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上海新世纪版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)He is an boy.A . 11B . 11 years oldC . 11- year-oldD . 11-years-old2. (2分)How is George now?I hear the manager _ him a good job, but he refused it.A . showedB . offeredC . passedD . paid3. (2分) Talking loudly in a library is impolite. In fact, we should also _ not to cough(咳嗽) or sneeze(打喷嚏)loudly in public.A . look afterB . be carefulC . take care ofD . look up4. (2分)We went to the train station and saw our friend_. A . outB . onC . offD . over5. (2分)Jack , you look tired today. Whats wrong?I was _busy_ I didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday.A . such , thatB . too, toC . so ,thatD . enough to6. (2分)My fathers company is far _ our home, so he usually takes a bus to work. A . withB . fromC . toD . of7. (2分)Football is so exciting(令人兴奋的)that people in the world play it. A . million ofB . millions ofC . two millions ofD . two millions8. (2分)"Take this medicine and it will make you_ better soon," the nurse says to the _ boy. A . feel; illB . to feel; sickC . feel; sickD . to feel; ill9. (2分)- Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith?- Sorry, he isnt in. He the office.A . has been toB . has gone toC . has been awayD . has gone away10. (2分)Look, Sally looks unhappy, what _ the problem?A . seem to beB . seems to beC . seem that11. (2分) he is very young, he can do many things. A . Though,butB . Though, /C . But, /12. (2分)Why did Miss Wang look so worried?Because she wondered_.A . where did the other students goB . when would the policeman comeC . what her students have done during the tripD . if her students had survived the earthquake13. (2分)The _ Brazils Olympic games will be held on August 5._ exciting news for the long summer vacation!A . thirty-one; How aB . thirty-first; WhatC . thirty-first; What anD . thirty-one; How14. (2分)What did he say just now?He asked me_.A . when my sister came backB . when did my sister come backC . when my sister will come backD . when my sister comes back15. (2分) _ Id like to buy some books.A . What are you doing?B . What can I do for you?C . What do you like?16. (2分) Sorry, I cant go with you now, because I have something important to do._ Maybe next time.A . Sorry to hear that.B . My pleasure .C . It doesnt matter.17. (2分)一 I think the girl by the river must be Alice.一 No. it be her. She is in the library now.A . mustntB . cantC . shouldntD . wouldnt18. (2分)Kate was ill last week. But she is to go to school today. A . good enoughB . enough wellC . well enoughD . enough good19. (2分)This machine, _ for many years, is still working perfectly.A . after which I have lookedB . which I have looked afterC . that I have looked afterD . I have looked after20. (2分)一It is said that people born in the Year of Sheep are gentle. 一 Maybe,but for my mother,_.In fact,she gets angry easily.A . thats not the caseB . thats all rightC . thats a good ideaD . thats for sure二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) When Sandy was a little girl, she liked keeping pets. She had many books about animals and many pictures of animals on the walls of her bedroom. She often said that she would work in a 1when she grew up.Most of Sandys pets were quiet smallparrots, cats, dogs and so on. But one day she met something quite 2.That afternoon, Sandys mother was surprised to see a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He 3a T-shirt and was sitting on the chair, trying to put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of water. “Sandy, where are you?”the mother shouted. Then suddenly she remembered that a few days before a young gorilla (大猩猩) called Jim had run away from the zoo.“I found him in the city square,”Sandy said. “He seemed so 4. I talked to him. We became friends at once and he followed me home.”“Well, you know you 5keep him,” her mother said. “You must send him back to the zoo. Youd better phone the police.”Soon a 6came and also a truck from the zoo. 7was angry with Sandy when she told her story. The policeman knew Sandy loved animals. And the zookeeper said, “Thank you for your kindness. I can see Jim likes you, 8 we need to take him back.”Sandy agreed. She hugged Jim and said that she would go and see him 9.These days Sandy has stopped collecting 10, but you can still find her with her friend Jim at the zoo on Saturdays and Sundays.(1)A . hospital B . zoo C . school D . supermarket (2)A . small B . long C . short D . big (3)A . wore B . made C . sold D . lent (4)A . easy B . hard C . difficult D . lonely (5)A . must B . can C . cant D . have to (6)A . teacher B . policeman C . student D . friend (7)A . Everyone B . The zookeeper C . Nobody D . Sandys mother (8)A . and B . but C . or D . so (9)A . every day B . after school C . at the weekdays D . at the weekends (10)A . clothes B . glasses C . animals D . fruit 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)22. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。MARS The Red Planet“MARSThe Red Planet!” is one of our Early Reader Space books. It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 710, its an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet.The Weather“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged 1315. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun waymixing facts, photos, and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.HorsesKids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged 58.The book written by Kate describes the most noble animal on the planet for early readers. The book is packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the (fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy(解剖) of horses.(1)If your sister wants to know more about the space,she can choose A . MARS一The Red Planet!B . The WeatherC . HorsesD . The Earth(2)“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged A . 58B . 1315C . 710D . 813(3)The three books is about A . historyB . geographyC . scienceD . math23. (6分) You change the channels for the fourth time and realize that once again theres nothing on television that gets your attention. Not a problem! Throw on some running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run.One of the coolest things about the sport of running is that you dont need expensive equipment(装备). All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But just because you dont need much equipment dont be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy. No one wakes up and decides to run a marathon without training.Running makes your heart, lungs, and muscles stronger. It makes you know more about your body. Running also gives you energy by increasing your oxygen(氧气) intake, so you dont get sick easily. It can even help you keep your mind on school work because exercise helps you to think more clearly.How do you take part in the sport if you dont know much about it? Most schools offer cross-country and track programs, but there are also running clubs open to all ages. A simple Internet search can help you find some in your area. The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set realistic goals and take care of their bodies.Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race, youll see people cheering for all the runners, from the first place finisher to the last place finisher. Running isnt always about how fast you are or how far youre going. Its about getting out there and doing it. Taking part is more important than competition, and effort is recognized over gift.If youre looking for more than just a sport, running may be the perfect choice for you.(1)Which of the following is true?A . Running helps you win a marathon.B . Running helps you improve your study.C . Running helps you think more about yourselfD . Running helps you set realistic goals in your life.(2)What is the most important for runners in a race?A . Having funB . Receiving respectC . Trying their best.D . Winning the competition.(3)What is probably the best title for this passage?A . Running and RunnersB . Running: Easy or DifficultC . Running and Watching TVD . Running: a Sport or a Way of Life24. (8分)阅读理解Public holidays in the United StatesDatesOfficial NamesRemarksJanuary 1New Years DayIt celebrates the beginning of the year. Festivities include counting down to midnight on the preceding night, New Years Eve, even with fire-work display and party.Last MondayMemorial DayIt honors the nations war dead from the Civil War onwards, and marks the beginning of the summer season.July 4Independence DayIt celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言) from British rule, also called the Fourth Day of July. Firework celebrations are held in many cities throughout the nation.First Monday in SeptemberLabor DayIt celebrates the achievementsof workers and the labor movement;marks the unofficial(非官方的) end of the summer season.Second Monday in OctoberColumbus DayIt honors Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas. In some areas it is Second, also a celebration of Italian culture.(Traditionally October 12).In some states, it is celebrated as"Indigenous(土生土长的)Peoples Day"as a celebration of the Native Americans, not Columbus.Fourth Thursday in NovemberThanks-giving DayTraditionally it celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. raditionally it includes the sharing of a turkey dinner. Traditional start of the Christmas and holiday season.(1)Memorial Day is . A . on May 30B . to honor the Givil WarC . on last Monday in MayD . at the end of the summer season(2)Which day is to honor the discoverer of the Americas? A . Labor Day.B . Columbus Day.C . Thanksgiving Day.D . Independence Day.(3)Traditionally Thanksgiving Day is a day of thanking for . A . parentsB . godC . the autumnD . the autumn harvest(4)Which holiday is in September? A . Memorial Day.B . Columbus Day.C . Labor Day.D . Independence Day.四、 完成句子 (共5题;共38分)25. (5分)她昨晚直到十点才回家。(notuntil) 26. (2分)这个人说他可以把石头变成金子。The man said that he could_stone_gold27. (16分)根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)才过了一会儿,很多冰块变成了水。After a while, a lot of ice has _ _water.(2)树能够防止土壤被水流带走Trees can stop the water_ _the earth _.(3)外面的风刮得厉害,我们必须马上回家。The wind _ is _ _, we have to go home right now.(4)我在街上走的时候,什么也看不清。While I was _ _the street just now, I couldnt _ _.(5)滥伐树木对人类、动植物都有害处。_ _ trees is harmful to _ _, animals and plants.28. (2分)她下周将搬到城市去。She will_the city next week29. (13分)根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。(1)从那时起,这条河就被污染了。Since then the river _already _.(2)他们从没听说过这件事。They have never _his thing.(3)当你离开房间的时候要关灯。_the lights when you leave the room.(4)艺术不但可以给他人带来快乐,而且也说明只需要一点创造力,即便是冰冷、坚硬的铁也可产生活力。_can the art bring happiness to others, it _also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.(5)城市里过去常有很多鸟儿歌唱。There _a lot of birds singing in the city.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)补全对话。A. What can you do? B. Can you sing?C. Whats your name? D. Can you play basketball?E. What club do you want to join?F. Nice to meet you. G. Can I help you?A: Hello, Im Miss Smith! _B: Yes, please. I want to join your club on weekends.A: Great! We have a sports club, an art club, a story telling club and a music club. _B: I want to join the music club.A: OK. _B: No, I cant.A: _B: I can play the guitar.A: Thats great. _B: My name is Jim Green. Thank you!A: You are welcome.六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)31. (10分)B)根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。Helping people who are in need is a very_(重要的)part of the American way of life. Many high schools ask their students to spend a certain number of hours_(志愿活 动)every year. So how do you go about it? If you like animals, help out at a local animal shelter. Most shelters _(依靠)on volunteers to make the cats and dogs _(更高兴). If you think you may be _(感兴趣)in politics, volunteering to help with a campaign(竞选活动)is a great way to find out how things work-whether its for the president of the United States or your citys mayor(市长). If you have a friend or relative who has a_(健康)problem such as a cancer(癌症), you might donate (捐助)some of your time to help an organization or_(提供)other help to people with the same_(疾病). You also can serve food at a_(无家可归的)shelter; volunteer to_(花费)time at a retirement community; take part in a park clean-up day. The possibilities are endless! 七、 信息归纳 (共1题;共10分)32. (10分)阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在空格里填入一个最适当的词。We often see top students around us and everyone knows about them. Let us take Jenny as an example. She is the monitor of our class. She spends a lot of time working for our class. But she always gets good grades in all subjects. How do students like Jenny do that? When I asked her, she said, "Hard work is not the whole story. Its not how long you sit at the desk with your books open. Its what you do as you are sitting." In fact, we can see many top students spend fewer hours on their studies than their classmates. Jenny gave me some valuable suggestions.If your math teacher gives you five exercises, you should do six. If your Chinese teacher gives eight pages of reading, you should read nine. The more you practice, the more you learn.Studying is a matter of your personal interest, so choose the way you are most comfortable with. Some people like working at night when the house is quiet, while others like doing their work early in the morning. However, others like studying as soon asthey arrive home from school while the work is fresh in their minds. No matter(无论) which way suits you, try to do your best.Studying is your business and the business comes before entertainment(娱乐). When you are studying, phone calls should go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks given up. Studying is the only thing in your mind. Nothing can pull your attention away from what you are studying.Studying is like eating. You should eat a little at a time. You can plan what to do today, but dont do too much. When you cant finish the work you planned to do, you will feel stressed and may lose confidence. On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan. It all depends on how you manage your time.The students who hand in a clearly written paper are already half way to get an A. Tidy papers are likely to get higher marks than messy(乱糟糟的) ones. When you write clearly and do your work carefully, the thoughts in your mind are clear. You are able to make fewer mistakes._on making your studies betterPassage outlineSupporting detailsDo more than you are askedDo more than what your teacher asks you to because _makes you learn more.Choose suitable waysSome people like working on a _night, while others like doing their work early in the morning. Some people like studying their lessons shortly after _home from school.Put studying_entertainmentPay _to what you are studying.Plan your time wellDont try to do much at a time.Failing to finish your planned task will make you feel stressed and become less _.On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan.Keep your papers_Messy papers are more likely to get _marks than clearly written ones.Besides, some mistakes can be _.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)科技日新月异,5G给人们未来生活将带来哪些变化呢?假定你是赵华,请你为学校英语校报写一篇发言稿。 要点如下:1)日常生活方面(机器人 robots会帮助完成大部分的工作);2)娱乐方面(大约十秒钟下载一部高清电影);3)医疗方面(医生可以远程给病人做手术)4)你的感受注意:1)词数80词左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯。3)开头结尾语已为你写好。参考词汇:娱乐方面 for entertainment;下载 download;高清HD;医疗方面 for medical care; 做手术 make an operation on sb.5G will make a big difference in the near futureGood afternoon! Its a great honor to speak here, sharing my moment with you. With the development of science and technology,Thats all. Thank you.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、四、 完成句子 (共5题;共38分)25-1、26-1、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)30-1、六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)31-1、七、 信息归纳 (共1题;共10分)32-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33-1、


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