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高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 3 Literature》3-2Reading and Vocabulary64张

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高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 3 Literature》3-2Reading and Vocabulary64张

1feed(fed, fed, feeding) 1)vt. (1)喂养;饲养;放牧 Have you fed the animals? 你喂过动物了吗? (2)供给;给东西吃 The child is old enough to feed himself. 孩子大了,能自己吃了。 He has a large family to feed. 他有一大家人要养活。,2)vi. 吃东西 The horses fed quietly. 马在静静地吃草。 Cows feed on grass. 乳牛以草为食。,知识拓展 1)feed on 以为食 The southerners feed on rice. 南方人以大米为食。 2)feed sb. on/with sth.feed sth. to sb. 用喂 Ms. Parker feeds milk to the cat. Ms. Parker feeds the cat on/with milk. 帕克女士用牛奶喂猫。,3)be fed up(with.)极讨厌/厌恶();吃得过饱 I'm fed up with her complaining. 我听够了她的牢骚。 I'm so fed up that I can't eat anything more. 我吃得太饱了,再也吃不下了。 4)feed(.) high/well (使)吃得又多又好 Well fed, well bred. 仓禀实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱。,词语辨析 feed, raise 1)feed意为“喂养;饲养”;为及物动词,表示具体的喂养动作。 She fed the baby some milk. 她给婴儿吃了点奶。 You can feed the grass to the rabbits. 你可以用这草喂兔子。,2)raise作“饲养;养育”解,表示“饲养畜生;养活家庭”这种概念。 He has to raise five children/young horses. 他得抚养五个孩子/小马驹。 Where was he raised? 他是在哪里长大的?,即学即用 The poor mother had nothing to_the newly born baby. Afeed with Bfeed on Cfeed for Dfeed 答案:D,注意:serve作“为服务”解时是及物动词,其后要直接跟宾语,如不能说:We should serve for our country.而应说:We should serve our country.,2)服役;供职 He serves in the navy. 他在海军服役。 3)(与as连用)适合;可做;适于 This box will serve as a seat. 这箱子可当作座椅。 This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. 这个平台将用作港口和火车站。,4)开(饭);上(菜);斟酒 I shall serve lunch at one o'clock. 我一点给大家开饭。,知识拓展 serve sb.(with)sth.serve sth. to sb. 为上菜/斟酒 The waiter served us(with)wineThe waiter served wine to us. 服务生为我们倒酒。 service n. 服务/役;开饭;公共设施,即学即用 (1)My friend, who_on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. Aserved Bis serving Chad served Dhas served (2)为祖国服务,汤姆感到自豪。 _,答案:(1)D (2)Tom is proud to serve his country. 解析:(1)题意:我的朋友下个月就要退休了,他在国际奥委会服务了一生。本题考查动词时态。根据all his life“他的一生”和主句时间状语next month可以确定题意表达的是他“已经”服务了一生,故用现在完成时态。,3whisper 1)n. 耳语;私语;密谈;(指风)飒飒的声音 a low whisper 喃喃低语 speak in a whisper 低声说 I could detect only the merest whispers. 我只能听到低低的私语。 His voice fell/sank to a whisper. 他的声音减弱成耳语/喁喁细语。 I could hear the whisper of wind in the pines. 我能听到松林间飒飒的风声。,2)v. 耳/低语;密谈 whisper sth. to sb.whisper to sb. about sth. 把某事悄声告诉某人;跟某人密谈 What are you two whispering about over there? 你们俩在那里在嘀咕些什么? The children were whispering in the corner. 那些小孩在角落里说着悄悄话。,词语辨析 whisper, murmur murmur意为“小声说;咕哝”,还可意为“向朋友或同事私下低声抱怨、发牢骚”。whisper意为“低语;耳语”,还可意为“私下或秘密地传说”。 The manager was angry at seeing his employees murmuring in the office and then warned them not to whisper again. 经理看到员工在办公室里窃窃私语非常生气,于是警告他们不要再私下交谈。,即学即用 Mum_to us, “Be quiet! Your little sister's sleeping” Awhispered Bshouted Cexplained Dreplied 答案:A,4desperate adj. 不顾一切的;拼死的;绝望的 a desperate illness 绝症 a desperate situation 危险境地 the desperate look of hunger 饥饿者脸上那绝望的样子 a desperate cry of help 绝望的呼救声 a desperate enemy 做困兽之斗的敌人 desperate measures 孤注一掷的办法 desperate for recognition 急于得到承认 a desperate criminal 铤而走险的罪犯 His failure made him desperate. 他因失败而铤而走险。,知识拓展 be desperate for. 渴望得到 The man lost in the desert was desperate for water. 在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望得到水。 desperation n. 不顾一切;绝望 despair n. 绝望;失望 in despairdesperately,词语辨析 hopeless, desperate hopeless是不抱有任何希望而甘愿忍受可能发生的一切。 desperate指因绝望而不顾一切,铤而走险。 It's hopeless trying to convince her. 要说服她是没有希望的。 The prisoners grew more desperate. 囚徒们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。,即学即用 I had no money left and was_. Asurprised Bdesperate Cdestructive Ddespair 答案:B,5healthy adj. 健康的;健壮的;有益身心的 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(Franklin) 睡得早,起得早,使人聪明、富裕、身体好。(富兰克林) The book is not healthy reading for a child. 那本书对儿童的心理健康有害。,知识拓展 unhealthy adj. 不健康的;不卫生的 词语辨析 fit, healthy, well fit意为“健康的;强健的”,由“适合”引申而来,指经常锻炼而使体形适中。 healthy意为“健康的”,指身体健康,没有疾病。 well意为“健康”,指身体一时的好转。,即学即用 It's not_for him to depend on his parents so much. Afit Bwell Chealthy Dhealth 答案:C,6support 1)vt. (1)支持;托住 These posts support the roof. 这些柱子支撑着房顶。 (2)资助;鼓励;帮助 She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching. 她用教书挣的钱资助丈夫。 A man supports his family. 男人养家。,(3)拥护;支持 Which football team do you support? 你支持哪个足球队? 2)n. (1)C支托;支撑 There are two large wooden supports that hold up the roof. 有两根大木柱支撑着房顶。 (2)U捧场的人;支持者 The theater gets a lot of support. 这家剧院有众多的捧场者。,知识拓展 in support of 支持 support sb. against 支持某人反对 support in 在方面给予支持 supporter n. 支持者;拥护者,高考链接 (2010·浙江)The majority of people in the town strongly_the plan to build a playground for children. Aconsider Bsupport Cconfirm Dsubmit 解析:句意:这个城镇的绝大多数人坚定地支持为孩子建立运动场的计划。consider“认为;考虑”;support“支持”;confirm“证实”;submit“提交;使服从”。 答案:B,即学即用 完成句子 不少人发言拥护新条例。 A number of people spoke _ _ _ the new rule. 答案:in support of,7seize v. 抓住;占领;夺取;理解 Seize the day, seize the hour. 只争朝夕。 The army seized the fort. 军队占领了这个要塞。 The class which seizes the political power will be the ruling class. 哪个阶级夺取了政权就成为统治阶级。 He couldn't seize what I said. 他不理解我的话。,知识拓展 seize on 抓住(机会);利用 Bob seize on the rain as an excuse for missing school. 鲍勃利用下雨作为不上学的借口。,词语辨析 seize, snatch seize“抓住”,是突然用力抓住;seize a person by the arm抓住某人的胳臂;snatch“抓去;夺取”;指出其不意地、突然猛地一把抓住并拿向自己,强调“拿走”的意思。 The policeman seized the thief who snatched the girl's purse. 警察抓住了抢那个女孩钱包的小偷。,即学即用 “Run!”Jack shouted, _her arm by force. Aseized Bseizing Ccatching Dgrasped 答案:B,8hang v. 吊死;绞死;悬挂;吊;垂下;悬而未决 She wanted to hang a picture on the wall. 她想把画挂在墙上。 They were convicted of genocide and hanged for their crimes. 他们被判以灭绝种族的大屠杀罪而处以绞刑。 Her hair hung down to her waist. 她的长发垂及腰际。 The last Ming emperor hanged himself from this tree. 明朝最后一个皇帝就是在这棵树上吊死的。,知识拓展 hang表示不同词义时其过去式,过去分词形式不同。 hang v绞死;吊死hanged, hanged规则动词 hang v吊,悬挂hung, hung不规则动词 记忆诀窍:It's unfair,不守规则的“吊起”,而守规则的却“绞死”。,即学即用 The picture_on the wall is painted by my nephew. Ahaving hung Bhanging Changs Dbeing hung 答案:B,9reward n. C报酬;奖赏;奖金 vt. 酬谢;奖赏 He worked hard but without much reward. 他工作努力但报酬不多。 A 1,000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen painting. 悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画。 He rewarded me with a prize. 他给了我一笔奖金作为酬谢。,知识拓展 in reward 作为报酬 reward sb. for(doing) sth. 因而给某人报酬 He got nothing in reward for his hard work. 他辛苦工作而无任何报酬。 She rewarded the boy for his help. 她因那男孩的帮助而酬谢他。,即学即用 It is said that the police have offered a large_for information leading to the robber's arrest. Aaward Bprize Creward Dwelfare 答案:C,1in astonishment 惊讶地;吃惊地 He looked at me in astonishment. 他惊奇地望着我。 I stood up in astonishment. 我惊愕地站了起来。,知识拓展 1)astonish vt. 使吃惊 The news astonished everybody. 这消息使每个人都感到惊讶。 We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion. 听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。 2)习惯用语 be astonished at sth. 对某事感到惊讶 to one's astonishment 使人吃惊的是,词语辨析 amaze, astonish, surprise 都含有“使惊异”的意思,而且它们一般都是以事物或他人作主语,以本人作宾语;以本人作主语时用被动形式。 1)amaze强调“使惊异;困惑”间或还有“惊叹;佩服”的意思,是意义很强的词。如: We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties. 他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹(佩服)。,2)astonish表示“使人大吃一惊”;“几乎无法使人相信”,但没有“惊叹”的意思。如: I was astonished at his rudeness. 他的粗野使我大吃一惊。 3)surprise语气较上述两词弱,只表示“出乎意外地惊异”。如: We were surprised at finding the house empty. 我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。,即学即用 _of his friends, he has recovered. ATo their much astonishment BTo the much astonishment CTo much their astonishment DMuch to the astonishment 答案:D,2in avoice 用声音(说);以声地 “Mr Harmsworth,”I said in a weak voice. “哈姆斯沃思先生,”我低声地说。 The little girl spoke in a high childish voice. 小女孩说话时声音尖尖的,带着童音。,知识拓展 voice相关词组还有: at the top of one's voice 高声地 be in(good)voice 嗓子好 give voice to 说出;表达;吐露 in my voice 以我的名义 with one voice 异口同声地;一致地,即学即用 完成句子 “我等不及了!”蒂姆激动地说道。 “I can't wait!”Tim said_ _ _ _. 答案:in an excited voice,1When they had cleaned their bowls in this way, they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it. 他们把碗这样刮干净以后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它吞进肚子。 这是一个比较复杂的主从复合句,主句是they would sit.;when引导时间状语从句;staring at.是现在分词短语,作sit的伴随状语;as if引导方式状语从句。as if(as though)引导的从句是比喻或夸大了的,用虚拟语气。 He walks as if he were drunk. 他走起路来就好像喝醉了酒。,即学即用 The two strangers talked with each other as if they_friends for years. Ahad been Bwere Cbe Dare 答案:A,2There was one boy who was tall for his age, and was not used to being hungry all the time, as his father had kept a small cook shop. 其中有个男孩子,个子比同龄人高,而且不习惯总这么挨饿,因为他父亲开过一家小饭铺。 这是一个比较复杂的主从复合句,who was tall for his age, and was not used to being hungry all the time是一个定语从句,修饰先行词one boy,这个定语从句是由and连接的两个并列句;as引导原因状语从句,在这个原因状语从句中使用了过去完成时。,即学即用 Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, _this was a memory she especially treasured. Aas Bif Cwhen Dwhere 答案:A,3Not until at least 30 seconds had passed, was the man able to speak. 至少过了三十秒钟,他才说出话来。 这是一个倒装句,意为“直到才”,原陈述句为:The man was not able to speak until at least thirty seconds had passed. until在此句中是连词,引导时间状语从句。当until引导的状语从句放在句首时,not应一块提前,主句要倒装。,高考链接 (2008·陕西)Not until the motorbike looked almost new_repairing and cleaning it. Ahe stopped Bdid he stop Cstopped he Dhe did stop 解析:本题考查了倒装的用法。not until结构放在句首,主句要用倒装。主句倒装时要借助于助动词did,C项表述错误。 答案:B,即学即用 Not until I began to work_how much time I had wasted. Adidn't I realize Bdid I realize CI didn't realize DI realized 答案:B,4No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. 孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起了勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。 1)no sooner.than.是连词词组,表示主句动作发生,从句动作随即发生,意为“一就;刚就”。引导时间状语从句,主句通常用过去完成时,从句通常用一般过去时。不论在主句还是从句中,一般都不能用一般现在时和一般将来时。no sooner位于句首时,要用倒装语序。,No sooner had she arrived at the station than the train started to leave. (She had no sooner arrived at the station than the train started to leave) 她一到车站火车就开了。 No sooner had he heard the news that he fainted. 他刚一听到消息,就晕倒了。 2)hit sb. on the head 打某人的头,知识拓展 1)表示“抓住某人某身体部位”时可说take/hold/catch/seize sb. by the hand/collar/sleeve抓住某人的手/衣领/衣袖。 2)表示“打某人某身体部位”时可说pat/strike/hit sb. on the head/nose/shoulder/back打某人的头/鼻子/肩膀/背或pat/strike/hit sb. in the face/leg/arm打某人的脸/腿/胳膊。 She hit him on the head. 她敲他的脑袋。 The girl slapped her boyfriend in the face. 这个女孩打了她男友一个耳光。,高考链接 Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner_than it happened. Ahad she gone Bshe had gone Chas she gone Dshe has gone 解析:题意:“琳达看见那次交通事故了吗?”“没有,她一走就发生了。”本题考查倒装句式。no sooner had.than是固定句式,意为“一就”。 答案:A,即学即用 (1)No sooner_arrived_he was asked to leave again. Ahe had; than Bhad he; than Che had; when Dhad he; when (2)The policeman caught the thief by_arm. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 答案:(1)B (2)C,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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