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2016 英语职称考试答案【篇一: 2016 英语职称考试英语理工 c 卷及答案】class=txt> 第一部分:词汇选项1、the weather last summer was awful. a bad b fair c dry d hot2、the law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. a messageb guiltc obligationd punishment3、my piano playing has improved significantly since i had a new teacher.a definitely b generally c certainly d greatly4、there is a need for radical changes in education. a revolutionaryb long-termc short-term d systematic5、it frustrates me t hat i m not able to put any of my ideas into practice.a discouragesb showsc surprisesd frightens6、i realized to my horror that i had forgotten the present. a limit b fearc power d fool7、he tried to assemble his thoughts. a gatherb clearc shared spare9、the doctors did not reveal the truth to him. b handlec disclose d establish10、railways are the most important mode of transport for the economy.a way b factorc objective d source11、he said some harsh words about his brother. a properb unkind c normal d unclear12、under the terms of the contract, you must give 3 months notice before you leave.a subjectsb expressions c words13、dont tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.a alarmb catchc spot d attract14、when did you first encounter these difficulties? a create b present d resolve15、we need to identify the potential problems.a possibleb mainc immediated common 第二部分:阅读判断adhd linked to air pollutantschildren have an increased risk of attention problems ,seenas early as grade school , if their moms inhaled( 吸入)a certain type of air pollutionwhen they were pregnant. thats the finding of a new study.released when things arent burned completely, this pollution isknown as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or pahs. the biggestsources of these pahs: the burning of fossil fuels, wood andtrash. frederica perera works at columbia universitys mailmanschool of public health in new york city. she researches howexposure to things in the environment affects childrens health.in a new study , she and her team studied the exposure to airpollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in new york city.because burning tobacco can spew( 排放) pahs into the air andlungs, pereras team focused on nonsmokers. the researcherswanted to probe( 探查) other sources of pahs, ones that wouldhave been hard for an individual to avoid. the team started by testing the blood of each woman duringpregnancy. the reason: any pahs in a womans blood wouldalso be available to the baby in her womb. nine years later, theresearchers investigated signs of attention problems in thesechildren, now age 9. they asked each childs mother a series ofquestions. these included whether her child had problemsdoing things that needed sustained( 长期的 ) mental effort, suchas homework or games with friends. the scientists also askedif the kids had trouble following instructions or made frequent, careless mistakes. all of these can be symptoms of adisorder【篇二: 2016 年全国职称英语考试秘籍 -一考必过】>1、试题概况及答题顺序1.1、必杀技:见下表中 “答题顺序 ”:1.2、详解1.2.1 、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达 75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。1.2.2 、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 1.2.3 、阅读判断放到最后,是因为本题根据经验蒙答案(具体方法后面详述)成功率可拿到全部 7 分中的 3 分,这样可以腾出时间给 需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以阅读判断的答题时间只有 1分钟。2、词汇( 1 分/题*15=15 分)2.1、必杀技:2.1.1 、准备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推荐牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的牛津英语同义词词典。2.1.2 、教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。2.1.3 、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。2.2、详解:2.2.1 、职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。 2.2.2 、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教材练习 4-9 题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练 习一共 100 题,其中有词组的也就 20 个左右,记住绝对没有困难;2.2.3 、因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。3、阅读理解( 3 分/题*15 题=45 分)3.1、必杀技:3.1.1 、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章,考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。3.1.2 、其他文章,先作考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。3.1.3 、勾画出考试题目中的关键词(一般是名词,不必认识它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的关键词定位。3.1.5 、如果你无法定位关键词,则: 、如有选项为 “以上 x 项皆是 ”,即为正确答案, 、看四个答案选项中有无大部分相似的。如有,若意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;若意思并非相反的则较长选项为答案,如没有大部分相似的,则最长的选项为答案。3.1.6 、如果考试题目是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用场了!3.1.7 如果考试题目是问文章主旨(如作者的观点,替换文章标题等)的,则需要细读文章题目,每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思。然后选择意思最接近的一项答案。3.2、详解:3.2.1 、考题共 3 篇文章,其中 1 篇(5 个题占 15 分)来自教材。根据历年经验,教材新增文章作为考题的概率较大。所以熟记教材上所有文章(以教材新增文章为重点)的练习题答案,即可保证稳拿15 分!注意:因为考试会把 abcd4 个答案选项次序打乱,所以不要只记正确答案的 abcd 编号,而要记住正确答案的内容,这就需要弄 清楚正确答案之所以正确的原因,或者牢记正确答案的特点,确保考试时一眼即可认出。3.2.2 、专有名词比较显眼,作为关键词更容易定位,也就更容易做出来。3.2.3 、一般考试题目的顺序与文章段落的顺序大体一致,定位关键词不是难事,这就象让我在人群中找出一个陌生人很难,但是让我拿着他的照片去找就容易多了。3.2.4 、正确答案必定与问题有关,答案中的词或者词组必定出现在文中关键词的附近!3.2.5 、根据经验,这是答对概率最大的选择。 3.2.6 、注意:与第一大题的词汇题(每题占 1 分)不同,阅读理解中的词汇题有可能是多义词(每题占 3 分),查词典的时候一定要 仔细,必要时每个答案选项都要查一遍,确保选出正确答案。3.2.7 不需要阅读试题全文,只需要细读文章题目、每段第一句和文章最后一句,文章主旨就在其中!山人提示:阅读理解每题占 3 分,总分高达 45 分,是重点中的重点!不要怕费时间,坚决按照上述方法答题,务必仔细,保证成功率。4、完型填空( 1 分/题*15 题=15 分)4.1、必杀技:4.2、详解:山人提示:以上三个大题是重点,依照上述秘籍做完,应能拿到少则 50 分左右,多则 60 分以上,则大局基本已完!5、概括大意、完成句子( 1 分/题*8 题=8 分)5.1、必杀技:5.1.1 、概括大意( 4 题):先看考题要求概括哪 4 个段落的大意,然后分别细读该 4 个段落的第一句和最后一句,然后与各个选项对比,选项中大部分词或者词组与段落的第一句或最后一句中的词或者词组重合得最多的即为争取答案。5.1.2 、完成句子( 4 题):先勾画出每个考试题目中的关键词,然后回到文章中定位(具体方法参考 3.1.3 和 3.1.4 项),最后把文章 中关键词附近的词和词组与各个答案选项对比,词和词组重合最多的即为正确答案。5.2、详解:5.2.1 、概括大意其实就是找文章各段落主题句,而段落主题句往往就是该段落的第一句和最后一句。5.2.2 、完成句子其实就是告诉你一句话得一部分让你找另一部分。利用定位关键词找到了这句话在文章中的位置,则确定另一部分就不难了。6、补全短文( 2 分/题*5 题=10 分)6.1、必杀技:6.1.1 、先看文章中各个空格在文中所处的位置,如果在一句话得开头(即空格前面是句号),则正确答案的开头字母肯定是大写!反之肯定是小写。这样对比各个答案选项的开头字母可以缩小选择的范围。 6.1.2 、先勾画出每个答案选项中的关键词,然后回到文章中定位(具体方法请参考 3.1.3 和 3.1.4 项),找出文章中关键词附近的空 格。把空格附近词和词组与各个答案选项相对比,词和词组重合最多的即为正确答案。6.2、详解:6.2.1 、简单的语法常识可以用来缩小选择的范围,是事半功倍的利器!6.2.2 、补全短文其实就是告诉你一句话让你确定这句话在文中所在的位置,利用定位关键词的方法找到这句话在文章中的位置即可。7、阅读判断( 1 分/题*7 题=7 分)【篇三: 2016 年全国职称英语考试复习资料】ss=txt> 职称英语等级考试及解题方法序言1概述全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由国家人事部组织实施的一项外语考试,它根据英语在不同专业领域活动中的应用特点,结合专业技术人员掌握和应用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别职称的专业技术人员的英语水平提出了不同的要求。该考试根据专业技术人员使用英语的实际情况,把考试的重点放在了阅读理解上面。全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试共分三个专业类别:综合类、理工类、卫生类。每个专业类别的考试各分 a、b、c 三个等级。每个级别的试卷内容,除综合类外,普通英语和专业英语题目各占50。三个等级考试的总分各为 100 分,考试时间均为 2 小时。2职称英语等级考试的要求全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试重点考查应试者的阅读理解能力。考试总的评价目标是:申报 a 级的人员在两小时内应完成 3000词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报 b 级的人员在两小时内应完成 2600 词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报 c 级的人员在两小时内应完成 2200 词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所 为达到上述目标,考试对应试者的英语词汇量、英语语法知识和阅读理解能力的要求分别如下:词汇量考试所涉及的词汇和短语主要依据本大纲所附词汇表。对申报不同级别的应试者要求掌握的词汇量不等:申报 a 级的人员应认知 6000 个左右的单词和一定数量的短语;申报 b 级的人员应认知 5000 个左右的单词和一定数量的短语;申报 c 级的人员应认知 4000 个左右的单词和一定数量的短语。需要指出的是,职称英语等级考试所涉及的词汇、短语主要根据本考试大纲所附的词汇表,在实际考试中,凡是超出大纲词汇表以外的词汇一般都给出中文意思。第一部分 2015 年度全国职称英语等级考试试题、答案综合类试卷及答案综合类 (a 级)试题第 1 部分:词汇选项(第 115 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 下面每个句子中均有 1 个词或者短语有括号,请为每处括号部分确定 1 个意义最为接近的选项。1.her father was a quiet man with (graceful) manners.a. badb. polite b. surprise b. physical c. similar c. doubt c. regular c. doubt c. case d. usual d. anger d. free d. relief d. picture d. boring d.supported d. break2.patricia stared at the other girls with (resentment).a. love 3.your dog needs at least 20 minutes of (vigorous) exerciseevery day.a. energetic a. failure 4.our arrangements were thrown into complete (turmoil).b. confusion b. danger b. original b. disputed b. sell 5.sleep stairs can present a particular (hazard) to older people.a. evidence a. long6.i enjoyed the play it had a clever plot and very (funny) dialogues.c. humorous c. accepted c. close 7.he (demolished) my argument in minutes.a. disproved a. combinealone. a. immediate b. great a. private a. attract a. critical a.measureb. generalc. equal c. good c. required. moderate d. special d. spend d. normal d. reduce d. social d. general 10.i want to provide my boys with a (decent) education. 11.lower taxes would (spur) investment and help economicgrowth.b. encourageb. terrible b. generate 12.he was kept in (appalling) conditions in prison.c. necessary c. tolerate c. basic c. bad 13.i can t (put up with) my neighbor s noise any longer, it sdriving me mad. 14.the project required ten years of (diligent)research.a. hardworking a. unclear第 2 部分:阅读判断(第 1622 题,每题 1 分,共 7 分)b. scientific b. bright 15.he was rather (vague) about the reasons why he neverfinished school. 8.the two banks have announced plans to (merge) next year. 9.regular visits from a social worker can be of (immense)value to old people living下面的短文后列出了 7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出 判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 a;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 b;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 c。 the writing s on the wall?is it art or is it just vandalism( 野蛮行为 )? well, its still a crime,but graffiti (涂鸦) has changed since the days of sprayingyour name on a wall to mark your territory. street art hasbecome much more sophisticated since a 17-year-old calleddemetrius started spraying his tag, taki 183, all over the newyork underground in 1971, and hip-hop culture was born. hip-hop is a mixture of art, who felt left out by their richerclassmates and who were desperate to express themselves inany way they could. an experiment to control the spread of graffiti in rochdale,greater manchester, has been so successful that plans havebeen made by local street artists for an internationalconvention in june. weve planning to get people together fromdifferent countries like france and germany for a week, saysliam, one of organizers. the scheme started in 2000, and hasattracted people of all age groups and both sexes. “we allshare a common interest and get on really well with each other.the first site to be chosen was a subway. before we began,people were afraid to use the subway. we had it cleaned upand now, with all the artists hanging out down there, peopleare using it again, people can relate to graffiti much more now.by proving places to display their talents legally, there hasbeen a fall in the amount of tagging on peoples privateproperty. street artist temper developed his drawing skills at a youngage. in art classes at school he was really frustrated becausethe art teacher didnt spend time with him. they thought he wasalready very good at art and so spent more time with otherstudents. so, at 12 years old, temper started painting with allthese guys hed looked up with who were about 22 years old.he looked up to them and loved what they were doing on thestreets of wolvehampton, england. the whole hip-hop scenewas built up of different things and i did a bit of everything. butit was always the graffiti i was best at, he says.16. demetrius was a teenager from new york. a. right a. right a. right a. right a. right a. right a. right 第 3 部分:概括大意与完成句子(第 2330 题,每题 1 分,共 8 分) b. wrong b. wrong b. wrong b. wrong b. wrong b. wrong b.wrong c. not mentioned c. not mentioned c. not mentioned c. notmentioned c. not mentioned c. not mentioned c. not mentioned 17. the graffiti scheme in rochdale was for teenagers only. 18. people did not like using the subway before an organizedgroup of graffiti artists came. 19. since the scheme started, nowalls in the town were sprayed with graffiti.20. most of theother graffiti artists in england were about ten years older thantemper. 21. temper, a street artist, is now head of a graffiti clubin england.22. temper is involved in many different aspects ofhip-hop culture.下面的短文后有 2 项测试任务:( 1)第 2326 题要求从所给的 6 个选项中为指定段落每段选择 1 个小标题;( 2)第 2730 题要求从所给的 6 个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。waste not, want not bob and clara darlington, who own and run a farm in the northof england, have always looked for new ways of making moneyout of the produce they grow. their success began when theyestablished a shop on their farm, so that people could comeand buy fresh vegetables directly from them. the business was an immediate success, and soon becametop marks in a competition set up by the farm retail associationto find the best farm shop in the country. the associationsinspectors found the darlingtonss shop offered excellentservice and value for money as well as quality fruit andvegetables. clara darlington is a trained chef and, in addition to a range ofhome-grown foods and other local produce, she beganoffering a variety of prepared meals which she has makeherself in the farmhouse kitchen. a small cafe alongside thefarm shop was soon added, with everything that visitors couldtaste on the menu also being for sale in the shop. clara admits that starting the business was expensive, andshe has worked very hard, but maintains that if the product isgood, the public recognize this and buy it. i aim to offer thehighest quality to our customers, whether they come in for aloaf of bread, or take a whole dinner-party menu. i take it as acompliment if people take home one of my dishes to serve totheir family and friends and get away with pretending theymade it themselves. so it was that the couple realized that they has a surplus ofmisshapen or damaged vegetables grown on the farm whichwere unsuitable for selling in the shop. clara, not wishing tosee them get thrown away, decided to turn them into soup. the soup met with immediate approval of customers to theshop and clara now produces ten different varieties. she spentmuch of the summer traveling up and down to london by rail,doing presentations of the soups. as a result, they are nowserved in first-class railway restaurant cars belonging to threecompanies as well as being stocked by a number of high-classlondon stores. 23. paragraph 2 _ 24. paragraph 3 _ 25. paragraph 4_ 26. paragraph 5 _ a. a necessary alternative to farming b. professionalrecognition is obtained c. time well spent is rewarded d.professional skills are exploited e. continuing investment inhigh standards f. ensuring that nothing gets wasted 27. bob and clara darlington established a shop to _28. apart from quality fruit and vegetables, the couple _ 29. instead of throwing the damaged vegetables away, thecouple _ 30. clara spent much of the summer going tolondon to _a. sell fresh vegetables b. fill a gap in the market c. offer a variety of prepared meals d. turn them into soup e.sell as much as possible f. promote her soups第 4 部分:阅读理解(第 3145 题,每题 3 分,共 45 分) 下面有 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有 5 道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定 1 个最佳选项。第一篇 the best way to lose weight you hear this: no wonder you are fat. all you ever do is eat.you feel sad: i skip my breakfast and supper. i run everymorning and evening. what else can i do? basically you can donothing. your genes, not your life habits, determine yourweight and your body constantly tries to maintain it. albert stunkard of the university of pennsylvania found fromexperiments that. 80 percent of the children of two obeseparents become obese, as compared with no more than 14percent of the offspring of two parents of normal weight. how can obese people become normal or even thin throughdieting? well, dieting can be effective, but the health costs aretremendous. jules hirsch, a research physician at rockefelleruniversity, did a study of eight fat people. they were given aliquid formula providing 600 calories a day. after more than 10weeks, the subjects lost 45kg on average. but after leaving thehospital, they all regained. the results were surprising: bymetabolic measurement, fat people who lost large amounts ofweight seemed like they were starving. they had psychiatricproblems. they dreamed of food or breaking their diet. theywere anxious and depressed; some were suicidal. they hidfood in their rooms. researchers warn that it is possible thatweight reduction doesnt result in normal weight, but in anabnormal state resembling that of starved non-obese people. thin people, however, suffer from the opposite: they have tomake a great effort to gain weight. ethan sims, of the universityof vermont, got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight. in four tosix months, they ate as much as they could. they succeeded inincreasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent. but months afterthe study ended, they were back to normal weight and stayedthere. this did not mean that people are completely without hope incontrolling their weight. it means that those who tend to be fatwill have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance if theywant to significantly lower their weight. the findings also provide evidence for something scientiststhought was true-each person has a comfortable weight range.the range might be as much as 9kg. someone might weigh 60-69 kg without too much effort. but going above of below thenatural weight range is difficult. the body


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