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译林牛津版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次适应性训练考试试卷C卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)This is the best way I could think of _ him _ computer games. A . to stop; playingB . stopping; playingC . stop; to playD . stopping; to play2. (2分)不明飞行物的英语缩略形式是_。 A . UFOB . BBCC . NBA3. (2分) Can you believe _little children can finish _ difficult problems in_ a short time?I cant believe it until I see it with my own eyes.A . so; so; soB . so; such;soC . such; so; suchD . such; such; such4. (2分)John, my friends will come tomorrow. Please try to be pleasant to them. OK, Mum. I will.A . friendlyB . rudeC . important5. (2分)“_JACKET, please.” “J-A-C-K-E-T.” A . ThisB . SpellC . WhatD . How6. (2分)Id like some _ and _. A . tomatoes; muttonsB . tomatoes; muttonC . tomatos; muttonsD . tomato; mutton7. (2分)She found _ hard to finish the work by herself.A . thatB . itsC . itD . this8. (2分)Mr. Li is an interesting man. He often tells jokes to make us _ after class. A . laughB . laughingC . laughedD . to laugh9. (2分)(2016宜昌) Food safety has become a social focus now. Thats why laws are made to crimes on food.A . recordB . preventC . divideD . separate10. (2分)Runner eats _ healthy food. A . lot ofB . a lot ofC . anyD . a lots of二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town, I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I 1a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and the chocolate on the 2and then went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was someone 3in the next seat. He was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and colored bright red hair at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was uneasy about him, but I didnt want to have any 4. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in anger. Then he took a 5piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didnt say 6to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more 7than uneasy. I thought, "Well, I shall have the last piece." And I got it.The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out, "Theres something wrong with that woman!" Everyone 8me, but I didnt want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had made a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to 9. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the 10!(1)A . sold B . bought C . wrote (2)A . table B . clothes C . bag (3)A . playing B . sleeping C . sitting (4)A . trouble B . rest C . coffee (5)A . first B . second C . last (6)A . everything B . anything C . nothing (7)A . angry B . sad C . happy (8)A . looked for B . looked after C . looked at (9)A . leave B . jump C . shop (10)A . boys B . womans C . girls 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共55分)12. (8分) “My dear lady,” says Holmes. “Youre shivering. Are you old? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”“Im not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”“We are here to help you. Dont worry about anything. I dont know you. But I know many things about you. For example, I know how you travel. You came to London by train. You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”“Why, yes. Youre right. But how do you know these things?”“ I see a return ticket in your glove. I see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem.”“My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “ My mother and father are dead. I am living with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott. He comes from a rich family. But they are no longer rich. They have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house. We are living in the house. Dr Roylott is using my mothers money for expenses(开支). Part of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages.”Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helens story. He hears every detail.Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friends. He fights with everyone. He is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him.”“He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.“No. He talks to no one except the gypsies. They are poor people who travel from place to place. A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”“My dear Mr Holmes. You are making me so sad. My sister is dead. That is why I am standing here in this room.”(1)Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is ” is mostly about_.A . Helens dead sisterB . Helens trip to LondonC . the house Helen lives inD . Helens stepfather and the family(2)What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?A . Walking slowlyB . Listening carefullyC . standing sadlyD . Writing quickly(3)Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?A . They are very richB . They are afraid of other peopleC . They live on a horse-drawn wagonD . They move from one place to another(4)The passage is probably from _.A . a novelB . a guideC . a poemD . an advertisement13. (10分)阅读理解B“Can I take your order?”Night after nightI had to say this as l worked in my familys restaurantMy father was a fantastic cookHe wanted me to cook with himbut I didnt like cookingBecause of the restaurant, my father was always busyHe never had time to play soccer with meDuring my high school and college years,I worked with my family at nightBut I always avoided the kitchenI couldnt wait to graduate (毕业),so I could move away from the family business(生意)Several days before my graduation day, my father and I started looking at new carsFinally, we found the right carI was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation giftOn my graduation day, my father gave me a book as a giftIt was his old cookbookI was so angry that I gave it back to him and ran out of the houseI soon moved away and started my own businessAlthough I often saw my father during holidays,we never talked about the graduation giftThen one day, I got a call that my father was sickI went to see him because l was very worriedThat night, I looked through my fathers books and saw the cookbook that he had given me years beforeI carefully opened the cookbook and went through itThen I found something that made me cryIt was a check(支票)for$30,000 dated(注有日期)the day of my graduationAnd the price of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was $30,000(1)What can we know about the writers father from Paragraph 1? A . He was a wonderful cookB . He liked to clean the kitchenC . He wanted to buy a big restaurantD . He played soccer with his son a lot(2)What does the underlined word“avoided”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A . 改造B . 检查C . 避开D . 重视(3)After graduation,the writer A . earned cooking from his father.B . started his own businessC . lived with his familyD . sold his fathers car.(4)When the writer saw the cheek in the cookbook,he probably felt A . excitedB . relaxedC . angryD . sorry(5)What would be the best title for the passage? A . The family cookbookB . The new carC . How to be a good fatherD . How to be a good son14. (10分) One day, a teacher was giving a speech to his students. He held up a glass of water and asked the class, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"The students answers ranged from 20 g to 500 g. "It does not matter on the weight itself. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance (救护车). It is exactly the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. "If we carry our burdens (负担) all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. ""What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.”We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can be refreshed (使恢复) and are able to carry on.So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Dont carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.(1)The teacher brought a glass of water to the class because_.A . he was very thirstyB . his arms were strongC . it was a good exampleD . he wants to share the water with students(2)"A glass of water" in this passage referred to (指)_.A . knowledgeB . the burdenC . the timeD . the money(3)According to the teacher, you may feel_ if you put down the burden sometimes.A . more stressedB . much heavierC . more relaxedD . much happier(4)This was a lesson about_A . how to relax oneself in lifeB . how to solve a physics problemC . how to keep fit by drinking waterD . how to study well(5)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A . You could become heavier and heavier if you held a glass of water in your hand.B . All the students in the class knew what the weight of the glass of water exactly was.C . The teacher had a good way of making his lesson clear and easy to be understood.D . All the students can understand the teachers lesson.15. (22分)任务型阅读The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and is also called the Double Ninth Festival. As both the month and the day are nine, it got this name. To celebrate the day, people usually climb mountains and enjoy chrysanthemum (菊花), so the festival is also known as the Height Ascending (登高) Festival or the Chrysanthemum Festival. In China, nine has the similar pronunciation with the word “forever”, meaning long life. So the Chinese government set the day as the Seniors Day.The festival has a history of over 2000 years. During the Warring States Period, there was the Chongyang Festival. But it was only celebrated in the imperial palace. From the Han Dynasty, it began to be popular among the common people. The name of the Chongyang Festival first appeared in the Three Kingdoms Period. During the Jin Dynasty, there were customs of enjoying chrysanthemum and drinking wines on the day. It was not (A) officially set as a festival until the Tang Dynasty. Since then, all the people have spent the festival with kinds of activities. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people in the imperial palace all ate flower cakes to celebrate. The emperor climbed the mountain on the day as well. In 1989, the Chinese government set the day as the Seniors Day.As September has the clear sky and fresh air, it is a very good time to climb the mountain. There will be a happy sense of excitement by climbing the mountain in this season. Also, it is good for health. Since the Western Han Dynasty, it has been the custom of climbing on the Chongyang Festival.On the day, enjoying chrysanthemum is very popular as the flower means long life. Drinking chrysanthemum is regarded as a way to prevent disasters and bad things. Inserting Zhuyu and sticking chrysanthemum are also traditions to avoid the bad as (B) they have special smells which can repel (驱逐) insects and keep out the cold.Eating Chongyang cakes is another tradition on the festival. There is no fixed way of the cake but the one with nine layers (层) with two sheep on it is the best. Two sheep means Chongyang. Nine layers show people could do well in everything.(1)回答问题。How many other names does the Chongyang Festival have? (2)根据短文内容,猜测(A)处划线单词officially的意思。 A . 办公室B . 官方C . 民间(3)用英语列举人们在重阳节登山的两个原因。 _(4)从文中找出(B)处划线单词they所指代的内容。 (5)从文中找出与 “The best cake has nine layers and two sheep on the top though there are different cakes” 意思相同或相近的句子。 (6)根据短文内容填空。每空不超过3个单词。)There have been many traditions and customs on the Chongyang Festival. People show respect for the seniors, _, _ _, insert Zhuyu and enjoy chrysanthemum.16. (5分) Hi, everyone, Im Jane. Two years ago, my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and you dont have to worry about parking. You can leave it anywhere. As it has a seat at the back and a basket in the front, I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, to the shops, and to anywhere.I use it most in summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the snow is heavy. Of course, you must be careful on a bicycle. Accidents are not the only problem. One day I went shopping with my friends. But when I came back, I found that my bikes front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to the bicycle shop. Now I have three strong locks(锁).My husband uses my bicycle sometimes for short journeys. He says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still uses his car for longer journeys, but I think that all the sitting down is making him fat and lazy. I like riding on my bicycle because I can exercise a lot and get much fresh air, and this makes me feel much younger._Jane thinks a bicycle is _ than a car if you live in a town._Its convenient to use a bicycle because you can ride it to anywhere and neednt worry about _._When it is _ in summer, Jane rides her bicycle._For short journey, Janes husband doesnt want to wait for a bus. He would like to _._Jane can get a lot of _ and fresh air, so she likes riding very much.四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。energy solve difficult sad match(1)She learned driving without any _.(2)We think that John has some problems _ the maths problem.(3)Some colours can make you feel _.(4)Id like a pair of glasses that _ my face.(5)Get out of _, or your mother may worry about you.五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共14分)18. (10分)任务型阅读。阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。Whether we are going to school or going to work, we are all sad to leave the weekend behind and go back to our Monday morning blues. But with the tips, you can get over those blues and face Monday mornings with a smile.Love what you do. If you love what you do, then you wont fear Monday mornings as much. Loving your job will make you look forward to the week ahead. Try to find something positive (积极的) in your workplace. It could be a friend, a partner, or the work you do in general. The important thing is to keep a positive attitude (态度) at work.Do what gives you feelings of comfort, while remembering your responsibilities for the day. This will help you cheer yourself up for the day ahead. If the clock rings and you still feel sleepy, stay in for five minutes. However, dont stay past five minutes, as it will only make you feel even lazier for your day. When you get up, make a cup of coffee and put on some music. This will help you feel energetic.Try to give yourself a little something extra. A good reward for Monday would be a treat you wouldnt have the rest of the week. On Fridays, plan a night out for films or dinner. This will give you a little break from the rest of the week. This way, you will know that even if youre working hard, you will have something good waiting for you at the end of the week.On Sunday night, go to bed early. Your mind will react (反应) quickly on Monday morning. If you wake up early, you will have more time to get ready for the day. Being stressed during Monday mornings is only going to add to your blues.Get yourself organized on Friday evening. Before you leave your workplace on Friday, you should take care of all the things you need to, so you wont be so stressed on Monday morning. This way, you can start the week right.Follow these simple tips and you will be able to beat those Monday morning blues soon. Some _ on how to beat Monday morning blues_ what you do.Love your _ and you will look forward to the week ahead.Try to be positive when you are at work.Do what gives you comfort.Stay in bed for 5 minutes extra makes you feel _ on Monday morning. Make coffee and put on music when you get up, which will make you full of _.Reward yourself. To help you go through Mondays, _ yourself to what you usually dont have.Take a break on Fridays by going out for a film or dinner.Go to bed early on Sunday night.If you do this, you will get enough sleep and your mind will react _.Wake up early on Monday morning, and you will have more time to get ready for the day and stay away from _.Be _ on Friday evening.Take care of _ you need to before you leave your workplace on Friday.19. (4分)(2015.湖北黄冈)Recently the students in our school all take part in sports. They fall into three groups.The students who put much more stress on their study go to the playground. They just want to go back to their classrooms with a clearer and quicker mind. Most of them choose long-distance running. So they can be well regarded as study-oriented (倾向的) sports participants (参加者).The students in the second group are real sports lovers. They put aside their studies for a match. They join in the sport that interests them most. They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.The students in the third group want beauty from sports. Boys want to become strong; girls want to be slim and graceful. They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do, and are afraid that certain sports may influence their body shapes. They may be beauty-oriented sports participants.Now, if you look around the school yard, you cant find the bookworms (书呆子) any more, and instead, there are healthy, strong, clever and modernized students everywhere.阅读上面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中的信息。Participants in our schoolGroupsWhich sport to chooseWhy to do sportsStudy-oriented sportsparticipants_They want to have a clearer and quicker mind._Interesting sportsThey want to put aside their studies for a match.Beauty-oriented sportsparticipantsThe exercise that doesntinfluence their body shapesBoys want to become strong; girls want to _ResultThe healthy, strong, clever and modernized students areeverywhere, and the bookworms_ .六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)请你以David的身份给May写一封信, 介绍你自己和你家人的情况。你可以谈谈他们的工作和他们所喜欢的食品。信的开头和末尾已经给出。你需要用下面的提示词: family, happy, teacher, doctor, fish, chicken, vegetables。要求60-70词。Dear May,Im David. Im from England.Yours,David第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共55分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、15-6、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共14分)18-


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