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2022年考博英语-西北工业大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 单选题In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me(  )me into the comer little by little.问题1选项A.draggedB.drewC.frightenedD.wedged【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。drag “拖拉;拖曳”;draw “画;拉;吸引”;frighten “使惊吓;吓唬”;wedge “楔入;挤进”。句意:在拥挤的大厅,紧挨着我坐的人逐渐将我挤进了角落。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题The large towers of the George Washington Bridge were not encased in masonry but were left exposed to reveal their handsome steel structure.问题1选项A.harshB.hoarseC.good-lookingD.flagrant【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:乔治华盛顿大桥的桥塔并没有采用砖石结构,而是直接将塔身暴露在外,显示出它钢结构。harsh “严酷的”;hoarse “嘶哑的”;good-looking “好看的,漂亮的”;flagrant “骇人听闻的”。根据“steel structure”可以推测出handsome的意思是“雄伟的”。选项C符合题意。3. 翻译题Translate the following passage into English.腾讯新闻制作的一段视频刻画了中国人职场焦虑的根源:财务烦恼,人际关系,还有 没完没了的加班。这段视频包括了中国职场压力的事实和数据,但聚焦的却是个体的故事: 一个认为自己永远也买不起房子的26岁青年和一个梦想移民的下级白领。中国越来越把自 己的焦虑和梦想当成个人的事情,而不是集体的问题。文章认为,随着中国增长放缓,民族复兴用官方的话来说就是中国梦与普通中国人的希望和恐惧发生冲突,导致进一步的认知失调。国家媒体和政府机构继续关注官方取得的成就和经济发展等正面消息,大多数中国人却越来越关心食品安全、商品质量和医药安全等问题。【答案】A piece of video produced by Tencent News portrays the root of workplace anxiety in China, namely, financial worries, interpersonal relationship, and endless overwork. This video contains the fact and data of workplace stress in China, but focuses on individuals story: a 26-year-old young man who thinks he cannot afford a house, and a subordinate white-collar who has dreams. China is increasingly taking its anxiety and dream as an individual matter, not a collective one.This paper believes that as the growth slows, national rejuvenation, officially named Chinese dream conflicts with the publics hope and fear, which will lead to further cognitive dissonance. The state media and government agencies keep focusing on officials achievements, economic development and other positive news, while most Chinese people pay more attention to food safety, goods quality and medical safety and so on.   4. 单选题During the terrorist attacks, the authorities ordered to(  )the workers and residents of high-profile buildings from the constructions.问题1选项A.evictB.evokeC.evacuateD.evade【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。evict “驱逐;逐出";evoke “唤起;引起”;evacuate “疏散; 撤退;排泄”;evade “逃避;逃脱”。句意:恐怖袭击期间,政府要求疏散建筑物中引人注目的楼房中的工人和居民。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题No one expected him to(  )against his former employer.问题1选项A.declareB.testifyC.certifyD.allege【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。declare “宣布;声明”;testify “作证;证明”;certify “证明;保证”;allege “宣称;断言”。句意:没人想到他会作对他前老板不利的证明。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题The students are all from(  )countries, such as Singapore, India, Korean and Japan.问题1选项A.developingB.orientalC.islandD.Christian【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。developing“发展中的”;oriental“东方的;东方人的”;island“岛的”;Christian“基督教的;信基督教的”。句意:这些学生都来自东方国家,比如新加坡、印度、韩国、还有日本。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题The chief editor thought he took some liberties with the original in translation. So it was necessary that he make the(  )suggested.问题1选项A.alterationsB.alternativesC.alternationsD.altercations【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。alteration “修改;改变;变更”;alternative “二中择一”;alternation “交替,轮流”;altercation “争吵,吵架”。句意:主编认为他的译文对原文做了些改动。所以他有必要针对这些建议进行修改。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Although the colonists(  ) to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive.问题1选项A.migratedB.matchedC.mingledD.melted【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。migrate “移居,使移植”;match “匹配”;mingle “混合,交往”;melt “融化”。句意:尽管殖民地居民在很大程度上与当地美国人混杂而居,但是印第安人对美国文化和语言的影响比较少。选项C符合题意。9. 单选题 After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a(  )loathing for each other.问题1选项A.boringB.reciprocalC.friendlyD.standing【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。boring “无聊的;令人厌烦的”;reciprocal “互惠的;相互的”;friendly “友好的;亲切的”;standing “长期存在的”。句意:在那次激烈的争吵后,他们开始相互厌恶。选项B符合题意。10. 单选题The government lacked money because of biting oil(  ).问题1选项A.pricesB.stationsC.buildingsD.revenues【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。price “价格;价值”;station “车站;驻地;地位”;building “建筑;建筑物”;revenue “税收,税收收入”。句意:政府因为棘手的石油收入而缺钱。选项D符合题意。11. 单选题The vast majority of people in any given culture will(  )to the established standards of that culture.问题1选项A.confineB.conformC.confrontD.confirm【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。confine “限制;禁闭”;conform “符合;遵守;适应环境(后面一般跟介词to)”;confront “面对;遭遇;比较(为及物动词)”;confirm “确认;证实;批准(及物动词)。句意:特定文化下的绝大部分人会遵守那种文化已建立的标准。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题Heavy rains were causing inundation and much damage throughout the county.问题1选项A.much inconvenienceB.serious concernC.overflow of waterD.human misery【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:暴雨引起了并给整个国家带来的很大的损害。much inconvenience“极大的不便”;serious concern“深切关注”;overflow of water “溢出的水”;human misery “人类的苦难”。根据“heavy rains”可推测出划线单词的意思是“洪水”,选项C符合题意。13. 单选题The assassin hid himself carefully from view before(  )his future victim.问题1选项A.drawing fromB.drawing upC.drawing withD.drawing on【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。draw from “从中得到”;draw up “起草;停住”;draw with “追上”;draw on “利用;吸收;临近”。句意:在靠近自己未来的目标前,那个杀手小心地隐藏自己。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题San Francisco climbs and falls over numerous hills, which provides (  )views of the wide bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.问题1选项A.flashyB.transientC.breathtakingD.ambiguous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。flashy “浮华的;闪光的”;transient “短暂的;路过的”;breathtaking “惊人的;令人激动的”;ambiguous “模糊不清的;模棱两可的”。句意:旧金山起伏着无数的山脉,这提供了惊人的海湾和金门大桥的景象。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题Every living thing has an inner biological clock that controls behavior. The clock works all the time even when there are no outside signs to mark the passing of time. The biological clock tells plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells insects when to leave the protective cocoon and fly away. And it tells animals when to eat, sleep and wake. It controls body temperature, the release of some hormones and even dreams. These natural daily events are circadian rhythms.Man has known about them for thousands of years. But the first scientific observation of Circadian rhythms was not made until 1729. In that year French astronomer, Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan, noted that one of his plants opened its leaves at the same time every morning, and closed them at the same time every night. The plant did this even when he kept it in a dark place all the time.Later scientists wondered about circadian rhythms in humans. They learned that mans biological clock actually keeps time with a day of a little less than 25 hours instead of the 24 hours on a man-made clock.About four years ago an American doctor, Eliot Weitzman, established a laboratory to study how our biological clock works. The people in his experiments are shut off from the outside world. They are free to listen to and live by their circadian rhythms. Dr. Weitzman hopes his research will lead to effective treatments for common sleep problems and sleep disorders caused by aging and mental illness.The laboratory is in the Montefiore Hospital in New York City. It has two living areas with three small rooms in each. The windows are covered, so no sunlight or moonlight comes in. There are no radios or television receivers. There is a control room between the living areas. It contains computers, one-way cameras and other electronic devices for observing the person in the living area. The instruments measure heartbeat, body temperature, hormones in the blood, other substances in the urine and brain waves during sleep.A doctor or medical technician is on duty in the control room 24 hours a day during an experiment. They do not work the same time each day and are not permitted to wear watches, so the person in the laboratory has no idea what time it is.In the first four years of research, Dr. Weitzman and his assistant have observed 16 men between the ages of 21 and 80. The men remained in the laboratory for as long as six months. Last month, a science reporter for The New York Times newspaper, Dava Sobol, became the first woman to take part in the experiment. She entered the laboratory on June 13th and stayed for 25 days. Miss Sobol wrote reports about the experiment during that time, which were published in the Newspaper.1.The biological clock is believed to play an essential role in(  ).2.In his observation, the French scientist noticed that the leaves of a certain plant maintained their opening-and-closing cycles(  ).  3.The sentence “They are free to listen to and live by their circadian rhythms.” (In Paragraph 4) probably means(  ).  4.In the experiment conducted by Mr. Weitzman, the doctor who is on duty does not work the same time each day(  ).  5.What is Mr. Weitzmans ultimate purpose of establishing a laboratory?问题1选项A.the regulation of body temperatureB.the secretion of hormonesC.animal reproductionD.many aspects of plant and animal physiology问题2选项A.even when it was kept in a murky place all dayB.even if it was placed in the moonlightC.even when he was observing it from a dark placeD.even during the night time问题3选项A.They can lead their daily lives according to their biological clocks, without referring to a man-made clockB.They can listen to the wonderful rhythms of the biological clock and live close to themC.They can live by regulating their own circadian rhythmsD.They are free from the annoying rhythms of everyday life问题4选项A.in order to observe the abnormal behavior of the people at different timesB.so as not to be recognized by the peopleC.so as to avoid indicating to the people what time it is when he starts workD.so as to leave the peoples circadian rhythms in disorder问题5选项A.He wanted to have his experiment report published in the newspapers.B.People are free to listen to and live by their circadian rhythms.C.He wanted to find a way to treat peoples diseases.D.He could gain some reputation for the first scientific observation of circadian rhythms.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题目问的是“生物钟在什么方面扮演着非常重要的角色?”文章第一段第一句话提到“所有生物钟都有一个控制其行为的内在生物钟”( Every living thing has an inner biological clock that controls behavior),接着提到生物钟告诉植物什么时候开花。告诉动物什么时候进食,什么时候睡觉和清醒,这些都说明生物钟能够引导动植物的生理机能,因此选项D符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。题目问的是“法国科学家观察到植物在何种情况下依然会遵循开与收的循环?”文章第二段提到“即使把这株植物放在一个全黑的环境,它依然会遵循这个规律”(The plant did this even when he kept it in a dark place all the time),因此,选项A符合题意。第3题:推理判断题。题目问的是“第四段他们可以自由按照自己的生物规律生活意味着什么?”文章第四段第一句提到“一位美国医生建立了一个实验室来研究我们的生物钟如何运作”(About four years ago an American doctor, Eliot Weitzman, established a laboratory to study how our biological clock works),由此可知选项A“他们可以按照自己的生物钟而不用参考人为制造的时钟来生活”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。题目问的是“在威茨曼先生的试验里,负责的医生同样也不按照时钟的时间工作的原因是什么?”文章第六段提到“他们(医生)每天工作时间一样不允许戴手表,所以实验室的人都没有时间概念”(They do not work the same time each day and are not permitted to wear watches, so the person in the laboratory has no idea what time it is),选项C“为了防止他向其他人暗示时间”符合题意。第5题:细节事实题。题目问的是“威茨曼先生建立实验室的最终目的是什么?”文章第四段最后一句提到“威茨曼先生希望他的研究能够对常见的睡眠问题、变老引起的失眠和精神疾病有治疗效果”(Dr. Weitzman hopes his research will lead to effective treatments for common sleep problems and sleep disorders caused by aging and mental illness),选项C“他想找到一种治疗疾病的方法”符合题意。16. 单选题Should either of these situations occur, wrong control actions might be taken and a potential accident sequence initiated.问题1选项A.importedB.installedC.startedD.interviewed【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果发生这两种情况之一,可能会采取错误的控制措施,并且潜在的事故序列会被。import “输入,引进”;install “安装,设置”;start “启动,开始”;interview “采访,接见;面试”。根据“a potential accident sequence”可推测划线单词的意思是“启动,开始”,因此选项C符合题意。17. 单选题Though the subway system of the city has been well-planned for years, its funding is still in the air.问题1选项A.widely spreadingB.totally uncertainC.hysterically unconstraineD.already broadcast【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:虽然这个城市的地铁系统多年来已经做好规划,但是资金问题一直。widely spreading “广泛传播”;totally uncertain “完全不确定”;hysterically unconstrained “完全不受约束”;already broadcast “已经播出”。根据句子前后逻辑可知资金问题一直没有解决,因此划线词组的意思是“悬而未决的”,选项B符合题意。18. 单选题Hoping that he might be able to(  )the problem, I asked Manio to look at the engine.问题1选项A.shed light onB.make light ofC.bring light toD.set light to【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。shed light on “解释;阐明”;make light of “轻视;对不在乎”;bring light to “为带来光明”;set light to “点火;引火烧”。句意:我请马里奥看看这个引擎,希望他可以解决这个问题。选项A符合题意。19. 单选题His(  ) and unwillingness to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.问题1选项A.arroganceB.dignityC.humilityD.solitude【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。arrogance “自负;傲慢态度”;dignity “尊严;高贵”;humility “谦卑;谦逊”;solitude “孤独;隐居;荒僻的地方”。句意:他很傲慢,并且不愿意向他人学习,这使得他无法成为团队中的一员。选项A符合题意。20. 单选题Please excuse me if I have left any of my questions(  ) .问题1选项A.to be unansweredB.not to answerC.unansweredD.being unanswered【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。leave sth. done意为“使处于状态”,因此选项C符合题意。


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