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北京语言大学22春汉语写作补考试题库答案参考1. 标题、开头、结尾、段落、行文线索等可称为文章的内部结构。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A2. 科普说明文的标题有哪些写法( )A.提出问题B.设置悬念C.设置比喻D.直接描述参考答案:ABCD3. 汉字的特点主要有哪几方面?( )A.本身有表意作用,容易引起意象B.丰富的材料与单一的立意相相结合C.一字一音,可以摹写客观声音和主观感情方面的声音D.都带声调,富于音乐性参考答案:ABCD4. 敬启者: 本公司曾经担任多家厂家的独家代理。我们专营精制棉织品,包括各类家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司敬启者:  本公司曾经担任多家厂家的独家代理。我们专营精制棉织品,包括各类家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司一向有事务联系,互利合作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关事务合作的情况。关于我方的信息,可向他们查询。  为了促进产品在巴林的销售,我们愿意做贵方在此地的独家代理。  您忠诚的Dear Sirs,    We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufactures.    We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle Eastern marketOur activities cover all types of household linen.    Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficialPlease refer to them for any information regarding our company.    We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain.    We look forward to your early reply.    Yours sincerely, 5. _ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACouldBMayCWouldDMust_ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACouldBMayCWouldDMust正确答案:B6. The more we look at the painted picture hung on the wall, _. A) we like it less B) tThe more we look at the painted picture hung on the wall, _.  A) we like it less          B) the less we like it  C) less we like it          D) we less like itC比较级的句型:“the+比较级.,the+比较级.”表示“越就越”。句意:“挂在墙上的那幅油画看的越多,我们就越不喜欢它”。7. 获取材料的主要方式有( )A.观察B.体验C.调查D.检索参考答案:ABCD8. Owning an automobile ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. reOwning an automobile ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. resulted inC. was caused byD. contributed to参考答案:B9. What was the weather like yesterday? It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _What was the weather like yesterday?  It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out.  A) hardly.hard          B) hardly.hardly  C) hard.hardly          D) hard.hardChard作副词,表示“猛烈地”;hardly作副词,表示“几乎不”。10. The official made _ clear that everything should be done to solve the problem Ait Bthis CThe official made _ clear that everything should be done to solve the problem  Ait  Bthis  Cthat DhimAit作形式宾语。11. 脉络,指存在于文章内部的血脉与经络。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B12. 关于意图制导的意义的说法不正确的是( )。A.意图制导对写作并不是充分而必要的B.倒叙C.意图制导照耀着写作过程的始末D.意图制导体面文章的主要职能参考答案:A13. 狭义散文是( )才有的说法。A.古代B.向外的抒情文体C.五四D.当代参考答案:D14. 拟题准确就是要“题文相符”,在一定程度上概括文章基本内容、揭示文章的主题。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. We should clean _ twice a day. Aour tooth Bour tooths Cour teeth DteethWe should clean _ twice a day.  Aour tooth  Bour tooths   Cour teeth    DteethC16. There_a big table and a great many chairs in the room.AisBareCwereDhave beenThere_a big table and a great many chairs in the room.AisBareCwereDhave been正确答案:A17. 适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法的公文形式是( )。A.批复B.西方古代的分法C.报告D.议案参考答案:B18. 写作过程四要素中的写作客体就是( )。A.作者B.世界C.作品D.读者参考答案:B19. 选择多数人关心、寻求“答案”的题材,这是写好科普说明文的前提。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. What would you do if you had a11 the time in the world? ( )A. If I could find another- What would you do if you had a11 the time in the world? ( )A. If I could find another job , you know l' d take it in a minute.B. I would spend two thirds of my time with those people who are in great need of help.C. I will travel to other countries and do everything I like.参考答案:B21. 绪论部分之后还要注明“关键词”或“主题词”,以便进行文摘、索引等。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A22. Would you like to have_icecream? A.a B.an c. theWould you like to have_icecream?A.aB.anc. the参考答案B23. Achievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course orAchievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course or aprogram.A. beginningB. middleC. endD. anytime参考答案C24. 既有事实内容的广度又有事实内容的深度是深度报道的特性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. If places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers. A) being B) are C) beIf places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers.  A) being     B) are     C) be     D) wereD此处是考察表现在情况的虚拟条件句,故从句中谓语动词用一般过去式。26. Where was it _ you lost your wallet? Athat Bwhere Cwhich Din whichWhere was it _ you lost your wallet?  Athat      Bwhere       Cwhich     Din whichA27. 豪放的风格充满阳刚之气,而婉约的语言风格则漫溢着阴柔。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. 蒙太奇原本是建筑学上的用语,意为装配、安装。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A29. 通告适用于公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A30. The house( )ís very nice , but the compound is too small.A. hímselfB. itselfC. herselfD. oneself参考答案:B31. The Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wideThe Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wide正确答案:C32. 下面不属于古代散文范围的是( )。A.赋B.孔雀东南飞C.议D.论参考答案:A33. 听力的文本驱动模式(名词解释)参考答案:文本驱动模式常作自下而上听力模式(bottom-up rnapproach)。本模式认为听力就是一个语音解码过程。听者利用语音、词汇和句子本身的知识进行语言因素分析达到对听力材料的理解。理解是从语音、单词、句子到整个讲篇逐步理解的过程。34. 1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly. A. so is B. also did C. so does1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly.A. so isB. also didC. so does参考答案C35. A dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays. A) has cost B) costs C) cost D) are costA dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays.  A) has cost     B) costs    C) cost     D) are costCa dozen eggs意为“一打鸡蛋”复数概念。36. Now _ your turn to retell the text. A) there is B) there comes C) comes D) has comesNow _ your turn to retell the text.  A) there is     B) there comes C) comes    D) has comesC状语now在句首,句子完全倒装。37. AineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficientAineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficient正确答案:C解析:上下文理解题。incompetent不可选,下文说到如有必要大脑可以启动(trigger)新的接收器,所以并非“不胜任”,而是“inefficient效率低”;incompetent all the time“所有时间工作都不能胜任”,所以不能选;inefficient all the time正确。38. What&39;s the matter with you? I didn&39;t pass the test, but I still _. A) hope so BWhat's the matter with you?  I didn't pass the test, but I still _.  A) hope so    B) hope to   C) hope it   D) hope thatBI still hope to是I still hope to pass the test. 的省略说法。39. A.inB.onC.atD.withA.inB.onC.atD.with正确答案:A40. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。We'll agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight.41. 标题拟制得好坏,不影响到文章主题的表达效果。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A42. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men's with _ score of 4:1.  A) a, a      B) /the    C) a, /    D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。43. 文体从语言风格的角度来分,有( )。A.政论文体B.文艺文体C.科学文体D.公文事务文体参考答案:ABCD44. 体验者要想寻找、看见、捕捉、发现属于自己的东西,仅仅沉在生活底层,和对象打成一片并获得某种思想或感情的认同就足够了。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A45. 语言的特点有( )A.情感性B.语体性C.语境性D.风格性参考答案:BCD46. 修改的主要内容包括( )。A.改换标题B.思路宽阔,旁征博引,中外逢源,古今无阻C.增删材料D.间架调整参考答案:ABCD47. 成功的议论类文章对论点的要求是( )A.新颖、深刻B.同一、鲜明C.集中、同一D.认真、细致参考答案:ABC48. We now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AWe now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a正确答案:B49. The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.(英译中)答案:当警察发现谋杀凶器时,谜团被解开了。50. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?  No, but I really wish I _ .  Awill     Bhave       Cdid        DhadC


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