saying “.in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffused” (Lines 5-6, Para 2)?4.The w

11、orld “allegiance” (Line 5, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to( ).5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.it threatens the existing social systemsB.it is influenced by societyC.it has roots in religious conflictsD.it is directed against institutions of law问题2选项A.to control violence within a

12、 societyB.to protect the world from chaosC.to free society from the idea of revengeD.to give the government absolute power.问题3选项A.Legal systems greatly reduce the possibilities of physical violence.B.Offenses against individuals are no longer judged on a personal basis.C.Victims of violence fond it

13、more difficult to take revenge.D.Punishment is not dried out directly by the individuals involved.问题4选项A.loyaltyB.objectiveC.survivalD.motive问题5选项A.Governments tend to abuse their supreme power in times of war.B.In times of war, governments may extend their power across national borders.C.In times o

14、f war, governments impose high religious and ethical standards on their people.D.Governments may sacrifice individuals in the interests of the state in times of war【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段“The many expressions of human violence are always conditioned by social conventions that

15、give shape to aggressive behavior.”人类暴力的许多表现总是由影响进攻行为的社会习俗所决定的。由此可得知,人类的暴力会受社会影响,选项B正确。2.细节事实题。根据第二段第一句“The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law.”社会中的暴力是通过法律制度来控制的。选项A符合原文。3.推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“In a state controlled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle of r

16、evenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state assumes responsibility for their protection.”在国家控制的法律制度中,个人被排除在暴力行为引起的报复循环之外,国家承担保护他们的责任。也就是说惩罚不再是由相关个人直接处理的。选项D符合原文。选项A在文中没有提及。4.词汇题。根据可知“allegiance”应与“commitment”“supreme sacrifice”意思相近,再根据句意可知,选项A更符合原文语境。句意:这是国家向人民提出最强有力的要求,要求他们作出承诺、忠诚和最大的牺牲的时刻。

17、5.推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in the interests of the state.”一方面(国家)保护个人不受暴力侵害,另一方面又为了国家的利益使个人牺牲在暴力之下。选项D符合原文。3. 单选题Samantha sobbed uncontrollably and hid in the locker room, so _ was she about having lost in th

18、e finals of the state tennis championship.问题1选项A.pragmaticB.dejectedC.jubilantD.indifferent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项pragmatic“务实的”;B选项dejected“沮丧的”;C选项jubilant“欢呼雀跃的”;D选项indifferent“漠不关心的”。句意:萨曼莎控制不住哭泣,躲在更衣室里,非常_她输掉了州网球锦标赛的决赛。输掉比赛以后萨曼莎哭泣,躲在更衣室里不想见人,B选项dejected“沮丧的”符合题意。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题All things in the uni

19、verse are interrelated and( )with each other.问题1选项A.interveneB.interfereC.interruptD.interact【答案】D【解析】intervene干涉,插入;interfere妨碍,打扰;interrupt闯入,打断;interact相互影响,相互作用。根据句意可知,这里指世界上所有的事物都是相互联系,相互影响的。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. It

20、is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive.Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.

21、 There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory. The controversy is often referred to as “ nature/nurt

22、ure”.Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors. That our environment has little if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory. Take

23、n to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.Proponents of the “nurture” theory, or as they are often called, behaviorists, claimed that our environment is more important than our biologically based

24、 instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist B.F. Skinner sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. The behaviorists view of the human being is quite mechanistic, they maintain that, like machines, humans respond to environmental stimuli as t

25、he basis of their behavior.Neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. In fact, it is quite likely that the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes. That the controversy will continue for a long time is certain.1.Which of the following statements would suppo

26、rters of the “nature” theory agree with?2.Which of the following statements would proponents of the “nurture” theory agree with?3.B.F. Skinner ( ).4.Concerning the nature/nurture controversy, the writer of this article ( ).5.In the U.S, black people often score people on intelligence tests. With thi

27、s in mind, which one of the following statements is not true?问题1选项A.A persons inducts have little effect on his actions.B.Environment is important in determining a persons behavior and personalityC.Biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act.D.The behaviorists view correctly explains ho

28、w we act.问题2选项A.Environment has little to do with behaviorB.Behaviorist theory is not correctC.Biologically based instincts are important in how we act.D.A persons character is greatly influenced by his environment问题3选项A.supports the nature theoryB.thinks the environment plays an important role in d

29、etermining characterC.believes instincts govern behaviorD.believes in the importance of genes in determining personality问题4选项A.supports the nature theoryB.supports the nurture theoryC.believes both are completely wrongD.thinks that the correct explanation of human behavior will take ideas from both

30、theories.问题5选项A.Nature proponents would say that whites are genetically superior to blacksB.Nurture proponents would disagree that blacks are biologically inferior to whitesC.Supporters of the nature theory would say that whites score well because they have a superior environmentD.Behaviorists would

31、 say that blacks often lack the educational and environmental advantages that whites enjoy【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.根据第三段第一句“Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors. ”那些

32、支持“先天性”的人认为, 我们的个性和行为模式在很大程度上是由生物学和基因因素决定的。选项C符合原文。2.根据第一句可知, “后天性”理论的支持者认为, 环境比基于生物学的本能更能决定我们的行为模式。所以选项D正确。3.根据第四段第二句“A behaviorist B.F. Skinner sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings.”行为主义者B.F.Skinner认为, 人类的行为几乎完全是由周围环境塑造的。选项B符合原文。4.根据最后一段的内容可知, 这两种理

33、论都不能完全解释人类的行为。事实上, 我们行为的关键很可能在这两个极端之间。选项D符合原文。5.选项C说“先天性”理论的支持者认为白人得分高是因为他们拥有优越的环境。很显然是错误的, 因为环境影响是“后天性”支持者的看法。所以本题选C。6. 单选题He is the only person who can( ) in this case because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.问题1选项A.testifyB.chargeC.accuseD.rectify【答案】A【解析】testify作证;charge负责;accuse指控;r

34、ectify改正。句意:句意:他是唯一能为这个案件作证的人,因为其他证人都被神秘杀害了。选项A符合句意。7. 单选题All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons( )slowly into the sky.问题1选项A.ascendingB.elevatingC.liftingD.lingering【答案】A【解析】ascend上升;elevate提升,举起;lift提升,举起;linger徘徊。 根据句意可知这里指气球慢慢上升到空中,选项A符合语境。8. 单选题The

35、fossil record suggests that new species do not arise _, but instead develop gradually from other existing species.问题1选项A.instantaneouslyB.tranquillyC.permanentlyD.scientifically【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项instantaneously“即刻;突如其来地”;B选项tranquilly“平静地”;C选项permanently“永久地”;D选项scientifically“系统地”。句意:化石记录表明,新物种并非_

36、出现,而是由其他现存物种逐渐发展而来。新物种是一步步发展起来的,所对应的是非凭空出现,A选项instantaneously“突如其来地”符合题意。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题Videoconferencing is nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with a camera through the videoconferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and physical (1) ca

37、n be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very (2) and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or th

38、e(3) behind bandwidth, latency and isochrony which are used to explain how videoconferencing works. Good people communication is(4) in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your (5) will be the right ones. Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to

39、 people in different locations, but also note (6) expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meeting are made more(7)by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot (8) . (9) , organizations are discovering the competitive advan

40、tages and the power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to (10) essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and standardized videoconferencing protocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.问题1选项A






46、C.imagesD.articulateE.facialF.manageG.decisionsH.connectI.advancedJ.integrateK.progressiveL.conceptsM.picturesN.increasinglyO.important【答案】第1题:C第2题:I第3题:L第4题:O第5题:G第6题:E第7题:B第8题:F第9题:N第10题:J【解析】(1)分析句子结构可知填空处应填入名词, 再由句意可知, 被拍摄且传输应该是images, 所以选项C正确。(2)分析句子结构可知填空处应填入形容词, 根据下句“littered with jargon”可知,

47、选项I符合语境。(3)根据下文“ .which are used to explain how videoconferencing works.”用来解释视频会议是如何工作的。由此推断, 这里应该指带宽、延迟和等时性背后的概念, 选项L正确。(4)根据句意:良好的人际沟通在任何行业都是至关重要的。选项O符合语境。(5)根据句意:你能达到的互动越多, 你的决定就越有可能是正确的。选项G符合原文。(6)根据下文的“expressions and gestures”可知, 原文指面部表情和手势, 所以选项E正确。(7)根据句意可知, 通过共享文档和计算机应用程序, 使得会议更高效。选项B符合原文句意

48、。(8)根据原文可知, 共享文档和计算机应用程序是一个简单的电话所无法操作的, 选项F符合语境。(9)根据下文, 组织正在发现视频会议的竞争优势和力量。选项N越来越多地, 符合原文语境。(10)根据原文句意可知, 这里指具备整合必要会议工具的能力。所以选项J符合原文语境。10. 单选题A violent thunderstorm was( )as dark clouds were collecting overhead.问题1选项A.eminentB.imminentC.instantaneousD.simultaneous【答案】B【解析】eminent杰出的;imminent即将来临的;i

49、nstantaneous即时的;simultaneous同时的。句意:当乌云在头顶聚集时, 一场暴风雨即将到来。选项B符合句意。11. 写作题More and more people are realizing the fact that students of humanity and art can benefit themselves a lot by attending to science or engineering course, and the students of science and engineering can profit by referring to huma

50、nity disciplines such as literature, linguistics, history, and arts etc. The importance of the relationship between art and science is known to all of us, though some many voice different opinions. But how to relate science to art is a big question for students. Now please give your stance or pose a

51、s a researcher in your area in light of relating art to science if you are accepted as a postgraduate student.You should supply a title for your article which should be about 300 words in length. In the first part of your article you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part yo

52、u should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.【

53、答案】Science and Art12. 单选题If a decision is taken with majority voting, each member state can, in special cases,( )its particular national interests.问题1选项A.triggerB.assertC.fosterD.salute【答案】B【解析】trigger触发, 引起;assert维护, 主张;foster培养;salute致敬, 行礼。句意:如果一个决策以多数票通过, 那么在特殊情况下, 每一个成员国都可以维护其各自的国家利益。选项B符合句意。13

54、. 单选题After hydrogen, helium is the second most abundant element in the universe. But how do astronomers know that? It might seem that the philosopher Auguste Comte was on solid ground when he stated in 1844 that, because of the remoteness of the stars, we could never know their chemical composition.

55、 Yet only a few years later chemists discovered that under the proper circumstances every element emits a certain combination of colors of light that can identify it, just as your fingerprints can identify you. By analyzing the light coming from stars, astronomers have been able to identify the diff

56、erent chemical elements in the stars and in cosmic space, as well as their relative quantities. It is an interesting historical note that helium was actually found on the sun, in 1868, before it was found on earth, in the 1890s. (The name helium comes from the Greek world hellos, meaning “sun”)The c

57、entral principle of chemistry is that all matter is composed of atoms. These atoms emit the colors of light that characterize each element. Each atom consists of a nucleus, or positively charged core, and around this nucleus are electrons, which are negatively charged particles. The characteristic l

58、ight emitted by an atom gives us information about the arrangement of electrons about the atomic nucleus. This arrangement determines the chemical properties of the atom.The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of one of its atoms. The atomic number is a fundamental pr

59、operty, because it also equals the number of electrons around the nucleus in the normal (electrically neutral) atom, and these electrons determine the atoms chemical properties. The periodic table of the elements (that is, their arrangement into the rows and columns based on their chemical and physi

60、cal properties) is a result of the way the electrons are arranged in the atoms, and this arrangement or structure depends on the number of electrons and thus on the atomic structure.1.In this passage, fundamental means( ).2.The authors purpose in this passage is to( ).3.Auguste Comte said that we co

61、uld never know the composition of the stars because they are( ).4.According to the passage, a central principle of chemistry is that( ).5.The tone of this passage can best be described as( ).6.The organizational pattern of the first paragraph of this passage is( ).7.The author explains the characteristic pattern of color emitted by each element by comparing this pattern to( ) .问题1选项A.firstB.heavyC.basicD.early问题2选项A.persuadeB.informC.entertainD.tell a story

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