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2022-2023年考博英语-辽宁大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题President Coolidges statement, "The business of America is business," still points to an important truth todaythat business institutions have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business institutions possess this great prestige?One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power. In contrast to one, all powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers' dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even thought government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. Many American believe, then, that competition is as important, or even more important, than democracy in preserving freedom.Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic idea of inherited privilege.1.The statement "The business of America is business" probably means(  ).2.Americans believe that they can realize their personal values only(  ).  3.Who can benefit from business competition?4.Government is believed to differ strikingly from business in that government is characterized by(  ).  5.It can be inferred from the passage that the author believer(  ).问题1选项A.The business institutions in America are concerned with commerce.B.Business problems are of great importance to the American government.C.Business is of primary concern to AmericansD.America is a great power in world business问题2选项A.when given equality of opportunityB.through doing businessC.by protecting their individual freedomD.by way of competition问题3选项A.Honest businessmen.B.Both businessmen and their customers.C.People with ideals of equality.D.Business institutions and government.问题4选项A.its absolute control of powerB.its function preserving personal freedomC.its role in protecting basic American valuesD.its democratic way of exercising leader问题5选项A.Americans are more ambitious than people in other countriesB.In many countries success often depends on one's social statusC.American businesses are more democratic than these in other countriesD.Businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的that business institutions have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government(在美国社会中,商业机构比任何其他类型的组织都有更高的声誉,包括政府)可知C选项“商业是美国人最关心的问题”符合题意。2.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Competition is not only good in itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.(竞争本身不仅是好的,它也是美国其他基本价值观如个人自由、机会平等和努力工作的保护手段)可知D选项“通过竞争”符合题意。3.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers' dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.(理论上,如果一个企业试图利用其客户的不公平优势,它将输给对其客户更公平的竞争性企业。当许多企业为了顾客的钱而竞争时,他们不能像对待下级或奴隶那样对待他们)可知是从从企业与客户两个角度说明商业竞争的,因此选B。4.细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段中的A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly.(人们常常将商业和政府进行对比,一个具有竞争性,另一个具有垄断性)可知A选项“其对权力的绝对控制”符合题意。5.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic idea of inherited privilege.(竞争成功通常被视为是美国人对基于家庭背景的社会等级的替代方式。因此,商业被视为是机会平等观念的一种表达,而不是继承特权的贵族观念)可知B选项“在许多国家,成功往往取决于一个人的社会地位”符合题意。2. 单选题The atmosphere contains water vapor, but there is a limit to how much water can be evaporated into a given volume of air, just as there is a limit to how much sugar can be dissolved in one cupful of coffee. More sugar can be dissolved in hot coffee than in cold. A given volume of air can hold more water vapor at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature. The air is said to be saturated when it holds as much water vapor as it can at the temperature. At 20°C a cubic meter of air can hold about 17 gram of water vapor; at 30 °C it can hold about 30 gram. Usually the atmosphere is not saturated. Relative humidity (expressed in per cent) is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass which would be present in it if it were saturated. For example, if a cubic meter of air at 20°C contains 12 gram of water vapor, the relative humidity is 12 gm/17 gm x 100 =71%. Hydrometers are instruments for measuring relative humidity. Readings on wet and dry bulb thermometers can be compared with the aid of a chart from which one can then read off the relative humidity. The basic principle of this is that evaporation is a cooling process. The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one. There is no simple formula for converting this temperature difference to relative humidity, and therefore a chart is used.If unsaturated air is cooled, its relative humidity goes up. If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to become saturated and condensation will just form.1.When the readings on the wet-bulb thermometer and the dry-bulb thermometer are similar, we may assume that(  ).2.When the temperature of the air rises above the dew point,(  ).问题1选项A.we have relative humidityB.the air is saturatedC.the thermometer is inefficientD.the temperature is about to rise问题2选项A.dew will formB.it will rainC.the relative humidity exceeds 100%D.evaporation is likely to take place【答案】第1题:B第2题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的Relative humidity is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass which would be present in it if it were saturated.(相对湿度是给定体积空气中实际存在的水蒸气质量与饱和时存在的水蒸气质量之比)和The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one.(当相对湿度较低时,湿球温度计的蒸发率将很高,因此在这一天,湿球温度计的读数将大大低于干球温度计)可推测当干湿球温度中的度数相近时,则说明相对湿度高,故相对湿度越高说明空气中实际水蒸气含量越接近饱和,因此选B。2.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to become saturated and condensation will just form.(如果空气温度下降到足够的程度,就会达到饱和,多余的水分就会沉淀出来。露点是指空气必须冷却到的温度,以达到饱和,然后才会形成冷凝)可推测当空气中的温度上升到高于露点温度时,空气中水汽将不会达到饱和,就会产生蒸发,因此选D。3. 单选题You have to thaw the meat before it can be cooked.问题1选项A.tenderizeB.defrostC.seasonD.braise【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。thaw意为“(结冰后) 解冻,融化,融解”;tenderize意为“使嫩,使软化”;defrost意为“(给)化霜,(使)解冻”;season意为“加调料调味,加作料”;braise意为“炖,焖”。句意:烹饪肉之前,你得先解冻它。4. 单选题 Just for fun, they decided to try a very (  )country road instead of the more direct super-highway.问题1选项A.ambiguousB.circuitousC.deciduousD.nefarious【答案】B【解析】查形容词辨析。ambiguous意为“含糊的,不明确的”;circuitous意为“迂回的,绕行的”;deciduous意为“每年落叶的,非永久性的”;nefarious意为“极坏的,恶毒的”。由instead of(而不是)可知“_country road(乡村道路)”与“direct super-highway(直达高速公路)”相比较,因此选B。句意:仅是为了好玩,他们决定尝试一条非常迂回的乡村公路,而不是更直接的高速公路。5. 单选题It soon becomes clear that the interior designer's most important basic concern is the function of the particular(  ).问题1选项A.circumstancesB.environmentC.surroundingsD.space【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。circumstance意为“环境,境遇”,往往指人力无法控制、驾驭的事件和事态的总和;environment意为“环境,外界”,指对人的成长、情感、观念、伦理、道德、品行等产生影响的环境;surrounding意为“环境,周围的事物”,偏重于生活、居住的周围环境;space意为“(可利用的) 空地,空间”。句意:很快就清楚了,室内设计师最重要的基本关注点是某一特定空间的功能。6. 单选题The surgical instruments have to be (  )before use to prevent infection.问题1选项A.heatedB.scaldedC.sterilizedD.burned【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。heat意为“加热,变热”;scald意为“烫伤”;sterilize意为“消毒,灭菌”;burn意为“燃烧”。由句中后面的目的状语to prevent infection(为了预防感染)可知The surgical instruments(手术器械)应该消毒,因此选C。句意:手术器械使用前必须消毒,以防感染。7. 翻译题5. A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.【答案】【参考译文】  5.威尼斯水城海天相连,景色迷人,宛如碧波中涌现的维纳斯,吸引着五大洲的游客。她水色旖旎,波光粼粼,清风拂面而来,扫去你心中的不快与烦恼。而城市中那些集东西方艺术之大成的杰作,更给人以精神上的享受。8. 单选题He is considered to be an outstanding artist but I consider his work to be quite (  ).问题1选项A.mediocreB.mediumC.moderateD.intermediate【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。mediocre意为“普通的”;medium意为“中等的,中级的”;moderate意为“有节制的”;intermediate意为“中间的,中级的”。由句中的but可知前后为转折关系,再根据outstanding(杰出的)可知选A。句意:他被认为是一位杰出的艺术家,但我认为他的作品十分普通。9. 单选题In most countries, the law on organ transplantation is poorly defined, as legislation has not yet been created to cope with this advance in surgery. The existing framework relating to physical assault and care of the dead has no provision for organ transplantation. It is customary to ask the permission of the relatives, but because organ removal must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives in time. It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons to provide in their wills that their organs be used for transplantation. An alternative is to provide by law that permission is assumed unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. Such laws have been passed in Denmark, France, Sweden, Italy, and Israel. Compulsory postmortem examination, a far more extensive procedure than organ removal for grafting, is required in most countries after unexpected death, and this compulsion is not a matter of public concern and debate.There would seem to be no reason why organ removal for transplantation purposes should not also be acceptable to public opinion, provided there is a mechanism by which individuals in their lifetime can refuse this permission. This, of course, requires an efficient register of those who indicate their refusal; the register would be consulted before any organs would be removed. It is important that there be public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would not impair normal resuscitative efforts of the potential donor.Transplantation has obviously raised important ethical considerations concerning the diagnosis of death, and particularly, how far resuscitation should be continued. Every effort must be made to restore the heartbeat to someone who has had a sudden cardiac arrest or breathing to someone who cannot breathe. Artificial respiration and massage of the heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, are continued until it is clear that the brain is dead. Most physicians consider that beyond this point efforts at resuscitation are useless.1.According to the author, which of the following is NOT true?2.Which of the following is NOT a suggestion made in the passage?3.The word “impair” at the end of Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by(  ).4.It is believed that efforts at resuscitation are useless when(  ).  5.Which of the following sentences can best sum up the passage?问题1选项A.Most countries do not have an effective law on organ transplantationB.The traditional ways of asking for permission of relatives for organ removal dos not proved to be always feasibleC.It is hard to understand why people should remain silent on compulsory postmortem exam after unexpected death.D.In some countries these are laws providing that the permission of organ removal is taken for granted unless it has been refused by the person in his lifetime.问题2选项A.People should be encouraged to donate their organs after deathB.Organ removal should be permitted in the course of compulsory postmortem exam.C.Organ removal for transplantation should be advocated because it benefits the human societyD.Organ removal for transplantation could be considered legal unless the dead person stated otherwise in his life time.问题3选项A.neglectB.weakenC.come together withD.be superior to问题4选项A.artificial respiration and massage of the heart have yielded no obvious resultB.a persons heartbeat and breath has totally stoppedC.standard methods of resuscitation have failedD.the brain is certainly dead问题5选项A.Legal and ethical problems of organ transplantationB.Some underlying principles on organ transplantationC.The diagnosis of death before organ transplantationD.The difference between compulsory postmortem exam and organ transplantation【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段首句In most countries, the law on organ transplantation is poorly defined, as legislation has not yet been created to cope with this advance in surgery.(在大多数国家,器官移植的法律定义很不明确,因为尚未制定出针对外科手术进步的立法)可知A选项“大多数国家没有关于器官移植的有效法律”正确;由第一段中的It is customary to ask the permission of the relatives, but because organ removal must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives in time.(习惯上要征得亲属的允许,但由于器官的摘除必须在死亡后立即进行,可能无法及时联系到亲属)可知B选项“传统的器官摘除请求亲属许可的方法并不总是可行的”正确;由第一段中的An alternative is to provide by law that permission is assumed unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. Such laws have been passed in Denmark, France, Sweden, Italy, and Israel.(另一种办法是通过法律规定,除非个人在一生中禁止摘除,否则必须获得许可。丹麦、法国、瑞典、意大利和以色列都通过了这样的法律)可知D选项“在一些国家,这些法律规定,除非个人在一生中拒绝摘除,否则摘除器官的许可是理所当然的”正确。通过排除法排除A、B、D,因此选C。2.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons to provide in their wills that their organs be used for transplantation.(有人建议,应开展广泛的宣传,鼓励人们在其遗嘱中规定将其器官用于移植)可知A选项“应该鼓励人们在死后捐献器官”和C选项“器官移植应该提倡,因为它有利于人类社会”正确;由第一段中的An alternative is to provide by law that permission is assumed unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. (另一种办法是通过法律规定,除非个人在一生中禁止摘除,否则必须获得许可)可知D选项“移植器官的摘除可被视为合法,除非死者在其有生之年另有说明”符合题意。通过排除法排除A、C、D,因此选B。3.词义题。neglect意为“忽视,疏忽”;weaken意为“减弱,削弱”;come together with意为“和一起”;be superior to意为“优越于,不受诱惑”。“impair”出现文章第二段“It is important that there be public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would not impair normal resuscitative efforts of the potential donor.(重要的是,政府要保证,考虑移植不会潜在供者的正常复苏努力)”中,由此可知B选项最符合逻辑关系。4.细节事实题。由文章最后一段中的Artificial respiration and massage of the heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, are continued until it is clear that the brain is dead. Most physicians consider that beyond this point efforts at resuscitation are useless.(人工呼吸和心脏按摩以及复苏的标准方法一直持续到脑死亡。大多数医生认为除此之外,努力复苏是无用的)可知选D。5.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了器官移植法律和伦理方面的问题,因此选A。10. 翻译题Translate the following into English 随着年岁的增长,精力日减,效率渐低,作风渐延:激情有失,理智有增。看来,这样的互易不可能总是得失相当的。但是,一定的年龄总有一定的长处。因此,可以告慰的是,即使你已度过了部分盛年,在未来的经历中,依然会有另一种盛年期的出现。某些重要的盛年期似乎在人生后期才达到顶峰。原始人一旦由于周围的许多令人愉快的情景而第一次开口大笑了,又由于笑对周围所产生的那些明显的愉快的效果,笑就开始具有了人类社会所特有的价值。具有用爽朗的笑声来传播愉快能力的人,开始比他的较为严肃、古板的同事更能享受到社会的优惠,从而使自己处于有利的地位。他成了个“善于交际的人”,在社交方面成了大家所推举的人,受到社会的喜爱。当今的世界,即非丝绸之路的吋代,亦非马可波罗(Marco Polo)吋代。从上海去东京,只需两个多小时。从中国区地球另一端的美国,也能在日历的同一天到达。昔日遥远的地理距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文明的共同成果。【答案】As we age, we trade strength for ingenuity, speed for thoroughness and passion for reason. These exchanges may not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to note that even if youve passed some of your “primes”, you still have other prime years to experience in the future. It seems that some prime period will reach its peak later in our life. Once the primitive men burst out laughing for the first time because of something pleasant around them, and then the laugh brings the obviously pleasant effect around, the laugh has had value that the human beings is holding. The person who possesses the ability to spread happiness by bright and clear laugh will get more social benefits than his serious and stuffy colleagues, which gets him in an advantageous position. Thus he becomes a “good mixer” who is commended by others, especially gifted socially. The world today is neither the era of Silk Road, nor the age of Marco Polo. It just takes about two hours from Shanghai to Tokyo. On the same day on the calendar, you also can arrive in the United States on the other side of the earth from China. The far geographic distance of the old days has been shortened to an unbelievable extent by modern science and technology. Its the common achievements brought about by the progress of human civilization. 11. 翻译题Asian Americans. Asians in the United States include many nationalities: Asian Indians, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other. Asian Americans have been heralded as the newest “hot ethnic market”. The demographics support this optimistic outlook. As of the year 2000, approximately 11 million Asians were living in the United States. By 2025 the U.S, Census Bureau has projected that nearly 22 million Asians will reside here. Though the 2.4 million Chinese are the largest group of Asians living in the United States, Asian Indians grew the fastest during the decade from 1990 to 2000, with that population doubling and now totaling 1.7 million in the United States.Asian Americans on average are better educated, have higher incomes, and occupy more prestigious job positions than any other segment of American society. The median household income for Asian Americans in one recent year was $46,700 compared with median incomes of $40,600, $30,300, and $25,900 for whites, Hispanics and African Americans respectively.It is important to emphasize that just as there is no single black or Hispanic market, there certainly does not exist a single Asian market. Moreover, unlike other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, who share a similar language, Asian Americans speak a variety of uniquely different languages. Among Asian nationalities there are considerable differences in product choices and brand preferences. Even within each nationality there are variations in terms of English language skills and financial well-being. Indeed, it is estimated that over 50 percent of all Asian


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