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北京语言大学22春汉语写作离线作业二及答案参考1. He met the old professor _ times on the way to school. Adozen Bdozen of CdozensHe met the old professor _ times on the way to school.  Adozen    Bdozen of     Cdozens      Ddozens ofD2. Have you ever been to Shanghai? _. A) Not yet B) Haven&39;t C) Yet not D) Still nHave you ever been to Shanghai?  _.  A) Not yet    B) Haven't   C) Yet not   D) Still notANot yet是I have not ever been to Shanghai yet的省略说法。3. 计划的构成包括( )。A.标题B.描写式抒怀C.计划的内容D.制订计划的单位或个人的署名及制订时间参考答案:ABCD4. 学术论文由前置部分和主体部分两部分构成,前置部分包括题名、论文作者、摘要、关键词,主体部分包括引言、正文、结论、致谢、参考文献。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. 导语的写作要求有( )。A.突出最有新闻价值的新闻要素B.意见C.吸引读者往下看D.行文简要生动参考答案:D6. English is seen as a threat in countries where the national identity is needed.English is seen as a threat in countries where the national identity is needed.参考答案:T7. 运用插叙、补叙、倒叙等表现方法时往往需要过渡。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B8. 不是构思主要特征的是( )。A.唯一性B.断要断得有理续要续得自然C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:A9. 文化教学(名词解释)参考答案:英语教育中要注重开展文化教学,引导学生多阅读一些英语名著,全面了解文化差异充分认识到西方文化的魅力,也可以运用多媒体,根据放英语视频、英语电影呈现出生动形象的英语文化,实现渗近文化教学的目的,使学生深入理解英语文化的含义,明确英语知识的文化背景,扩展学生文化知识面,从而逐步提高学生的文化素养。10. What are procedures of amending the L/C?What are procedures of amending the L/C?(1) The seller requests that the buyer make an amendment to the credit. This can be effected by a telephone call, a fax letter, or by face-to-face negotiation.    (2) If the buyer agrees, the buyer orders the issuing bank to issue the amendment.    (3) The issuing bank amends the credit and notifies the advising bank of the proposed amendment.    (4) The advising bank notifies the seller of the amendment. 11. He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.would undertake12. ( ) by bus is slow and difficult in some districts.A.TravelB.JourneyC.Trip正确答案:A13. 标题拟制得好坏,不影响到文章主题的表达效果。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A14. The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。15. 有关广告文案和文学异同的说法中,不正确的是( )。A.文学是人们自愿牺牲时间和精力来阅读的B.推翻性研究C.广告具有劝服作用D.广告文案是一种阻碍激发文字参考答案:D16. A.onB.inC.withD.byA.onB.inC.withD.by正确答案:B17. 我国小说的源头和萌芽是( )。A.先秦两汉的寓言故事B.散文C.唐传奇D.明清章回小说参考答案:A18. Black hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast toBlack hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast to正确答案:D19. He is _ university student and he is _ honest person Aa/an Ban/a Can/an Da/aHe is _ university student and he is _ honest person  Aa/an  Ban/a  Can/an Da/aA用a还是an主要看单词开头的音标,而不是字母。20. Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make (21) that they were not smuggling (走私) anything into the country. Every evening, except at weekends , he (22) see a factory worker co21. A. known B. clear C. obvious D. sure22. A. would B. must C. might D. should23. A. had B. ought C. used D. wanted24. A. bicycle B. hill C. straw D. worker25. A. when B. before C. while D. as26. A. thinking B. suspecting C. expecting D. insisting27. A. thoroughly B. through C. down D. up28. A. carefully B. successfully C. obviously D. silently29. A. return B. retreat C. retire D. rest30. A. short while B. a period C. few minutes D. some time参考答案:DACCB CBBCB21. The official made _ clear that everything should be done to solve the problem Ait Bthis CThe official made _ clear that everything should be done to solve the problem  Ait  Bthis  Cthat DhimAit作形式宾语。22. _ of Mrs. White&39;s came back home yesterday. She had been in the United States for years. A_ of Mrs. White's came back home yesterday. She had been in the United States for years.  A) One daughter  B) The daughter C) Her daughter D) A daughterDa daughter of Mrs. White's双重所有格,意思为“怀特夫人的一个女儿”。23. 作者在提炼主题时,不需要深入把握材料的特殊性质,寻找其深广的思想或情感内涵。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A24. 错位有哪几种形式?( )A.情节错位B.全面采取与突出重点C.人事错位D.意义错位参考答案:BC25. 衡量应用文优劣的重要标准是( )。A.应用性B.综合消息C.平实性D.语言准确规范参考答案:A26. We now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AWe now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a正确答案:B27. 犯中有避是指在出现相同的题目、题材、人物、事件的情况下,努力避免重复、雷同,写出新意来。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A28. Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.A. shyB. politeC. sociable参考答案C29. 如要获取材料,观察的条件有( )A.端正观察态度B.运用比较方法C.选好观察点D.加入理性思考参考答案:ABCD30. 衡量一篇文章的质量、价值与作用的重要尺度是( )。A.主题B.为情造文C.语言D.结构参考答案:A31. 衬托分为哪两种形式?( )A.正衬B.主体C.侧衬D.旁衬参考答案:AB32. Achievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course orAchievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course or aprogram.A. beginningB. middleC. endD. anytime参考答案C33. 消息的简短要以( )为原则A.长篇累牍B.内容充实C.描写细致D.叙述清楚参考答案:BD34. 通俗即语言浅易明白,通畅顺口。它与人们日常的口语最为接近,有时给人的感觉就是未加任何修饰的口语直接进入文章。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B35. 网络上的超文本不具有超越时空障碍的辐射力。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A36. 时事述评的写作,对时事的叙述要把握全局,简洁概括,站得高,看得远。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B37. 消息的五个要素是什么?( )A.时间、地点、人物、事件、原因B.通知C.时间、地点、事件、原因、结果D.时间、地点、人物、事件、过程参考答案:A38. Maggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the lastMaggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the last three hours. _27_ it was nearly eight o'clock. 'Where on earth is Jill?' she thought.'It isn't like her to be so late._28_,she picked up the plate of sandwiches she'd made for tea and went to the kitchen. _29_the door opened and Jill walked into the house. She looked tired. 'What a relief! Are you OK?' said Maggie loudly. 'Yes, I'm fine, Auntie,'replied Jill. 'I'm so sorry I'm late, but something strange happened on the way here.'_30_,Jill explained that, in her hurry to get through the woods, she had tripped and knocked herself unconscious. When she woke up, she realised she was lost. 'I walked around for ages until I found the right path. Then I ran alt the way here.A. ReluctantlyB. Just thenC. anxiouslyD. To her aunts amazementE. She was dismayed to see that参考答案:26.C27.E28.A29.B30.D39. 写作过程四要素中的写作受体就是( )。A.作者B.真人真事,真情实感C.作品D.读者参考答案:D40. 综合消息中的事实,一般要求有点有面,概貌叙述和典型事例相结合,有横断面、纵断面、纵横合一等综合方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B41. 电子文本创造出新的表达方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B42. GBP 97 per metric ton CIF Copenhagen.GBP 97 per metric ton CIF Copenhagen.正确43. 补叙应用的情况是( )A.文章最后,对影响事件发展的关键伏线予以披露B.围绕主题拓展作者的思路C.对叙述中提到的主要事件和人物作补充交代D.揭示文章思想参考答案:AC44. 抒情的原则有( )A.开头与结尾照应B.真情流露C.注重品味D.激发共鸣参考答案:BCD45. 文章结构包括几组基本要素和概念处在同一层面上。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A46. There are five pairs _, but I&39;m at a loss which to choose. Ato be chosen BtThere are five pairs _, but I'm at a loss which to choose.  Ato be chosen              Bto choose from  Cto choose               Dfor choosingB47. Announcement from China ABC Tender Corporation Dear Sirs/Madam, In accordance with the Loan AgreAnnouncement from China ABC Tender Corporation  Dear Sirs/Madam,  In accordance with the Loan Agreement between Chinese Government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for "The Construction of a New Harbor Project in Shandong", China ABC Corporation Shandong Branch now invites bids from eligible suppliers from member countries of ADB for "the Construction of a New Harbor" in Shandong, to be financed with the proceeds of ADB.  All those who are willing to participate in the bid are kindly requested to contact our office at 60 Yan'an Road, Qingdao, Shandong, tel86-532-6168217 , fax 86-532-6168218 to obtain bidding document between 9: 00 a.mand 11: 00 am(Sundays and holidays excepted)from Oct25, 2008 to Dec25, 2008 upon nonrefundable payment of RMB 500 while express mail postage RMB 50 shall be added.  Bids shall reach ABC Corporation before 5: 00 a.mJan1, 2009 (local time)Bids will be opened in public at 10: 00 a.mon Jan18th, 2009(local time) in China ABC CorporationBids received after that date and time or not accompanied by a Bid Bond USD 1200 as required in the bidding document will not be accepted.      Yours truly,  Bids will be opened in RmA0408 at the address below:  China ABC Corporation Shandong Branch  Hui Bin Office Building, No60 Yanan Road  Qingdao, Shandong, China  POBox: 9802  Post code: 100101  Telex: 22655 CPCCI CN  Tel: 4916649, 4916650  Fax: 4216612中国ABC公司招标通知    按照中国政府和亚洲发展银行(ADB)之间签署的山东港口建设项目的贷款协议,中国ABC公司现向亚洲发展银行成员国中有合格的供货商发出“对山东港口建设项目”的招标邀请,即用亚洲发展银行的收入款项作融资。    全套的投标文件从2008年10月25日上午9时到上午11时(星期日、节假日除外)2008年12月25日在山东青岛市延安路60号有售,电话:86-532-6168217,传真:86-532-6168218,也可在收到不退还的500元人民币(或145美元)外加50元的邮费后立即以(邮政)快件方式寄出。    投标书应于当地时间2009年1月1日上午5时以前送达,并将在2009年1月18日上午10时由中国ABC公司公开开标。每份投标必须以独立封笺的信封提交并随附投标保证金。没有附带投标保证金的投标不予受理。    在下列地址A0408房间开标    中国山东青岛延安路60号    中国ABC公司    邮箱:9802    邮编:100101    电传:22655 CPCCICN    电话:4916649,4916650    传真:4216612$Letter 1    To: China ABC Coporation, Shandong Branch    Hui Bin Office Building, NO.60 Yanan Road    Qingdao, Shandong, China    From: Li Jiang/General Manager    Dalian AAA Construction Ltd    Date: Dec8th, 2008 Re: Invitation to Tender NoHB-08Dear Sirs,    We acknowledge receipt of your Invitation to Tender Documents for the above and we agree to maintain confidentiality in regard to the Invitation to Tender and the contents thereof.    We confirm we intend to submit a bona for the Tender in accordance with all your requirements by the date and time stated in your letter of Invitation to Tender.    Our details are given below:    Name: Dalian AAA Construction Ltd.    Address: AAA Construction Ltd.           Dalian518068 PRC    Tel No: (0755)6694302, (0755)6851355    Fax No: (0755)6694008    Contact person: Li Jiang/General Manager    Please accept our best wishes for quick and successful completion to your planed program.    Li Jiang    General Manager Letter 2    To: China ABC Coporation, Shandong Branch       Hui Bin Office Building, No60 Yanan Road       Qingdao, Shandong, China    From: Li Jiang/General Manager         Dalian AAA Construction Ltd.    Date: Dec8th , 2008 Re: Invitation to Tender NoHB-408Tender Title: "The Construction of a New Harbor Project in ShandongDear Sirs,    We apologize to you for we'll call off our intend to submit a tender to Tender NoHB-408 on account of our being committed to other harbor construction project in Dalian recently.    We apologize again for any inconvenience. Sincerely yours,    Li Jiang    General Manager    Shenzhen ABC Oil Tools Ltd. 48. “自我性”是散文审美表现的重心。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A49. 邀请类文书的格式一般由标题、称呼、正文、结尾语、落款五部分组成。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A50. 下面不属于古代散文范围的是( )。A.赋B.孔雀东南飞C.议D.论参考答案:A51. Customers find access to the web page slow, so l' m getting it _ up.Customers find access to the web page slow, so l' m getting it _ up.A. speedB. speededC. to speed参考答案B52. In all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games. Afor BaboutIn all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games.  Afor      Babout       Cin      DonD53. The Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wideThe Ocean is more_than 4,000 miles.AwiderBwidestCwideDin wide正确答案:C54. 王力古代汉语·我国古代的车马中,在介绍古代马车时,就把它分解为车厢、车轮、车轴、轫、辕等几个部分进行说明。用的是比较说明。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A55. 豪放的风格充满阳刚之气,而婉约的语言风格则漫溢着阴柔。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B56. Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _正确答案:FF 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你要求我什么时间把办公室的卫生做完?”57. Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3措施。正确答案:Disposal products are gaining increasing popularity in China. Now they practically become part of our life: We have disposal chopsticks disposal cups disposal clothes disposal cameras. Indeed we are in throw-away society.rn However the wide use of the so-called "convenience goods" is extremely harmful in many ways. In the first place though man has achieved an unprecedented level of production our available resources are on the decline. If this trend continues the limited resources on earth will be exhausted soon. Furthermore disposal products cause serious pollution in our environment which is already threatened by our unhealthy life styles. It is reported that many scenic spots are losing their appeal because of "white pollution" caused by numerous plastic rice-boxes. Finally people are getting more extravagant than thrifty which is harmful to our social atmosphere. In fact in many developed countries disposal good are banned.rn More strict measures should be taken to prevent disposal products from widely using. People should be further educated to increase their awareness of conservation. Laws must be executed to ban the use. Most importantly new technology must be used to produce more recycle products.DisposalproductsaregainingincreasingpopularityinChina.Nowtheypracticallybecomepartofourlife:Wehavedisposalchopsticks,disposalcups,disposalclothes,disposalcameras.Indeedweareinthrow-awaysociety.However,thewideuseoftheso-called"conveniencegoods"isextremelyharmfulinmanyways.Inthefirstplace,thoughmanhasachievedanunprecedentedlevelofproduction,ouravailableresourcesareonthedecline.Ifthistrendcontinues,thelimitedresourcesonearthwillbeexhaustedsoon.Furthermore,disposalproductscauseseriouspollutioninourenvironmentwhichisalreadythreatenedbyourunhealthylifestyles.Itisreportedthatmanyscenicspotsarelosingtheirappealbecauseof"whitepollution"causedbynumerousplasticrice-boxes.Finally,peoplearegettingmoreextravagantthanthrifty,whichisharmfultooursocialatmosphere.Infact,inmanydevelopedcountriesdisposalgoodarebanned.Morestrictmeasuresshouldbetakentopreventdisposalproductsfromwidelyusing.Peopleshouldbefurthereducatedtoincreasetheirawarenessofconservation.Lawsmustbeexecutedtobantheuse.Mostimportantly,newtechnologymustbeusedtoproducemorerecycleproducts.58. 如果说一般的发言稿,各种会议上所致的开幕词、闭幕词、贺词等是规范的应用文体的话,那么演讲稿应该是介于议论文体与应用文体之间的一种较为特殊的文体样式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B59. 演讲稿又叫演说词,它是用作口头发表的演讲文稿。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B60. If the amount _ that figure, payment by letter of credit will be Aexceed, required BexceIf the amount _ that figure, payment by letter of credit will be  Aexceed, required    Bexceeds, required  Cexceed, requiring    Dexceeds, requiringB


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