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2022年六年级上册期末试题数学题试题一、当回“小法官”,仔细判一判,对的在括号里“”,错的打“×”。 4分1、比的前项和后项都乘以或除以一个数,比值不变。 ( )2、加工一个零件,师傅要8分钟,徒弟要10分钟,徒弟比师傅的工效慢20%。(     )3、4米增加它的后,再减少,结果还是4米。()4、圆内最长的线段是直径。() 二、做个合格小公民,细心选一选,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 4分 1、100克糖水中有25克糖,糖与糖水的比和糖与水的比分别为( )。A、1 : 4和1: 3 B、1 : 4和1 : 5 C、1 : 5和1 : 4 D、1 : 5和1: 32、某体操队的人数增加了后,又减了,现在的人数和原来相比( )。A、增加了B、减少了C、不变D、不能确定3、拿一枚硬币随意的向上抛掷100次,落地后出现正、反面次数比的比值最有可能与下面哪个比的比值接近。()。A、41B、91 C、37D、114、在一个正方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是正方形面积的( )。A、B、78.5%C、D、三、当回“小博士”,认真填一填。 22分(第3题2分,其余各题每处1分)1、40千克=吨;小时=( )分;100的是75;25吨是( )吨的30%; 200千克少12.5%是(       )千克; 比25多12%的数是(       )。2、千克黄豆可以榨油, 1千克黄豆可以榨油( )千克,榨1千克油需要( )千克黄豆。3、3.5=( )÷6=( ):( )最简比4、甲数是乙数的,乙数与甲乙总数的比是( ),两数的差相当于乙数的。5、在里填上“”、“”或“”。 × 1÷1× ÷0.1×106、8吨煤,用去后,再用去吨,一共用去( )吨。7、走一段路,甲用了15小时,乙用了10小时,甲与乙所行时间的最简比是( ),甲与乙行走的速度比的比值是( )。8、“一条水渠修了,还剩240米没有修。这条水渠全长多少米?”这道题的等量关系是( )。9、“李倩将500元压岁钱存入银行,一年后取款时银行付给李倩现金511.25元(含利息税)。”题中,本金是( )元,利息是( )元,年利率是( )%。四、我会画,我会算。6分(2+4)1、画下面图形的对称轴。 2、 求下面图形的周长和面积(单位:米) 五、当回“诸葛亮”,神机妙算,做完记得要认真检验哦! 30分(418+8)1、直接写得数。÷ 0× ÷ 1× ÷ ×÷2、下列各题怎样算简便就怎样算。×÷2 1()÷ ()×244()× ×÷4 2÷3、列式计算。一个数与的和乘上等于,这个数是多少?一个数的是80,这个数的是多少?六、解决问题我最行。34分4+4+24(4+4+6+6+4)1、只列式不计算。“小明看一本故事书,第一天看了30页,( )。第二天看了多少页?”第二天看的页数是第一天的(); 比第二天少看();第二天看的页数比第一天多();是第二天看的页数的()。2、看图列式不计算。 “1”甲 乙 80千克?列式: 列式: 3、解答下面各题。图书室里连环画册的本数是科技书的,故事书的本数是科技书的。已知连环画册有90本,求故事书有多少本?下图中,以圆的半径为边长的正方形的面积是75平方厘米,求圆的面积一段路长30千米,甲队单独修10天完成,乙队单独修15天完成,两队合修几天可以完成?学校四班有学生56人,女生人书是男生人数的。男生多少人?(用三种方法解答)某公司由四股合伙经营,年终公司获得纯总利润700万元,按股分红,算出各股东应获得年终利润多少钱,填入下表。股东股东一股东二股东三股东四股份(股)20101852利润(万元)附送:2022年六年级上册期末试题( ) 8. Do you have school from Monday to Friday? H.Yes,we do. 从方框内选出正确的词或词组完成句子。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)a lot of Keep off on the ground make noise es up in Ben's class a yo-yo took some photos pick them up very exciting1. The sign on the grass says“ the grass”.2. There are signs in the park.They mean different things.3. Jim is a new student .4. You shouldn't in the library. 5. The park keeper to him and points to a sign over there.6. Look,my films are .Can you for me.7. The running race is .8. Dad and I last week.9. I'd like as my New Year present. 给下列句子重新排序。(共2题,每空1分,计8分)1、a. It's the 7th of Septenber. 2、a. Listen, whose mobil phone is ringing. b. What date is it today ? b. Is it in your bag? c. Good idea . c. It's mine. I can't find it. d. Let's make some cards forour teathers. d. No, it isn't.It was there a moment ago. e. Oh, Teathers' Day is ing soon . e.Where is it? c a 2022年六年级上册期末试题题号总 分等 第得分阅卷人( ) 8. Do you have school from Monday to Friday? H.Yes,we do. 从方框内选出正确的词或词组完成句子。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)a lot of Keep off on the ground make noise es up in Ben's class a yo-yo took some photos pick them up very exciting1. The sign on the grass says“ the grass”.2. There are signs in the park.They mean different things.3. Jim is a new student .4. You shouldn't in the library. 5. The park keeper to him and points to a sign over there.6. Look,my films are .Can you for me.7. The running race is .8. Dad and I last week.9. I'd like as my New Year present. 给下列句子重新排序。(共2题,每空1分,计8分)1、a. It's the 7th of Septenber. 2、a. Listen, whose mobil phone is ringing. b. What date is it today ? b. Is it in your bag? c. Good idea . c. It's mine. I can't find it. d. Let's make some cards forour teathers. d. No, it isn't.It was there a moment ago. e. Oh, Teathers' Day is ing soon . e.Where is it? c a . .根据图片,填入所缺单词。(共4题,每空1分,计5分) 1.Today is Sports Day. All the students are very . 2. Whose is it? Perhaps it's Linda's. 3.There is a pair of on the table. It's my mum's. 4.What date is it today? It's the second of .根据中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。(共4题,每空1分,计14分)1.-爸爸,我能问你一些关于鸟的问题吗? - Can I you some about birds,Dad? - 不。你现在应该去睡觉了。 - No, you cant. You go to bed now.2. - 你什么时候过生日? - is your ? -在四月三日。 -Its on the of .3.-你想要什么作为你的万圣节礼物?-What would you like as your Halloween ? - 我想要一个玩具火车。 - Id like a toy train.4. 我父母经常在晚饭后散步。 My parents often after super. 5.-这个标志是什么意思? - What this sign ? -禁止吸烟。 -It “No smoking”. 阅读理解。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)A.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Sam and Tom are brothers.They are from America, but now they are in Shanghai. Today is their birthday. We can see a big cake on the table. There are a lot of presents on the table, too. Where are the childen? They are playing in the garden. Wang Ying is behind the tree.Tom is looking for her. Li Lei is running after Liu Tao. Beibei is playing ball games with Sam. All of the children are having a good time. ( ) 1.Tom and Sam are brothers. ( ) 2.There are lots of presents and two cakes on the table. ( ) 3.The children are playing in the garden. ( ) 4.Tom is looking for Wang Bing. ( ) 5.Sam and Tom are having a good time.B.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no lessons. Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty.How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake. Its spring now, so the flowers are very beautiful. There are many people there, too. We like to watch monkeys. Some of them are playing on the hills. Some are having oranges, apples and bananas. We have a good time with them. We leave the zoo at half past three in the afternoon. ( ) 1.We have no lessons_. A. on Sunday B. on Friday C. on Saturday morning ( ) 2.We go to the zoo _ on Sunday. A. by bick B. by bus C. on foot ( ) 3.There is _ in the zoo. A. a small lake B. a big river C. a big lake ( ) 4.We are watching _ in the zoo. A. the tigers B. the monkeys C. the horses ( ) 5.We leave the zoo at _ in the afternoon. A. three thirty B. three oclock C. three past three命题:刘兰香 高乃军 审定:杨柳


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