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福建师大附中20122013学年度上学期期中考试高一英语试题(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分)第卷 (共89分)第一部分:听力(共20题;每小题1分, 满分20分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分, 满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When did the woman get up this morning?A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:30. 2. What do we know about the woman? A. She is eager to see her sister. B. She has to leave without her sister. C. She will visit her sister in three months.3. What season is it now? A. Winter.B. Spring. C. Autumn.4. What color jeans does the man want? A. Blue. B. Black. C. Brown.5. What did the woman leave at the mans flat? A. Her books. B. Her jacket. C. Her mobile phone.听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. How does the man suggest going to the show at first? A. By bus. B. By taxi.C. By subway.7. How much is a subway ticket? A. It is three times the price of taking a bus.B. It is half the price of taking a taxi. C. It is twice the price of taking a bus.听第7段对话, 回答第8、9题。8. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The mans mother. B. The mans bad day.C. The mans daily life.9. What did the man think was the worst? A. He broke a vase. B. He fell down the stairs. C. He was scared by a electric shock.听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. Why is the man upset?A. He has quarreled with his friend. B. He has lost an e-mail from his friend. C. He has lost a long e-mail for his friend.11. What do we know about Jack? A. He was cheated by a seller online. B. He lost his girlfriends ring. C. He lost 200 dollars.12. What did the seller suggest Jack do?A. Call the police. B. Call his girlfriend. C. Phone the post office.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. How will the man go shopping after lunch? A. By car. B. By bike. C. By taxi.14. How does the man feel about Mark?A. Upset. B. Angry. C. Worried. 15. What does the woman ask the man to do with Mark? A. Talk with him. B. Teach him swimming.C. Invite him to have a barbecue.16. What will the woman do on Sunday?A. Go boating. B. Go swimming. C. Have a barbecue.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. How did Katrina have an accident? A. She sped through a light. B. She drunk a lot and hit a car. C. Her car was hit by a drunk driver.18. Why does Katrina have to stay in the hospital for a few days? A. She was seriously hurt. B. She was asked to do so. C. She needs an operation.19. What will Katrina receive in the hospital? A. A card. B. A cake. C. Flowers.20. What is the probable relationship between the speaker and Katrina? A. Workmates. B. Doctor and patient. C. Policeman and driver.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)1. I received his mothers telephone call at eleven. _ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday. A. Then did I know B. Only then I knew C. Only then did I know D. Only then knew I 2. - Do you know our city at all?- Yes, quite well, this is the fourth time I _ here.A. amB. have beenC. was D. had been3. He is always thinking of himself, a person really too hard _. A. to get along B. to be got alongC. to get along withD. to be got along with4. Every minute must be made full use of _ spoken English.A. to practise B. practising C. practise D. practised5. _, the basketball team which has so many fans at home and abroad lost again! A. GraduallyB. FrequentlyC. SurprisinglyD. Hopefully 6. Steven Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet _ life has developed gradually. A. that B. whoseC. whichD. where7. _ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem (生态系统) to recover. A. Even ifB. As ifC. What ifD. Once8. The two things _ they feel very proud are Jims gold watch and Dellas long hair. A. about whichB. of whichC. in whichD. for which9. My cousin will _ his chance of getting a pay rise if he doesnt work harder this year. A. destroyB. damageC. ruinD. harm10. - Dad! Toms broken a glass!- _. Accidents will happen. A. Doesnt matter.B. No way.C. No trouble at all.D. Dont mention it.11. - What do you think of the films by the famous director? - From the one that came out last month, _ of his films is welcome. A. not all B. none C. not every one D. not both12. The elder brother wants to take revenge on the younger brother only _ that he also loses _ to Elena. A. to find, his heartB. to find, heartC. finding, his hopeD. finding, hope13. The long-awaited carrier, Liaoning, officially entered service after it was _ to PLA navy on September 25. A. addedupB. handed overC. paid offD. taken over14. Before planes take off, all the passengers on board are _ to fasten (系紧) their seat belts. A. suggestedB. commandedC. advisedD. requested15. - Is there anything you want to know? - I just wonder _ that makes Jim that excited. A. what it isB. what is itC. how is itD. why it is第二节 完形填空(共20题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)Miss Wenter was watching TV when the program suddenly stopped. “Sorry to 41 the program. Now we are requested to 42 an important notice from the police station. At about nine this evening, a lady named Mrs. Humney was robbed and killed. Anyone who can 43 any clue is requested to report to the 44 .Thank you.”The 45 news made the lonely girl shake with fear. She couldnt help 46 around, but she didnt notice that a man was already 47 behind the door to the veranda(阳台).Suddenly the man 48 before Miss Wenter. The girl really didnt know what to do. “Dont ask for 49 , just put your jewelry on the table, then think over whether I shall be 50 to stay up here for the night,” said the robber. This made Miss Wenter even more 51 , but she tried to 52 herself.Just then came the whistle of a police car. In a little while, someone rang the 53 .The robber said with a gun 54 the girls back.“Go to the door and say that youve gone to bed. Never let him in.”In a flash, the girl had an idea. “Oh, who are you?”she said.“ Im Sergeant(警官)Bull, Miss Wenter. Is there something 55 here?”“No, there isnt.”Immediately she added loudly,“ 56 , my elder brother extends his hearty greetings to you.”“Thank you, good night,”Bull replied in the same 57 .A few minutes later, the sound of the police car going away could be heard. “Its well 58 ,” the robber said with a smile. Then he 59 to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window was broken. The policemen hurried into the room from the veranda. They quickly put handcuffs(手铐)on the robber.“Miss Wenter, your greetings were so good that it made us take 60 right away,”said Sergeant Bull.“because weve already known that your elder brother was killed in a robbery half a year ago.” 41. A. makeB. shareC. interruptD. control42. A. obeyB. make C. introduceD. broadcast43. A. noticeB. knowC. findD. supply44. A. publicB. police C. hospitalD. family45. A. strangeB. surprising C. terribleD. exciting46. A. lookingB. goingC. hearing D. wandering47. A. hiddenB. sitting C. away D. staying48. A. handedB. watched C. left D. appeared49. A. anythingB. trouble C. another D. police50. A. gladB. safe C. sorry D. fit51. A. carefulB. anxious C. strange D. frightened52. A. protectB. help C. calm D. express53. A. call B. phone C. window D. doorbell54. A. atB. against C. behind D. beyond55. A. newB. importantC. unusual D. upset56. A. Instead B. However C. Otherwise D. Besides57. A. sound B. mannerC. speechD. voice58. A. enoughB. none C. doneD. said59. A. referredB. listened C. talkedD. rushed60. A. a lookB. actionC. photosD. something第三部分:阅读理解(共12 小题, 每小题2分 , 满分24分)APeople believes that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, youre wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms(体育馆). Here, people are learning on climbing. The climbing wall goes straight up and small holding places for hands and feet. How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and a harness (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes tied to your harness. The ropes hold you in place so that you dont fall. A beginners wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes its easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, its not. The most difficult part is to control your fear. Its normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so its difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall, the harness and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until you reach the top. Climbing attracts people because its good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger.61. What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A. It is impossible to build up ones body by climbing. B. People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays.C. People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors. D. It is always easy to see holding places in climbing.62. The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _. A. exercise B. settlement C. excitement D. tiredness63. Why does the author write this passage?A. To tell people where to find gyms. B. To prove the basic need for climbingC. To encourage people to climb mountains. D. introduce the sport of wall climbingBAs societies develop, their members start to see things not so much according to what they need, but according to what they want. When people have enough money, these wants become demands.Now, it' s important for the managers in a company to understand what their customers want if they are going to develop effective marketing strategies (策略). There are various ways of doing this. One way at supermarkets, for example, is to interview customers while theyre doing their shopping. They can be asked what they prefer to buy and then the results of the research can be studied. This provides information on which to base future marketing strategies. Its also quite normal for top managers from department stores to spend a day or two each month visiting stores and mixing freely with the public, as if they were ordinary customers, to get an idea of how customers act.Another way to get information from customers is to give them something. For example, some fast food restaurants give away tickets in magazines or on the street that permit customers to get part of their meal for nothing. As well as being a good way of attracting customers into the restaurants to spend their money, it also allows the managers to get a feel for where to attract customers and which age-groups to attract.Another strategy used at some well-known parks such as Disneyland is for top managers to spend at least one day in their work, touting the park dressed as Mickey Mouse or something like that. This provides them with a perfect chance to examine the scene and watch the customers without being noticed.64. The text is designed for _. A. researchers B. salesmen C. mangers D. customers65. Which of the following can help managers get useful information?A. Visiting customers themselves. B. Giving customers free food on the street.C. Asking customers questions at supermarkets. D. Visiting parks as ordinary customers.66. What does the word "this" underlined in the last sentence refer to?A. Visiting Disneyland. B. Dressing up and walking around.C. Acting Mickey Mouse. D. Wearing attractive clothes.67. The main idea of the text is _. A. how to do market research B. how to develop marketing strategies C. how to find out customers' social needs D. how to encourage customers to spend more moneyCI entered high school having read hundreds of books. But I was not a good reader. Merely bookish, I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather, I read in order to get a point of view. I searched books for good expressions and sayings, pieces of information, ideas, themesanything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated. When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a "complicated (复杂的) idea" until he had read at least two thousand books, I heard the words without realizing either its irony (嘲讽) or its very complicated truth. I merely determined to make a list of all the books I had ever read. Strict with myself, I included only once a title I might have read several times. (How, after all, could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length. (Could anything shorter be a book?)There was yet another high school list I made. One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college. The article had a list of the "hundred most important books of Western Civilization." "More than anything else in my life," the professor told the reporter with finality, " these books have made me all that I am." That was the kind of words I couldnt ignore. I kept the list for the several months it took me to read all of the titles. Most books, of course, I hardly understood. While reading Plato's The Republic, for example, I needed to keep looking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. However, with the special patience and superstition (迷信) of a schoolboy, I looked at every word of the text. And by the time I reached the last word, pleased, I persuaded myself that I had read The Republic, and seriously crossed Plato off my list.68. On hearing the teacher's suggestion of reading, the writer thought _. A. a student should not have a complicated idea B. one must read as many books as possible C. it was impossible for one to read two thousand books D. students ought to make a list of the books they had read69. While at high school, the writer_. A. only read books over 100 pages B. learned to educate himself C. had plans for reading D. read only one book several times70. The underlined phrase "with finality" probably means A. firmly B. clearlyC. proudly D. pleasantly71. The writer's purpose in mentioning The Republic is to_. A. explain why it was included in the list B. describe why he seriously crossed it off the list C. prove that he understood most of it because he had looked at every wordD. show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to understand72. The writer provides two book lists to _. A. show how he developed his point of view B. tell his reading experience at high schoolC. introduce the two persons' reading methodsD. explain that he read many books at high school第II卷 (共61分)第四部分:基础知识(共四节, 满分31分)I. 根据所给首字母, 写出正确的单词来完成句子 (共9小题;每小题1分, 满分9分)1. Some experts say that as far as the Palace Museum is c_, building a new museum should not be the first thing they do.2. Ten years ago we may find it not easy to p_ people to drive less and walk more but nowadays more and more people take our advice.3. The d_ expression on the boys face made us believe that he could do it well.4. Having s_ from heart trouble for years, he has to take medicine with him wherever he goes.5. It is wrong for some advertisers to trick customers into buying goods of poor q_.6. The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, b_ her head in the book in her hands.7. Because she d_ all her spare time to her career, she had little time to take care of her family.8. A $5000 r_ will be offered by the police to whoever helps then find the thief.9. - Oh, its you! I didnt _ you. - Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing dark glasses.II. 根据句意从方框中选出合适的动词或短语, 用其适当的形式完成句子 (共8小题;每小题1分, 满分8分) have an influence on, because of, be named after, turn out, care about, be based on, lose heart, in trouble, set down, 1. The prices of vegetables have been very high recently _ the dry weather in some places.2. The TV play, which _ a novel written by Hai Yan, is very popular with young people.3. Do your business in your own way. Dont _ what others think or say.4. Never _; believe in yourself and keep up courage.5. He is very helpful; he always helps those _ out of difficulty.6. The carrier(Liaoning) _ the province where it was refitted.7. A sense of belonging clearly _ how satisfied people were. Children with lots of friends reported higher levels of happiness than those without.8. Life is full of surprises and you never know how things _. III. 根据课文内容填空(每小题0.5分, 满分10分)1. I 1)_ if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so 2)_ about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers 3) _never have kept me spellbound. 2. So why has English changed over time? 4)_ all languages change and 5)_ when cultures meet and 6) _ with each other. 3. Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she 7) _ that she 8) _ the trip properly. When I told her that our 9) _ would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she seemed to be excited about it. When I told her the air would be hard to 10) _ and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting 11)_.4. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city 12) _ in ruins. The suffering of the people was 13) _. Two-thirds of them died or were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or 14)_ reached more than 400,000.5. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my lifeHe 15)_ guidance to poor black people on their 16)_ problems. He was 17)_ with his time, for which I was grateful.6.“The last thirty years have 18) _ the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and 19) _, until today we have reached a 20)_ where we have almost no rights at all.”IV. 英译汉(请将划线部分的英语翻译成汉语) (每小题1分, 满分4分)1. In London Olympics, it took Bolt just 9.63 seconds to defend his title, as the athlete flew to victory clocking the second fastest time in history. _2. For me, home is a place where you dont have to sit alone and eat. Home is a place where people dont ignore you. I was hungry for home and wanted to spend more time with my family when I was in college._3. There is a saying: Luck favors the prepared mind. Ninety percent of t


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