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Unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister.Unit 3 单元自测一、完形填空(15分)Everyone needs friends. We all like to _1_ close to someone. It is nice tohave a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. _2_, sometimes we need to bealone(单独的).We don ' t always want people _3_. But we will feel lonely(孤独的)if we _4_ have a friend.No two people are just the same. Friends _5_ don ' t get on well( 相处得好).That doesn ' t _ 6_ that they don ' t like each other anymore. Most of the time they will make up( 言归于好 )and become _ 7_ again.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 8. We miss them very much, but we can _ 9_ them and write to them. And we can _10 new friends. It issurprising to find _11 we like the new people when we get to know them.There is more good news _1?_ people who have friends. They live longer _13_ people who don ' t. Why? It could be that they are _14 . Being happy helps youstay healthy. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone _15_you, you will take better care of(更好地照顾)yourself.(C) 1. A. lookC. feel(A) 2. A. Of courseB. watchD. seeB. HardlyC. ClearlyD. Quietly(D) 3. A. afterB. awayC. all overD. around(B)4. A. everB. neverC. justD. really( B) 5. A. alwaysB. sometimesC. oftenD. usually( C) 6. A. tellB. thinkC. showD. seem( D) 7. A. studentsB. kidsC. writersD. friends( B) 8. A. hungryB. sadC. happyD. alone( C) 9. A. askB. tellC. callD. order( A) 10. A. makeB. tryC. knowD. meet( D) 11. A. how oftenB. how longC. how manyD. how much( B) 12. A. aboutB. forC. withD. to( C) 13. A. butB. soC. thanD. and( A) 14. A. happierB. busierC. kinderD. easier( B) 15. A. feels likeB. cares aboutC. listens toD. gets popular二、阅读理解(30 分 )ADo you like to solve problems for children? Listed below are probably threeof the best answers.I want to stay a kid forever. I love my birthdays, but I don' t want to be older.-Haddie,WashingtonThe great thing about growing up is that it doesn' t happen all atonce. Day after day, you ' ll have new experiences which can be scary, but it can also be fun.When you feel sad about growing up, try thinking of all the things you hope to happen when you ' re older. It ' s good to enjoy being a kid, but you should know that some adults say they still feel like kids!I like fantasy books, and I ' m thinking of writing one. But I don' t know how to begin. Please help!Liam, PennsylvaniaOne idea is to list “top five " memories, such as your top five trips, funny things that happened at school and so on. Choose one of these for a story. Another idea is to imagine(设想)what book you ' d like towrite. As words pop into your mind, write them down. Then challenge(挑战)yourself to write a story using all of those words. Good luck!Kids tease(嘲笑)mebecause I ' m the slowest runner in my class. What can I do?Tiona, OregonWe re sorry to hear that. These kids may be looking for attention, and if you don ' t give it to them, they may stop.If that doesn' t work, you could try replying with kindness. Sometimes kind words are the best answer to them. If the teasingcontinues( 持续),be sure to talk to someone who can help. If improving your running speed is something you ' d like to work on, you could also ask your gym teacher for advice.(8) 16. What' s Haddie ' s problem according to the passage?A. She can ' t begin a fantasy book.B. She doesn ' t want to grow up.C. She can ' t run fast in her class.D. She is laughed at by many kids.(8) 17. Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?A. Most adults hope to stay kids forever.B. The gym teacher can help Tiona run faster.C. Kids who are teasing others want to get help.D. There ' re five ideas . to help write fantasy books.(D) 18. Which column( 栏目)of a magazine is the passage probably from?A. Cultural Thinking.B. Sports Club.C. Fantastic Discovery.D. Growing Pains.BFriends are important for everyone, but it' s not easy to find friends. Formost students, true friends are harder to find. If you have some good friends,友谊).you should do your best to keep your friendships(It ' s the easiest to make friends and keep friendships with people who have the similar interests or hobbies as you. You can spend happy and relaxing time together, and share your feelings about your interests. However, sometimes it ' s not necessary for you to be the same. You may have different ideas and habits.Then trying to understand and respect(理解与尊重 )each other seems to be moreimportant.The way you talk with your friends is important. Whenyou talk with them, ask questions to help them start and keep talking. But don' t ask personal( 私人的)questions, such as their parents ' jobs and salaries(薪水).These questions willmake them feel unhappy. They may dislike talking with you and try to walk away.In that way, you may lose some friends and your friends will be fewer and fewer.Another important thing is listening. Listen carefully to what your friendis talking about, and respond in the right way. It doesn' t have to be with words. Body language can be enough to show that you' re listening. Talk about your ideas after your friend finishes his talking.In short, we should do our best to keep friendships as long as possible. Friends and friendships help make our life more wonderful.(C) 19. We should try to keep friendships because.A. we can ' t make new friendsB. friends are easy to walk awayC. friends are important but difficult to findD. most friendships are very short(D) 20. According to the passage, it ' s easier to make friends with people whoA. never stop talkingB. are good at body languageC. like asking personal questionsD. have the same interests as youai »respond means(B) 21. The underlined wordA. laughC. writeB. answerD. spell(D) 22. Which of the following questions shouldn' t you ask your friends?A. Do you like swimming?B. What do you think of the new movie?C. What ' s the time now?D. How much money do your pare nts have?CMany teenagers(青少年)feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members don' t know them as wellas their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication(交际)is very important inchildren ' s growing up, because friends can discuss( 讨论)something. These things are difficultto say to their family members. However, parents often try to choosetheir children ' s friends for them. Someparents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions?Who chooses your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a good friend your parents don' t like?Your answers are_welcome .(C) 23. When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents, they usuallyA. stay alone at homeB. fight with their parentsC. discuss it with their friendsD. go to their brothers and sisters for help( A) 24. The underlined sentence “ Your answers are welcome. ” meansA. You are welcome to discuss the questions with usB. We ve got no idea, so your answers are welcomeC. Your answers are always rightD. You can give us all the right answers( C) 25. Which of the following is the writer s attitude( 态度 )?A. Parents should choose friends for their children.B. Children should choose everything they like.C. Parents should understand their children better.D. Teenagers should only go to their friends for help.三、任务型阅读 (5 分)请仔细阅读第26 30 题的内容,从A F 中选出匹配的选项。 ( 有一项多余)( F) 26. Most friends have similar likes and dislikes. So do something you love together.( E) 27. If you love shopping call your friends and spend time shopping together.( D) 28. Why not enjoy playing some games on Friendship Day? Remember that friendshipcomes first, and competition second.( A) 29. It is the best thing for lots of friends to have a dinner party together. Go to a restaurantand enjoy yourselves.( C) 30. Give your friend a big hug and say“ Thank you for being my friendDo something inyour own way.A. Have a dinner party.B. Go to the movies together.C. Show your love to them.D. Play some sports together.E. Plan a shopping trip.F. Do favorite things together.四、词汇运用(15分)(A)单词拼写。Different people have different ideas about friends. I like to have friendswho are 31.similar (相像的)to me. Then we can 32.share (分享)everything together.I don ' t like friends who are too 33.serious (严肃的).But my deskmate Mary says it ' s not 34.necessary (必要的)to be the same. She doesn ' t 35.care (在意)about what her friend is like. Her favorite sayi ng is, “A true friend reaches for your hands and 36.touches (感动)your heart. " Her friend Carol is very 37.funny (滑 稽的)and much 38.more (更力口 ) outgoing. But they are both 39.talented(有天赋的)in music. So in 40.fact (事实)it ' s important for a good friend to remember"Afriend in need is a friend indeed".(B)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。competition, clear, saying, necessary, touch41 . It was such a sad film that ittouched all of us.42 . Sleep is necessary to health, so we should sleep enough time every day.43 . Although he is only one year old, he can speakclearly .44 . Our school had two dance competitions last year.45 . I learned lots of sayings from the book, such as “A friend in need is a friend indeed ".五、语法填空(10分)The students in our class have different ideas about whether parents shouldbe our friends or not. Some think it is impossible46.to_make (make) friends withparents because they are so 47.busy (busy) that they don ' t have enough time to stay with their kids. And parents care more about theJr schoolwork. That ' s whythose students don ' t like to make friends with48.their (they) parents. But49.others (other) don ' t think so. For example, Lucy thinks parents can be our friends. At home, her parents often talk with her50.like friends. Lucy isn ' tgood at science. They often encourage( 鼓励)her to do better. Last month, Lucy 51.broke (break) her leg. They took good care 52.f her and often made her laugh and feel better. My idea is 53.the same as hers. Sometimes our parents may have different ideas from us. 54.But they have more experience than us. They k now what we need 55.more clearly (clearly) than us. Wherever we are, our parents are always there to help us. They are sure to be our friends as long as we understand them and talk with them.六、书面表达(25分)56.请你比较一下你和你的好朋友Alice之间的异同,根据下表从外貌、性格、爱好及学习等方面进行对比。80词左右。Alice1外貌体重比我重,黑发和Alice 一样席*头发比Alice长,也是黑发性格更外向爱好喜爱运动,每天锻 炼音乐思路点拨谈论人的个性特征是本单元涉及的话题内容,也是大家非常熟悉的一个写作话题。写这种说明文时要先确定说明的顺序,一般会按照从外貌到性格,再到爱好等方面的顺序对人物的个性特征进行描述。此类话题作文写作的常用表达有:(1)I think.(2)She/He isthan .(3)A good friend likes to do the same things as me.(4)It ' s (not) necessary to be the same.优秀范文I have a good friend. Her name is Alice. We are in the same class. In some ways, we are the same, but in some ways, we are different. I am as tall as Alice. But she is heavier than me. We both have black hair. But my hair is longer than hers. Alice is more outgoing than me. She likes sports. But I like music. She exercises every day and she is stronger than me. I am smarter than her. And I am better at English than her. I don' t think differences are important in a friendship.


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