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PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it? B Read and Write 教学设计一、教学理念: 秉承着小学英语新课标的语言技能分级标准,小学四年级作为学习初始年级,应该要达到一级目标,对于阅读课教学,学生能理解图文,表达运用图文;能做简单的角色表演,能仿照阅读课文的终极目标要求, 内化到自己的知识表达掌握和学习。 课堂中所涉及的教学活动应该是面向全体学生的,合理安排步骤注重语言实践性, 培养学生的语言运用能力。 本课中设计了有梯度的教学活动和环节让学生通过趣味性的复习巩固、 扎实多样的认知理解、 生活化的实践任务、灵活高效的运用拓展、来逐步实现语言知识的内化,达到综合语言运用能力。二、 教材分析: 本教材是人教版PEP 四年级下册第二单元 B 部分Read and Write 阅读理解,此教材从学生的实际出发,深入浅出,寓教于乐, 具有思想性、 科学性、 趣味性及灵活性, 符合学生的知识、认知和心理发展水平。 而本课的对话主题是时间, 正好与学生的实际生活和运用认知紧密连接,大部分学生都喜欢谈论和学习运用。三、 学情分析: 四年级的学生属于小学英语低年级, 只学过一年半的英语,所以表达能力只停留在简单的程度上。我认为,教师应该促使学生的表达, 低年级应该以激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心为主, 而四年级的学生对学习认知的欲望又很强烈, 对知识点的好奇心非常浓 厚。所以从学生出发,阅读教学应该摒弃严苛和死板的语法教学,设计趣味真实性结合练习性强的活动突破教学重难点以便达到语言运 用能力的综合目标。那么课程最后的情感教育也是点睛于整个课堂, 符合课标里要求达到的学生认知范畴。四、 教学方法: 趣味导入法、直观教学法、小组练习法、拓展练习法、情感教育法。五、 教学目标: 1、知识技能目标:“用英语做事情”是新课程标准提出的重要目标要求,本课要求学生在掌握句型 What time is it? It 's 和It's time for/to的基础上按照意群朗读短文、理解短文内容并完 成句子仿写活动。知识目标:1、能听懂、会说:What time is it? It 's 和It's time for/to 并能在实际情景中运用。2、能力目标:通过阅读 课文 Amy 的一天的学习能用一系列句子自编拓展简短的对话句子来合理安排描述自己时间和生活计划。3、情感目标:通过本课的学习培养学生严格的时间观念、 养成守时守纪的好习惯, 了解地球上不同时间区在同一时刻的时间是不同的, 注重合作学习与实践活动, 培养学生的语言交际能力。六、 教学重难点: 1、 教学重点: 让学生在掌握句型What time is it?It's和It's time for/to的基础上按照意群朗读短文、理解短文内容并完成句子仿写活动。2、教学难点:句型在创设的生活化情景中灵活运用并拓展自编对话练习。七、 教学准备: CAI 、课题、两个评价钟、 Sarah 、 Amy 、 Mum 、 Dad 的人称牌、句卡三个( It s time for English class. It s time to begin. Just a minute. )、每人一份学案。八、 教学过程:1、 Warm-up: .Free talk: T: Class begin. Hello, my boys and girls! Ss: Hello, teacher! T: My name is Effie. You can call me Effie! I want to make friends with you! OK? Ss: OK! T: Thank you! Let s great each other!T: Hello, boy/girl. My name is Effie. What s your name? S1: My name is .T: How are you today? S1:I am fine. T: You look very happy! Good Luck! T : Nice to meet you! S1: Nice to meet you too! ( 握手 Thank you!) 。 T : Hello, boys/girls. I am Effie. May I have your name? S2: My name is . /I am . T: You have a good name/nice name! Nice to meet you! S2: Nice to meet you ,too! T: Please tell me, How old are you? S2: I am years old! T: Good boy/girl! ( 摸头 )。 T : Hi, boy/girl. I am your new teacher Effie. What s your name? S3: My name is .T: Nice to meet you! S3: Nice to meet you, too! T: OK. Look at me! How many fingers can you see? S3: five! T : Give me your hands. Give me five! (师 生击掌)。Good Luck!.Sing a song:(点击课件出示歌曲)°T: Great! My children! Look! What s this? Ss:.T: Yes, The Big Ben. It s a famous clock. It s the biggest clock around the world. It s in London. Its in the UK. At the beginning of class. Let s sing a song about the clock! Are you ready? Let s go! (clap our hands).2、 Pre-reading: .Act: T: OK. My boys and girls. From the clock and the song, You know. Today, we ll learn U2 What time is it? (揭 题,贴题)。 T: Ok, now, My boys and girls. Ler s make a clock toenjoy ourselves. Stand up!( 示意起立 )。 T : I say “What time is it? ” Your answer " It's / o'clock.” Say: T: You did good job! My boys and girls. Look at that clock. What time is it now? (画个时钟 在黑板上)S1 : It's .( right, right, you are right. Got an hour in your group).板书 What time is it? It' s / o clock. T: “Dont forget the question mark. Don t forget the full stop. (” 让学生跟着书空) 。 T: “I ll write sentences here. Pay attention to the big letter W and the big letter I for it. (read it 带读一遍)。 T: You know . It s now. Ss: Its time for English class.( 引导学生说出并贴句子It s time forEnglish class. 和 Its time to begin).T:“So, it s time to begin. ”Guessing, Say and Chant: T: In our English class, We have some friends here. They are.and How about friends day? Look at time, Please guess. Use It's/ o 'clock." It's time to / time for ." Pay attention to It s time for add noun. It s time to add verb.( 强调语 法)。T: Choose one time. S1: It 's It's timefor /to .(Good/Great/Right! You Ye good/ great/right. got an hour in your group). T: You are so clever! Lets make a chant now!Clock clock time to get up.Clock clock time for PE class.Clock clock time for breakfast.Clock clock time for English class.Clock clock time to go to school.Clock clock time to go home.Clock clock time for music class.Clock clock time for dinner.Clock clock time for lunch,Clock clock time to go to bed.Hurry!(第一遍带领学生填介词,第二遍课件出示缺失介词随音乐 Chant.) T:Can you say more activities about friends day ? let s pair work.Talk about in your group. 示意生小组说 G1 G2 got an hour in your group.3、 、 While-reading/Read and Write:TaskListen and Match:出示课件,让生听音,口头回答问题完成 连线): T: Well done! My children! In these friends, we have an old friend. She is a girl. There is a Big Ben in her hometown. Her hometown is in London too. She is from the UK. Who is she? Ss:She is Amy! T: Well, Let s meet Amy s day!( 贴副标题 ). Let s listen carefully! How about Amy s day? Open your book and turn to page19. 放录音。 T: When does Amy have music class/dinner/go to bed? S1:It's /o'clock.TaskRead and Number:出示课件,让学生自读文本,再完成标号, 个人评价。 T: Great! Let s read Amy s day by yourself and finish Read and Number. 示意学生自己完成。 T : OK ! Check answer now!Number 1 is picture . S1:.逐一核对答案。师生读课文突破课文。 T: Amy. It s time to get up. Children. When does Amy get up? Who can guess? May be .S1:.S2:.(That is too late/early/just right).2-3 人发挥想象。 T: What time is it? Oh. It s 10 o clock. Time for music class. Hurry! Let s go.(师生带读遍)。Who can imitate it?( Good job! Great! ) . T: It s 6 o clock. It s time for dinner. Where is Amy? S1 : May be she is in the . (Well done! Good job!). T Come on! It s 9 o clock. It s time for bed. Just a minute! T: My children. Come on means .Ss:.T: Come on is equal to hurry! 课件对比。 T : Lastly. Just a minute means A 正好一分钟。 B 稍 等一下。选择。 T: You are right. Choose B. (Read it).Task Read and Retell: 点击课件示意生跟读。 T: Well done! My boys and girls! Let s read after the tape and imitate it! 示意学生齐 声读,碰到红色的字拍手。 T : Lastly. There are four pictures here. Can you practice it with your partners? 课件出示四幅图,示意学生 看关键词。 T: Look at the time and phrases, choose your favourite character and role it! (2-3 人一小组练习本课文对话, 表现并评价).T:You have a good show. After the reading. How do you think Amysday? Busy? Interesting? or . S1 : . S2: .4、Post-reading/Extension:点击课件 T: We have a new classmate Karen. She just got back to China from Greece( 希腊 )。 How about her day in Greece? Let s have a look the vedio! (带动作。 When does she play basketball?When does she go to bed? 放视频)。 S1: At4 o clock. S2: At9 o clock. T: When do you go to bed? ( got an hour in your group). T: How about Karen s day? S1: . S2: . T: Ok! My children. Can you make a plan for your day? T: Write it on your exercises paper, talk about in your group and evaluate each other! (示意学生在小组内写出自己的时间安排并与同学展示自己的 My day. 互评, 自评) 。T: I think you have a healthy day! I think your day is busy and interesting! I think you have a good habit! ( Big hands for him/her).5 、 Emotional Education and Summary: Emotional Education: 课件播放动画 P12-13. T : You have a good and healthy day. Now, let s have a look the children s schedule around the world at the same time. Different children in different country have different time and activities. How about their day? 放课件。 T: From this vedio. You know, Wherever we are, we should cherish time and use time appropriately. 点击情感教育。 Summary: 手指黑板。 T : Today, we have been learned Amy s day. Time for and Time to .Can you use these sentences to make a dialogue? Ss: Ok! T: Right. My boys and girls. This is our homework! Thank you! Good bye! My children! 手指课件。 Ss: Good Bye! Teacher! T: Say Good bye to all teachers! Ss: Good bye!Teachers!6、Blackboard Designer:U2 What time is it?Fmfd o-clockAmy s dayWhat time is it?(四线格)It's /o clock.(四线格)It s time for English class.It's time to begin.


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