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Unit 6 Let ' s go Lesson 34 On the farm教材分析<>本课时的教学内容是冀教版七年级上册英语第六单元的第四课时,重点在于引导学生理解语境,从动物”开始,自然地导入去农场的话题。以如何喂动物和摘水果作为任务引起学生的 听说兴趣,训练学生的听力和口语表达能力。利用实物和图片学习英语单词,同时在对话中 反复运用新学的单词和短语。因此,教师可以将知识目标定为掌握本课时新出现的词和短语, 如何喂动物的句型。情感目标定为通过话题的学习,给学生们创造出亲近大自然的感觉;教师应当让同学们带着好奇心去学习,比如农场里的动物怎么用英语表达,给动物喂食怎么用 英语说,从而使他们产生学以致用的感觉。教学目标/【知识与能力目标】掌握单词:countryside, feed, pick, friendly短语:on the farm, far from, feed the animals, pick vegetables, come on, a good job, etc.【过程与方法目标】Read ing and liste ning.【情感态度价值观目标】激发学生热爱家乡、热爱大自然的感情。教学重难点丿【教学重点】能使用现在进行时和一般现在时。【教学难点】能听懂关于农场里的动物怎么用英语表达,给动物喂食怎么用英语说。课前准备图片,PPT教学过程Step 1. Lead inLeading in【情景1】Warm up: A free talk about the city life and the countryside life. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the city life and the countryside life.T: Where do you live?S1: I live in the city.T: What can you see on the street?S1: I can see tall build ings and all kinds of shops.T: Can you see many cars?S1: Yes. There are too many cars on the street.T: Good. I live in the city now, but my hometow n is in the coun tryside. Where do you live, XX?S2: I live in the coun tryside.T: What can you see on the street?S2: I can see houses and dogs.T: What ani mals do you have?S2: We have a dog and two cats.【设计意图】利用学生学过的内容,从比较农村生活和城市生活”开始,轻松进入语境,让孩子们把和农村生活有关的词汇、短语和句型温习一下。Leading in【情景2】Imagine we live on the farm. We keep animals and grow vegetables and fruit. What do you think we should do every day.After a while, ask some groups to read their passage about the farm in front of the class.Group 1: I live on a farm with my parents. My father gets up early to get milk from the cows.Then he sells it to people around us. My mom gets up early to pick vegetables and sell them at the market. I get up early to have breakfast. Then I go to school. My parents work hard every day. I play with the animals after school. I help my parents work on weekends. We live a happy and quiet life.【设计意图】运用小组活动,假设我们生活在农场,想象我们每天的生活是什么样的, 这正 是让同学们各抒己见的时候, 激发同学们的思维, 练习关于农场生活方面的单词、 短语和句 型。Step 2. Presentationpart: countryside, feed, pick, friendly, on the farm, far from, feed the animals, pick vegetables, come on, a good job.The teacher leads the students to learn the new words and phrases. Then make sentences with the new words and phrases. The teacher can use objects and pictures.The teacher points to a picture and asks the students.T: What is the man doing?Ss: He is feeding the cows.T: Now read after me,“ feed ”.Ss: Feed.T: Would you like to feed the animals?Ss: Yes,I 'd love to.2. Ask the students to work in pairs to make conversations. Try to use the new words and expressions.S1: Do you like animals?S2: Yes, I do. They are friendly to me.S1: Do you like to pick fruit?S2: Yes. The fruit is sweet. I like apples very much.【设计意图】 创设情景, 激发说的欲望。 学习了新的单词和短语后, 尽量创造场景去用它们。 利用两人合作练习本课主要句型:What are you doing?l ' m。在练习中巩固本课需要掌握的单词、短语和句型。Step 3. Listening1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.(1) Are the animals friendly?(2) What' s the name of Li Ming ' tei CawoUri【Keys 】(1) Yes, they are. (2) Niuniu.2. Listen to a song.Old MacD on ald had a farm, E-l-E-l-O.On his farm he had a cow, E-l-E-l-O.With a“ moo,moo” hed,a “ moooo" there.Here a“ moo" , there a “ moo".Everywhere a “ moo,moo".Old MacD on ald had a farm, E-l-E-l-O.3. Ask the students to listen and read after the text. Pay attention to the pronunciation and inton ati on.【设计意图】加深同学们对细节的掌握,学生们在有了一定的信息输入之后,才能在这一部分写出所缺信息。Step 4. Reading1. Read the less on and finish Exercise 2 in Let' s Do It!Li Ming is visit ing his uncle ' s farm with Tackfarm is beautiful and it' s som thecity. Li Ming the farm. The is so nice and quiet. He likes to theanimals and vegetables and fruit. The animals are very . His favourite cow isNiu niu.【Keys】far, loves, countryside, feed, pick, friendly/ nice2. Read the text. Ask and answer questions.Read the text first, then ask at least 3 questions. After a while, you can ask anyone in the class toan swer the questi ons.Group 1:(1) Whose farm is it?(2) What can they do in the countryside?(3) Are the cows hungry? Why?Keys 】(1) Li Ming 's uncle 'sT.(h2e)y can feed the animals and pick vegetables and fruit.(3) Yes, they are. Because they are eating very quickly.3. Ask the students to read the text.T: Now let ' s woirnk pairs and read the text. At the same time, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask some pairs to read aloud in class.T: Now let ' s see which pair can read the best.4. Read and find the key points.The following language points should be explained.【设计意图】 朗读比赛能激发学生的朗读欲望, 给学生们提供展示的机会。 通过朗读找到关 键信息这个任务,能提高同学们的阅读理解能力。Step 5. Practice1. Ask the students to retell the story with their own words.2. Suppose your grandparents have a big farm. Ask your friends to visit it and introduce the farm to your friends.Decide on the time and the place to meet. Then ask your friends to go with you. Now discuss for several minutes. Then ask some groups to show their reports.【设计意图】 “学为所用 ”,模仿本课对话,制订时间和地点,邀请朋友们和你一起去爷爷奶 奶的农场, 培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。 重述故事考查同学们对课文细节的理解 和记忆。Step 6. Complete Let ' s Do It!Exercise 1 is a listening task. Ask the students to finish it by themselves. Let the students finishExercise 2 by themselves. Check the answers in class. We have finished Exercise 3 in the reading part.【设计意图】Let' s Do It部分中的Exercise 1是听力教学,我们在课上让同学们听录音,完 成任务。 Exercise 2主要考查同学们对单词的熟练程度。我们在课上的阅读部分已经完成了 Exercise 3。Step 7. TaskFinish Exercise 4 in pairs.Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite animals. Draw a picture and write about your favourite animal.Task tips: What does it eat? What colour is it? Is it big or small? Is it cute? Can you feed it?S1: What' s your favourite animal?S2: It ' s a dog.S1: What does it eat?S2: It eats meat.S1: What colour is it?S2: It ' s yellow.S1: Is it big or small?S2: It ' s small.S1: Is it cute?S2: Yes, it is.S1: Can you feed it?s veryS2: Yes, I can. I feed it every day.S2: My favourite ani mal is a dog. It ' s yellow .It eats meat every daybut it eats a little. Itsmall. It is very cute. I often play with it after school. It likes me very much. I feed it every day. Ask the stude nts to practice for a few minu tes. Then let some pairs to read their passages.【设计意图】Exercise 4提供给同学们一个练习本课单词、短语和句型的机会,给同学们时 间练习,给他们展示的机会。这是本课的内容的升华。Step 8. Exercises【设计意图】以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,检测当堂学习效果。Step 9. Homework1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2. Try to find more names of the animals on the Internet.3. Prepare for the n ext less on.【设计意图】学为所用”,课上学习的知识,要在课下充分练习,才能真正掌握。教学反思略。


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