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陕西省汉中市陕飞二中高二英语《vocabulary and reading》课件 外研版选修7

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陕西省汉中市陕飞二中高二英语《vocabulary and reading》课件 外研版选修7

,vocabulary and reading,课标要求 1. Mastering the words and phrases in the text. 2. Understanding the text and finding out the main idea of the text. 3. How to use the social skills in communication,Famous Dictionaries,Macmillan English Dictionary Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary,Activity 1 Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions,Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing? Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place? Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk? What do you think is the Chinese for small talk?,Activity 2 Look at the conversation topics below and answer the questions.,careers sport travel weather food cars,examinations film stars music politics ideal,New Words,Cultural corner:,想象; 功能; 法则; 建立关系; 据估计,非正式的; 严肃的; 预先的; 自信地; 机会;,缺乏; 点头; 打呵欠; 叹气; 避免;,闲谈;交朋友; 对担心; 肢体语言;想起,回忆起; 把目光从移开;了解,找出 社交规则;除此之外;,New Words,Cultural corner:,informal; serious; advance; confidently; opportunity;,lack; nod; yawn; sigh; avoid;,small talk; make friends; be nervous about; body language; think of; look away from; find out; in addition; social rules;,imagine; function; formula; establish a relationship; It is estimated that,New Words,small talk 闲谈,聊天 yawn 打哈欠 informal sigh叹息,叹气 serious look away from confidently 自信地 social rules社交规则 make friends(with) in addition除此之外 lack 缺乏,缺少 find out 了解,找出 be nervous about opportunity 机会 advance 预先的;在前的 think of nod body language,1.Skimming (3ms) Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from.,an English teaching book a business course a book which tells you what to do at social events a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination,2.Scanning,The general idea: This passage is about_. It tells us how to have a small talk and how to develop the listening skills; and when we go to a social occasion, we should pay attention to_ in different countries.,social skills,social rules,3.Read again and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Part 1 (Paras. 1-2) Part 2 (Para. 3) Part 3 (Paras. 4-6) Part 4 (Paras. 7-8),.How to do small talk . The social rules . Introduction to the passage by asking questions . Dos and donts while listening,C,A,D,B,careful reading,4. Read the passage again carefully and choose the correct answers. 1)To show you are a good listener, which of the following you mustnt do? A. Use encouraging noises and gestures smiling, nodding, saying “uh-huh” and “OK”, etc. B. Talk as much as possible. C. Ask for some information to show you are interested in the topic. D. Keep looking at the other persons eyes.,2). According to the passage, which skill do most people lack during communication? A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Body language. D. Eye contact. 3). If you want to impress people, youd better not do the following things EXCEPT _. A. use encouraging noises and gestures, and occasionally ask for more information to show your interest. B. look at your watch frequently. C. talk too much about yourself. D. change the subject or finish other peoples sentences for them.,4). It can be inferred from the text that _. A. if you talk to a man about his private things, he will like talking to you B. if you talk to a man about the topics that he is interested in, he will have a lot to talk to you C. the man likes talking to you for hours if you talk to him about the topics you are interested in D. people are always interested in what they do not know,5). Which of the following can be drawn(推论) from the passage? A. It is important for you to remember different social rules if you go to a social occasion in in another country. B. Listening is a skill which is as important as speaking. C. Learning some good social skills and having a good preparation for the topics can help you have a conversation at any social events. D. When you are talking to a man, youd better talk as much as possible.,5. Read the passage again and answer the questions.,1.According to the article, should people plan what theyre going to say at parties? 2.What do people think about those who talk too much? 3.Describe two things you shouldnt do in a con- versation. 4.Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking? 5.What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraele tell you about people?,They are not impressive.,Look at your watch; yawn ( sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other peoples sentences,To show that your are listening,People like talking about themselves,6.Look at the phrases from the passage and answer the questions.,If you can talk confidently, does this mean that you are worried about talking to people? What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party in a foreign country? Can you give an example of a low-risk conversation opener if you were talking to a friend of your parents, for example? What encouraging noises and gestures can you make when youre having a conversation in Chinese? What is an example of positive body language? Are social rules the same in every country?,No, it doesnt. You could find out what the social conventions are about arriving, leaving and bringing gifts. “Did you watch the Cup Final last Saturday?”/ “Have you seen the new James Bond film?” Smiling, nodding, saying “yes” and “Oh, really?” etc. Facing the person who is speaking and making eye contact. No, they arent.,Answers to the questions above,1.impressed,2. damaged,3. encourage,4. prepare,5. recognised,Check the answers for activity 1and 4.,1. avoid 2. lack 3. nodded 4. yawned 5. sighed 6. smiled,Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one? Most people are not good at listening;however, listening and speaking are important in our daily communication.,Listening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a two-way process - it involves speaking and listening.,Put the following sentence into Chinese. Remember also that in some countries, you mustnt take flowers of a certain colour, because they are unlucky.,也要记住,在有些国家你不能送某种颜色的 鲜花,因为那是不吉利的。,1.社交能力 2.避免与某人谈话 3.交更多朋友 4.缺乏自信 5.对胆怯、害怕 6.提前做好计划 7使某人为 做好准备 8.准备几句不会出错的开场白 9.双向的过程 10.保持目光交流 11. 把目光移开 12.另外,此外 13. 某种颜色的花 14.发现.查明.了解,social skills 2. avoid talking to sb 3. make more friends 4. lack the confidence 5. be nervous about 6. do a little advance planning 7. prepare sb for sth 8.have some low-risk conversation openers ready 9. a two-way process 10. keep good eye contact 11. look away from 12. in addition 13. flowers of a certain colour 14. find out,Discussion: All of us want to be popular in our life. That requires we master some social skills in order to make good communication. How to develop our social skills? Describe with your group members and write down the outline.,Learn how to do small talk: Have conversation openers ready The topic must be safe, not too serious Develop your listening skill: do dont,Homework: Master the main idea of the text and can retell it. 2. Finish the leading paper.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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