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【外研版】选修六:Module3 Grammar 2课件

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【外研版】选修六:Module3 Grammar 2课件

Module 3,Grammar 2,在英语中,介词宾语常用动名词, 不用不定 式。而动词宾语,有时用动名词,有时用不定式,有时用动名词和不定式意义变化不大,有 时意义却相差甚远。,一、 下列动词只能接不定式作(直接)宾语:,hope, wish, want, ask, help, refuse, learn, demand, care, choose, arrange, expect, decide, agree, plan, promise, offer, mange, pretend, prepare, elect, fail, long, detrmine,desire等。,They all agreed to start off early in order to catch the first bus. In spite of the difficulties, we managed to finish the work ahead of time. I'm longing (desiring) to see you.,二、下列动词只能按动词名词 作(直接) 宾语:,appreciate, delay, admit, suggest, keep, prevent, miss, risk, escape, imagine, enjoy, consider, avoid, finish, mind, fancy, practise, advise, pardon, excuse, give up ,keep on, put off, can't help, leave off, feel like, can't stand 等。,I can't fancy (imagine) his doing such a thing.,注意:下列短语后也只能接动名词作 (直接)宾语: set about, get/be used to, look forward to, object to, devote oneself to (致力于)等。,We are used to getting up early. She set about making tea for us . We are looking forward to seeing you again.,三、下列动词的直接宾语既可用不定式, 又可用动名词,意义上仅有具体与抽象之分,但许多情况下可互换:,like, love, hate, dislike, begin, start, continue, attempt, afford, prefer, propose, intend , can't bear。,We can't afford to pay for/ paying for the car. After a short break she started to work/working hard. He continued to live/living with his parents after his marriage.,四、下列动词的(直接)宾语可用不定式, 也可用动名词,在意义上有明显的差别。 它们是:remember, forget, regret, try, mean, stop, go on 等。,remember to do 记着要做;remember doing 记得(过去)曾做过 2. forget to do忘记要做(未做);forget doing 忘记了(过去)曾经做过(已做) 3. regret to do 对将要做的事表示后悔;regret doing对已做过的事表示后悔,4. try to do想法设法努力做;try doing 试一试试着做 5. mean to do打算想要做 ;mean doing 意思是,意味着 6. stop to do停止(某事)去干另一件事; stop doing停止(不再)做事 7. go on to do(干完一事后) 接着干另一件事; go on doing 继续干(以前未完成的) 某事,五、动词want, need, require 作“需要”解 时,接不定式或动名词意思都一样,只是接 动名词要用主动形式(表示被动意义),接 不定式要用被动式。,Your handwriting needs improving. (=to be improved). What you said wants proving (=to be proved). These books are required Reading (=to be read),Complete these sentences from the listening passage. Put the verbs into the form or the infinitive with to.,do keep meet say,1. I remember _ her for the first time. 2. You must remember _ in touch. 3. I regret _ that now. 4. I regret _ that I have lost touch with four or five friends.,Activity 1,meeting,to keep,doing,to say,Activity 3,Match the sentences with their meanings.,1. The girls stopped talking when the teacher came into the room. 2. The girls were walking along the road. They stopped to look in a shop window. 3. Ill never forget meeting her. She was so kind to me. 4. I wont forget to meet her after school. 5. the teacher was talking about relationships when Liao Mei came in. She looked up, then went on talking. 6. The teacher was talking about relationships when Liao Mei came in. She went on to talk about homework.,A. The girls were doing something but stopped in order to do something else. B. The girls were doing something but didnt do it any more. C. I wont forget what it was like to meet her. D. The teacher was talking about something and continued to talk abut it. E. The teacher was talking about one subject and then talked about another subject. F. Ill remember to meet her.,B-A-C-F-D-E,Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the ing form or the infinitive with to.,Remember _(keep in touch) when you go away. Email me! 2. Do you remember _(go) to school for the first time? Did you feel shy? 3. I never forget _(phone) my parents when Im away from home. 4. Ill never forget _(say) that. It was stupid of me. I really hurt my friend.,Activity 4,to keep in touch,going,to phone,saying,5. I regret _ (tell) you that you will not be in the same class as your friends. 6. The joke was really funny and the two girls couldnt stop _(laugh). 7. I walk home from school with a friend. We often stop _(buy) some sweets. 8. I didnt like Chen at first but we went on _(become) good friends. 9. First we discussed our families, then we went on _(talk about) personal matters.,telling,laughing,to buy,to become,to talk about,Complete the passage.,I met Li Bei for the first (1)_ when I was six years old. Her family lived on the (2)_ floor as us, and I remember (3)_ a pretty little girl going in and out of the next-door flat. I was an only child and really wanted someone (4)_ play with. One day Li Bei (5)_ playing with her dolls outside her flat when my mother and I (6)_ at out front door. When she saw us she stopped (7)_ and my mother laughed and said,time,Activity 5,same,seeing,to,was,arrived,playing,“Go on (8)_! Liao Mei can play with you.” I regret (9)_ that I immediately ran over to Li Bei and took her doll (10)_ her. Li Bei started (11)_ and I began crying too. This was a bad start to our friendship, but we went on (12)_ best friends and I never regret (13)_ her. When she was ten, Li Beis family (14)_ to a city on the other side of China, but or many years she never forgot (15)_ me a card my birthday. Those were happy times.,playing,to say,off,to cry/crying,to become,meeting,moved,to send,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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